MTL - Great Voyage: Invincible From the Era of Rocks-Chapter 360

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Otherwise, with Tom the Murloc's strength, if he wanted to kill Tom the Murloc, he would be able to kill Tom the Murloc hundreds or eighty times. Just doing so would undoubtedly alarm the World Government.

Caesar absolutely believed that once the world government smelled the clues of Hades' design on Murloc Tom, it would absolutely go crazy.

If he learns or suspects that he has obtained the design of Pluto, he will definitely face himself and the Middle Kingdom immediately, and will not have the slightest patience.

However, even if Murloc Tom is captured, it doesn't mean that Caesar has lost the chance to get Hades' blueprint.

It's just that if you want to get the design of Hades, you need to wait a little longer.

So now he wants to get the Pluto, there is only one way, and that is—start to get the Pluto from 800 years ago!

"'‖Ala Pakistan...`々..."

Caesar looked at a location on the map, slightly dazed.

The whereabouts of the Pluto is hidden in the royal tomb of Alabasta.

Now that he has learned the ancient characters, he can easily obtain the location of Hades from them.

In Alabasta, Caesar, who used his life back to change his face, walks on the streets of the capital Albana.

Crocodile has been here not long after Juwuhai was born.

At first, the aborigines here were very afraid of the arrival of a big pirate.

After all, they all know that the ten warriors are all pirates.

But after Crocodile came to Alabakistan, instead of robbing, he harmed civilians. Instead, fight those pirates and help civilians.

This made Crocodile's reputation in Alabasta better and better (Li Mo's), won the support of the common people, and gradually gained the title of national hero.

Even the royal family here began to gradually relax their vigilance and gradually developed a good impression of it.

It's just that they don't know that Crocodile is just a crocodile with its eyes sticking out of the water.

Caesar was only a little curious about this severely desertified country.

The curiosity is mainly because Alabasta came because of the protagonist Luffy, and the reason why they almost became Tianlong people, but gave up.

In the original book, Lord Im, who only appeared a few times, was in the flower room, aiming to use three people, Luffy, Blackbeard Tiki, and Princess Weiwei.

However, it is difficult for him to know these secrets, but he is just curious, and it doesn't matter.

After Caesar turned around, he found that this place was just like that, except for a bit of Middle Eastern style, which was not interesting.

Immediately, I lost interest in my heart, and I didn't want to continue shopping. I planned to leave the altar after seeing the stele.

【403】Found! The huge battleship sunk on the bottom of the sea!

He didn't know exactly where the stele was placed.

Although Caesar didn't know where the stele was placed, he knew that the stele should be hidden around the tomb of the Neferutali family, so it's not difficult to find it.

Because the mausoleum is not a secret, it is semi-public, and many people know it.

Moreover, according to what Caesar learned, the stone tablet with the secrets of ancient weapons contained a huge sound, so it was not difficult for him to find it.

Although he does not have the voice of all things, he cannot directly hear the voice contained in the stone tablet.

But his sense of knowledge has been developed to the present, even without the voice of all things, he can still hear some strange sounds made by non-living things.

Relying on his superb strength and the several abilities he possessed, Caesar floated half a foot off the ground and drifted into the mausoleum of the Neferutali royal family without anyone noticing it.

Scanning with knowledge, he felt a non-biological voice, and he knew that was where the stele was.

Without much effort, he had already pinpointed the exact location of the stele.

Even if there is no voice of all things, his sense of knowledge has developed to an unbelievable level, and it is easy to find such a stone tablet.

After glancing at the stele, Caesar 540 remembered the information recorded on it. .

The information of Pluto is really all recorded on this stone tablet.

I don't know how Crocodile knew that he could get the whereabouts of Hades in Alabasta.

I also know that it is necessary to be able to translate ancient texts.

However, this doubt only stayed in Caesar's mind for a moment, and then disappeared. This is not an important matter.

He has already started to decipher the content on the stele, and soon, he has obtained specific information.

The contents on the stele impressively recorded the coordinates of Pluto, but it was not on a certain island, nor was it hidden.

Instead, he was sunk into the bottom of the sea by D's followers, and has never seen the light of day again since then.

On the stele, very detailed coordinates are recorded.

Think about it too, after all, the world government has controlled the world for so many years.

In the past thousand years, if Pluto was really on a certain island, he might have been found long ago.

The world government doesn't have to work hard to find the blueprints of Pluto.

The followers of D back then probably also thought of this, so they simply did not do anything, directly sank Pluto to the bottom of the sea, and waited for Pluto to see the sun again.

After all, the Drum of Liberation can only be played by Joey Boi who has awakened the form of Zoology, Human Fruit, Phantasmal Beast, and Nika.

And that devil fruit is so difficult to awaken, those people are afraid that they are also ready for a long-term war.

After Caesar left Alabasta, he followed the coordinates and flew all the way.

Soon, he had already landed somewhere between the New World Narcissus Island and the final island of Ralph Drew.

"It seems that the location of this shipwreck has been carefully considered!"

Caesar looked at the sea and whispered to himself,

The location of this shipwreck, obviously D's followers have considered it, otherwise it would definitely not have landed here.

Because Joey Boy must reveal the truth to the world from the final island and challenge the world government, it is obviously very reasonable to put Pluto nearby.

Moreover, there is another very critical point, that is, it is very difficult for anyone to bring this boat out of the bottomless water.

Of course, those people are not sure whether those devil fruit capable users who can bring out the boat are D's followers.

So in the new world, there is another convenience, and that is Zowu.

"It's a pity that they have calculated thousands of times, and I'm afraid they didn't even calculate that I would come to this world!"

Caesar smiled slightly, used his thoughts to form a water-proof shield, and then sank directly into the sea.

Those followers of D tried every means to hide the specific coordinates of Pluto, and didn't want Pluto to fall into the hands of others.

However, they probably never thought that there would be such a variable as Caesar.

In a short time, Caesar had completely sank to the bottom of the sea.

On the seabed in front of him, a colossal monster appeared!

It is the Pluto battleship known as one of the three major weapons that can destroy an island with one blow.

The Pluto battleship is like a sleeping monster of the deep sea, lying quietly in the deep sea, but its ferocity remains undiminished even in its deep sleep.

Caesar took a closer look at the Pluto battleship in front of him.

Speaking of which, this ship is not too big. After all, no matter how majestic and magnificent it is, it is only a ship after all.

But it does not mean that it is comparable to ordinary ships.

Compared with ordinary ships, its size is not small, and it is several times larger than the largest super cruise ship in Caesar's previous life memory.

The Pluto battleship is a full three kilometers long and 750 meters wide!

It's like a small island, a gigantic curtain that is about to emerge from deep sleep in the deep sea!

Even Caesar couldn't help being moved by the huge size.

It sank to the bottom of the sea and stayed quietly for nearly a thousand years, and the sand on the bottom of the sea had already buried it.

Caesar also saw its protruding, ship-like shape to know that this was the sinking site of Pluto.

Countless corals and shellfish are all over the Pluto battleship buried by a layer of seabed sand.

Big and small fish and sea beasts also use this place as their nest, swimming back and forth or hiding in the cave.

If you don't pay attention, it's really hard to find that there is a huge ship here.

With a surge of thought power, Caesar cleaned up all kinds of sundries accumulated on the surface of the Pluto battleship for thousands of years, and the surrounding sea area quickly became turbid.

Fish, big and small, and sea beasts panicked and swam around. Finally, they were alarmed by Caesar's overlord color and fled far away, forced to move.

And the Pluto battleship, after nearly a thousand years, finally reappeared in the world, revealing its true face.

[PS: By the way, is there still anyone watching, there are basically no comments, and various data are not moving...It is almost over, brothers and sisters, support and support, stand-alone is very scary].

[404] The thousand-year-old Pluto, the tragic war in the past

The huge Pluto battleship just stood in the deep sea.

If you look closely, you can clearly see that even though nearly a thousand years have passed, the hull is still uncorroded by time and sea water.

I don't know what material the Pluto battleship is made of, but it was able to sleep safely and soundly for thousands of years.

However, there are also various scars densely covered on it, and it looks like it has suffered from war.

After Caesar took a deep look at the Pluto battleship in front of him, he moved and came to the sky above the Pluto battleship.

The powerful thoughts instantly enveloped the Pluto battleship, like a thousand-jun heavy mountain, pressing down horizontally, and instantly dispelling the surrounding sea water.

Afterwards, Caesar demonstrated his near-divine ability, operating at the microscopic level, and quickly decomposed the oxygen in the seawater.

The power of thought in his hands is like a carving knife that can be handled at will, and the sea water can be easily shaped and reshaped in front of him.

The oxygen in the seawater with a radius of several kilometers was separated by him, so as to ensure that he can breathe freely on the bottom of the sea.


After doing all this, Caesar landed on the deck of the Pluto battleship, making a crisp sound, because the sound seemed a bit muffled on the bottom of the sea.

Caesar walked on the deck of the Pluto battleship, looking at the heavy war wounds on the Pluto.

The scars left by these wars, like the exploits of the Pluto battleship, are all engraved on its hull.

Inside, there are traces of slashing with a sword, which can be seen as the work of the great swordsman.

On it, Caesar seemed to be able to feel the lingering aura. One can imagine how powerful the person who can leave scars on the Pluto battleship is.

There are not only the slashing marks of swords, but also fist marks, footprints, palm marks, claw marks, etc. These are probably made by various physical masters, or those with devil fruit abilities.

Caesar couldn't help pursing his lips when he saw Pluto's devastation.

What kind of battle had Pluto gone through to leave these indelible scars.

There are also traces of artillery fire, and the deep pits left on the Pluto battleship, it must be no ordinary artillery at first glance.

Caesar took a deep look at the marks on Pluto's ship, and with a thought, he stepped on it and tried it.


All he could hear was a muffled sound coming from under his feet.

His power, as if dispelled, turned into a small sound wave and swayed in all directions.

However, the deck of the Pluto battleship did not leave any traces. It can be said that it is very hard.


Seeing this, Caesar frowned slightly. Even though he didn't use all his strength for the kick just now, he still used 10 to 20 percent of his strength.

His current strength has long been different from what it used to be. As the strongest in the world, he is constantly climbing to the peak, but even so, he still has not left the slightest trace on Pluto.

"Even if it's me, I have to use 50% to 60% of my strength, and maybe I have to use armed color."

With a simple stomp, it has been thoroughly judged how terrifying the strength of the Pluto battleship is.

Judging from this, to be able to leave traces on the Pluto battleship, at least one must be above the rank of lieutenant general, or even above the elite lieutenant general level.

Caesar continued walking and came to the cabin.

It's just that the cabin is airtight, and the cabin door is closed quite tightly. Basically, there is no sign that it can be opened.

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