MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 990 Chaos

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demon king

The ninth and ninety-eight chapter chaos

| The Alliance of Gods has a total of twelve commanders. (Updated quickly (now the dead ones can't control the hunting gods all six gods without the Lord. I don't know what the future of the hunting gods is.)

At this time. What they need most is a new person who can bring the new light to the hunting god. And Xiao Han Han Hao. Whether it is strength or the power of mastery. Or he is the identity of the **** of hunting. It is enough to take on such a heavy responsibility.

It didn't take too long. Xiao Yan released the power of the gods that was extremely horrible. All the hunting gods bowed down to his feet. Obedience to the post recognized his unique position in the Hunting League.

"Father. I may need to leave the chaos for a while. I want to take them out of the chaos. Integrate the amount of hunting in the major gods. Set me in the position of the hunting league." Xiao Yan came to Han Shuo . He said goodbye.

There are still many masters in the major fields in the hands of the dead hunting gods. They were left behind by the twelve commanders to preside over the overall situation. It is not clear what is happening in chaos.

Now all the leaders are eggs. Xiaoyan needs to use thunder to shock those who are distracted. Integrate all the hunt gods at your own pace as quickly as possible.

Nodded. Shuo Xiaoxiao: "Let's go. Take them all from Polo. Be careful when you leave the chaos. Don't run into the battle with the gods who came to kill you. The chaos of the battle. Hunting God sees that the damage is not light. Presumably, the twelve great gods and gods should be satisfied. But they | some of them will definitely receive news from them that they are not dealing with the **** of hunting. You should know what to do."

Xiao Yan has a magic head available for use. It is now a new one. With the power of the devil, he can easily detect the position and power distribution of the gods in the major cities. It’s not difficult to easily avoid their siege.

"Then I will go first. It will take a while to come back to see you and I will also understand the power of the godhead." Xiao Yan is not a mother-in-law. After this is said. The hunters who are still squatting are following him to the farther. He found Polo. Commanded him to summon the chaos of the various hunting gods. Command them to gather in a certain party. With him temporarily left the chaos.

Seeing Xiao Yan’s orderly order. The pace is gradually getting farther and farther away. It’s a joy to have this emotion flash.

Xiao Yan can have achievements. Han Shuo is really happy for him. Be the most important relative in his life. Han Shuo hopes that Xiao Xiao will not only have the power of self-protection but also have the same strength as others. The vast and innocent gods are constantly fighting in the mainland. Only the strength of the hands is strong. Only then can you stand proudly on this face.

quickly. Xiao Yan’s interest is getting farther and farther away from him. Han Shuo also suppressed the feelings in his heart.

Also at this time. Han Shuo felt the breath of Akeley, who had not seen for a long time. After Akerley came over, his face was full of smiles. Ha smiled: "Brian is all done. Those difficult pharmacists. There are some strange people you have pointed out to be obedient."

"Akley. It's hard.|Oh. From now on, pharmacy will become the most powerful pharmacist on the mainland. As long as we spend a lot of time to build a branch of Heaven's Pharmacy in every **** domain. We will be safe in the future. The crystal coin is good." Han Shuo said that the reputation of Tianyao is already loud enough. However, they are all famous for the refining of the medicinal herbs. There are not many teachers with real skills.

Han Shuo could not use too much energy on the pharmacy. Nor can you waste too much time refining the medicinal herbs. Therefore, the pharmacist must have a pharmacist who can really live in the town. And these deep valley pharmacists talent. It is Han Shuo's most lacking player. With them join the day pharmacy. Han Shuo really can be worry-free. "Father." Han Jin and Anders Lena Valley came. The two were ragged. It seems to have been affected by the big bang in the valley. There are still unclean traces of dust on the face.

"You two are fine.

"The two of them came over. Han Shuo exclaimed. Han Jin Anderina was the one who stopped the explosion in the deep valley. It was not expected that some were unexpected. The deep valley was born with an explosion. Although they have a special life form. Han Shuo is still somewhat worried.

"Nothing." Han Jin smiled and answered. Looked at the glory of Anders Lena. Laugh: "Not only is it okay. We have some benefits. The power of the Deep Valley explosion has not hurt us a bit. Let us gather a lot of strength. Hehe."

Han Shuo's face is a joy. The gods quietly felt the physical condition of Han Jin Andrina. Sure enough, the power of the two seems to be a little thicker than before. Smiled and nodded. Han Shuo said: "Not bad. I know that you will definitely not have anything. With your special life form and body. This kind of energy spar explosion will only benefit you.

Suddenly. Han Shuo asked: "Is Tyre the means outside his piece of cloth?"

"Well. Tyre is really insidious. There is a special energy device in an area of ​​Deep Valley. It is good to receive his spiritual instructions. But in his one. He has three more energy devices. They are hidden in very hidden. There are also special enchantments that mask the slight energy fluctuations. We didn't come and fix it. Tell released the sacred message of the explosion. So I couldn't stop this." Anders Lena clicked. nod. Hate.

"Father. Sorry. There is an explosion that can stop | a piece." Han Jin is a little embarrassed.

"You have done enough." Han Shuo naturally will not blame them. Looked at the next Vasis. Road: "You let the people on the snow ice peak first go to the magic hidden valley. I am worried that the goal of the twelve major gods is not only the hunting **** alliance."

Vasis's face changed slightly. Nodded. I can't say a word from here. Suddenly there was a magic mirror in his hand. A corner of the corner and his men.

"Salas. After the Tenjin Peak is still yours. There are many scattered parties in the chaos. Yes. With your power, you can pull more

How much to pull. I have enough people here. They will not be allowed to join the Korean family. People from the Twelve Great Domains may come. Take advantage of this opportunity and try to conquer them. As long as it is yours. Can come to the magic hidden valley to avoid. Han Shuo smiled. He promised to Saras.

Salas is big. Haha said: "Yes enough."

He knew that if the magic hidden valley opened the door. These scattered forces will definitely be attributed to the Magic Valley. Belong to Han Shuo. Will never trust his Saras. Now Han Shuo assured him that he would end up thinking about those people. Said that as long as he is a Saras. You can come to the magic hidden valley to take refuge. At this critical time, Saras had the promise of Han Shuo. As long as you grasp it, you can definitely gather some power.

"I will show me to everyone in chaos.

Friendly relationship between the three. They will also be strictly forced to let them do not work with your people, Vasis. Ha ha. The chaos of the future. The three of us managed together," Han Shuo said with a smile.

Shake his head. Saras is serious: "Brian. Your kindness is my heart. But the times are different. I have talked with Sith. From now on, there is only one monarch in the chaos. We two. It will be your Han. ""

"How can this be done?" Han called.

It is at this time. Vasi also discussed with his men. Come to Han Shuo and say, "Brian. Your strength is far more than us. All the people who are confused know that this crisis is your solution. We are not qualified to be equal to you. The chaotic rules of chaos are strong. Your strength is enough. We believe in you."

Saras nodded heavily. Haha smiled and said: "There is something you are in the chaos. Even if you have the **** of the gods, I am afraid to deal with the chaos. I am afraid to measure it. From now on, we don't have to fight and kill all day. The chaos is also It's like other big cities. It has its own rules."

It’s hard to be full of love. Vasis. Russ is sincere. Han Shuo knew that he did not agree.

I thought about it. Han Shuo nodded: "If this is the case. I will not postpone it. From now on. Deep valley is not there. I will rebuild the deep valley. Name the chaos of the magic. Like the city. I am the city. You are the god. We are the three The family manages it together."

"The chaos is magic. The devil is all." Salas repeated several times. Muttered: "This name is a bit strange but it seems to be quite powerful."

"Okay. It's called chaos." Vassis drinks

"I will not go to the Magic Valley. I will stay in the Magic Capital for the time being. I have to look at the gods of the twelve great gods. Come to me." Suddenly. Han Shuo is full of love. The heart is with its own strength and the importance of the twelve great gods. Before the city of the sky was opened. What do you need to worry about?

The Lord God will certainly not be embarrassed at this time. Other than that. The gods are above the mainland. Who else can be his opponent?

Think about it this way. Han Shuoton feels that he does not have to bear it. Haha laughed and adjusted the magic inside the group. I saw a black devil falling into the depths of the ruins of Rogge. The black magic is lingering. Gather a few large blocks of strange rocks. Take them over and fly over.

Collapse and collapse.

A few loud noises. Several ten-meter-high rockes stand directly at the door. A smooth black line swims over a black line. Just listen to the giant rock "咔咔" straight. A piece of gravel is thrown away.

After a while, I worked hard. A gust of wind blew. Blow off all the gravel and dust on the rock. It reveals four big words that are domineering and arrogant - chaotic magic.

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