MTL - Great Voyage: Invincible From the Era of Rocks-Chapter 354

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"Actually, the Three Emperors...although their strength cannot be compared with that of the Navy, the combined power of the three One Piece Kings is not very difficult."

The five old stars also talked about the new situation in the world today, which is three emperors and one emperor.

The strength of the first emperor should not be underestimated, but the three emperors are not without some threats.

As they said before, if one emperor is taken out alone, I am afraid that there is not much to do with the world government, but what if the three emperors unite?

After the alliance of the Three Sovereigns, how much power they can unleash, even the Five Old Stars are unknown.

They only know that by then, they may not be much weaker than the navy.


Wu Laoxing was suddenly fortunate, that is, fortunately, the Central Navy is also a navy after all, and it is not in the same camp as the pirates.

But having said that, it is just that the possibility of cooperation between the two parties is not great.

But it needs to be clear that if the Middle Kingdom does not cooperate with pirates, it does not mean that it will cooperate with the world government and the navy.

To put it bluntly, it is the Central Kingdom, the Three Emperors, and other pirates. They are all the world government and the enemy of the navy.

"Don't forget that Shanks has been in the limelight recently!"

"The strength of the pirate camp is getting stronger and stronger."

The blond-haired and bearded Wu Laoxing suddenly said quietly.

As soon as these words were uttered, everyone present fell into a brief silence, and a serious look appeared on their faces which was extremely rare.

Now, Shanks' prestige is getting bigger and bigger, and he is heading for the position of the fourth emperor.

If Shanks becomes the new emperor, the pressure on the navy will be even greater.

Indirectly, the pressure from the world government will also be raised to the extreme at once.

At that time, I am afraid that the situation of the three major navy generals may not be able to hold back.

Of course, although they are not sure how long it will take, they also understand that with Shanks' talent, it will only happen sooner or later.

"I believe you all already know that the balance in the sea has already been completely destroyed!"

The bald five old star said.

At this time, they all knew the meaning of the words in his mouth, because they have been trying their best to maintain the balance of the sea these years.

But now, what they need to do is to regain their balance!

"Now our top priority is to find the balance, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The blond-haired, bearded Wu Laoxing glanced at everyone and said.

"Of course, the balance must be regained by "Chihiro First Start"!"

"But there is a premise, that is, the power of the navy must not be strengthened any more."

"Warring States, Garp, Zefa, plus the three generals, and the alternates whose strength is close to the generals."

"The strength of the navy is already too strong."

"No matter how strong the power is, I'm afraid it's easy to lose control."

Wu Laoxing is too clear that the existence of Tianlong people is actually extremely disgusting to the navy.

It's just that the world government is suppressing it, and they can't do anything about it.

Moreover, the high-level navy also knows the background of the Tianlong people, and some core personnel also know the existence of Lord Im, so they dare not resist.

But if the navy is strengthened again on the already strong basis, it may not be able to suppress it.

At that time, maybe even the navy will become the enemy of the world government.

At that time, the world government will be the enemy of the whole world, and at that time, all efforts will be in vain.

Even if the world government will still win the final victory at that time, the price paid will be too high.

So, they had to find another way.

On the premise of not directly strengthening the naval power, let the navy get a certain amount of supplementary combat power and regain the balance.

Several people discussed for a while, but they had no clue.

"If you can't incorporate the navy, why can't you recruit pirates?"

Suddenly someone asked whether it is possible to recruit pirates.

Since it is extremely difficult to incorporate the navy, it would be good to recruit pirates.

"how do I say this?"

"Recruit pirates? Does this method work?"

This statement immediately aroused the interest of several other people and asked about it.

"Recruiting pirates is actually not impossible to operate, and these pirates are given the right to legally plunder to a certain extent."

Then, the five old stars expressed their thoughts.


After hearing his thoughts, everyone fell into a short thought.

In fact, it is normal for them to worry. After all, pirates are the world government and the enemy of the navy.

In addition, the pirates themselves are free and undisciplined, and it is easy to disobey discipline. When the time comes, it is uncertain what will happen when Zhaoan comes back.

After careful consideration, Wulaoxing felt that this was a good idea.

It is in their interest to let pirates deal with pirates.

Moreover, the navy can also mobilize them to enhance its combat power, but it cannot take them under its command.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't endanger the world government, it doesn't matter whether it is a navy or a pirate, as long as it is used by the world government.

In the end, this plan was approved by all the five old stars.

"How many pirates are appropriate to recruit? If there are too many, I'm afraid it will still affect the balance..."

Wu Laoxing started a discussion around the number of Zhao'an pirates and came up with a suitable number.

Perhaps because of the existence of Caesar, the original Qiwuhai disappeared, and the Shibukai appeared instead! .

【394】Ten Wuhai! ? The lost Warring States, the high-ranking navy who bombed the nest

Pangu City, inside the office.

After the five old stars glanced at each other, they already had a decision in their hearts.

"I believe that everyone has made a decision in their hearts, so Shi Wuhai's decision must be implemented as soon as possible."

After one of them cleared his throat, he said seriously.

Recruiting the Pirates and establishing the Ten Martial Seas is now a certainty, and the next thing to do is to implement it at the action.

I believe that once these recruited pirate forces enter the power system of the world government, they should be able to play a check and balance role.

At least, it was a big blow to the pirate camp.

As for justice or something, everything the world government does is justice!

The rest of the five old stars nodded their heads incessantly after listening to his words.

One of them picked up the phone bug and called Sengoku, who was the admiral of the navy.

In the marshal's office meeting, Zhan Guo, who was dealing with complicated government affairs, heard the phone ringing, and saw that it was Wu Laoxing's exclusive phone bug, and immediately frowned with some doubts.

In his heart, there was a faint feeling of uneasiness.

Taking the phone bug, Sengoku answered the phone.

"Come to Mary Gioia immediately, we have something to talk about."

When the phone was connected, Wu Laoxing's majestic and indifferent voice came, and he cut the phone decisively after speaking.

The expected aloofness and unquestionableness made Sen Guo, who also had a domineering look, frowned displeased.

But the navy is a subordinate institution of the world government, a violent machine, and he can only obey orders.

When Warring States left for Marie Gioia, his brows were still furrowed, thoughtful.

"What are they trying to do?"

A question emerged in Zhan Guo's mind, Wu Laoxing summoned him in such a hurry, could it be that there is another decision?

The whole world is not peaceful recently, and I am afraid that the world government wants to calm the turmoil in the sea because of this.

While Sengoku was thinking, he had already arrived at Mary Gioia.

In Pangu City, Warring States stood in front of Wulaoxing, waiting for Wulaoxing to say the purpose of calling him here.

"The world government has decided to add the post of Ten Wuhai, a big pirate who is willing to surrender to the world government to take up this post, and together we will protect the peace of the world..."

Wu Laoxing simply told the Warring States about Shi Wuhai's decision, and the tone was beyond doubt.

"I object!"

"Justice cannot be desecrated! Adding pirates to the system will only tarnish the original justice!"

"If you want to suppress the pirates and maintain the peace of this world, I think you can expand the navy, increase the number of admiral seats, and strengthen the navy to counter the anti-government forces in the new world, instead of recruiting pirates!"

When Warring States heard the words, his complexion changed instantly, he clenched his fists involuntarily, and immediately refuted Wulao Xingnu.

Wu Laoxing's decision is really ridiculous.

How can pirates enter the world government?

Doing so will destroy the Great Wall and tarnish justice.

The justice in his heart does not allow a little dirt.

In Pangu City, the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point!

However, Wulaoxing didn't want to strengthen the navy's strength at all, so he came up with the Ten Wuhai policy.

Now that Warring States refuted them so much, it was undoubtedly hitting the gun.

In the eyes of Wu Laoxing and the others, the position of admiral of the Warring States Period is just a gift they have given at will. Where does the right come from to refute them?

Wu Laoxing and the others immediately lowered their faces, staring straight at Zhan Guo with indifferent eyes.

"The navy is just a dog of the world government, and is not qualified to make decisions for its master!"

"This is our decision, you can only follow it!"

"Pay attention to your attitude, get your position right, and the navy's position!"

One of them sternly reprimanded the Warring States Period and directly pointed out the relationship between the navy and the world government.

From their point of view, the Navy is just a dog that they raise and obey, and they will come and drive it away. Where does the bear-hearted leopard dare to refute their decision?

Listening to Wu Laoxing's words, Zhan Guo's face was sometimes purple and sometimes red, his fists were tightly clenched, and he wanted to refute again...

However, in the end Sengoku let go of his fist.

He hid all his thoughts, he compromised

Although angry, he also had to endure the humiliation.

Because at his level, he knows something about the world government.


After a while, Warring States finally responded slowly.

"Hurry up to deal with this matter and find a suitable candidate to become Shi Wuhai!"


Zhan Guo bowed his head and agreed, his body was trembling slightly, but he had no choice but to agree to Wu Laoxing's almost insulting order.


This was far from the justice in his heart, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Warring States' face was livid, and he returned to Marin Fando somewhat disappointed.