MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1154 Datang still has opponents

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  Chapter 1154 Datang still has opponents

   "Aye, Mr. Dou praised me today!"

  Back home, Wang Bo happily compared himself to his father, "He said I was really smart."

  Wang Fuchou was ecstatic, "Really?"

   Without waiting for Wang Bo to nod, Wang Fuchou said, "Stay at home and go buy some good food for father."

  There are several restaurants and restaurants that are 'secretly' opened in the square, and they stay open until late at night.

  Wang Fuchou hurried to a restaurant.

   "Delicious food!"

   "Wang Shaofu has a happy event?"

   Attracting regular customers is an important indicator of the catering industry. The shopkeeper knew this well, so he slapped Wang Fuchou with a rainbow fart.

  Wang Fuchou said with a smile: "There is no happy event, but Sanlang's work in the household department is quite smooth, I think I can worry less about him when I come here, hey!"

  Friends said that he has "admiration for children", and his colleagues are often told about Versailles by about my son.

  The shopkeeper knew about his problem, but was still surprised, "Which young gentleman is it?"

  "Sanlang." Wang Fuchou was full of pride, "This kid is too flamboyant, the old man asked him to keep a low profile, but... what a talent!"

  The shopkeeper praised: "This talent is like culinary art, too much can overflow easily."

  Wang Fuchou felt that this metaphor somewhat belittled his son, and had a profound Versailles with the shopkeeper, which made the shopkeeper look ashamed.

   "Xiao Langjun is indeed a hero."

   "Xiao Langjun has achieved such achievements at a young age, and it is not a problem to be named a Marquis and Prime Minister in the future."

   "Xiao Langjun..."

  Wang Fuchou didn't go back until the dishes were ready.

  The father and son had a delicious meal.

  The next day Wang Bo went to Jia's house.

   "Mr. Dou praised you?"

   "Yes. Say I'm smart."


   Jia Ping'an covered his forehead: "How is your relationship with your colleagues?"

  Wang Bo said confidently: "My colleagues are full of praise."


  Jia Ping'an doesn't think it's a good idea...who the **** would be full of praise for a newcomer?

  Do you understand office politics?

  Who is free to praise his opponent?

  Praise you face to face, but stabbing you in the back is king.

  As for praising intelligence... Who would praise whom in the officialdom?

  Intelligence has never been a compliment in officialdom.

   Prudence is the key!

  Know how to measure is!

  Wang Bo felt that the husband was a little overwhelmed, "Even the boss praised me."

  Jia Pingan said: "I will find an opportunity for you to see what officialdom is."

  After Wang Bo left, Jia Pingan asked Xu Xiaoyu to inquire about the news.

  The news came quickly.

   "Why did I accept this stick as a disciple when I was looking for trouble when I had nothing to do?"

   Jia Pingan covered his forehead.

  But after that kneeling back then, he couldn't get rid of Wang Bo as a disciple.

  Xu Xiaoyu said: "Wang Langjun is very arrogant..."

  He just likes to pretend!

  Throughout the ages, there are probably very few people who are more fond of pretending than Wang Bo.

   If you don't play tricks, you will die.

   Jia Pingan had a headache.

   "That's all."

   Immediately, Jia Ping'an went to the household department.

  When Dou Dexuan saw him, he scolded: "You still have the face to come to the household department!"

   "Why no face?"

   Jia Pingan glanced at the row of cabinets behind him.

  Dou Dexuan immediately lowered his voice, "Why are you looking for this old man?"

   "There is something..."


   On the second day, Wang Bo was assigned an errand to go out after finishing his work, and left early, and returned to Jia's house after finishing his work.

  After leaving the yamen, the petty officials beside Dou Dexuan went to find Xie Yun, saying that they were grateful for Xie Yun's help last time, and invited them to drink.

   Xie Yun was polite, and finally more than ten people went to find a restaurant in a mighty way.


  After drinking half drunk, the little official smiled and asked: "I heard that you have a smart guy here? How about it?"


   Xie Yun smiled wryly.

  As the master, he needs to be steady.

   But as a petty official, Jiang Huo doesn't need to be steady... A petty official's poise is a posture that cannot be used by a superior official.

  You have to be anxious about what the boss is anxious about, think about what the boss thinks, and send assists in time.

  Jiang Huo wiped the corners of his mouth, and said: "That Wang Bo is really smart. But this person is arrogant and domineering, he is considered a little clever."

  Chen Yudu said: "He has been praising himself for his ability and intelligence all day long, his eyes are growing on the top of his head, and he looks at me with disdain. Even if it is Mr. Xie..."

  Chen Yudu cupped his hands at Xie Yun.

   Xie Yun just smiled wryly, but Chen Yudu's pretentiousness gave himself extra points.

  Chen Yudu shook his head, "Even Mr. Xie has been provoked by him many times, saying that you have to be busy all day long for a half-day job... This is implying that I am lazy, even Mr. Xie has been... hey!"

  Jiang Huo went on to say: "Seeing Shangshu Wang Bo also looked very proud, and even accused me of waiting in front of Shangshu...Master Xie has put up with him for a long time."

  The little official nodded, "Is this person so?"

   Xie Yun sighed, but didn't speak.

  Next door, Jia Pingan raised his glass and drank a sip of wine, looking at Wang Bo opposite.

  Wang Bo's face turned red, and his eyes were full of anger.

   "Calm down!"

   Jia Pingan ate slowly until the next door dispersed.

   "They still praise me today..."

  Jia Pingan looked at him, and said slowly: "What is officialdom? Officialdom has its own dignity, and officialdom has its own rules. If you want to be independent, you have to be prepared to be isolated and even punished."

  "You think you are smart, so you hurry up and do your daily business, thinking that the faster you do it, the more proud you will be, and the more you can show your talent. Have you ever thought about your colleagues?"

"It doesn't matter if you do it fast, that's your ability, but why are you bragging? Why do you have to do a day's work for half a day? Put yourself in the shoes of others, if someone is so arrogant towards you , how are you feeling?"

   "The most taboo thing in the officialdom is to complain, and the most taboo thing is to ignore them in front of your colleagues. You first belittled Jiang Huo and others in front of Xie Yun..."

   "I didn't!" Wang Bo was angry.

"You have!" Jia Pingan said: "You have to wait a whole day for a half-day's work. Once you say this, you will be the enemy of Jiang Huo and others in this life. Whenever there is a chance to stab you with a knife, these people don't want to kill you." There will be some hesitation."

"What do Jiang Huo and the others want? What do they want? They want to be appreciated by the superiors, and they want to be promoted and get rich. Whoever stops them from being promoted and made rich is their enemy. In front of their superiors... No, you still Belittling them in front of them is preventing them from getting promoted and getting rich..."

  Wang Bo's face was pale, "But I didn't mean that..."

  You just want to pretend to be awesome!

  Jia Pingan shook his head, "Dou Dexuan is here, and you even belittled Xie Yun and others in front of them. What did Dou Dexuan say?"

   "He said I was smart." Wang Bo felt that this was not a mistake.

   "Intelligence is used to praise children. It is a derogatory term to say that a person is intelligent in the officialdom. An official is intelligent, it will only make people think that this person is good at making money, has a lot of thoughts... Do you understand?"

  Wang Bo: "..."

  He really doesn't understand!

   Jia Ping'an really wanted to slap him, "You were with a group of officials, and the Shangguan came and said that one of them was smart. Will you be wary of this person from now on?"

  Wang Bo: "..."

  This mallet!

   Jia Pingan said angrily: "You like to show off your talent, that's right, but you used it in the wrong place. Did you hear what the neighbor said earlier?"

  Wang Bo nodded, still unconvinced.

   "You heard the words clearly, but you didn't hear the people clearly."

   "I heard clearly." Wang Bo felt that this was a humiliation to himself.


   Jia Pingan scolded him.

   "The little official asked about your behavior, Xie Yun just sighed and didn't speak. Why?"

   "He is your superior. If a superior speaks ill of his subordinates, his reputation will be ruined. In the eyes of the superior, this is an expression of instability and frivolity. So he has been silent."

   Jia Ping'an asked, "Are you grateful to Xie Yun?"

  Wang Bo nodded subconsciously.

  Jia Pingan immediately gave him a stick, "Xie Yun is acting, because he knows that someone will speak up for him.

  Jiang Huo started to say that you are clever, and he thought that was enough, but Chen Yudu went on to say that you were arrogant and arrogant, and even ignored Shangguan Xie Yun.

  Jiang Huo immediately realized that his attack on you was light, so he went on to say that you always looked arrogant when you saw Dou Dexuan, and even said that Xie Yun tolerated you for a long time... Do you know the twists and turns? "

  Wang Bo has collapsed.

"Xie Yun didn't speak because he knew that his subordinates would listen to his words and speak for him. Jiang Huo spoke for him. you.

  After Jiang Huo felt that he had lost points, he made up the knife... In this way, Xie Yun accomplished his goal with a steady and humiliating posture, and Jiang Huo, Chen Yudu and others got Xie Yun's favor...

  Everyone has benefited, but you, the stick, have become the target of public criticism. "

   "Is this the officialdom?" Wang Bo asked in a daze.

   "This is just the bottom of the officialdom, and the various struggles will be more subtle, but also more intense. Do you think you may be competent?"

  Wang Bo sat there in a daze.

   "Go home and think about it."

  Wang Bo returned home and lay on the bed, his ears were full of today's words, and his mind was full of the expressions of Jiang Huo and others when they praised him.

   Looks very sincere.

   Gradually, the sincerity turned into hideousness.

   Behind the ferocious faces are long knives.

  They were roaring at Wang Bo and brandishing long knives.

what do I do?

  Wang Bo's IQ is undoubtedly high, and he carefully calculated his coping methods.

   "Only bow your head."

   You can only bow your head, use time to smooth everything out, and then keep bowing your head until the day you become a boss.

   This is the norm in officialdom.

   "I can do it?"

  Wang Bo nodded vigorously, then collapsed in frustration.

  He felt that bowing his head would make him lose his soul, and would make life worse than death.

   What if you don’t bow your head?

  Relying on the fact that you are a disciple of your husband to be proud?

  Mr. would not allow it, not to mention him, even Jia Yu would not allow it. This is not in line with the rules of Mr. Jia and Mr. Jia.

  People don't offend me, I don't offend others. If people offend me, I will offend others.

  This is Jia Shihe's style of doing things.

   I violated someone first.

  At this moment, Wang Bo realized that he was pretending to be big, and offended his superiors and colleagues all over the place.

   If you violated others first, then don’t blame others to fight back against you.

  It was Wang Bo's fault no matter what.

what do I do?



  Wang Qiang came to Jia's house, just as Jia Ping'an was about to go out.

   "Meet the Duke."

  Wang Qiang glanced at Jia Pingan secretly, and saw that he was wearing armor, looking extraordinarily heroic.

   "Second lady!"

   Jia Ping'an said: "Doudou is making waves at home, you guys have fun."


  Wang Qiang couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling, thinking what Jia Pingan said was very interesting.

  When I saw DouDou, she was drawing.

  Ah Fu sat opposite, holding a piece of bamboo in his hand but couldn’t eat it, not to mention how depressed he was.

   "Ah Fu, don't move."

  Mumbled dissatisfied, and then continued to paint.

   "Are you drawing Ah Fu?"

   "Second Lady!"

  Turning around, happily holding Wang Qiang's hand.

  The two were talking about each other's recent affairs, and Ah Fu took the opportunity to slip away.


   Jia Ping'an went outside the city.

   Today the prime ministers are here, even the emperor and empress are here.

   "This is the artillery?"

  In a remote camp outside the city, dozens of artillery pieces were lined up neatly.

  Li Zhi touched the cold cannon body and asked, "How does this cannon kill the enemy?"

  Jia Ping'an said: "It's hard to describe these things... I will talk about the principle."

  The monarch and his subjects were all quiet.

  Why do I seem to be giving a class to the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty?

  Jia Ping'an felt a bit out of place in time and space.

   "The property of gunpowder is to burn violently."

  Jia Pingan grabbed a handful of gunpowder and put it on the ground, setting it on fire.

   "chi chi chi chi..."

   Almost instantly, all the gunpowder burned out.

   "This is a violent combustion, releasing a large amount of high-temperature heat. Because the surrounding area is open, the high-temperature heat can be dissipated immediately. But what if the gunpowder is burned violently in a small space?"

   Jia Pingan pointed to the cannon, "Those hot air burst out but couldn't find an exit, and we made an exit for it."

  He patted the muzzle of the gun, "Those high-temperature hot air rushed out towards this exit, pushing the iron bullets on it to rush out together...Boom!"

   "The words are very concise and easy to understand."

  Seeing Li Yifu frowning, Xu Jingzong sneered and said, "Ms. Li still doesn't understand this? May I ask you to give me some advice?"

  Li Yifu has been busy with 'earning money and eliminating disasters' recently, and his mind is not on these things. Hearing this, he sneered: "Stupid!"

   This means that Xu Jingzong is stupid!

  Xu Jingzong laughed and said, "It's good that you have such self-knowledge."

  The two bickered, and Jia Ping'an had already arranged live ammunition shooting.

  There is a row of wooden signs ahead, Jia Pingan said: "I use these targets as enemy troops."

  Li Zhi nodded, "How is it in actual combat?"

  The crown prince finally got the chance to show off, "Aye, during the battle, the enemy troops rushed into the formation, and they were all densely packed."

   Li Zhi nodded, but Empress Wu knew that he wanted to conquer by himself, and said: "There are also large troops in Chang'an City."

   But that is the army guarding Chang'an, do you want me to take them to hunt instead of conquest?

   Don't lose face!

   A group of gunners are busy.

   Charge, poke, then reload...

   "Zhao Guogong..."

  The general asked for instructions.

  Jia Pingan nodded, "Light it up."

  The general shouted: "Light it up!"

  Several Qianniuwei blocked the emperor's side.

  Li Hong whispered: "It's useless, it can't be stopped."

   Those Qianniu guards felt that the prince was humiliating their loyalty, and one of them said: "Even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I am willing to step down for your majesty!"

  These words were so heroic that the emperor and empress nodded slightly, and Empress Wu praised: "Qian Niuwei is loyal, Your Majesty knows it all."

  The voice has not yet fallen...

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   Jia Pingan wanted to give the empress a profound experience, so he came to a set fire.

  Dozens of artillery bombarded together...

  The flame spurted out of the muzzle, and then the gunpowder smoke rushed out...

  Dozens of iron bullets flew out.

  Everyone couldn't help but stare at the direction of the iron bullet.

  The iron bullets hit those targets straight.

   There was a crackling sound, and most of the targets were shattered.

   "If the enemy forces attack in front..."

   Li Zhi walked over quickly.

  The crowd followed closely.

  Those sawdust splattered everywhere.

   "Very thick target."

  A Baiqi picked up a piece of target and handed it over. Li Zhi looked at it and came to the above conclusion.

   "What would happen if it were a human being?"

  He thought for a while.

  Jia Pingan said: "This is an iron bullet. From the moment it leaves the barrel, it will destroy whatever it encounters in front of it until it loses its strength."

   "I seem to see the broken limbs and arms of the sky." Shangguanyi praised.

  Dou Dexuan added, "This is an artifact!"

  The monarch and his ministers were amazed.

  Li Yifu suddenly said: "How can I not know this thing?"


  You, Jia Pingan, actually got this magic weapon without telling everyone, what do you want to do?

   Li Zhi glanced at Wu Mei.

  Did you know that your brother got this thing?

  Wu Mei naturally didn't know.

   "When this thing was made, I told His Majesty..."

  Jia Pingan looked at Yan Liben.

  Old Yan, it's your turn.

  Yan Liben coughed dryly, "The minister also reported to His Majesty, and His Majesty said at that time... artillery? Let's use artillery."

  Is that what I said?

   Li Zhi said dissatisfied: "Why don't I remember?"

  You are busy with everything, how can you remember such trivial things?

Yan Li wanted to complain, "Your Majesty, Zhao Guogong proposed the cannon at the beginning and gave him the blueprint. The skilled craftsmen of our Ministry of Industry spent several years of hard work, and experienced countless setbacks during the process, and finally made it... I told Your Majesty at the time, This thing is quite sharp, His Majesty said...then use it."

  Your Majesty, you are the one who is carelessly perfunctory!

  Li Zhi said: "Is there anything else that can be done with this thing?"

  It is the emperor's prerogative to immediately change the subject when encountering an embarrassing situation. Whoever dares to bring up the embarrassing topic again will turn around and kill him.

   "Your Majesty, the artillery can still make shot."


  Then it is reloaded.

  A pack of shotgun shells composed of iron filings and other sharp debris was loaded into it.

   This time the wooden target was placed a little closer.

   "Light the fire."

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

  Flames and gunpowder smoke rushed out, and everyone saw dense black spots rushing towards the target.

  Puff puff puff puff...

  The dense sound is like rain hitting plantains.

  When the gunpowder smoke cleared, everyone stepped forward to see it, and they were shocked.

  The wooden target is densely packed with holes.

   "If this is a person..."

   A person who turns into a hive.

  Xu Jingzong couldn't help shivering...

Jia Pingan said: "Iron bullets are used when the enemy is far away, and shotguns are used when the enemy is close. This can cause a lot of damage, and it can also damage the morale of the enemy. demoralized."

   Definitely want it!

  Li Ji nodded slightly, and praised: "This is an artifact in the army. The Tang Dynasty has this artifact, and the attack is even sharper."

  Dou Dexuan said: "Now that the world is at peace, why attack?"


  The monarch and ministers smiled slightly, and the sense of accomplishment of creating a prosperous world was born spontaneously.

   "Datang still has opponents."

  Everyone saw that it was Jia Ping'an who sang against the monarch and his ministers.


Good night!

  (end of this chapter)

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