MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-~ Spoiler: Young as a Tiger (7) My name is Jia Yu

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  Extra: Young as a Tiger (7) My name is Jia Yu

  In a certain house in Chang'an, someone sighed in a low voice: "Why did a perfect plan fail?"

  Another voice said angrily: "A chief of the military department suddenly appeared..."

The owner of the previous voice was a middle-aged man, and he said coldly: "A head of the Ministry of War... This is a civil servant, but the ones who did it over there were fierce soldiers with horses and spears. They swore that this matter would be a success." , but who is being slapped in the face now? Don't tell the old man that the head of the military department is a fierce general, otherwise how can we stop this matter?"

   "I don't know..."

  There was a knock on the door.

   "Ah Lang, Baiqi is dispatched."

  The room was dead silent.

   After a long time, the middle-aged man clapped his hands.

   "Things failed!"

  The two men in the room looked cold.

   After a long time, the middle-aged man stood up slowly, his eyes were calm, "This old man's action that I thought was foolproof, but it was broken in the hands of a small chief of the military department, time... fate!"

  His voice was desolate, "But how can the power of the emperor be so powerful? What if there is a Qin Emperor and Han Wu? Will the entire Tang Dynasty be buried with the emperor?"

   "Baiqi is dispatched, you and I will be stared at."

   "Then just stare at it." The middle-aged man said coldly: "If he wants to kill someone, then the old man will use his own head to warn the world... let the world see the consequences of the emperor's authority once it overflows!"

   Not far from here, Yang Dashu stood in the darkness with two hundred cavalry, and said softly: "Keep an eye on them, if you go out at night, follow them, if something goes wrong...take it!"

   "Yes. By the way, it was just an interception, and we were dispatched. Could it be that these people conspired against each other?"

  The subordinates were a little puzzled, Yang Dashu said coldly: "There was a chaos in the palace earlier, it is said that the Queen and His Majesty had a big fight, and His Majesty was defeated..."

  The two hundred knights shrank their necks, one of them lowered his voice, and said timidly: "In this palace...the queen actually has the upper hand?"

  Yang Dashu turned around and looked at the entrance of the alley ahead, where there was a figure clasping his hands towards this side, with a strange expression on his face, "You see, I always say what I say at home, but whoever decides in other people's's hard to say!"

  But that is the emperor!

  The queen in the palace is so domineering, the emperor won't take action?

  The black shadow at the entrance of the opposite alley saw that Yang Dashu was not moving, so he opened his hands and walked over slowly.

  Heiying is a young man with a ferocious face. He clapped his hands back and forth and smiled, "I've seen you all."

  Yang Dashu said coldly: "I know you, the evil young man in Pingkangfang, why are you here? I can't give a reason, but today Yeye will make meritorious service against you."

   The two hundred knights held the handle of the knife with sharp eyes.

  The man didn't panic at all, and said with a smile: "My lord has misunderstood, I am here today to follow orders."

  Yang Dashu sneered, "Anyone's order is useless before Baiqi."

  The man smiled, his eyes were full of pride, "Jia Shi."

  Yang Dashu narrowed his eyes, "Mr. Zhao is not here... Hiss..."

  The man cupped his hands and slowly backed away until he once again disappeared into the alley opposite.

   There were several big men squatting in the alley, and one of them asked in a low voice: "Shouldn't this matter be kept secret?"

  The man shook his head, "The young head of the Jia family became angry for some reason, and told me not to hide..."

  The big man took a deep breath, "What does Mrs. Jia want to do? Zhao Guogong is not here. Does that young little prince want to dominate Chang'an?"

On the opposite side, Yang Dashu covered his forehead and sighed, "That young master has been silent all the time. When the Duke was around, he worked in the East Palace, and he never pretended to be the prince's friend. The outside world has always believed that Jia's The second generation will go dormant, and the cause is the indisputable and peaceful temper of this young man. But now, it seems that this young man's temper is not indisputable, but..."

  He looked up at the night sky, feeling that the moonlight tonight was quite cold. His voice was also very cold: "If people don't attack me, I won't attack them. If people attack me, I will attack them!"

  Baiqi beside him praised: "This is what the Duke said back then, and it is sincere. But this little Duke is suddenly domineering this time, isn't he afraid of His Majesty's suspicion?"

Yang Dashu thought about it carefully, then shook his head, "The empress had a hard time in the palace, and there were courtiers attacking her outside. The situation was quite dangerous, and no one dared to help out. The Duke stood outside the imperial city alone with a knife, beheading this person, Changan Shocking. Don’t forget, that young master is the eldest son of the Duke, and he is of the same blood! Now it seems that the so-called peace is just that he doesn’t want to fight. Give it all to him."


  In the palace, the queen who had just returned sat down, and Shao Peng hurriedly sent someone to serve tea, and he said to Zhou Shanxiang outside the palace: "We want to go out of the palace tomorrow."

  Zhou Shanxiang took a look at him, unexpectedly, he didn't hate him, but nodded, "Okay."

  In the hall, Wu Houduan sat there and asked, "Is the medical officer back?"

  The servant lowered his head, "I haven't come back yet."

  Empress Wu squinted, "Will there be any results for Baiqi?"

  The servant's head lowered a bit, "The incident happened behind the Xia Yamen, Baiqi couldn't find out..."

  Empress Wu raised his teacup with a calm expression.

  The hand suddenly moved.


  The teacup fell to the ground, and the crumbs and tea leaves were all over the floor.

   Silent anger swept through the hall, and no one dared to look up.

  Empress Wu's voice was still calm, "Incompetent!"

  The calm words seemed to be filled with thunder, and the servant's back was drenched, and he said in a trembling voice: "The people of Baiqi have already set their eyes on the officials who proposed to send troops to Tubo, and they will ask the palace for instructions after they have found out."

  Empress Wu got up and walked slowly outside the hall, Shao Peng and Zhou Shanxiang quickly followed.

  The stars in the night sky are sparse, occasionally flickering, as if from the ancient gaze.

Empress Wu took a deep breath, "There are always people who are restless. Power makes people obsessed and makes people forget about life and death. They use grand excuses to gain power, this is the group of people I despise the most... Tell Shen Qiu, if you can't find out tomorrow, Heavy responsibility!"


  Empress Wu turned around, with tenderness in her eyes, "Can you sleep in Taiping?"

   Zhou Shanxiang said in embarrassment: "The princess refuses to sleep, she said... said..."

The coldness between Empress Wu's brows gradually dissipated, and she sighed: "Da Hong is a good boy. Ping An loves this child the most. He is always worried that he is too innocent and will be coaxed and bullied. But he never thought that this child would dare to kill him Give up your life...tell the medical officers to save me!"


   Above the sky, a star flickered suddenly, like a human blinking.

  Shao Peng and Zhou Shanxiang sighed slightly.

  Empress Wu said softly: "Ping An is not in Chang'an, the Jia family is in charge of Jia Yu, what will that peaceful child do?"


  In the room, Sun Simiao and several medical officers were discussing in low voices.

  Jia Yu stood on the side, looking at Adi who was lying on the bed.

  That chubby face was pale, and the innocent smile could no longer be seen.

   Jia Yu thought a lot.

  Chen Jinfa was outside. After many rounds of questioning in the palace, he came to Jia's house.

  Jia Yu had already learned about the specific situation through him just now.

  Sun Simiao raised his eyes, "I see there is still hope."

  Jia Yu felt relieved, "Thank you, Mr. Sun."

  Sun Simiao laughed and said, "You, Aye, call this old man Grandpa Sun. How should you call him?"

   This joke dispelled the tense atmosphere a bit, and Jia Yu blushed, "It's not easy to call it."

  Du He came in and said in a low voice: "People from the Ministry of Punishment want Chen Jinfa to ask questions."

  Jia Yu's eyes were slightly cold, "Tell them, come to Jia's house if you want to ask questions."

  Du He went out to explain, Jia Yu leaned over to look at Jia Hong, reached out to touch his fat face, and said in a low voice, "Get better, get better."

  He turned and left the room, to the front yard.

   "This is an order from the Ministry of Punishment."

  An official was a little annoyed, "The palace was outraged by this matter, and the Criminal Department was ordered to investigate. If Chen Yuanwailang doesn't go, how will the Criminal Department investigate?"

  Chen Jinfa stood on the side, his eyes dull, "This matter... I have said everything I need to say."

  The official said coldly: "This is a necessary method."

   "Da Langjun."

   Several guards looked towards the backyard, and Jia Yu came out.

  Chen Jinfa cupped his hands and asked eagerly, "What's the matter?"

  Jia Yu shook his head, Chen Jinfa felt terrified, and thought of Jia Pingan's order to let Jia Hong and Jia Dong hide their backgrounds outside, and felt that he was in a daze.

  The official cupped his hands, "What does Chen Yuanwailang mean in Jia's house?"

  In his opinion, Chen Jinfa's coming to Jia's house was more like avoiding something.

Jia Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at him, "Both Baiqi and the Ministry of Justice are dispatched tonight. Baiqi is the main one in this matter. Baiqi has already asked the question. If the Ministry of Criminal Justice wants to ask anything, just go and find Baiqi. As for Chen Yuanwailang at Jia's house There is something else."

  The official was angry, "This is a public matter, and Zhao Guogong is not here. Is the young prince trying to despise the Ministry of Punishment?"

  Jia Yu said coldly: "If you are dissatisfied, just say it. As for now, let's go!"

  The official stomped away, Jia Yu watched him leave, and said softly, "Erlang is not awake yet."

  Chen Jinfa covered his face with his hands, and rubbed it vigorously a few times, his voice was a little vague, "I'm ashamed to see the Duke again."

"This is none of your business." Jia Yu said calmly, "Mr. Jia can tell who is a friend and who is an enemy. Erlang must have seen your inadequacy, so he followed, and then he made a decisive move. I'm... proud of him."

   These words are to appease Chen Jinfa.

  Chen Jinfa burst into tears, "The kindness of the Duke to me is as great as a mountain, but I have tired Mr. Erlang, I...I..."

  Jia Yu shook his head, at this time Xu Xiaoyu came back with dew all over his body.

   "Who?" Jia Yu asked calmly.

  Xu Xiaoyu took a few breaths, Du He ordered: "Cao Er is still on guard, tell him to quickly make a bowl of hot soup to drive Xiaoyu away from the cold."

Xu Xiaoyu took a few breaths, and said: "I have found one. Li Yuanqi, the servant of Zhongshu, was the most violent in agitating to send troops to Tubo. A group of people came to visit, looking nervous."

   "Look for more evidence, it's confirmed." Du He gritted his teeth and said, "If we find out, we will avenge Erlang-jun."

   "Erlang can't die!" Jia Yu's eyes were cold, "Li Yuanqi... lead the way!"

  Du He was stunned, "Where is Mr. Da Lang going?"

   Jia Yu stretched out his hand, and a guard handed him a horizontal knife.

   Jia Yu said in a deep voice: "Take care of your home, I will come as soon as I go."

  Du He: "..."

  The eyes of the guards showed admiration.

  With Jia Ping'an not around, the family seems to have lost its backbone. Everyone thinks that the life of the Jia family will be very plain and low-key in the past few years.

   But Jia Yu's reaction was shocking.

  Du He lowered his voice, "Mr. Da Lang is threatening?"

   Jia Yu didn't answer, and led the people out of the house.

  Jiang Rong seemed to know something today, so he guarded the gate in person. When he saw Jia Yu bringing someone over, he waved his hand and said, "Open the door."


  The heavy door opened, Jia Yu nodded, and rushed out with his horse.

  Behind him, Jiang Rong sighed, "I seem to have seen the old man."

  Someone on the street yelled, "Who breaks the night ban, stop!"

  Jia Yu slowed down, and a group of soldiers from the Jinwu Guard stepped forward to ask questions.

   "Jia Yu."

   Jia Yu smiled.

  The general leading the team handed over the torch, and after identifying it, he frowned and said, "Where are you going, little lord?"

  Jia Yu said, "Go to relatives."

  What kind of relatives do you leave at night?

  The general saw that he was carrying a horizontal knife, and his heart shuddered. Just as he was about to refuse, Jia Yu seemed to have a serious look on his brows, and he inevitably thought of something, so he ordered: "Get out of the way."

  Li Yuanqi is at home, drinking alone in the study, looking calm.

  The sound of horseshoes stopped outside Li's house, and someone knocked on the door.

  The door opened the side door, saw a group of big men, the leader was a young man, and asked, "What are you waiting for here in the middle of the night?"

  People who can break the night ban are either in a hurry or their status is not simple, so the attitude of the door is not high.

  The young man smiled and asked, "Is Li Shilang here?"

   Menzi thought of the many groups of guests who came tonight, nodded and said: "In the study."

  The young man smiled even wider, "Lead the way."

   Menzi laughed and said, "Wait until I report..."

  He turned and went in, but the young man followed in with someone.

  Menzi muttered, "I don't know the rules. But tonight's guests don't seem to know the rules, and everyone is very anxious."

  Arrived outside the study, Menzi said, "Ah Lang, we have guests."


   Li Yuanqi frowned and stood up.

  Those people were in a panic when they encountered something, and they came to him for advice. But what could he have thought? The only way is to stay calm.

  He walked to the door and saw a young man outside, so he frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

  Under the lights, the young man smiled peacefully, "Is it your idea to kill Chen Jinfa?"

   Li Yuanqi's eyelids jumped wildly, which was clearly seen by the young man.

   "Nonsense." Li Yuanqi clenched his right fist, thinking that if evidence was found in the palace to arrest him, it must be Baiqi, not a young man. He was certain in his heart, and asked slightly angrily, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

  The young man drew his knife, and without hesitation stabbed the horizontal knife into Li Yuanqi's lower abdomen, and said softly, "My name is Jia Yu, and I'm here to kill you!"

  (end of this chapter)