MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1160 Rake ears

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  Chapter 1160 Rake ears

  The downfall of Li Yifu made the official circles in the capital ecstatic. On the day the news spread, the business of Pingkangfang increased by 30%. Those officials and dignitaries gathered together to drink and celebrate Li Mao's resignation.

   "I'm afraid that he will come back someday!"

   Someone said this while drunk, and the others looked solemn.

   This is the deterrent force of cruel officials.

  The reactions of the officials were reported to the emperor, and Li Zhi was silent for a long time.

   "Cool officials are easy to use and can be used, but they should not be used frequently. When they are often used...the monarch and his subjects are separated."

  The emperor sighed.

   "Your Majesty, the queen and prince are here."

  The arrival of the queen and the prince refreshed the emperor.

   "Someone pleaded for Li Yifu."

  Wu Mei felt a little strange, "It was only later that I found out that Li Yifu was given money, and Li Yifu fell down before he got anything in return."

   Li Zhi couldn't help laughing.


  The prince's serious appearance made Li Zhi quite curious, "What's the matter?"

Li Hong said: "Those officials who offer bribes to get promoted, I think they should be punished. Only those who accept bribes are punished, and those who don't give bribes are punished. Naturally, everyone will follow suit in the future... Do evil things without paying the price, and evil things will happen everywhere. "

  Wu Mei shook her head, "Li Yifu has been in charge of the Ministry of Officials for several years, during which time he has accepted countless bribes. If everyone is liquidated, all the officials will feel uneasy... How many high-ranking officials and dignitaries in Chang'an City sent funeral ceremony when Li Yifu moved the ancestral grave, maybe they will be liquidated one by one?"

  Li Hong said: "Of course this cannot be liquidated. I thought that those who bribed to buy officials must be liquidated. This type of people has a wrong mind. Officials bought with money will naturally be returned with money."

  Li Zhi coughed dryly, "Let's eat."


  Jia Pingan asked for leave.

   "I'm not feeling well recently, and I'm restless... I want to take leave and go for a walk."

   Li Zhi looked at him with a strange expression.

   "You mean... you don't want to do it anymore, you want to take a break?"

  The emperor is indeed the emperor. It is more accurate to say what Jia Pingan said from another angle.


  The emperor watched him go out and asked, "Is he relieved?"

  Wang Zhongliang is now the emperor's other eye, "I feel that Zhao Guogong is secretly happy."

  The emperor was furious.

   "Is my official position so annoying to him?"

   On the second day, Xincheng entered the palace.

   "Emperor, I want to go out for a walk."


  It's not a problem for my sister to go out for a walk.

  Jia Pingan...

   Li Zhi laughed, thinking that it was just a coincidence that Xincheng was so peaceful.

   Xincheng returned home, and Huang Shu was waiting.

   "Princess, you are ready."

  Several carriages have been assembled, one for riding, one for maids, and the others are filled with various supplies.

   "Do you want to bring a tent?"

   Xincheng muttered.

   "Xu Xiaoyu said that everything is prepared over there."

   "Then don't bring it."

  Xincheng got on the carriage, feeling a little apprehensive and looking forward to it.

  She is the daughter of Empress Wende, who was held in the palm of the late emperor's hand and doted on since she was a child.

  She has also traveled, but the farthest is Jiucheng Palace.

   It is she who is talking about the delicate body.

  It’s like a delicate woman who has been squatting in a small county town for a lifetime in later generations, suddenly got the opportunity to travel far, and it’s a trip...It feels quite happy.

  Looking at all the familiar things in Chang'an City all the way, the new city suddenly felt a little strange, as if the city and itself were drifting away.

   There is no nostalgia.

   This feeling is very weird, like empathizing with someone else.

   All the way out of town.

  Xu Xiaoyu waited five miles away from the city.

   "Princess, your husband is just ahead."

   Xincheng hummed.

   The convoy moved forward again.

  The sound of horseshoes came suddenly.

   "Meet the Duke."

   "Meet the Duke."

  Xincheng was overjoyed, and gently opened the car curtain.

   Jia Pingan rode over, leaned forward and stretched out his hand.

   "Come on, let me show you this great river and mountain!"

  Xincheng looked up at him, thinking of the moment when the late emperor left many years ago...

   At that moment her sky fell.

  But at this moment, she suddenly felt that her sky stood up again.

  She stretched out her hand, and Jia Ping'an hugged her out forcefully, and put her in front of her.

  Xincheng's complexion was reddish, but he was exceptionally happy.

  She smiled so relaxedly that Huang Shu swore that she had never seen such a relaxed moment for a princess.


   Jia Pingan urged the horse to take Xincheng away, and the guards followed from afar.


  噫嚱, the danger is high...

   "The road to Shu is difficult, but it is difficult to go to the blue sky!"

  It is inconvenient to get in and out of Shu, and the best passage in the past was Shu Road.

  The difficulty of the road to Shu can be said to be difficult to reach the blue sky.

  The sword gate was closed, and business travelers kept coming and going.

  The guard led people to inspect and close the door, and every businessman saluted him when they saw him.

   "Meet Wang Langjiang."

   Wang Lang nodded slightly.

  This is the land of Shu. The Tang Dynasty was established for many years, and the Caotou kings of the past have long been wiped out, and peace has returned here.

  A group of travelers came slowly, about dozens of people, both men and women.

  The man headed by came over to negotiate the documents.

   "So many people, where are they going...Yizhou City."

  The guard heard the sound and asked, "Isn't it a caravan?"

   "No, it's a trip for fun."

   "Women are all wearing clothes, with extraordinary bearing, probably rich and powerful."

  Wang Lang will guard Jianmen for many years, his eyes are extremely sharp.

   "There is nothing wrong with it."

  Wang Langjiang nodded, but still asked the negotiating man, "The road to Shu is difficult, and your master dares to come with his female relatives, and he is not afraid of being tired?"

  In his opinion, noble ladies are delicate and weak, and they are asking for trouble if they follow the path of Shu.

  The man said: "No problem!"

   Then enter the customs.

The crowd surrounded the man and woman. The man stopped before the pass and said to the woman, "Look, this is Jianmen Pass, which is extremely steep. When Zhuge Liang passed by this place, he saw the precipitousness of this place, so he ordered people to build a pass to guard it. It is one man guarding the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it. The so-called Shu road is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky, it starts here."

  The woman raised her head, looked at Jianmen Pass through the door, and said: "This road is difficult, but I didn't expect it to be more steep here. Sure enough, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books."

  The man is Jia Pingan.

  In later generations, he wanted to travel to Sichuan many times, but he had no money when he had time, and no time when he had money.

  Life is so speechless.

   A group of people entered Jianmen Pass, and then followed the so-called official road through Wulian, Mianyang, Deyang...

  Chengdu, the City of Abundance.

  Since Li Bing and his son presided over the construction of the Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project, this place has become a comfortable place. I am not afraid of drought, nor am I afraid of heavy rain.

   Later generations said that Chengdu has a slow pace and is the most suitable for retirement.

   When talking about the slow pace of Chengdu, Jia Ping’an thinks it should be referring to the rhythm of life, not the pace of work.

  Chengdu people enjoy life and enjoy themselves in various ways in leisure time.

   "Many men in this place are raking their ears."

   "What is an ear rake?"

  The road ahead was steep, Jia Ping'an squatted down, Xincheng lay on his back, and the two cooperated very skillfully.

  When this road encounters a steep road section, it is basically Jia Ping'an who carries Xincheng on his back.

   In other words, Jia Ping’an’s body in later generations would never be able to hold on, so he couldn’t help feeling that it’s not easy for a general in this era. He keeps practicing every day, so it’s no wonder he can live to be seventy or eighty years old.

  He stood up, supported Xincheng's thigh with both hands and bumped up.

   "Rake your ears! Rake your ears to make your ears soft."

   "Soft ears?"

  Xincheng touched Jia Ping'an's ear, "Not soft!"

   "If the ear is soft, it is to listen to the lady."


   Xincheng was very excited.

   Sure enough, every woman has the idea of ​​turning over and becoming the master.


   Jia Pingan turned this road with her on his back, and the road ahead was wide open.

   "This is the seat of the Yizhou Governor's Mansion."


  The place that made Jia Ping'an think twice is far away.

  Cheng Ke's current Yizhou City disappointed Jia Ping'an.

  What about that majestic city?

  Most of the new city built by Shu Wang Yang Xiu has collapsed, leaving only the sub-city.

   But the whole city is still shocking.

  The dotted houses have already broken through the square walls, and even rushed out of the collapsed city walls.

  Shu people, who are ranked first in the world in their enthusiasm for life, used their own optimistic way to show the guests from afar what prosperity is.

  Walking on the street, looking at the bustling scene, Xincheng muttered: "It's more lively than Chang'an!"

   "Chang'an is grand, but has many rules."

  There are not so many rules here.

   "Find a guide."

   Xu Xiaoyu teamed up with Wang Laoer and quickly found a young man.

  The young man turned his eyes and quickly saluted, "I have seen you."

   "I'm waiting to live in Yizhou for a while, where the house can be rented, if you want a clean place...the reward will be given to you. In addition, I will need a guide in Yizhou, so I don't need to worry about the reward."

  Here comes the high rollers!

  The young people responded one after another.

  Yizhou Shu Brocade is famous all over the world, and its textile industry is also famous all over the world, so it has the other names of Jinguancheng and Jincheng. Later, it has the reputation of promoting one and benefiting two.

  Yang is Yangzhou, and Yi is Yizhou.

   "Your Majesty doesn't know that Shu is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so there haven't been many wars since ancient times. Even if there is war, it will recover soon. Please take a look, Sir."

  The young man is called Sun Qian, he is an idler, he specializes in doing odd jobs and running errands for a living, and his mouth is quite dexterous.

   Jia Ping'an and Xincheng looked up.

  They're on high ground now, looking down...

   Rows of houses stretched out neatly, row after row, from left to right, front to back, as if there was no end.

  In the drizzle, the tiles were green, and the raindrops fell from the eaves and landed in the small nest on the stone slab...

  Jia Pingan held Xincheng's hand and walked slowly in the rain and fog.


  Chengdu of the later generations is now the seat of Yizhou Dudufu. The weather is really good. After Xincheng came here, he was also quite happy, talking about where to go and play all day long.

  They rented a house that was going to be sold, and they paid double the rent, so the seller temporarily put the house on hold.

   After settling down, Jia Pingan took Xincheng to play around in the city.

  When there are many people, the two walk side by side. When there are few people, Jia Ping'an holds Xincheng's hand, and occasionally the two look at each other with tender eyes.

   "Xiao Jia, this is the happiest time in my life."

  At night, Xincheng leaned in his arms, his face and hair wet with sweat were pressed against Jia Ping'an's chest.

   Jia Pingan gently stroked her back and said: "There is no happiest, this is just the beginning."

  Xincheng panted, looked up at him slightly, but only saw the chin and the bridge of the nose.

   "I also often think, what will happen if I follow the steps to find a son-in-law..."

  Xincheng said: "It will probably be alienated, and then it will be like... living this life step by step, without surprises, joys, sorrows or joys, just like walking dead."

  Most people in the world are like this.

  Wake up in the morning and work, and return at sunset. If the wife and children at home are better, then there is still some hope in life. If the house is restless, the wife is not virtuous and the son is not filial, for the head of the family, this is hell, and he himself is a walking dead.

   "When I met you later, I was thinking, how can a man not care about me?"

  At that time, Jia Pingan regarded Xincheng as a buddy.

  Thinking of this, Jia Ping'an slid his hand down.

  Xincheng twisted his body, climbed up a little bit, and faced Jia Pingan face to face, breathing audibly.

"It was only later that I realized that you are so talented that Shangguanyi's poems were famous all over the Tang Dynasty, but he didn't dare to write poems when you were around. You made a new study, which made those great Confucians and gentry angry, but there was nothing you could do about it." .You led the army to go out, and you are famous..."

  Xincheng held Jia Ping'an's face with both hands, and said affectionately: "Such a man will naturally not bow his head for the sake of power. Xiao Jia..."

  Huang Shu stood outside, listening to the steady voice, blushing.


  The days in Yizhou were very happy. Xincheng probably burst out all the regrets of the first half of his life, researching where to go for fun all day long.

   "Go and see Wuhou Temple."

  Xincheng raised his eyes, saw Jia Pingan smiling, and asked, "Did I embarrass you?"


  Jia Pingan held her hand, "I was just thinking about how a beautiful woman like you has been silent in Chang'an City for many years, like a withered tree, and I feel a sense of loss in my heart."

   "Let's go!"

  The two set off immediately, heading for the southern suburbs.

  Wuhou Temple is a major scenic spot in Yizhou…

   "Literati and poets like to come to Wuhou Temple the most, recite poems and compose Fu, and then talk about how they are so talented."

  Sun Qian talked endlessly about some things about Wuhou Temple.

  But today, Jia Pingan wanted to be quiet, "I don't need you to lead the way today, and I will take a rest for a day."

  Sun Qian was stunned, "But did I make a mistake?"

   Jia Ping'an gave the money generously, and Sun Qian hoped that after working for a few more days, he would be able to repair the house at home later.

"Nothing to do with you."

  Alone chattering around, it will be very interesting at first, and the strangeness will disappear quickly. But after a long time, it will feel noisy.

   "The money counts."

  Sun Qian immediately beamed with joy, sent some rainbow farts, and left in a hurry.

  The world is quiet.

   Jia Ping'an and Xincheng strolled in the city, stopping occasionally, whispering about the scenery of a certain place, or which restaurant's food looks good, and try it later.

  This is tourism!

  Out of the city, I asked for the way to Wuhou Temple.

  Take a rest today, there are many tourists here.

"so many people!"

  Huang Shu quickly brought people over to protect the other side of the new city.

  The cypress forest shades the sun, and it feels refreshing to walk inside.

  Wuhou Temple is located in this cypress forest.

  Birds are chirping on the branches, and tourists are either smiling or joyful. The small vendors on the side did not shout, as if they were worried about disturbing the gods inside.

   "They are very respectful." Xincheng slowed down.

  The people worship the gods, and they also fear the gods in the rumors, but they are a little perfunctory because of the illusory.

   "They are in awe of their ancestors."

   Entering the ancestral hall of a certain predecessor, you will involuntarily think of the past achievements of this person in your mind, and then feel awe in your heart.

   All the way into the ancestral hall, everyone slowly watched and paid their respects.

  In front of the ancestral hall, Jia Pingan was about to take Xincheng in, but a group of literati blocked the door.

   "What kind of boldness Marquis Wu had back then, but it's a pity that he can't stretch it, just like my generation."


   Jia Pingan couldn't help smiling.

   This group of scholars are of different ages, the youngest looks fifteen or sixteen years old, and the older one has gray beard and hair.

   "Everyone, can I borrow a way?"

   Jia Ping'an is very polite.

  A man with a thin face squinted at him, "Not a local, but a businessman? A businessman who is picky, is also worthy to pay tribute to Marquis Wu?"

  Jia Ping'an was wearing plain clothes, which were of ordinary quality. Xincheng didn't wear any luxurious dresses, he looked like a middle-class couple traveling with servants and maids.

   Jia Pingan smiled, "Since the door is open, anyone can come here."

  The man sneered, "I'm waiting here to recite poems and compose poems in tribute to Marquis Wu. How can you make good poems and fus if you dirty stuff comes in and dirty our eyes?"

  Xincheng smiled slightly, even though it was across the distance, the man still froze for a moment.

   Jia Pingan smiled wryly, "Why do you say this?"

More than a dozen literati were writing poems, and someone said: "My generation has studied hard for many years, and now there is a new school in the middle of the court, and there are more than ten schools in Yizhou... Hey! Students, but where do you put us?"

   "Fly camp dog dog!"

  Jia Pingan couldn't help being startled when he heard this.

  Wang Er Er whispered behind him: "There are schools all over the Yizhou Dudu Mansion, but the number is not enough."

  There is no way to do this. It is difficult to get in and out of Shu, and it is difficult for teachers to spread in all at once. In addition, the situation here is stable, and the conservative forces are not small, so it is a bit difficult for Xinxue to expand here.

  The thin-faced man was furious, "Those people only need to pass the exam in the Dudu Mansion to enter the government as an official. I don't think this is some kind of doggy, it's just using power to oppress people!"

   "That Zhao Guogong is so powerful, if he suppresses him, how dare the governor's mansion go against his will? You must know that there is still his sister in the palace!"

   "Hey! This person is my great enemy of Confucianism. It's a pity that we can't meet each other, otherwise a certain person will definitely be full of old fists."

   Xincheng touched Jia Pingan lightly with his hand, and when Jia Pingan looked over, he pursed his lips and smiled, and said softly: "They want to punch you hard."

  Her eyebrows and eyes were curved when she smiled, which was a joke that had never been seen before.

   Jia Pingan laughed dryly, "Can you give way?"

  Seeing that he didn't leave, the thin-faced man scolded, "I'm going to compose poems and odes here today, so I left quickly."

   While speaking, someone began to chant poems.

   Jia Pingan looked helpless.

  Xincheng touched him lightly again, "Xiao Jia, I want to go in and have a look."

  They never revealed their identities along the way, they just didn't want to cause unwarranted speculation.

  But now the situation is numb.

   " seem to be a little bit less interested."

   Jia Pingan smiled kindly.


   More than a dozen people stared at him.

  Several tourists on the side also booed, "That is, what kind of poems and prose did you write, and you deliberately wanted to block the door! Don't be afraid that Marquis Wu will slap you away in anger!"

   Those tourists couldn't help laughing.

  The thin-faced man blushed, "I'll be fine soon."

  Jia Pingan couldn't wait any longer, "I'll write a poem in this way, so hurry up and go."

  Everyone: "..."


Good night!

  (end of this chapter)

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