MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1152 I will use my life to avenge my shame

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  Chapter 1152 I will use my life to avenge my shame

   Night falls.

  No one can be seen on the streets of these cities.

   A troop of cavalry appeared.

  The horseshoe rattled, and the leading general looked at Zanpu's residence, and said in a low voice: "Stay on top, ready to strike at any time."

   Outside the residence, a group of sergeants looked at them with a sneer.

   "Zanpu has an order, Lu Dongzan is dying at the moment, we are not in a hurry, waiting for Qinling to jump over the wall in a hurry, so justice is in hand."

   Inside, an official said comfortably.

  The team of cavalry stared at the residence for a long time, and the general said, "Get off your horse."

  He pressed the horse's shoulders, and his whole body relaxed for a moment.

   At this moment, an arrow flew over in the night.

  The general withdrew his hand and subconsciously reached out to block the arrow.


  The arrow pierced his chest, and the general rolled off his horse.

   "They did it!"

  The civil servants inside the door rushed out, seeing the chaos over there, they couldn't help but angrily said, "Who did it?"

   "Arrow hit!"

   There was a roar over there, some people rode their horses back to report the news, some people mounted their horses to line up...

  The civil servant stomped his feet, "Go and report to Zanpu!"

   There was a roar in the residence.


   "Do it!"

   Zamp decisively chose to strike first.

  In the dark night, Zheng Yang threw away his bow and arrow and ran wildly all the way.

   This place will become a battlefield later, and any outsider will become a victim.

  The sound of horseshoes came suddenly.

  A group of cavalry appeared in front, Zheng Yang hurriedly stood against the wall, motionless.

  The cavalry started.

  The sound of horseshoes was crisp, and the people on both sides were completely silent. The house opposite Zheng Yang actually lit a lamp.

  The light is subtle, but it can still expose Zheng Yang.

  The cavalry ahead followed the glimmer of light.

  Zheng Yang was stiff all over, holding the short blade.


  The light on the opposite side went out.

  The cavalry looked forward.

   "Someone is rebelling, let's rescue Zamp!"

   This is Qinling's slogan.

  It is also a means to confuse the opponent's camp and win the hearts of the people.

  The cavalry rushed over, Zheng Yang glanced to the left, there were densely packed infantry.

   "Bow and Arrow..."

  The general's roar pierced the tranquility of Luoxie City.

  As soon as the cavalry passed by, Zheng Yang rushed across the street, and then the place was crowded with countless Qin Ling's subordinates.

  Zheng Yang looked back and saw the flames, as well as countless figures and countless swords and guns dancing.

  The screams kept coming...

  He even heard the chattering of teeth in the room around him.

   "Tubo... sinks!"

   This is the ultimate goal of Baiqi!


   "It was Zanpu who made the first move."

  Qin Ling entered the room and whispered.

  Lu Dongzan's eyes sparkled, "He shouldn't, that kid is smart and knows what to do and what not to do, he shouldn't!"

   "But his subordinates couldn't help it." Qin Ling said contemptuously: "Their people attacked our people by surprise."

  Lu Dong sighed, "What's the matter?"

  Qin Ling said: "I have ordered the army to attack... bloodbath some cities tonight."

  Lu Dongzan smiled and said, "Go."

  Qin Ling nodded, "Father, I will win honor for you."

  The doctor has already said that the prime minister's body won't survive for a few days.

  The desperation after the big defeat and the torment of rushing all the way brought the old man's life to an end.

  Lu Dongzan smiled and said, "I don't want any honor..."

  Qin Ling was taken aback.

  Lu Dongzan looked at him with soft eyes, "I only want you to return safely."

  Qin Ling froze for a moment, then nodded vigorously, "Okay!"

  He opened the door and went out.

  Lu Dongzan lay there calmly, his life's experience slowly passing by in his mind.

  He was born in a noble family and received a good education since he was a child. Zanpu is ambitious to unify Tubo, and Ludongzan is his most important assistant. As Tubo expanded step by step, he reached the peak of power step by step.

   Zamp has a lot of trust in him, almost obeying him.

  In exchange for his talent, Tubo became stronger and stronger, so that he was able to compete with Datang.

  Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty was full of praise when he saw him, and even asked him to be an official in the Tang Dynasty, but he refused without hesitation.

  What he needs is a place where he can display all his talents, not to be someone's courtier.

   "I did everything I could!"

   Regret it?

  After becoming a powerful minister, he also asked himself.

  He shook his head slightly.

  A man does what he does, and he can make up for it, but don't regret it.

   Regret is poison!

  He smiled slightly, thinking of his own experience of seeking marriage for Zanpu.

  The princess of Nibhara married Zamp under his means.

   What made him most proud was that he persuaded Emperor Taizong to usher in Princess Wencheng for Zanpu.

  Through the marriage, Tubo quickly stabilized the surrounding situation, and then practiced hard.

  The powerful Tubo gave him endless ambitions. As soon as Zanpu left, he couldn't wait to attack Datang.


  Tuyuhun is his eternal pain.

   Once the 100,000 army was wiped out, it also interrupted his ambitions for Tuyuhun.

  He thought of someone.

   "Jia Pingan!"

  Whether it was the war against Liaodong or the rescue of Tuyuhun, this person could be seen.

   After Datang defeated Ashina Helu, he knew that the last moment had come.

  He dispatched the army desperately and encountered Jia Ping'an.

   This defeat...

   ruined the national destiny!

  Lu Dongzan closed his eyes.

   Then unfold.

   "Qinling, Qinling's ability to fight is not weaker than mine, even worse. As long as Qinling is there, Tubo can counterattack, and can... Qinling!"

  He insisted on sitting up.

  The door opens, and the maid comes in.

   "Where is Qinling?"

   "He set off with an army."

  Lu Dongzan sat there silently.

   "The kid is proud, overconfident...but capable."

  He looked up, "What will happen if Ke Zanpu stands up? Can those people still firmly support Qinling?"

  He raised his eyes, and there was a familiar calmness in his eyes.

   "Make people come."

   Several civil servants and military officers who stayed behind have arrived.

  Lu Dongzan said: "The three thousand cavalry immediately went after Qinling."

  The general was surprised, "President, what are you going to do?"

  Lu Dongzan said: "If something is not harmonious, protect him."

  The general showed embarrassment, "But here..."

   "I'm getting old!" Lu Dong praised with dignity in his eyes, "Do as I tell you."


  The general turned around and went out, and Lu Dongzan's voice came from behind him, "If you lose, take Qinling out of the city, and you are not allowed to come here!"

  The general shook his body, "Yes!"

  Lu Dongzan smiled and said: "How many years, how many years, I have never been so relaxed. There is no need to think about Tubo in my mind. It is empty, but I feel very happy."

  He got up slowly, "I saw Zamp earlier...I think I should go see him. Shower and change clothes."


   "Princess, there are traitors!"

  Princess Wencheng suddenly came to more than a hundred soldiers.

   "Shoot the arrow!"

  The maids fired a wave of arrows and immediately engaged the enemy.

  Wen Cheng came out with a horizontal knife.

   More than a hundred soldiers are besieging and killing her maid.

  The maids are very good at swordsmanship, but there are too few of them...

   "Princess retreat quickly!"

  A blood-soaked maid stumbled forward and was immediately decapitated.

   "You are from Qinling!"

  Zan Pu dared not do anything to her, only the bold Qin Ling dared to send someone to control her.

  Those soldiers slashed and killed.

  Seeing that it was in danger, more than ten men suddenly rushed out from the side.

   "Shoot the arrow!"

  A wave of crossbow bolts caught the soldiers off guard.

   Then they rushed up.

  These men's sword skills are so simple that they have no enemy.

  The soldiers were stunned at first, and then someone shouted.

   "Siege and kill them!"

  The pressure on the maids dropped sharply, and they were about to return.

   "Help them!"

   Wen Cheng ordered.

  The maids joined in, but those men killed with ease.

  They are in groups of two or three, and they can kill the enemy in front of them with one face-to-face.

   It was only ten breaths, and the last soldier fell down in despair.

  More than ten men stopped.

  The maids stood in front of Wen Cheng.

"who are you?"

   Wen Cheng asked.

These people are here to help her. If you say it is Zanpu's humanism, you will not believe it, because Zanpu is only concerned with destroying Qinling at the moment, and doesn't care about her life... He even hopes that she will be killed by Qinling's people, and then he It is also possible to take advantage of the situation to "rage into a rage" and announce Qinling's crimes.

  A man stepped forward and cupped his hands: "Baiqi Yang Dashu was ordered to lead someone to protect the princess!"

  In an instant, Wen Cheng's eyes turned red.

   "Whose order?"

   "Your Majesty!"

  The maids turned around and saw the princess burst into tears.



  These cities have become battlefields, fighting everywhere.

  Qin Ling commanded his subordinates to attack continuously, winning every victory.

   "Zanpu was restrained by the traitor."

  The latest order from Qin Ling is this.

  Then the subordinates shouted, "Zanpu was restrained by the rebels."

  The morale of the opposite side was stagnant.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  Qin Ling couldn't help laughing.

  Tonight he will become the master of Luoxie City, and then become the master of Tubo.

  For a moment, he felt light all over.

  The feeling that he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life made him in a trance.

  One person walked out of the residence, followed by a group of guards.

   "Light the torches!"

  The torch was lit, illuminating Zamp's face.

  Zanpu said loudly: "Qinling rebelled, I swear here, but all the soldiers who fight back at this moment will not be blamed!"

  Qin Ling sneered, "Kill him!"

  He feels like he can keep his men in check... as confident as he has ever been.

  He slowly turned around and looked at his subordinates, and said confidently: "Kill him, I will be king!"

  Everyone paused for a moment.


  I don't know who shouted.

   "I did not rebel!"

   Instant array crash.

  Countless people turned around and ran away.

   Big defeat!

   Just like in history!

  Qin Ling watched this scene in astonishment.

   "This is an army loyal to me?!"

  Lu Dongzan's words were slowly remembered by him.


   If you lose righteousness, you will be vulnerable.


  Qin Ling reacted quickly, and immediately evacuated with his confidants.

   But with dozens of riders, it is difficult to open a passage.

   "Catch up and kill him!" Zanpu looked at the night sky with his hands behind his back and smiled slightly.

   "Kill Qinling!" A general mounted his horse and led his army to attack.

  Qin Ling turned around and took a look. Seeing countless people coming in his direction, he couldn't help but tear his eyes apart.

   "They betrayed me!"

  The sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded, and thousands of cavalry rushed out from the side!

  The Ludongzan family relied most heavily on the thousands of cavalry. This time Ludongzan led the army to go out with only a thousand cavalry, and at this moment these cavalry are on the side of the Qinling Mausoleum.


   Qin Ling burst into tears.

   "The one who killed Qinling will be the first!"

   shouted Zamp.

  The cavalry broke a **** path among the routs, and then guarded the Qinling Mausoleum and went away.


  Qin Ling wanted to fetch his father.

   "The Prime Minister ordered you to be taken away!"

   His subordinates desperately pulled him to evacuate outside the city!

   Behind him, Zamp's cavalry came after him.

  The defenders at the city gate couldn’t stop Qin Ling at all, no, all the defenders ran away, and at the beginning of the war, all the defenders at the top of the city ran away.

   Not standing in line is also a means of protecting oneself.

  Zanpu got the news that Qinling led thousands of horsemen to escape, his face darkened for a long time, and then he asked, "Where is Ludong Zan? Take me there!"

  They arrived at Lu Dongzan's residence all the way, and the surrounding area was full of corpses.

   "Zanpu, Ludongzan's guards were all killed in battle."

   These are Lu Dongzan's confidantes.

   "These people are taken by the whole family!"

  This is the meaning of cutting grass and roots.

  Someone pushed open the door, and then the sergeants rushed in.

   "Zanpu, Ludongzan is inside."

   All around are cleared.

   Zamp was surrounded outside the room.

   "Is the Prime Minister here?"


  Someone pushed open the door.

  The room was brightly lit, and Lu Dongzan was neatly dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed.

   It looks like the appearance when he was about to enter the palace to discuss court affairs with Old Zanpu many years ago.

  Zanpu came in, surrounded by two guards.

  Lu Dongzan smiled and said, "Does Zanpu know what is the future of Tubo?"

  Zanpu frowned, "The future of Tubo will be strong."

   "How can it be strong?"

   Zanpu lowered his head slightly, and thought carefully, "Conquer all the ministries, recuperate, and wait another ten years... to meet Datang again."

   "The Tang Dynasty is the biggest threat to Tubo." Lu Dongzan said, "But the Tang Dynasty is also the best friend of Tubo. Does Zanpu know that?"

   Zamp shook his head.

"You are still young." Lu Dong said with a smile: "If there is no Tang Dynasty, the Turkic people will rise along with the trend, and the countries of the Western Regions will submit to the Turkic people instead of Tubo. Our opponents will become the Turkic people wandering around. "

   "The Turks are no match for Tubo." Zanpu felt that Lu Dongzan was thinking too much.

  Lu Dongzan shook his head, "Most Turkic people are light cavalry, and they can go away with one blow. We must learn from the Tang Dynasty expedition, but we can't make expeditions... Do you understand?"

He asked himself and answered, "You won't understand, that land is too foreign to us, we will struggle, and the expedition is risky...Once defeated...Remember, once the Turks lose control, they will quickly become a Tubo It is also a colossal monster that cannot be resisted, so the existence of Datang is justified."

   Zanpu said: "You mean... Datang's elimination of the Turkic people is also of great benefit to Tubo?"

"Yes." Lu Dongzan said: "The powerful Tubo must roar to the outside. Those rich and powerful need endless land and population, and they will drive Tubo to continue to expand. Anyone who wants to stop them will be smashed to pieces, including you and me. Therefore, The battle between us and Datang will not stop, and you... have to keep in mind that you should not fight lightly, if you fight, you must be sure."

   "Are you as confident as you were before this expedition?"

   Zamp said sarcastically.

  Lu Dongzan smiled wryly, "I lost. But I am more worried about the future of Tubo..."

  Zan Pu stood with his hands behind his back, "Then you should let Qin Ling come back."

  His eyes flickered, "I will spare him."

  Lu Dong smiled, "You are the child I grew up with, and I know your nature. Qinling is gone, and I hope he never comes back, even if he goes to Datang."

   Zamp sneered, "But you know he will definitely come back with an army."

   "This is a scene I don't want to see."

  Lu Dongzan slowly leaned against the head of the bed, and said softly: "You have to remember, once Tubo stops its conquest, it will be gone..."

   Zamp took a step closer, "I can suppress them."

Lu Dongzan chuckled and said: "Those powerful people need flesh and blood to stimulate them. Once they stop expanding, they will turn their attention to the inside of Tubo. They will devour everything in Tubo, including, don't stop expanding collapses That day."

   Zamp took another step closer.


  He was already within reach of Lu Dongzan, and the guard followed up to remind him.

   "How could I kill you!"

  Lu Dong released his hand, and a dagger fell to the ground.

   Zamp stepped back abruptly.

   "Take it!"

  There is blood on the dagger.

  Lu Dongzan barely raised his head, smiled and said, "I saw Zanpu... I saw... our... our Tubo..."

  He smiled and leaned there.

  A group of soldiers poured in outside.

  Amidst the sound of armor colliding and rubbing, Zanpu raised his hand.

  Everyone fell silent.


  Lu Dongzan looked at him with a smile.

  Zan Pu took a step forward, "President?"

  Lu Dongzan smiled and remained silent.

   Zamp reached under his nose and tried it.

  He withdrew his hand and looked at the old man with complicated eyes.

  Blood slowly flowed down from Lu Dongzan's lower abdomen, flowing down... Gradually a pool of blood formed under his feet.

  This old man is an important participant in the prosperity of Tubo. The departure of Lao Zanpu is just the beginning, and the departure of Ludongzan represents the end of an era.


  The general who came in saw the tears on Zamp's face.

   Zamp choked up, and slowly turned around and went out.

   As the night wind blew, Zanpu took a deep breath and walked down the steps.

   "The Ludongzan family has all been taken down."


   "There must be someone nearby in Qinling. He will flee far away to find supporters. In this way, if Lu Dongzan's head is hung on the top of the wall, will he come back after he can't bear it? I look forward to it."


   "Clean up the civil and military officials of the Ludong Zan family."


   "The city will be controlled until the morning of tomorrow, and those who go out without permission during this period will be killed."


   Zanpu walked out of Ludong Zan's house.

  He glanced in a certain direction, "Send someone to tell that person that the rebellion of the Ludongzan family has subsided. I will go to see her tomorrow and talk about the friendship between Tubo and Datang that has lasted for many years."


   A woman's scream came from behind.

   Then came the man's howl.

  The sound of a long knife cutting into a human body...

   Zamp waved his hand, as if saying goodbye to something.


  Qin Ling rushed out of the city, galloped all the way for more than ten miles, and then ambushed the pursuers on the edge of a mountain range, destroying more than 2,000 cavalry in one fell swoop.

   "War horses and dry food are what we need. In addition, go search the vicinity immediately. I remember there is a village. Go get food."


  A group of cavalry disappeared into the night.

  He ate dry food and sat there in a daze.

  The people who went to the village to search for food later came back, and everyone smelled of blood.

  Qin Ling was silent.

   Yubai appeared in the east, Qin Ling got up, "Go outside the city to find out."

  He was cruising around with his cavalry.

   Before noon, the people he sent came back.

   "The prime minister's head hangs on the top of the city."


   A mouthful of blood spurted out from Qin Ling's mouth.

   "Shoot into Luoxi City!"

   "Kill Zamp!"

  These loyal cavalry are eager to fight.

  Qin Ling wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and there was endless murderous intent in his eyes.

  —Qinling, don’t make decisions when you are angry.

  Father's words echoed in my ears.

  Qinling knelt and kowtowed to Luoxie city.

   He got on his horse later, and looked back for the last time in the direction of Luoxi City.

   "I will use my life to avenge my shame!"

  In the years that followed, this land became a battlefield...


Good night!

  (end of this chapter)

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