MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-Chapter 5 businessman who is not afraid of death

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  Chapter 5 The businessman who is not afraid of death

  A piece of tofu is five cents, and the tofu made today is thirty yuan, three to fifty five...

  One hundred and fifty coins!

  Yang Deli felt extremely heavy carrying the purse.

  A bucket of rice is more than ten catties, and five Wen is enough. The money here can buy thirty buckets of rice.

  A certain Yang Deli has never seen so much money!

  Several merchants shared 30 yuan of tofu, and one of them asked with a smile, "Jia Langjun, may we make more of this white jade tofu?"

   Good things that can make money, you only get thirty yuan a day, how can you make money?

   "It's easy to say." Jia Pingan nodded, but refused to say how much he could do every day.

   How to make tofu, whether it is difficult or not, how much can be made in a day, these are all in Jia Pingan's mind.

   As for whether these merchants would give up because the amount of tofu they sell every day is too small and they feel that they are not making money, Jia Pingan thinks they can’t.

  What do rich people want? Isn't it something new? These businessmen use tofu to pry open the doors of those rich people. There are so many benefits! The main purpose here is not to make money, but to foster friendship and relationships. Just like how expensive luxury goods are sold in later generations, countless people still flock to them. Some people are not rushing for the goods themselves, but willingly pay for the name of luxury goods.

   At this time, a child ran out from the side. After seeing Jia Pingan, he shouted: "The broom star is here, run!"

   Several businessmen who were thinking about how to use tofu to open up the high-end market heard the words and looked at Jia Pingan slowly.

  The matter of Sao Baxing has been spread, but the outside world is not very clear about the specific situation.

   The broom star turned out to be Jia Pingan who makes tofu?

  In an instant, the faces of several businessmen turned pale, and one of them slumped down on the ground and cried, "I'm sure I'm going to die today!"


   Several villagers who were watching the excitement in the back couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing, thinking that Jia Ping'an, a broom star, is really a scam, and these businessmen don't know how unlucky they will be when they go back.

  Jia Pingan knew that the name of the broom star would spread slowly, and finally spread to Chang'an City, so he was very calm, and said: "Tomorrow is still this time to sell tofu, and those who wish can come."

  He turned and went in, and several villagers hurriedly avoided it, as if they were avoiding the plague god.

  Yang Deli followed behind with a basket in his hand, feeling hopeless, and said in a low voice, "It's safe, I'm afraid they won't come again?"

  The tofu business is just about to start. If the merchants are afraid to come, how can they make money?

  At this moment, what Yang Deli regrets most is that his cousin didn't sell the formula. If he wants to sell it now, no one will pay a big price.

  Thinking of the end of the old Jia family's plan to make a fortune, he couldn't help being heartbroken.

   "Don't worry about this." Jia Pingan's tone was very firm.

  Datang's business environment, to be honest, at least at the moment is not good, and it is incomparable with the Song Dynasty.

   "What is a businessman?" Jia Pingan didn't want to say it at first, but he thought that during the four years of his parents' death, his cousin had been taking care of Yuanshen, and he was his only relative, so he had to look at him differently.

   "It's just to make money." Yang Deli has lived in the countryside all his life, so he has only so much experience.

   "If the interest rate of a business is 50%, the businessman dares to take risks; if there is 100% interest, the businessman dares to risk his head to do it..."

  The broom star will kill people, this is just an illusory concept, and there is no standard to measure it. For example, who is the old Jack, or who is not.

  Under such circumstances, it would be strange if the merchants backed down.

  He has thousands of years of knowledge, far surpassing Yang Deli and those people, so he is full of confidence.

  Cunzheng Yang Zhongshun was taking care of his wife. A neighbor came outside and said excitedly, "The broom star, the broom star is indeed the broom star!"

  Yang Zhongshun was stunned, "What happened to him?"

  The neighbor said: "Then Jia Ping'an didn't know what he did... Tofu attracted several merchants to buy it, but the faces of those merchants changed drastically after hearing that he was a broom star. It seems that he might not be able to continue this business."

"Hey!" Yang Zhongshun sighed, got up and went out of the room, and said: "That year I remembered that a great Confucian passed by our Yangjiawu. Just when he was about to leave the house, he was chased by a dog, and when he escaped the dog and went out, the Confucianism had already left, so it can be seen that this person can not only restrain others, but also restrain himself. This normal."

  Everyone thought it was normal for Sao Baxing to be unlucky.

   "It's just his white jade tofu..."

  The neighbor said regretfully: "He probably wants to sell the prescription. Last time someone paid five guan, this time it may be at most three guan. After all, Jia Pingan is not destined to get rich!"

  Yang Zhongshun said: "Look at him, since he was born, he has been unlucky, and he has been unlucky all the way, and he is also unlucky to do anything. How can such a person get rich?"


   "Cousin, buy twenty catties of beans." After returning home, Jia Pingan explained the matter.

  Yang Deli felt that his cousin might be burned, so he couldn't help reaching out to touch his forehead, "Those businessmen are afraid to come?"

   "Just go." Jia Pingan thought of wheat rice, and immediately became interested, "Cousin, buy some rice by the way, let's make rice."

  Thinking of rice, he couldn't help it.

  Yang Deli may look thin, but his strength is not small. Later, he bought some things, and Jia Pingan cooked it himself. He made a fried rice in a clay pot, which immediately frightened Yang Deli.

   "Ping An, when will you cook?"

  After his uncle and aunt left, Yang Deli has been taking care of Jia Pingan. When did Jia Pingan cook?

  But now he almost swallowed the fried rice.


This is a problem.

  Jia Pingan felt that he had neglected this, but he immediately thought of an excuse, "There is a golden house in the book, and everything in the book, so-and-so cooking is a genius."

  There are not many scholars these days, so Yang Deli really thought it was a fool, and cried again, and reported Jia Pingan's current prospects to Jia Pingan's old mother, that is, his aunt.

  As for Jia Ping'an, after breaking away from the "goodness" of a bowl of soup every day, he just feels refreshed.


  The management method of the village in Wubao is similar to that of the workshops in the city. The door is closed every day when the hour is up, and the door is opened only when the hour is in the morning, and the key is in the hands of the villager.

  At five o'clock, the sky was dim, and the eastern sky was faintly white.

  Yang Zhongshun had some abdominal pain, but there were villagers gathering behind him, waiting for him to open the door and then go to work in the field.

   "Muramasa, it's too late to open the door today."

  Yang Zhongshun nodded, "I have diarrhea, it will be later."

  After opening the gate of Wubao, Yang Zhongshun yawned, and then... his eyes widened.

  Outside the gate, there is a black shadow standing at the moment.

  The body of the black figure should be leaning against the gate, and at this moment it slowly fell down as the gate opened.



  Yang Zhongshun was startled at first, and couldn't help but backed away.

   "It's so courageous to kill people and throw them outside our gate!"

   "Who did this? Hurry up and report to the authorities!"

   "Report to Li Zheng."

  The villagers were also a little scared, but there were many people talking about it.


  The fallen shadow suddenly groaned, and some villagers were taken aback, "Is this a living person?"

   Boldly went over to look, but recognized him, "It's Liu Jia."

  Liu Jia is a businessman. He came here yesterday morning and bought some pieces of tofu.

   It’s good to be a living person!

  Yang Zhongshun felt relieved, and then asked with a straight face, "You live in the city, why can you go out of the city?"

  The pattern of many cities in the Tang Dynasty is the square. What is a workshop? It is a residential area surrounded by walls. When people in later generations hear it, they must feel familiar, and then blurt out: Isn't this the community?

  Yes, brothers, you read that right, Datang’s Fang is actually a closed management community. Like Wubao, when the time comes, close the door of the square, and don't think about coming out if there is no emergency.

  But how did Liu Jia get out?

   Could it be... What are the disadvantages? Crime?

   Yang Zhongshun's heart trembled, he stretched out his hand and waved it behind his back a few times, and then shouted, "Why are you here?"

   Several Ding Zhuang came over with a cold face, ready to take down Liu Jia.

   Those who take down such criminals will be rewarded more or less in Huihui County.

  Liu Jia felt the pain from the fall, and said: "A certain person came yesterday afternoon, and has been taking a nap outside."

   This is premeditated, what do you want to do?

  Yang Zhongshun asked, "Who do you want to find?"

  In his opinion, Liu Jia probably had a love affair. If he dared to lie, he would just take it down on the spot.

  Liu Jia was bleeding from the nose, he raised his head and said, "I want to see Jia Pingan."

  Yang Zhongshun was taken aback, "You squatted outside all night just to ask to see that broom star Jia Pingan?"

  He felt that he might have heard wrong.

   Liu Jia sniffed, feeling very uncomfortable, "Yes! If it's convenient, I'll go in here."

  Yang Zhongshun shook his head, and kindly persuaded him: "That's... the broom star."

  Liu Jia still nodded, "Yes! Someone knows."

   "Someone is coming!" Ding Zhuang shouted pointing forward.

  When everyone looked, they saw several horses galloping towards them.

  This place is five miles away from the county seat, these people must have rushed here.

   "Liu Jia, you shameless person, look at him, his body is wet with dew, it can be seen that he squatted all night and wanted to eat white jade tofu all by himself, shameless!"

   "A certain person brought a lot of copper coins today, no one can take advantage of it by himself!"

   "Why do you say so much? Where is Jia Langjun?"

   Several businessmen were clamoring, and Yang Zhongshun felt that his three views had been subverted.

  For the tofu made by Jia Pingan, Liu Jia was able to squat outside Yangjiawu overnight. You must know that even though it is May, the dew at night is heavy. If Liu Jia is like this, he will be seriously ill if he goes back.

  And these businessmen must have guarded the city gate of Zhengxian County early, waiting for the city gate to open, and came all the way quickly.

   So crazy!

   "Aren't you afraid... the bastards?" He felt that he was the village leader, so he had to fulfill his duty of reminding them, lest these people be restrained and cause trouble.

  A businessman is born to seek the relationship with the government to **** his business. If they join forces, Yang Zhongshun will not be able to suffer a big loss.

   Several businessmen looked at him, a little stunned, as if they were looking at a fool.

   "What are you afraid of? Why should you be afraid?"

   "Jia Langjun, I'm here!"

  The shouts of the businessmen are so affectionate, which makes people moved.

   "Tofu will be here soon." Yang Deli's voice came from afar, and the merchants were so excited that they took out their wallets and exchanged glances with each other.

  Yang Deli came here with two large wooden barrels full of tofu. When he saw the merchants, he couldn't help saying happily: "Peace is peace. He said you will definitely come when you wait. Sure enough!"

   Jia Pingan was behind Shi Shiran, and after yawning, he saw Liu Jia rushing towards him with blood all over his face, which was very scary.

   But halfway, Liu Jia was worried that it would be unlucky to collide with the broom star, so he stopped forcibly and fell to the ground.

  After Liu Jia rushed to the street, he raised his head and stretched out his hand, and shouted: "Jia Langjun, for the sake of guarding outside the gate of the fort since yesterday afternoon, give some more pieces of tofu."

  Liu Jia has a few wealthy customers. Yesterday someone ate tofu and said it was excellent, but the others were not happy, saying that Liu Jia is not authentic, so why don’t you sell me tofu?

  If this kind of favoritism doesn't change, those rich people will abandon him later. So let alone a broom star, even if there is a ghost in Yangjiawu, he has to come. As for squatting, I just want to swallow it all by myself.

   Now his dream of monopolizing is shattered, he just wants a few more dollars.

  Seeing this, Jia Pingan couldn't help being secretly pleased, and then said in a deep voice, "So... I'll give you an extra five yuan today, but tomorrow the preferential treatment will be gone."

  Those businessmen were originally dissatisfied, and it was fine to hear that it was only a one-day preferential treatment.

   "Thank you Jia Langjun!" Liu Jia immediately revived with full blood on the spot, and took out the money bag to deliver.

   "I just want tofu, how much is there?"

  There was a dispute among the merchants, and they robbed the tofu later, leaving several money bags on the ground. Then they actually began to pray devoutly.

   "Blessed by the Buddha, so that a certain person will not be restrained by the broom star, and he will add more incense when he turns back."

   "Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, Dao Zun is mighty, please keep me safe and sound."


  Yang Deli put the money bag away, put it in the wooden barrel, and picked it up, feeling a little heavy.

   Get rich! Get rich!

  He turned around happily carrying his burden, and saw the astonished villagers.

  The broom star actually got rich?


  Thanks to the book friends: the leader of 8000banshee gave a reward.

   Ask for recommendation tickets and various supports. The more support you have, the more blessings you will receive from the Child of Luck. Master Jia looked at the recommendation tickets very melancholy: Why... so few?

  (end of this chapter)

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