MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1175 Dilemma

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  Chapter 1175 Dilemma

  Pingkangfang became more and more prosperous.

  To this day, the ban on doing business in the workshops has long been abolished, and the business in the workshops in Chang'an is booming.

  Although there are more businesses, the consumption power of the people has also increased, so it is still a prosperous scene.

  Li Jingye walked down the long street with a group of bad people.

  The bustard stood outside and beckoned, "Li Changshi, come and rest your feet, I have good tea here, take a sip?"

  Several prostitutes stood behind the bustard and smiled charmingly at Li Jingye.

  Now Li Jingye is not only a customer, but also a manager.

   "Yeah, how can you guard yourself?"

  Li Jingye still has professional ethics.


  On the second floor on the side, Li Ji smiled.

   "Dedication will not make mistakes in major right and wrong."

   Jia Pingan looked at the wine glass a little worried.

   Li Jizi took a sip of the wine with a bang, feeling very comfortable.

  Seeing Jia Pingan taking a sip like poison, Li Ji smiled, "You still don't like drinking all these years?"

   "It's okay to drink once in a while, but I drink it often, especially in the morning, I can't stand it."

  In Jia Pingan's view, alcohol is just a fun thing, how can he afford to drink every day?

  Li Ji smiled, "There are a lot of political affairs in the court, the old man has retired, Dou Dexuan is busy with the household affairs all day long, and there is only Liu Rengui left to assist, the old man is thinking about how he is in a state of desperation."


  If outsiders have no objections, Liu Rengui would rather die of exhaustion than have another prime minister.

  Jia Pingan put down his wine glass, glanced at Li Ji, and found that he looked relaxed, which is rare.

  It seems that retirement life is very new to Li Ji, but Jia Pingan is sure that he will not be fresh for long, and then loneliness will make him feel at a loss.

  People have to do something, no matter whether it is serious or not, reliable or not, you can't be too idle.

  Jia Pingan said: "I think His Majesty has a comprehensive consideration."

"That's right!" Li Ji didn't eat any food, so he drank a glass of wine and let out a sigh of relief, "Zaifu Zaifu, the meaning of assistant, there are only a dozen or so people in the court who can take over, and now there are undercurrents among these ten or so people. Move, there are quite a few people looking for this old man."

   "Want to ask the British public to speak?" Jia Pingan smiled, thinking that those people rushed to the doctor in a hurry.

  Who is Lao Li? It is impossible for him to intervene in matters related to Zaifu.

  Li Ji smiled slightly in his cloudy eyes, "The old man recommended someone."

   Jia Pingan smiled dryly.


   Jia Pingan thought about many people, and felt that Dai Zhide was more likely.

  Old Dai has always been an important minister, and also shoulders the important task of assisting the prince, and he has done a good job.

  Li Ji said lightly: "You."


  Jia Pingan pointed to himself, feeling his heart beat faster for a moment, but then calmed down again.

   "The old man please see Your Majesty. Your Majesty asked who can be the prime minister in the court, and the old man recommended you."

Seeing that he had calmed down, Li Ji praised: "If other people hear about this, they will definitely be overjoyed. Even people in the deep city can't help it. But you are just overjoyed, and then calmed down. This is The prime minister's city."

   Jia Pingan smiled wryly, "I just don't want to go to court every day."

   "Why?" Li Ji felt that something was wrong.


  Wake up with sleepy eyes every day, then hastily eat breakfast, go out and go straight to the Daming Palace... Then a bunch of big and small things are waiting for you to argue with your colleagues, and if you don't do it, you may even vomit blood...

  I eat too much to do this?

   "Don't want to be prime minister?"

  Li Ji felt that being a prime minister was the pinnacle of life, and no one could refuse such a temptation.

"Your Majesty is Moran, Moran is just thinking about it. There is a lot of hope in this matter." Li Ji thought he had concerns, "There is no need to worry that His Majesty will suspect the collusion between you and the Queen...Your Majesty was quite pleased when you last traveled for more than a year. "

  Li Ji was also very relieved, "A courtier cannot interfere with the affairs of the harem, even if the courtier is a relative of the queen. Once outsiders interfere, things will change. Only if you understand this, the old man dares to recommend you to the court."

   "I know that you can't interfere in the affairs of the palace. Interfering will only make things worse, not better."

  Intervening in the power struggle in the palace, how would the emperor react?

  —Your siblings want to work together to suppress me?

  The matter will quickly evolve from a power struggle between husband and wife to the queen joining hands with important ministers to prepare for rebellion.

  Li Ji nodded, "Power is the supreme treasure to the emperor, whoever dares to touch the power of the emperor, some clues can make them think of getting angry..."

  Lenovo has many things!

   After Jia Pingan had a morning drink with Li Ji, he went to the Ministry of War.

   "Any news from Dashi?"

  The weather was cold, Chen Jinfa lit a pot of charcoal fire in the duty room, squatted beside it to add charcoal.

   "Yes, Tocharo received an inquiry from Dashi, asking that they are the territory of Datang."

   "Interesting." Jia Pingan sat down and picked up the intelligence briefing.

   "Persia said that there were frequent rebellions, and Dashi dispatched reinforcements."

   "Reinforcement?" Jia Pingan saw it, "The number is unclear, about tens of thousands."

   "Including the previous reinforcements and the original army of the Eastern Route Army... the cannibals should have more than 100,000 troops at this moment. If the servant army is added, 200,000..."

   Jia Ping'an was thinking.


  Liu Rengui responded to the memorial again, imploring the emperor to consider increasing the number of prime ministers.

   "Two more are fine."

  One cannot do things alone.

  All the qualified courtiers of the Manchu Dynasty were watching.

   "It used to be six, but now it's short of four."

  Dai Zhide felt that he had great confidence.

  Zhang Wenguan looked at him with complicated eyes, "This matter depends on His Majesty's will."

  Zhang Wenguan is also one of the candidates.

   "His Royal Highness is coming."

  The crown prince led people into the hall, and Dai Zhide and the two stood up to salute.

   "I want to rest today."

  The prince nodded and went out immediately.


  Dai Zhide and Zhang Wenguan looked at each other.

  The prince went all the way outside the queen's bedroom.

  He stood there with calm eyes.

   "Wow woof!"

  Xun Xun rushed out and spun around at the prince's feet.

   "Meet Your Highness."

  Shaopeng came out to welcome.

   "Is Auntie here?"

  Shaopeng nodded.

  Li Hong walked up the steps slowly, Xun Xun ran to the gate of the hall first, turned back and waited.

  Empress Wu sat in the hall, surrounded by memorials.


  Empress Wu raised her eyes, "Goro!"


  Li Hong sat down, and Xun Xun was lying beside him.

   "Aniang, I want to go out for a walk."

   "Where to?"

   "Mount Zhongnan."

  Empress Wu raised her head with calm eyes, "Ask the emperor."

  Li Hong stood up and left.

   Xun Xun sent him to the door, seeing that he was not patting the top of his head as usual, he was a little puzzled.

   "Your Majesty, the crown prince wants to visit Zhongnan Mountain."

   "The weather is too cold... well, look, something happened..."

   If something goes wrong, there is a high probability that the accompanying will all be finished.

  The crown prince has left the city.

   "His Royal Highness has gone to Mount Zhongnan."

   Bao Dong brought news.

  Jia Pingan nodded, "Understood."

  Bao Dong hesitated to speak, but finally said: "Duke, Your Highness doesn't want to get involved..."

   "It couldn't be better."

  Jia Pingan said long ago that the crown prince should not get involved in the war between the emperor and empress, otherwise he would be easily thrown away by cannon fodder.

  The prince went to Zhongnan Mountain.

  There is snow on Zhongnan Mountain in winter. When the weather is fine, you can see it when you climb up in Chang'an City.

  The prince trekked hard in Zhongnan Mountain.

  He walked in the snow step by step, looking blankly at the snow-covered world.

   "Slow down, Your Highness." Zeng Xianglin caught up panting.

   "Everything is dead under the snow."

  The prince grabbed a handful of snow and threw it out.

  Snowflakes are scattered and flying.

   "Why do people live?" the prince asked suddenly.

   Zeng Xianglin said: "The servants are poor, and they entered the palace just to have enough to eat."

   This is the most basic survival requirement.

   "Later, the slave was promoted, and the slave was thinking...whether she could be promoted again...until she came to His Highness's side."

  Li Hong said: "Do you want to be Wang Zhongliang's second?"


   Zeng Xianglin panicked, "Don't you dare?"

  The prerequisite for him to become Wang Zhongliang's second is Li Hong's succession to the throne.

  Li Hong glanced at him, "Everyone has the desire to make progress..."

  The prince looked a little depressed.

  He stood in the mountain, looking back at the way he came, and could only see the footprints of a group of people.

   "Birds fly away in a thousand mountains, and people disappear in thousands of miles. A lonely boat and hat, fishing alone in the cold river and snow."

   This is Jia Ping'an's poem.

   Zeng Xianglin just wanted to praise, but when he looked up, he saw the prince burst into tears.

   "Your Highness!"



   Jia Pingan likes to sleep in when the weather is cold.

  Hiding under the quilt in the morning, the cold wind is howling outside, and the quilt is warm as spring, so cozy!

  But since having a child, his good days are over.


   Jia Hong called out unrelentingly.

   "This is trying to kill me!"

   Jia Pingan got up annoyed.

  Put on his clothes, and Jia Pingan shivered as soon as he opened the door.

  Jia Hong stood outside the door and said aggrievedly: "Aye, the old turtle is dead."


   Jia Ping'an was taken aback.

   "Look and go."

  The old turtle was lying in a piece of sand by the pool, motionless.

   "This is hibernation!"

   Jia Pingan covered his forehead, and then taught Jia Hong a lesson.

   Didn’t see Jia Hong during breakfast, Jia Ping’an asked, “Where’s Erlang?”

"I gonna go see."

  DouDou volunteered to check.


  Doudou hurried back, "Erlang lay on the bed without moving."

  The whole family rushed to see it.


  Jia Hong was lying on the bed with his limbs stretched out.

   Wei Wushuang's eyes turned red, and his feet went limp.

  Jia Pingan went over to pick him up, Jia Hong opened his eyes, "Aye, I'm hibernating."

   Immediately, Jia Hong was rewarded with fifty cents by his mother, and cried and said he was wronged.

   "Aye said that hibernation can save food, I thought about saving food for my family, I am so wronged..."

  The whole family is full of black lines.

  After arriving at the Ministry of War, Jia Ping'an still pays attention to Dashi information first.

  But today there is news from Tubo.

  After Lu Dongzan left, Qinling led the remnants to withdraw from Luoxie City. Zanpu first rectified the army, and then ordered the army to pursue and kill them.

   Qinling won the first battle, and Qinling still won the second battle...

  The Tubo **** of war was really skilled. Zanpu couldn't win in the military, so he started a public opinion war.

  At this moment, there are rumors of Qinling everywhere in Tubo, saying that he is ambitious and wants to kill the king...

  Tubo was originally in bulk. Later, Lao Zanpu, Lu Dongzan and others squeezed this loose plateau into a ball through war and other means. For this reason, those bulk forces are quite loyal to the Zanpu family.

  So Qinling was faced with a situation where he continued to win, but hit a wall everywhere.

"So much the better."

  If the public opinion environment in Tubo tilts towards Qinling, Datang must take action, whether it is spreading rumors or lying, in a word, let Qinling become a traitor.

   "Tubo must keep an eye on it and stay vigilant at all times. Tell those secret spies that Qinling can only be a traitor."

   Jia Pingan explained.

  Wu Kui quietly came to look for him.

   "Duke, it is said that His Majesty is considering a candidate for prime minister."

  He looked at Jia Pingan with burning eyes, "The lower official feels that the Duke of the country can enter the court as a matter of course."

  Jia Pingan entered the court, and Wu Kui, who had acted as Minister of the Ministry of War for a long time, was naturally the best candidate to succeed him.

   Everyone is self-motivated, so Jia Pingan doesn't think Wu Kui's idea is wrong.

  He didn't explain.


   "Your Majesty, the matter of the prime minister is imminent."

   Liu Rengui is going crazy. The outside world said that he wanted to be a powerful minister, so he tried his best to confuse the emperor not to add a prime minister. His ugly face made people sick.

  But I really don’t have any!

  Liu Rengui wanted to cry but had no choice but to enter the palace to see the emperor.

  The emperor nodded, "I see."

  Liu Rengui is gone.

   "Let Shen Qiu come."

  Recently, the emperor talked less and less.

  Shen Qiu entered the hall cautiously.

   "Is there any speculation about the candidate for prime minister? Who is most determined to win?"

  How to ask this question?

  Shen Qiu said: "Yuan Gongyu."

  The emperor looked calm, "I understand."


  In the queen's bedroom.

   "Queen, please see Yuan Gongyu."

  Shao Peng lowered his head in fear.

  The secret war between the emperor and empress has lasted for almost two years. During this period, the emperor tried to suppress the empress several times in the palace, but the empress' counterattack was so sharp that the emperor could not resist.

  Yuan Gongyu is one of Empress Wu's confidantes.

   Now that this one has become the prime minister, the queen's power is getting bigger and bigger.

  But Shao Peng always felt that such a situation was too dangerous, and he would be overturned if he was not careful.

   "Yuan Gongyu...frivolous!"

   Empress Wu's calm voice made Shao Peng's heart tremble.

   Could it be that the queen is dissatisfied with Yuan Gongyu? But this is the most powerful prime minister candidate!

   "The emperor is waiting to see my joke. It would be better if Yuan Gongyu kept a low profile. How do you think the outside world is so aggressive? Stupid!"

  Shao Peng said cautiously: "Queen, but after Yuan Gongyu... there are not many people."

  After Yuan Gongyu, there are not many confidantes of Empress Wu who can serve as prime ministers.

  Wu Mei said flatly: "I have my own opinion."

  She got up and said, "Go to His Majesty."

  The empress closed the door and had an intense conversation for more than an hour.

  The servants waiting outside looked pale and moved away from the gate.

   No one dared to listen to those words.

  Even Wang Zhongliang went far away.

   After a long time, the door of the main hall opened, and Empress Wu came out.

  She stood on the steps, looking up at the sky slightly.

   Those eyes are full of majesty.

   "I am Wu Mei!"

  In the hall, the emperor's eyes were dark, and he said lightly: "Look at the prince!"


  The prince is back.

   Immediately, the candidate for the prime minister was announced.

   "Jiang Ke, Yang Wu, Dai Zhide, Li Anqi, Zhang Wenguan, Yan Liben."

   Jia Ping'an was also a little confused.

   "Including Dou Dexuan and Liu Rengui, eight?"

  Eight prime ministers.

what the **** is this?

   There was a hot pot in front of him. Li Jingye ate it happily. He picked up five or six slices of mutton with his chopsticks, rolled them in water and stuffed them into his mouth.

   "Ah Weng said this is the empress..."


  Eight chancellors...

  Jia Ping'an felt that the war between the emperor and empress would continue for a few more years.

   "Brother, don't you want to persuade the queen?" Li Jingye said: "The queen is a woman after all, how can I fight for power with your majesty?"

   "I can't persuade you."

   "The queen will suffer."


  Auntie will suffer?

  Thinking too much.

  At this moment, she is holding a group of confidantes in her hands. After passing through the prison, sister gradually let these confidantes occupy high positions. Once she exerts her strength at this moment...

   Are you tired?

  Jia Ping’an felt that such a day was too tiring, but he also knew that sister likes such a day. She hopes to face all kinds of challenges every day. If the life is smooth and ordinary, she will feel extremely boring.

   This is a born superior.

   "The prince returned to the palace, and he said it was silent." Li Jingye sighed, "Tell me, the prince of the Tang Dynasty may still be good?"

   "There will be."

  The lessons learned from the past are not far away. The princes of Datang have always been high-risk.

  Especially the first prince.

   On the second day, Jia Ping'an entered the palace to ask to see the prince.

  Eastern Palace remains the same.

   "Where are Dai Zhide and others?"

   "President Dai is now the prime minister."

   There was some resentment in Zeng Xianglin's words.

   "The tea is cold when people leave."

   This is the norm.

  Eastern Palace is good as a springboard, but now that Dai Zhide, Zhang Wenguan and others have soared above the court hall, their attention naturally shifted to the court.

   "What is the prince doing recently?"

   "His Royal Highness likes to read books recently."


  Read a book, have fun, and then come out to bubble after the dust settles.

  Jia Pingan thinks this is not bad.

  When I saw the prince, he was reading a book.

   "What book are you reading?"

   "Travel Notes."

   Jia Pingan flipped through a few pages, raised his eyes and asked, "Are you worried?"

  Li Hong nodded, "I'm worried about Aye and Aniang."

"You are a kind-hearted child." Jia Pingan said: "That's not something you can interfere with. Now you can read books and go for a walk. It's not bad. Take advantage of the past few years to relax, and in the future... I'm afraid there will be no The law relaxes."

  Li Hong hesitated to speak.

"worry about what?"

   Jia Pingan asked.

   "No worries."

  Jia Ping'an thought of Ajie.

  If sister-in-law's desire for power expands to the extreme, will she attack her nephew?

  Many things are unpredictable.

  For example, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty killed his prince because of jealousy. The downfall of Li Chengqian during the first emperor's time was also a little unreasonable to outsiders.

  There is no family affection under power. At that moment, even a real father would be ruthless... The first emperor is an example of this.

  Jia Pingan stood up, "Don't worry."

  He is outside the palace, but he is always watching the movements in the palace.

  Once there is a major deviation in the situation, he...

"I'm watching you."

   Jia Pingan patted him on the shoulder.

  Li Hong looked up, "Uncle..."


  It is difficult for a child to be a man between his parents, and this is not an ordinary dispute, this is power.

  Under such circumstances, what do you ask him to do?

  Jia Pingan said softly: "You have done a good job, it can't be better."

  If there is no Li Hong, and a prince like Li Xian comes up, the battle between the emperor and empress will most likely sweep everything away.

  At least now, the emperor and empress still have scruples about the existence of the prince, and the means of fighting are quite subtle.

   This is a good trend.

  When Jia Pingan left the Daming Palace, he saw Li Xian who was waiting outside the palace to report.

   "Zhao Guogong."

   Li Xian smiled.

  Jia Pingan nodded, "I have seen the king."

   The two passed by.

  When he turned around, Jia Pingan felt a chill, as if a knife was hanging on his neck.

  (end of this chapter)