MTL - Great Voyage: Invincible From the Era of Rocks-Chapter 398

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"Is the devil fruit re-engraving technology mature? Can it be re-enacted in large quantities?"

After Caesar pursed his lips, he asked seriously.

"The technology is mature and can be mass-produced. But each batch of production takes about a year."

"As for the output of each batch, it depends on how many people are responsible for the work."

"Theoretically, as long as there are enough people, you can have as many as you want."

After thinking for a while, Vegapunk replied seriously.

"What else do you need for mass reproduction?"

Caesar was overjoyed and asked immediately, ready to put into mass production as quickly as possible.

461] The Devil Fruit Legion is about to be established, the new giant clone

To some extent, the devil fruit re-engraving technology is similar to the semi-defective product made by MR Caesar in the original work.

In fact, it is essentially manufacturing a drug and then cultivating it.

It's just that MR Caesar originally used Vegapunk's method, but he didn't learn this method himself, so he made some defective products.

Even these defective products can't even determine the type of fruit, they are all random, and the failure rate is very high, even if they succeed once or twice, they are still half-human and half-animal.

But now, Vegapunk is personally in charge of the Devil Fruit re-engraving technology, which is naturally not the case.

Although the methods are similar, the results are completely different.

"Cultivating devil fruit requires a lot of resources, I'm afraid you need to prepare for it!"

Vegapunk told Caesar the approximate conditions needed for a Devil Fruit.

The resources needed to reproduce a large number of Devil Fruits are naturally not comparable to the resources needed by one or two Devil Fruits.

Therefore, Caesar needs to prepare these resources in advance, and then he can start to prepare for the next step of mass production of replica devil fruits.

"Okay, no problem, start preparing for 09 immediately!"

Caesar didn't hesitate at all when he heard the words, and immediately ordered the preparations for the re-enactment of the Devil Fruit to start. To him, these were nothing more than trivial matters.

As long as he can reproduce the Devil Fruits in large quantities, he only needs to think of a way to do the rest. As long as it can be completed, other things are not a problem for Caesar.

It's just that what Caesar wants to reproduce this time is no longer the Azure Dragon Fruit, but the Animal, Human Fruit, Phantom Beast, and Asura forms that have been put away!

The biggest reason why Caesar chose this devil fruit is because the Asura fruit is more suitable for fighting.

Asura is a fighting race, a natural fighting weapon!

Caesar wanted this result.

At that time, when a large number of devil fruits in the form of animals, human fruits, phantom beasts, and Asuras are successfully reproduced, the strength of the Middle Kingdom will be further improved.

Of course, there is another one, which is the superhuman Momo fruit.

The power and gain of this fruit naturally don't need much.

Even Caesar wanted the power of the Momo fruit very much.

It's a pity that there is no way to take multiple devil fruits besides two hearts for the time being.

After explaining, Caesar took another look at the black dragon.

"That black dragon is a beast without wisdom."

Then he withdrew his gaze, turned to look at Vegapunk and said.

"That's all for now!"

When Vegapunk heard the words, he set his hands on it. This dragon was originally a successful product born in the experiment.

"But it would be a pity if it was removed!"

Caesar pursed his lips after speaking.

"If he has enough evolution potions, can he evolve wisdom?"

"Targeted evolution like King Jin, can you talk?"

Hearing this, Vegapunk glanced at the black dragon, then nodded.

"Of course, but it will take a long time for a beast without intelligence to evolve into intelligence."

Vegapunk said seriously.

"Then do that!"

Caesar waved his hands and said, it just takes a little more time, but it is acceptable.

It’s hard to find a successful product. It’s a pity to waste it. It’s better to keep it as a pet or a means of transportation.

"I'll go to Gaji first, the devil fruit can be reproduced in large quantities, and I have to see how the clones are doing."

"When I come back, I will take this black dragon away, and let me know when the targeted evolution potion is ready."

He has to go and see what's going on

"His Majesty!"

Vegapunk nodded and looked after Caesar.

After Caesar finished speaking, he went to Gage without looking back. Because of the success of the Devil Fruit re-engraving technology, he was in a happy mood and his steps became much lighter.

Cloning Institute.

Gage was already waiting for Caesar at the door of the laboratory.

When he learned that the research on the Devil Fruit replica technology was successful, he was shocked, and he also knew that Caesar was coming, and he would definitely come to him.

"How many clones are ready to leave the factory at any time?"

When they met, Caesar immediately asked about human cloning.

"Report Your Majesty, there are already 3,000 clones that can be shipped out of the factory now, but it will reach 5,000 next year."

Gage replied immediately.

"Three thousand..." Caesar frowned slightly, but said nothing.

"Three thousand is not bad, plus the five thousand that will be shipped next year, it will be eight thousand."

"Also, don't rush this batch out of the factory, cultivate them first, and wake up these clones after the success of mass re-enactment of Devil Fruits."

"Okay, I see!" Gaji nodded and replied.

Later, Gage took Caesar to visit the place where clones were bred due to jet lag.

Today's clones live a few years longer than previous years, reaching twenty years.

As long as the devil fruit replica technology is successful, there will be a devil fruit army of 3,000 people immediately.

In three years, this number can reach at least eighteen thousand.

It's a pity that it will take another year for the Devil Fruit to be re-enacted.

The Devil Fruit Legion had to wait a little longer.

"Your Majesty, this way please!"

Gage brought Caesar to the latest clone research area.

This clone was developed by Gaji using Kaido's gene as the main model and Yunguo Oz's gene as the supplement.

It's just that the first successful case is still a few months away.

At that time, we have to see if there are any defects and do we need to improve?

If there is no problem, it means that this larger clone can be put into production in about half a year.

Caesar looked up, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The newly researched Held clone is somewhat similar to the clone to be produced, but its skin color is bright red. 630 has a pair of bigger horns and fangs, and its height reaches thirty meters.

Although not as good as Little Oz, but taller than the average giant.

"This giant clone is stronger than the clone that is about to appear, but its body is slightly weaker in toughness."

"But the basic combat strength of the factory, at least the strength of the lieutenant general level, is slightly stronger than the one that is about to enter the field."

"However, if you eat the devil fruit, then the upper limit of this clone will be higher than the previous one."

Gaji looked at the clone in front of him and told Caesar all about the current situation.

"It's just that this clone has a lot of shortcomings."

"That is, this model cannot be mass-produced because it consumes too much resources."

He said with a sigh.

"Now let's focus on the first clone and produce as many as possible."

Hearing this, Caesar thought for a moment and finally made a decision.

For high-end combat power, he felt that the Central Kingdom was sufficient.

Moreover, high-end combat power is not something that clones can achieve in a short time.

Although these clones are very strong on the stage, because they are clones, their intelligence is not high, and their potential is actually not as good as natural creatures, so their progress is slower.

But the mid-range and low-end, the Middle Kingdom is still far behind.

As soon as these clones appear on the stage, they are the most suitable low-end combat power, so it is better to have as many clones as possible.

【462】Ace is about to enter the new world, and giant clones leave the factory!

After Caesar was on the moon and looked at the results of other experiments, he also left contentedly and returned to the red ring star.

After returning to the Middle Kingdom, Caesar resumed his daily life. He occasionally handles some affairs and spends time with his family, especially his grandson. At other times, he is basically practicing.

Although there are still a few years left, for Caesar, now is the time to race against time to practice.

If during this period, he can complete the tempering of the domineering inner winding to the body before the final battle, then his strength will have a huge improvement.

But now, the tempering of the body by the domineering inner entanglement is far from what he expected.

Today, he is like an ordinary knife, accepting the forging of domineering inner winding.

No matter how good an ordinary knife is, its end point is the 21 Gong Da Kuai Knife.

But as long as it is refined into a black sword after a long period of domineering, it can become a supreme sword.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another two months passed.

Lucius and the others came back again, and this time the return was not much different from the usual 630. After all, the biggest mystery in that planet—fighting qi, had already been unraveled by Caesar and applied to the domineering cultivation system.

As for other exercises and secret techniques, they were not of much use to Caesar, but he still learned from each other's strengths and simply looked at them.

As a result, there was a new discovery!

"So it's still possible?"

Caesar actually got inspiration for spiritual cultivation from these secret techniques, which made his eyes light up.

But the exercises that allow him to cultivate spiritual power are more difficult than the exercises that cultivate domineering, so Caesar can't create them in a short time, but there is always a little hope.

Caesar finally didn't need to practice spiritual power, and moved forward by himself.

Another month passed.

Lucius and the others left again under Caesar's watch.

Caesar's life was back to normal, except for occasional handling of affairs every day, most of the time was spent on cultivation.

until nearly a month later.

Read The Duke's Passion