MTL - Great Voyage: Invincible From the Era of Rocks-Chapter 413

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"Where's Whitebeard? Is Whitebeard dispatched together?"

Zhan Guo's face changed drastically, and he kept asking, if White Beard also goes out together, the situation will be serious, and there will probably be a shocking war.

That is the top Four Emperors power besides the Central Kingdom, one of the top powers in the New World.

The forces of the Four Emperors and the forces of the Revolutionary Army are both attacking the navy, and they may not be able to stop them.

"Uh... Some of the subordinate pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, as well as some cadres, and Whitebeard's Moby Dick have not moved."

There was a little doubt in the voice of the person who answered.

He also couldn't understand the layout of the Whitebeard Pirates, it seemed that Whitebeard himself didn't intend to make a move.

Warring States frowned slightly when he heard the words, and he immediately understood the reason after having dealt with pirates all his life.

'It means that the Whitebeard Pirates don't get involved in this matter, as for what the people under him do, doesn't he care? '

He had the answer in his heart, he knew what was going on in White Beard's mind.

As long as Whitebeard's main combat strength and Whitebeard himself did not make a move, then the matter was not so serious that it could not be undone.

For a single revolutionary army, their navy is not afraid!

Because of Lu Fei's matter, there are more things involved than Ace in the original book.

The forces of all parties responded one after another, and the peak combat power began to gather in the first half of the great route.

The stage of fighting for hegemony has actually begun to freeze in the first half of the great route.

And the eyes of the whole world are focused on this matter at this time, and it caused a sensation because of this matter.

Undersea prison.

In order to rescue Luffy smoothly, Ace and Sabo decided to release all the criminals.

"Release all the criminals detained here!"

After Ace and Sabo delayed Magellan's stay, they let their men start to harm the prison and release the criminals detained here.

After all, just by relying on their two big pirate groups, they might not be able to capture the large submarine prison.

So they plan to completely muddy the water in this large submarine prison, intending to fish in troubled waters, and by the way, find some smart people to help.

The members of the two pirate groups immediately understood and began to destroy the cages in the prison and release the prisoners.

Magellan looked at his liver and gallbladder, and wanted to break through the resistance and get out, but Ace and Sabo stood in front of him at the same time.

"'‖Your opponent is us!"

"Your opponent is us!"

Ace and Sabo punched almost at the same time, sending Magellan flying again.


Magellan roared, his eyes suddenly turned red, the dark purple toxin completely turned red, and the scarlet toxin instantly covered his whole body.



A scarlet toxin giant soldier suddenly stood up.

The toxin giant's big hand slapped Ace and Sabo. The corrosive toxin was more domineering than before, but on the path swept past, several pirates fell to the ground instantly and turned into scarlet blood.

However, Ace and Sabo still rushed to the front, hitting the toxin giants like raindrops, resisting the tremendous pressure from Magellan.

As time went by, the large submarine prison became more and more chaotic, some criminals had been released, and the muddy water of the large submarine prison became even more turbid.

It is also true that some smart people did not escape on their own, but chose to make troubles in the submarine prison with the two big pirates (Wang Zhao).

As long as the submarine prison is more chaotic and the lower-level powerhouses are released, they will have more opportunities to escape, and they can still distinguish between short-term survival and long-term survival.

In an instant, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, the fourth floor... Ace and Sabo rushed towards the sixth floor with more and more criminals.

The entire naval prison became completely chaotic. The originally orderly prison was now completely reduced to a carnival paradise for pirates and criminals.

They wantonly destroyed, released more criminals, and launched the most violent attack on the large submarine prison.

The chaotic submarine prison made Magellan very troublesome.

What's more, he had to deal with Ace and Sabo, and he was exhausted, so he gave the order directly.

"As long as any criminal leaves the cage, he can attack wantonly, and killing him is worthless!"

With Magellan's order, all the defense forces in the large submarine prison went completely crazy.


Everyone launched the most violent attack on these criminals.

The battle between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out, and the undersea prison became a mess, and the prison became a ruthless meat grinder.

The most tragic fierce battle in the history of the submarine prison finally broke out.

[482] The crooked Ivankov, the two sides meet

Undersea prison.



Pirates, the warden fired a real fire, blood and flesh flying everywhere.

The entire large prison seemed to be shaking violently, and the shadows of swords and swords filled the entire large prison.

Magellan controlled the toxin giant and attacked the pirate in front of him.

The deadly toxin swept over everyone, regardless of enemy or friend.

Fortunately, there is serum in the large submarine prison, and medical soldiers are waiting for the opportunity to detoxify them.

Sabo and Ace attacked Magellan again, and they carried Magellan to the sixth floor.

At this time, several elite lieutenant generals who came to support arrived in time, followed by a group of navy.

"Help suppress these thugs immediately!"

Upon seeing this, several elite lieutenant generals immediately issued an order to ask their navies to help. All the navies were dispersed to attack these pirates and criminals.

With the arrival of naval reinforcements, the large submarine prison became even more chaotic, filled with blood and flesh.

647 However, several elite lieutenant generals did not stay too long, and their goal was the sixth floor.

They immediately followed Magellan who was freed by Ace and Sabo and took the elevator to the sixth floor.

They all have a mission, that is, to take Luffy one step ahead of Ace and others. As long as Luffy is transferred, the next thing will be much easier.

At that time, as long as there are no ships in the large submarine prison, Magellan has the final say on how to concoct these criminals.

Moreover, Magellan has already planned that after taking Luffy, as long as those people dare to enter the sixth floor, they will directly seal and release poison gas.

Magellan himself will also walk the only passage from the sixth floor to the fifth floor, blocking those criminals!

At that time, the entire undersea prison will completely become a cage for strangling these pirates and criminals, leaving their lives in this large undersea prison.

Chaos has swept to the fifth floor. Pirates and criminals are not afraid of death, rushing to kill these guards and navy.

At the same time, as more and more criminals were released, the entire submarine prison became more and more chaotic.

The number of criminals gradually gained the upper hand, launching the most violent attack on the fifth floor, and countless fierce **** battles broke out between the two sides.

Dead bodies, blood almost covered the entire entrance to the fifth floor.


The criminals, the pirates roared, their voices seemed to be able to penetrate everything, reaching the fifth floor, and the sound of charging echoed throughout the fifth floor.

And on the bottom of the fifth floor, on the ceiling of the sixth floor, in the LV.5.5 floor where the transvestites put their resumes in the original book, people also found the turmoil in the prison.

"What's going on? Why is it so noisy outside?"

"It seems to be fighting? Could it be that someone broke in?"

Everyone was a little puzzled by this, and even wanted to find out.

And at this moment, a demon approached Ivankov.

"Shall we make trouble together and escape?"

The ladyboy asked Ivankov for his opinion, and here, he had the absolute right to speak.


Ivankov didn't agree, and refused directly. He thought deeply, if there was a trouble, it would be of no benefit to them.

He knew the methods of Magellan and the navy, so he rushed out rashly. If no one responded and rescued them, I'm afraid they would all have to stay here.

But Ivankov was curious about what happened, so he asked someone to inquire.

As a result, I didn’t know if I didn’t inquire, and I was shocked when I inquired.

Someone found out that the first two Pirate Supernovas formed a team to save their brother.

This "Chihiro's first release" made Ivankov interested. The younger brother of the two-time Pirate Supernova has a great status.

"Who is their brother?"

He hurriedly asked, with deep interest in his eyes.

"Monkey D. Luffy!"

It doesn't matter if you ask this question, when Ivankov heard the name, he froze there.

He recalled the king's years, when he occasionally saw the rock-like leader of the revolutionary army looking in the direction of the East China Sea, showing his yearning and tenderness occasionally.

In the past, Ivankov always thought that Drago was missing his hometown and the beauty far away in the East China Sea.

But at this moment, when Luffy's full name surfaced, he suddenly understood the meaning of those occasional expressions on Dorag's face.

‘Damn Long, did he have a child? Or three kids? '

Ivankov had a thoughtful expression on his face. He mistakenly thought that Ace and Sabo who came to rescue Luffy were also children of dragons.

‘It’s really strict to hide it! '

'Children of the dragon, since this is the case, I can't stand by and watch, haha! '

Ivankov immediately decided to participate in the prison riot, and joined the two dragon sons to rescue Luffy together.

"Little ones, pick up our weapons and let's fight!"

Ivankov immediately issued an order to all the monsters on the fifth floor, and immediately, the entire underground space on the fifth floor boiled instantly.

They have been waiting for this moment for a long time, otherwise they would not have accumulated here, stealing so many things and hiding them in various places.

In the fifth floor of the large submarine prison, there are a lot of weapons and equipment, in order to fire the first shot of resistance one day.

These transvestites roared and took out weapons and equipment from various places.

Under the leadership of Ivankov, he opened the floor and rushed out from LV5.



A large number of transgressors rushed over with elite weapons, killing many navies and guards with three strikes and five divisions.

Successful confluence of smooth and rioting criminals.

The criminals who were rioting were suddenly taken aback, they didn't understand where so many thinly dressed perverts came from this icy place.

But seeing that the goals of these transgressors were the same as theirs, I immediately understood that they were all in the same group.

These criminals launched a merciless attack on the navy and the guards even more frantically.