MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1134 Distant drums

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  Chapter 1134 Drums in the distance

   "From now on, we must take care of our family members. If we find anyone playing tricks outside under Jia's name, no matter who it is, we will take it down!"

  Jia Ping'an held Jia's first staff meeting.

   Those in charge are the ones he focuses on.

   "You have quite a lot of friends on weekdays. This is required for business. I don't want to talk too much, but watch your feet and don't step on the wrong place."

  He couldn't absolve himself of the blame for this matter, and then went to the palace to plead guilty.

   "You are alert in this matter."

  Wu Mei appreciated it very much, "Beating the servants at home is very important. Compared with you, some people are rampant when they are successful."

   This is about Li Yifu.

  Jia Pingan didn't pay much attention to this mortal man these days, and asked, "Sister, is there something wrong with Li Yifu?"

  Wu Mei couldn't hide her anger, "Recently, Baiqi secretly reported that Li Yifu's family started from him, his wife, son and son-in-law are madly selling their officials, and even intervening in the matter of criminal names, to help people get out of trouble..."

  Li Yifu is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who is in charge of the official hat. Interfering in the matter of criminal names has nothing to do with the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, but relies on his status as the emperor's favored minister to exert pressure.

   Isn’t this a living corrupt official?

  Sell officials, take over lawsuits,

  Jia Ping'an didn't inquire, knowing that Li Yifu's time was numbered.

  His current focus is on studying Tubo.

   Later he went to look for Li Ji.

   "The old man is getting old."

  Li Ji shook his head with a smile, "The old man is still on guard at the moment, not that he can still do things, but His Majesty needs others to know that the old man is still there, that's all."

  The once famous Tang Dynasty marshal is old.

  His beard and hair are grizzled, and his calm eyes make people think of a pool of stagnant water.

   "When people reach this age, they naturally look down on everything. What is the glory and wealth, what is the high salary, and the only thing you care about is your children and grandchildren."

  Li Ji asked someone to make tea.

   "You must have come here for the affairs of Tubo."

   Jia Pingan nodded.

  Li Ji smiled and said: "Why do you come to ask the old man for advice?"

   Jia Ping'an was taken aback.

"I don't know what to do?" Li Ji said: "The old man led an army alone in the chaotic world, and he didn't know what to do at the beginning, but no one can help the old man, so the old man can only put aside all worries and think hard. I won the old man who was later called a famous general. If there is no difficulty in the beginning, how can there be excellence in the end?"


  Jia Ping'an understood.

"I can't lead the army anymore. Xue Rengui has been thinking about this battle for a long time. It's fierce!" Li Ji said lightly: "But what is a famous commander? A famous commander is never a fierce general. , but will sit in the central army and dispatch troops to punish generals, this is what a famous commander should do."

   This is a cryptic warning, warning Jia Pingan to get rid of his habit of leading troops into battle.

"Xue Rengui is fierce, but he is not as good as you in planning." Li Ji smiled wryly, "Back then when Xue Rengui wore a white robe and ran across Liaodong, the late emperor couldn't help but say that the biggest gain in the battle of Liaodong was Xue Rengui. The late emperor is like this Said, it is to plan ahead, worrying that after the old man and others get old, there will be no more famous generals in the Tang Dynasty. But Xue Rengui... hey!"

   Xue Rengui still cannot be compared with Li Ji and others.

  Historically, after he lost to Qinling, the situation between Datang and Tubo suddenly began to tilt.

   "It's good to do it, the old man is optimistic about you."

  Li Ji is very comfortable.

   "From now on, don't come looking for the old man for such things. If you come, then bring beautiful women and wine."

  Li Ji wanted to retire.

   "Your Majesty, I am old and cannot be driven..."

  The emperor looked at him with a lot of emotion, "Qing has made great contributions to me, and has made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty. I can't leave you."

  The British proclamation was rejected by the emperor.

   It is not a routine of polite refusal, followed by approval after three resignations.

   But seriously refused.

  I can't live without you!

   This can be called the pinnacle of a courtier.

   "Your Majesty means that... even if Ah Weng is going to die, he must die in the value room."

   Li Jingye and Jia Pingan were drinking in Pingkangfang, and they complained a little.

   This is just an extreme statement. Li Ji is really going to fall ill, so naturally he should go home and lie down, waiting for the most outstanding medical officer in the palace to come and treat him.

   "Brother, how about Tubo?"

  Li Jingye said dissatisfied: "Could it be that Lu Dongzan has shrunk his eggs? He has been dormant for these years. If Tubo doesn't show up, who should I go to fight?"

  This mallet!

  Jia Pingan said: "What are you fighting for? The navy is thinking about going out to sea to explore everywhere. There are cannibals on those islands, why don't you go?"

  Li Jingye trembled, "Brother, don't! The sea is vast, I'm afraid."

  Many people who have never been on a boat will be afraid of the sea. Even those who have been on a boat will be afraid when they see the endless sea and the sea water that looks like a bottomless abyss.

  Li Jingye's heart suddenly moved, "Brother, are those girls of this man beautiful?"

   Jia Pingan resisted the urge to beat him up.

   "I think...Lu Dongzan should move."

  Li Ji didn't care about anything.

  Cheng Zhijie and others are currently in a state of retirement and waiting to die. This time they are hiding at home and cannot come out.

   "Beauty has been like a famous general since ancient times, and the world is not allowed to see gray hair."

   Xue Rengui returned to the court with the victory of defeating the Turks, but he was not favored by the old commanders.

  Pei Xingjian and others can't be alone...

  When Jia Pingan walked into the court, all eyes were on him.

   "The secret agents of Tubo sent news that the grain and grass in some cities are constantly being transferred, and it is heading west."

  Shen Qiu's voice echoed in the court hall.

   Li Zhi came today, but he was sitting hunched over with his eyes slightly closed.

  Empress Wu asked, "Where is the west?"

  Jia Pingan said: "Queen, to the west is Bolu."

  Empress Wu frowned, "Bolu..."

  Jia Pingan has deeply studied the map of that area, "As soon as Bolu passes, Congling is. After passing Congling, Tocharo is on the left, and Shule is on the right."

  The people here are civil officials, and it is impossible for Empress Wu to stare at the map all day long to study the terrain of Tubo and Datang. But with Jia Ping'an's introduction, a general terrain appeared in their minds.

   "That is to say, Lu Dongzan has fixed his eyes on the land of Anxi." Empress Wu's eyebrows were more awe-inspiring.


   This is inevitable.

   "How long?" the emperor said suddenly.

  Jia Pingan said: "It depends on Lu Dongzan's decision. Before the battle with Ashina Helu, the army cut off the surrounding area, so Tubo will lag behind in getting news. If so, it may not be possible to fight this year."

  The emperor said indifferently: "Why do you want to talk but stop? Say!"

   It really is the emperor. Although he can't see clearly, his ability to figure out people is still unmatched.

"But Lu Dongzan is an outstanding man. Tubo can be so strong, at least half of the credit is due to him. He has already received the news that the Tang Dynasty attacked Ashina Helu. If he concludes that Ashina Helu will be defeated, the minister I am worried that this person will decisively raise troops..."

   "I see." Li Zhi covered his forehead, staring blankly at the figure.

  Dou Dexuan said: "There is nothing wrong with what Zhao Guogong said, but you can't dispatch the army based on estimates? If you go to nothing..."

  A large army will cost countless money and food, and morale will also be damaged.

  Li Yifu immediately made up his sword, "Yes! Once the army moves, it will cost a lot of money and food, but if it returns in vain, the Tubo people will laugh at Datang, and the surrounding vassals will also laugh at Datang..."

  The queen's attitude towards him has changed a lot, from the early trust to the current indifference, which made Li Yifu very annoyed.

  He felt betrayed.

  Even Xu Jingzong felt that this matter was unreliable.

  Amid the objections from the crowd, Jia Pingan said: "This matter is related to the fate of the country. If Lu Dongzan mobilizes troops, he will surely be thunderous and sweep Anxi in one fell swoop. Anxi has garrisons and immigrants, but it is difficult to resist the Tubo army."

   This is not Anxi during Xuanzong's period. At this moment, Datang's time to manage Anxi is too short, and the foundation is not strong.

   "If Anxi is wiped out, Lu Dongzan will be able to take advantage of the situation to sweep the Western Regions. The countries in the Western Regions are all fools, and they will definitely surrender to Tubo. In this way, the Tang Dynasty will face a giant..."

   Jia Ping'an's voice echoed in the hall.

  Wu Mei is watching.

  When he entered the court for the first time, he remembered that someone said he was very nervous.

  Now he talks eloquently and calmly.

   "Once such a situation is formed, Datang will need to spend more energy and money to restore the original situation. What about immigration?"

Jia Pingan asked a question, "Once Anxi is breached, what will happen to those immigrants? They will be killed by the Tubo people, or they will be taken captive, men will be slaves, and women will be slaves. Under such a tragic situation, how will the follow-up dynasty continue?" Encouraging people to immigrate to Anxi?"

   The first batch of dead, who will follow up is willing to emigrate?

   This is a serious question.

   "This matter..."

  The emperor left the court for a long time, and he specially appeared today because of the plan for this battle.

   "Your Majesty, why don't people go out and stare at him?"

  Liu Rengui proposed a compromise.

   "Once Bolu discovers the movement of the Tubo army, the secret agents will naturally be able to detect it, and report it immediately..."

   "It's too late."

  Jia Pingan rejected Liu Rengui's proposal with one sentence.

  Li Yifu said: "Mobilize some troops to garrison."

   This is still a compromise.

   "Anxi is not small. Once the Tubo army moves, let alone 200,000, a small number of troops stationed in Anxi will not help. We can only watch Lu Dongzan sweep Anxi, and then the army besieged the city. How long can the defenders hold on without supplies?"

  Jia Ping'an once again rejected Li Yifu's suggestion.

  Dou Dexuan is not a professional, but only made suggestions from a financial point of view, "Is it possible to save money?"

  Even Li Zhi smiled for it.

   "Mr. Dou, you can't save money on many things. Save money now. If Anxi is destroyed later, it will cost more money and food."

  Xu Jingzong didn't quite agree with the younger brother's opinion, but he didn't want to disrupt the situation, so he remained silent.

   Li Ji closed his eyes, as if he was dozing off.

   But everyone knew that he was listening, but since a long time ago, he stopped talking for non-major matters.

   Li Zhi suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart.

  Is the war between Tang and Tubo a big deal?

of course.

  But Li Ji didn't speak.


   Could it be that he really doesn't care about everything?

   Li Zhi thinks not.

  So... does Li Ji think Jia Ping'an's analysis is correct?

  Li Zhi said: "The British government will talk about this matter."

  When someone asks Li Ji, he can close his eyes and ignore it. He has the qualifications. But the emperor asked him to save face.

   "Your Majesty, I am old, and there are many young and talented people in the court, so I can rest at ease."

   Li Zhi understood.

  Jia Pingan knew the difficulty of such a large-scale transfer, so that it was difficult for the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty to choose.

  This is also the reason why Tubo can take the strategic initiative... Datang can't fight them, but they can attack Datang at any time and place.

   Extremely comfortable!

   Jia Ping'an said: "Your Majesty, if this battle is to be launched, at least 50,000 government soldiers will be dispatched."

  Datang is that point of government soldiers, and most of those who can fight are in the Guanzhong area.

  With 50,000 government soldiers as the core, this is a battle that will overwhelm the country.

  You want to say that Xue Rengui led more than 100,000 troops to a decisive battle with Qinling, how many elites can there be in those 100,000 li?

  Li Zhi was moved, "50,000 government soldiers..."

  Li Ji nodded incredulously.

   "That's Tubo." Empress Wu reminded.

  In this era, the Central Plains is surrounded by wolves. Turks, Goryeo, Tubo, and the later Dashi, each force can sweep the current existence in later generations, but they all became enemies of the Tang Dynasty.

  At the moment, the climate in Tubo is pleasant, breeding and planting can support many people, and it is quite rich. This is why it has the confidence to dispatch hundreds of thousands of troops at every turn.

  And the combat effectiveness of the Tubo army should not be underestimated.

   "Your Majesty, the Tubo army is worse than the Turks."

   In contrast, the resilience of the Turkic army is far worse.

  Xu Jingzong said: "If the Turks dispatched 200,000 troops, at least the court and the central government could use 30,000 government soldiers. This is a more powerful Tubo with more troops."

   Li Zhi pondered for a long time.

   "I'll think about this matter carefully."

  Jia Pingan was not dissatisfied at all, but felt that this was normal.

  The decision of the Battle of the Nation is decided in one word. It is not straightforward or decisive, but rash.


  Princess's life is actually not happy.

  Because the princess is not qualified to meddle in government affairs, the fathers and brothers are always more tolerant towards them, but in many cases tolerance means ignoring them.

  Emperor Xian loved his daughter so much that when Xincheng was eight years old, he took Hengshan as her title, and gave her a real title, plus Tang Muyi. All kinds of things broke a series of rules at that time, which shows the love of the late emperor for this daughter.

  Li Zhi also cared a lot for this same mother and sister. When he left the palace, he added 5,000 food towns, and he was named the princess of Xincheng.

  Xincheng has been living like a star and moon since she was a child, but if you want to say that she must be very happy.

   Not necessarily!

   Living at leisure, Xincheng mostly reads books as a pastime, practicing calligraphy and painting from time to time.

  But today she thought of playing the piano.

  Playing the piano is mainly about emotion, that is, substitution.

  When playing high mountains and flowing waters, all you think about is fame and fortune, so naturally you can’t play that kind of artistic conception.

  Xincheng played Luoshuiyin.

  Luoshui originates at the junction of Huazhou and Lantian, and gradually grows all the way, stretching endlessly, irrigating countless fertile fields on both sides of the strait.

   Huang Shu stood outside, as if hearing the sound of running water.

  The green grass on both sides of the strait, there are big trees in between, and the water vapor is transpiring, like a fairyland.

  The artistic conception is beautiful, but lonely, as if there is no one else in the world.

  Huang Shu heard footsteps, and when she saw the maid approaching, she pressed her hand to signal her to slow down.

  The maid approached.

   "Mr. Zhao Guo is here."

  The sound of the piano suddenly changed, and Huang Shu seemed to see a small boat lying on the shore, some people were sitting on the edge fishing, and some were drinking on the shore...

   Instantly everything comes alive.

   "Come here soon."

   This is the backyard, and it's the backyard of the Princess Mansion. Normally, men are not allowed to enter, but what Huang Shu said was taken for granted, and the maid took it for granted.

  When Jia Pingan came in, he heard the vitality in the sound of the piano.

   "New City."

  The sound of the piano stopped slowly, and Xincheng got up and walked to the door.

  Light blue long skirt is the most suitable for the temperament of Xincheng, and it looks charming.

  The headgear is very simple, which is casual at home.

   "Xiao Jia!"

  Can't you call Lao Jia?

  Jia Pingan cupped his hands, "Remember that your family has business dealings in the Western Regions?"

  Xincheng nodded, "Come in, Huang Shu, and make tea."

  The two went in, and when Jia Pingan saw the guqin, he leaned over and reached out to brush it a few times.

   "Can Xiao Jia know it?" As soon as he uttered the Xincheng dialect, he regretted it, thinking that Xiao Jia was born in a poor family, so where would he have the opportunity to learn Guqin?

   "This is the first time I have touched the guqin."

   Jia Ping'an was very calm.

  The two sat down, Huang Shu led others to serve tea, and immediately retreated.

   "The family has business dealings between Anxi and Chang'an." Xincheng said at this moment.

   "Temporarily stopped."

   Jia Pingan picked up the teacup.


  Xincheng took a look at the tea soup and felt that the color was like a distant mountain.

   "The Turks were defeated, and Lu Dongzan couldn't sit still. In my judgment, there should be a big war this year, and the place is in the Anxi area."

   Jia Pingan took a sip of tea.

  Xincheng frowned, "Are you going to fight?"

  She didn't think of her own business first, but the war first.

   "Are you sure?"

Xincheng put down his teacup, "I know about Tubo. Aye mentioned Tubo many times when he was there, saying that he was the number one opponent of the Tang Dynasty. He even praised Ludong full of praise, saying that this person is a hero. If there is a war , what are the odds of Datang winning?"

  The first emperor praised that old ghost Lu Dongzan so much?

Jia Pingan said: "The so-called first-class opponents have to be looked at. Think about it, Tubo lives on a high ground but dare not attack frequently. This is not sure. Besides, the Tang Dynasty is now in all directions, but Tubo can't fight. No, now Lu Dongzan is willing to take the initiative to go down the mountain, which is a good thing."

   "But... who can win?"

  Xiao Baihua's eyelashes are very long, and when she blinks, Jia Ping'an thinks of flying butterflies, adding to her cuteness.

   "See who will go." Jia Pingan said.

  He was about an arm's length away from Xincheng at this moment, and he leaned closer unconsciously while speaking.

  Xincheng's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but get closer, "The British boss, Lu Gong and others are old, it seems that Xue Rengui is the only one who can dominate the court...and you."

   "I will go." Jia Pingan said.

  Xincheng raised his eyes, with some worry in his eyes, "Lu Dongzan is an outstanding man, the Tubo army is mighty, Xiao Jia..."

   "Are you worried about me?"

   The two are already very close.

  Xincheng blushed slightly, "No."

   She said that she was about to step back, but Jia Pingan held her hand as soon as she put it on the mat.

   "Xiao Jia..."

  Xincheng's complexion was crimson, and his eyes flickered.

  Jia Pingan held her little hand and said in a low voice: "This is a national war. The old men are getting old, so I am naturally duty-bound. Lu Dongzan is an outstanding man, but what am I in your eyes?"

  Xincheng's complexion became more and more red, and his lips were delicate and charming.

  She hesitated to speak, " are naturally outstanding."

  With the faint fragrance at the tip of the nose and the warm fragrance of the nephrite jade in his hand, Jia Pingan couldn't help but be overjoyed.

   Xincheng does not refuse, this is a secret promise from the heart.

   But after all, she is the spoiled eldest princess.

  The favor of the late emperor and the emperor made no one outside dare to provoke her. Such a woman has surprisingly high vision. And not easily emotional.

  But the new city in front of me was ashamed.

   Jia Pingan whispered: "Xincheng, you know me..."

  Xincheng let out an inaudible hum.

   Jia Pingan gently embraced her slender waist.

  Xincheng struggled a bit, and Jia Pingan let go.

  Before Taiping grew up, this girl in front of her was the most charming girl in the world.

  In terms of favor, no woman in the palace can compare to her.

   In terms of arrogance, none of those noble ladies can catch her eyes.

  But at this moment...

  Xincheng was ashamed and struggled hard.

   Jia Ping'an's hand dropped.

   across her thigh.

  It feels super good!


  Monthly pass...

Good night!

  (end of this chapter)

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