MTL - Great Voyage: Invincible From the Era of Rocks-Chapter 393

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Lily and the others hurriedly asked Caesar to think of a way so that they could also use their aura to cultivate that state.

"Okay, rest assured and leave it to me."

For this, Caesar could do nothing.

Because besides domineering looks, he also has other auras.

For example, for a long time (Wang Liaohao) the aura of a superior person, such as the aura of a strong man, such as the aura of a swordsman, such as murderous aura, etc.

And his strength has reached his level. Although these auras are far inferior to his domineering looks, they are actually very powerful when they are released.

It's not even worse than ordinary people with domineering looks, and they can also physically affect the garden.

After all, the strength beyond the top half of the emperor level is not covered, and the cultivation of momentum is still very scary.

After giving them the methods of armed domineering internal entanglement and overlord's internal entanglement, Caesar entered the secret room again with the huge harvest after the battle.

This time, he wants to optimize his domineering cultivation technique, and at the same time find a way to entangle his aura.

Because the momentum of the five girls is not strong enough, it happens that the fighting qigong he got is related to the soul.

Caesar intends to study this to see if it is possible to enhance the soul and momentum through cultivation.

【453】The big surprise brought back by Carlos and Hancock

"It seems that there is still a lot to do!"

After Caesar entered the secret room, he cleared his mind.

He needs to do more things now than he imagined, but he has to eat every bite, and he can't rush for success.

But speaking of it, after half a month of actual combat, although his armed domineering skills and inner entanglement have been polished almost, it does not mean that there are no loopholes at all.

Now, the biggest problem he faces is too much waste.

Armed color domineering is entangled inside. From the current point of view, in the end, 100% of armed color domineering will be wasted, and about 15% will be wasted.

If 15% of the armed arrogance is transformed into strength, it will be an extremely terrifying improvement.

10% armed domineering, in the world of top powerhouses, that is such a huge difference that it cannot be ignored.

Therefore, Caesar had to figure out how to solve these problems.

Moreover, this waste of 50% of the armed domineering was caused when Caesar's control over his own domineering reached a peak level.


It is conceivable that there are still many areas that need to be optimized for the armed domineering inner winding and skills.

'It seems that the most urgent task now is to optimize the cultivation method first! '

Caesar thought about it in his mind, now let's put aside the problem of the domineering inner entanglement of the overlord color, and make the inner entanglement of the armed color the most perfect first, and then devote all his energy to the research of the domineering look of the overlord.

In the chamber of secrets.

Caesar made a lot of reference to the fighting qigong methods collected by the children from different planets.

In fact, how to optimize and where to start to optimize, he already has some ideas in his mind.

Although the people on that alien planet are very similar to humans, they are still somewhat different.

So their meridians and acupuncture points will be different from some of his.

And these gaps seem to be very small, but when one really starts to practice, the problems gradually become apparent.

‘If you want to optimize, you must start from the meridians and acupoints! '

Caesar already had an idea in his mind. Based on the human meridians and acupoints, he should be able to get an optimized solution soon by making an analogy.

Fortunately, he has a super memory, so he recalls human meridians and acupuncture points from various videos, materials, documents, etc. he saw in his previous life.

A dummy was made that marked all the meridians and acupuncture points of human beings.

However, when he started to study, he discovered some problems again. He found that although he was the same as his previous life, except for his height, he was a human being with no difference, but the meridians and acupoints were actually slightly different.

However, Caesar was not discouraged, and continued to carry out research. In order to cultivate the domineering martial arts, a little setback was nothing to him.

After spending several months, Caesar finally created the meridians and acupoints of the human beings in this world. Now this dummy with the meridians and acupoints is the most suitable for the human beings in this world.

After he was done, with the help of the dummy meridians and acupoints, he began to continuously optimize his kung fu, and learned by analogy, using the acupoints of the dummy meridians and acupoints to compare himself, and began to deduce.

At the same time, control the armed color domineering to carry out internal winding, and then check and optimize one by one, and constantly deliberate on the armed color domineering practice skills.

in a blink.

Another few months of work.

This time, Caesar finally optimized his skills to the extreme that can be achieved so far. It was only seen that when he used the armed domineering inner entanglement, the leaked domineering was obviously much less.

Now when the armed domineering energy is entangled inside, the waste of domineering energy is reduced to about 3%.

At this time, the five girls of Lili have also fully mastered the new cultivation method and inner entanglement of domineering.

Effiete and Avril Lavigne also completed the cultivation of the overlord's inner entanglement, and reached the transformation state of Caesar, and the rest is to control the domineering, and take all the leaked "Chihiro first" domineering into the body.

Caesar also went out and handed over the optimized exercises to several people.

"This is an optimized training method for armed domineering, which can control the waste of domineering to the extreme!"

After Caesar finished his confession, he was ready to continue to retreat, and now he urgently needed to improve his strength.

Now there are only five years left before Luffy goes to sea, and less than seven or eight years before the final battle.

There is not much time to enhance his strength, everything is imminent, he needs to speed up, increase his strength faster, and accelerate the improvement of his strength.

If you want to overthrow the world government with coercion, overthrow the world government, and suppress those forces that want to compete with you, Caesar knows that it is not enough, far from enough.

With his current strength, I'm afraid he is still far behind!

Not to mention Im, but for those forces that would compete with him, if he didn't have the strength to make them desperate, how could they give up so easily.

This retreat is to create a non-overlord-colored aura that can also be entangled and inward-coiled like the overlord-colored aura.

Lily and the other three don't have the domineering aura. If they want to improve their strength, they must delve into other auras so that they can be entangled and internally entwined like the domineering aura.

But before that, he still has a more important goal, which is... the perfect inner entanglement of domineering and domineering!

"I have achieved a near-perfect level of armed domineering internal winding and practicing exercises. If I improve and optimize it, it is almost impossible to have much effect at present."

"However, I can first realize the control of the overlord's inner winding to a near-perfect level."

Caesar knew that the reason why the overlord color would transform like a super Saiyan after being entangled inside was that the control was not perfect enough, so that the overlord color leaked out.

If you can completely gather the domineering aura into your body, not to mention how much your strength will be improved, but at least in that state, you can regain your strength to the point where you can easily lift a weight.

This is not only to enhance a certain combat power, but also to increase the combat endurance to some extent.

Just when Caesar was still trying to achieve perfect control over the inner entanglement of the Overlord, Carlos and his team returned to the Red Ring Star again.

And this time they came back, and they brought back a huge surprise for Caesar.

It made Caesar not in the mood to continue to practice the inner entanglement of the overlord's color for a while.

In the harem garden, Caesar looked at Carlos and Hancock surrounded by the five daughters of Lily in surprise and bewilderment.

His eyes focused on Hancock's slightly raised belly.

He could feel a young but not weak, on the contrary quite strong, vigorous breath of life.

"I... am going to be a grandfather!?"

A kind of bewilderment and the surprise of becoming a grandfather filled my heart.

【454】Going to be a grandpa! The strongest state, king mode

Great joy filled Caesar's body and mind, and that feeling seemed a little different from what he felt when he was a father.

However, counting the time, it is now 1515, Hancock is already 24 years old, and his eldest son Carlos is also 25 years old. In fact, they are not young anymore.

Caesar recalled that when he was this age, the three Carlos brothers and sisters were almost three years old, and it seemed normal for the two of them to have children.

It's just... that feeling is a bit strange.

'It seems like a lifetime away! '

Caesar felt as if he had passed away, like an old father, and in the blink of an eye, he was already full of children and grandchildren.

This feeling is very strange, but the mood is very wonderful.

Sure enough, the joy of being a father is completely different from the joy of being a grandfather. When Caesar tastes these two feelings, he seems to be happier when he is a grandfather.

Caesar's usual stern expression also completely melted at this moment.

With a smile, he walked into the crowd.



When the children saw Caesar's arrival, they all said hello quickly.

Caesar is in a good mood now. Looking at the children, his face is even more smiling. He rubbed the heads of a few of them and walked towards Carlos and his wife.


Carlos watched Caesar walking towards him, and shouted with a smile.

"Father, you are going to be a grandfather!"

Carlos touched his head, gently wrapped Hancock's waist with one hand, and smiled heartily.

When he became a father, he could finally understand Caesar's mood at that time.

That feeling of excitement is something he can't forget for a long time. When he felt the throbbing of that little life from Hancock's belly, he was even happier.


Caesar looked at him and nodded heavily.

"Carlos, what are your plans for the future?"

Caesar looked at Carlos and Hancock and asked.

Now that Carlos has a child, he needs to stay with Hancock for the next period of time and fulfill his responsibility as a husband.

Although the Middle Kingdom, and even him, can help arrange for someone to take care of him, Caesar always feels that when his wife is pregnant, the husband's company is the best medicine.

There is nothing better than a husband being with his wife and taking care of her.

However, Carlos needs to take his younger siblings to an alien planet for experience and adventure, and then he needs to face a choice, so Caesar wants to know what Carlos will think.

"Father, now that I have this child, I won't go to an alien planet. I will wait for the child to be born, and then grow up with him!"

"Let Lucius take them there. In order not to spoil your father's plan, Hancock and I will not run around."

Carlos glanced at Caesar and said.

Compared with the gorgeous night sky of alien planets, compared with the colorful space.

Carlos now hopes that his children can be happy and grow up happily under the company of him and Hancock.

He also wants to give the child a happy childhood, and he also hopes that the child can grow up healthily under his company.

Just like the father accompanied them back then, leading them to practice.

"it is good!"

Caesar patted Carlos on the shoulder when he heard the words, and his smile grew stronger.

For Carlos' decision, he is very supportive and very happy.

Now he and his wife look as old as their children, but they are actually fifty years old,

Being able to have a grandson by my side is different from having a son.

As for this, Lily's daughters were also very happy, they all had the joy of being grandmas.

Although Carlos is Lily's son, Weiner and Regina spend as much time with Carlos as Lily.

The same Effiete has lived with him for more than ten years, and the relationship is naturally deep.

Read The Duke's Passion