MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 969 Seeking death

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If you can come back, Arthurst will definitely kill Sa at all costs and let the Hunting Alliance accept him! It is a pity that some things in the world are always so helpless. After the appearance of the two of them in the darkness, he knows that there is no way to take Salas again.

Ossau has been seriously injured, even if he has not lost his strength, but he can not give him much help. Before Han Shuo's future, the battle between him and Ossao consumed him too much power. In the face of the peak of Han Shuo, he knew that he could not fight, and his eyes revealed that he was dying.

"Nothing to say?" Han Shuo glanced at Ossau, not ready to continue to talk nonsense with him.

At this point, Ossoe seems to realize that he is in a desperate situation. As soon as Han Shuo intends to start, Osoi is on the ground, and the power of the body is projected into the ground, and a soil wall suddenly rises.

At the same time, Ossoi took out a space reel and wanted to rip the void to escape.

Han Shuo didn't do it, and looked at Osoi's move with a smirk, watching him gather the power of the earth to form a soil wall in front of himself, watching him take the space reel and watch the power in his space scroll. .

The bright light appeared on the space scroll surface, but it was just a moment! Immediately, all the brilliance converges, and the space scroll resumes calm.

"This... this is..." Ossur was completely desperate, and the eyes were full of dead gray.

"In my magic, no one can come and say, go and leave!" Han Shuo grinned and finally killed Osoi automatically.

Vassis and Salas suddenly glanced at each other and smiled at Arthurs. A battle without suspense suddenly opened.

at the same time. Outside the center of the array.

Dagma stands tall. The surrounding dark clouds are dim. A strange glory turned into a huge monster. Dancing wildly beside him.

The Dagma eyes are grayish white. There are many vague and faint shadows in his pupils. Those who are rotted like to come out of Hell Huangquan are familiar with the characters. Crazyly rushing toward him and sticking out his **** hands. Pulling on him, entanglement...

All kinds of scenes emerged in the mind of Dagma. He seems to understand that all this is a fantasy. However, in the middle of it, Dagma feels very real. Can not break the heart of obsession. You can't get out of it.

I don't know how long Gema's mind has gradually recovered. With years of killing all the way to the madness. He abandoned all the shackles in his heart. All the illusions were cut by the death of the body's death power into a death sickle.

Suddenly, a familiar shadow slowly lifted the spurs out of the heavy smoke.

Dagma’s mouth sneered with a scornful disdain, but his heart was just a illusion.

Thinking about it, the death sickness that has been condensed by the death force has shook again and again, and suddenly slammed into the figure that suddenly appeared!

The strange thing was born.

Half of the death sickle is halfway up, and suddenly the death force that he is no longer controlled becomes disordered, and he can no longer support the sickle down!

Not only that, but in an instant, all the elements of death here were again dragged by Dagma, and rushed into the thin shadow that had just emerged.

Suddenly, Dagma realized that he had lost his attraction to the elements of death!

Not an illusion!

A cold heart, Dagma Li said: "Han Hao, is that you?"

Han Hao, who came slowly with the bone spurs, had a strange flash of light in his eyes. A strange rune swept through the gripped bones in his pupil and slammed the irresistible death force. The pure power of death has faintly affected Dagma, and he has involuntarily wanted to surrender and worship.

"Dagma, you are no longer my opponent. As long as you swear allegiance to me, I will open the meeting to me without reservation." Han Hao's eyes are fixed on Dagma, indifferent.

"Haha... haha..." Dagma’s laughing tears will flow out, pointing to Han Haodao: "Let me surrender to you? Haha, what is the skill that allows me to surrender to you? Han Hao, you remember that you are My men have always been! You want to seize power, but also have to see if you have this strength!"

Before the death of the gods, Han Hao followed Dagma, and it was more than fifty years. Today, Han Hao threatened to surrender to Dagma. For Dagma, who has been on the high for so many years, this is definitely the most unacceptable thing.

Han Hao looked at Dagma, and after a moment of indulging, he tapped his head and said indifferently: "I will show you!"

A strange inscription emerged in the bone spurs, slowly drifting to the side of Dagma, Dagma wants to die, but suddenly all the death forces in the body are faintly inspected by the inscriptions, their own strength No one can wave it out.

"Why, why was it last time?

Wait, there is no fragment of God in your body? "Dagma is not willing:

He felt it out that the inscription on the bone spurs came from the fragments of the gods. Compared with before, the power of the gods fragments is even more sinister. When he faced Han Hao, he still had the power to resist, and Han Hao could not really take him.

However, this time with Han Hao again, he instinctively instinctively a sense of frustration, the pain of suffering for thousands of years seems to have left him, and simply can not be used.

Dagma understands that today’s Han Hao should have truly absorbed the fragments of Godhead, which means that he knows very well that from now on, on the death force, except for the goddess of the goddess Nestor, there will be no one His opponent!

"Dagma, surrender to me! As long as you are willing to surrender to me, I will not move you a trace!" Han Hao looked at the lost Dagma, and continued to chill.

"I would rather die than surrender to you!" Dagmar screamed, and the death force left in the body blew out. He blew his bones and lungs in a flash, and his spirits flashed, and the strange fluctuations washed away. , into a dark light to dissipate...

Dagma understands that Han Hao, who has merged the fragments of the gods, has not been able to burn even the jade. Before he could bombard the forces of death on Han Hao, under the influence of the fragments of Godhead, those death forces will automatically dissipate.

Dagma is a proud person. He has always been high. Even if he knows that he can escape without a bow, he still has not promised. As the leader of Han Hao, he could not make a bow to Han Hao, and he is not an opponent of Han Hao, so he can only die.

Together with Dagma, Han Hao knew that Dagma had completely disappeared from the heavens and the earth, which made him a bit stunned. He did not understand why Dagma would rather choose to die completely than to surrender to him.

Looking at Dagma's body, Han Hao's eyes sparkled. After a while, he played a group of magical fires, wrapped around the body of Dagma, burning the body of Dagma into ashes.

Dagma, whose strength reaches the realm of God, even if it is dead, the body is also very useful. His bones can be refined into the most powerful bone spears, bone spurs, brain bones and brain marrow can refine some evil artifacts, even a skin has a great purpose.

But I don't know why, Han Hao did not take the body of Dagma to make a fuss, but he did not hesitate to use his own power to use his wildfire to slowly cremate his body until he saw that the body of Dagma really became ashes.

Simply a single white bone ring calmly landed on the ground, hesitated a moment, Han Hao stepped forward, took a strange ring made of white bones, the body of death power flashed in the bone ring, suddenly, a huge The white bone throne appeared in the void.

Han Hao stunned, and after sinking for a moment, he sat down slowly on the throne of the white bone. In the heart of the movement, for the white bone throne to send a trace of death power, the white bone throne automatically flew out, according to his mind to move anywhere.

A strange wave of energy was transmitted from the throne of the white bones, and slowly reached a strange tacit agreement with Han Hao's soul. After Han Hao's pure death force did not enter the white bone throne, the white bone throne that has been in the hands of Dagma appears to be more and more embarrassing. Horrible, it seems that the power of Han Hao has caused some change in this white bone throne.

Han Hao, who was sitting in the throne of the white bone, suddenly felt that the throne of the white bone seemed to be part of his body, just like the seven bone spurs behind him, and he had wonderful inductive power. Thinking of it, Han Hao came down from the top of the white bone, standing on the ground and looking up at the white bone throne suspended in the air.

In the heart of the movement, the white bones of the throne slammed to one side, and the eyes flashed in the light. Han Hao’s mouth showed a cheerful arc, and he was happy to play the newly acquired white bone throne.

With his heart, the white bone throne is constantly flowing in the air, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

After playing for a while, Han Haofei jumped onto the white bone throne and sat on it to project his death power into the white bone throne. The white bone throne seemed to live suddenly, and the root of a white bone was sharply waved like a knife.

At first glance, Han Hao, who was sitting in the middle of the white bone throne, seemed to be a huge white bone monster, and he was doing a lot of attacks with flexibility.

Han Hao did not rush to leave here, and indulged in the pleasure of manipulating the throne of the white bone. He faintly felt that this white bone throne is not something of Dagma, because in the hands of Dagma, he did not play the role of the throne of the white bone. Really waved out.

The power in his body seems to have touched a certain ban in the center of the White Throne. The Throne of the White Bone came into his hand, but suddenly there were many magical uses. (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support &&!)

Read The Duke's Passion