MTL - Great Voyage: Invincible From the Era of Rocks-Chapter 11

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Charlotte's mouth was gaping open, like a witch, and her eyes exuded a seductive evil light.

Caesar confirmed the guess in his heart.

At this time, the aunt should have a daily evil personality, and when she is hungry, she will turn into a hungry and irritable Ling.

Only occasionally, gentle and kind Ling will appear.

It's a pity, he really likes the gentle and kind Ling.

"Then come on, I also want to see how strong you are."

The battle between the two is more exciting than the battle with Caesar and Kaido.

Caesar and Kaido are more of a physical confrontation.

And the aunt held a big knife and swung it flexibly. In addition to physical confrontation, there were also various flying slashes.

Those who watched were dazzled.

The battle with Charlotte Lingling ended in Caesar's defeat.

After nurturing the wound for two days, he found White Beard.

Whitebeard's strength should be the strongest person on the Lockes ship besides Lockes.

After thinking for a second, he agreed to Caesar's appointment.

Whitebeard was also a militant when he was young.

The white beard naginata broke his sword with a clang.

Caesar can only use physical skills to fight against him. Armed color is hardened, and the use of domineering color domineering and knowledge-color domineering is matched with each other.


Whitebeard let out a roar, his huge body leaped forward, and the armed hardened naginata hit from top to bottom, ruthlessly.

Caesar clenched his teeth and resisted with his black arms.

During the collision, the domineering confrontation between the two erupted into a powerful and compelling air.


The blue air current exploded a transparent mushroom cloud in the midair of the ship.

Brad hid behind the pillar, watching this scene in disbelief, and only realized at this moment how strong Caesar is.

Fainted out early that day and didn't see the battle between Caesar, Cross and Kaido, but this time it was a feast for the eyes.

"Won't that dismantle the ship?"

He scratched his head, a little worried.


Another burst of airflow soared into the sky.

The hull shook violently, and the members on board were cursing.

"Hey, hey, do you want to change another ship?"

"This boat is still new, hello."

Caesar clearly felt the power gap between himself and Whitebeard, but he was not depressed or discouraged.

He conveniently pulled out a long knife belonging to a member of the ship, and fought with Whitebeard again.

[14] Weird and changeable great route!

A gentle breeze blows on the calm sea.

Caesar spread his hands and stood on the deck enjoying this rare moment of leisure.

It seems to be back to the day of sunbathing on the beach as a child.

During this time, I often challenge Big Mom, Whitebeard, Kaido, Golden Lion and others.

His combat skills have been greatly improved.

In addition, the use of three-color domineering has also improved a little.

Sure enough, you still have to fight the real strong.

"There is an unknown situation ahead, full left rudder, turn around!"

When he was enjoying the sun bath with his eyes closed, suddenly an urgent voice interrupted his joy.

He opened his eyes and saw clearly that there was a thick dark cloud in the sky five hundred meters ahead, and it was very low.

Zila Zila.

Thunder and lightning flashed through the dark clouds, piercing the darkness.


There was a sudden thunder, and the dark cloud instantly spit out dense yellow lightning like rain.

The hull turned rapidly, he grabbed the side of the boat to stabilize his body, and was greatly shocked.

It's too strange there, there is only one place with dark clouds, and there is such a dense thunder and lightning.

After avoiding the dark cloud, the weather was calm for a while.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat side by side with Brad on the side of the boat to fish.

Brad wiped off his sweat and complained, "You're so boring, you're thinking about fishing in such a sunny day?"

The voice just fell.


clatter clatter.

The figure of the heavy object falling on the deck attracted the two of them to turn their heads.

Both of them were stunned, their eyes widened unconsciously, and their mouths opened wide.

In the sky, hailstones began to fall.

From the slowness at the beginning to the rapidity later, it was even dense like raindrops in a torrential rain.

Caesar quickly pulled Brad and hid in the cabin.

From the transparent glass window of the cabin, looking at the hailstones falling like stones outside, there was a curious light in his eyes.

White Beard glanced at Caesar and Brad who looked like children, raised his voice, and laughed loudly.

For a moment, the cabin was filled with Whitebeard's exaggerated laughter.

The laughter of most people in One Piece is very recognizable, and White Beard is one of them.

Unexpectedly, White Beard had such an exaggerated laughter when he was young.

He blushed for a second, but still laughed at him.

"You are going to sea for the first time."

Looking at Caesar like this, White Beard felt nostalgic.

It was the same when he went to sea for the first time. When it was snowing, he lay on the glass window and watched for a long time.

Whitebeard shook his head, smiled heartily again, and explained to him, "The weather in the second half of the great route is so unpredictable, just wait until you get used to it."

It wasn't just the weather that surprised Caesar and Brad.

There are also various strange-shaped islands and various creatures in the sea.

Fortunately, Caesar did not eat the devil fruit, and often went into the sea with everyone to catch fish.

Or stand on the side of the boat and let people startle the fish out with one punch.

When eating grilled fish at night, Charlotte Lingling actually reached out and handed him a piece of grilled fish.

Caesar's expression froze violently, and his pupils trembled violently.

Aunt, give him something to eat?

Although it is a small fish the size of a palm, the key is who it is given to.

It's aunt!

Aunt's nature of protecting food, she is willing to give food to others?

Unless it is gentle and kind Ling.

But he glanced at the bloodthirsty evil in the aunt's eyes, and immediately shook his head, this is obviously the evil Ling, okay?

Seeing Caesar's vigilant eyes, the aunt raised her eyebrows slightly, "Huh?"

His face began to look a little ferocious, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Do not want?"

Caesar paused for a second before taking it.

"Caesar, do you want to join my team?"

The aunt directly asked for the invitation, and Caesar sighed helplessly, knowing that the aunt couldn't play any evil tricks.

Her evil is completely exposed.

"Your team?"

He asked strangely, "Is it the Fan team?"

The aunt nodded, "My team has a lot to eat, and I also have many capable subordinates."

While speaking, the golden lion came up and snorted coldly at the aunt.

"My team is the best!"

When looking at Caesar, there was a hint of coercion.

Caesar didn't understand how he had become the sweet potato that everyone was vying for, and he looked confused.

The white beard on the side looked gently at Caesar, who was much younger than him, and patiently explained the situation on the ship.

"The Lockes Pirates you saw, headed by Lockes, have six teams under their banner."

"Not only between individuals, but also between teams."

"You are very powerful, so they will choose to invite you."

Caesar nodded knowingly, "Thank you."

[15] Hearing the wind and fleeing, the frightening Rocks!

"There's a pirate ship ahead."

The pirate who was watching from the observation deck with binoculars shouted down.

The voice was full of excitement and excitement.

Caesar was puzzled for a moment, remembering that the reaction of the protagonist in the comics after seeing the pirate ship was completely different from the reaction of the people on this ship after seeing the pirate.

"Hahahaha, brothers, are you ready to have a big fight?"

With a big knife pinned to his waist, Lockes stood on the deck and looked ahead, with greed and excitement in his eyes.

"it is good!"

There was a lot of response.

The pirates on the ship were all bloody.

Not far from him, Charlotte Lingling licked her lips, her eyes glowed green, like a hungry wolf crouching in the grass, salivating for its prey.

Kaido swung the black mace over his shoulder, and the excitement of eagerness to try was faintly visible on his face.

Although White Beard was still smiling, there was also fighting intent in his eyes.