MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 966 Really succumbed?

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The 186th chapter of the Great Devil really succumbed?

The three people in the road are stunned. The man who planned to win Han Shuo with all his enthusiasm. It suddenly changed. Suddenly speaking. It is not a glimpse.

"Previously just try three. See if I have the possibility to not lose the magic hidden valley and the wife and children.

Try it. Only know that the three are indeed extraordinary. So only to dispel the luxury of the heart. I am working with you honestly. "Han Shuo has a bitter explanation.

Sai Ya Road has three faces. Although not immediately dealt with Han Shuo. But I dare not continue to believe in Han Shuo. Exchanged a look. The three people of Sai Yalu did not surround Han Shuo in three directions. Instead, he stood up with Han Shuo.

Since Han Shuo can break up their encirclement in a room. They realized that they could not really surround Han Shuo in the Magic Valley. Simply do not waste effort.

"Brian. You are stronger than we expected. No. I think you can destroy the three circles of our three people in the meantime. It should be the reason for the special potential of Magic Valley." dignified. Shen said: "But even if you can escape from the hands of the three of us, you will not bring the Korean family who are not in the secret room. It is best to tell us what we need. We will definitely destroy the secret room at all costs. Everyone!"

"Looking out. The strength of the room defense is the same as the seal of the prisoner of Dhaka. If it is not we want to talk to you. This room should have been broken by us. If the three people are also from the seal enchantment Come out. We can't talk at all. They have only one dead road!" Regis was cold and was attacked by Han Shuo. It really scared him into a cold sweat. At this time, it is extremely unpleasant.

"Don't do it!" Miller interjected. Negative measurement.

"Understand it." Han smiled. Raise your hand to indicate that you understand the meaning of the three. Helplessly said: "I will let your repayments. Say. What do you want to know? What do you think of?"

Han Hanshuo made a slight smile with Sai Yalu. Nodded. Road: "It's very simple. We only need information about this valley. All the layout and use of the seal enchantment energy tower. And the details of the three seals of the imprisoned Dhaka Dagema Asselst..."

"Oh. This way..." He stunned. Han Shuo said quickly: "No problem. Anyway, we will leave the chaos. This party is left for you anyway."

"That's right!" Sai Ya Road is very tall. Also, Regis Miller gave a wink to the two to be careful about Han Shuo so that he would turn his face again.

Have a previous experience. The three would never dare to believe Han Shuo easily. The danger of Han Shuo who turned his face and did not recognize people is too great. And he has enough strength. One is careless. One of them may be seriously injured. Turn all their plans into bamboo baskets.

"Come with me, I will take them to one side. There will be everything you want!" I thought about it. Han suddenly said. Go outside when you speak.

"Wait!" Saiya Lu Yang stopped. When Han Shuo looked back at him with a strange look. Sai Yalu smiled and said: "You are a bit evil in this valley. Even Dhaka can be imprisoned. We can't walk with you. It's here! It can only be here! We have something to know about your memory."

Regis Miller did not move. The eyes are staring at Han Shuo with caution and fear that Han Shuo will suddenly shoot in the next moment.

"Oh?" Han Shuo. Immediately smiled and nodded: "Alright. Do you have anything to get my memory?"

"This is the soul ball of this thing!" Saia Road slowly swallowed a fist-sized lilac ball. The sphere is as smooth as a purple jade. The heart of the ball is clouded.

The ball of the soul is a special artifact that can be refined by practicing the gods whose death power reaches a very high level. There is a mysterious soul vortex in the ball that can produce powerful power. It has only one effect. That is to get the memory from the soul of the close.

It can acquire spiritual memory. But it is not safe. If you are inadvertent, you may hurt the other person's soul. It will even make the other person become an idiot.

Han Shuo's face changed slightly. Shaking his head with a wry smile: "This can't be done. The side effects of the soul ball are too obvious. Too much. Also. If the caster is yours. I am not safe enough. I don't do it!"

"Saya Road. No nonsense!" Reggie screamed coldly. Look down at the secret room below them. Road: "We have three manpower shots. Don't worry about Dhaka. Break the secret room. Kill all the Korean families! Hey. Wait for Dhaka Dagema Aselster three. There will be no more living in the valley!"

Miller smiled. Han Shuo, who had a sharp change in his face. Persuaded: "Why? Once the three Dhakas come out, you can't keep your wife and children even if you have a great means! Even if you can.

It’s hard to say out of the valley. We work together. Isn’t it better to be happy?’

A singer. One sings a white face. Miller Regis played quite well.

The words of the two seem to have played a role. Han Shuo is sullen. The forehead blue veins "sudden" jumped for a while. In the end, he seemed to have made up his mind. Grit your teeth: "Okay. I will follow them!"

"This is all right!" Sai Yalu laughed. Quietly telling Regis Miller with his eyes. He smiled and took the ball of the soul to Han Shuo. While carefully guarding Han Shuo. While handing the ball of soul to Han Shuo.

Take over the ball of the soul. Shuo looked uneasy. It seems that there has been a fierce struggle in the heart. Hesitant.

quite a while. Han Shuo sighed. As if all persistence was put down at this moment. "But it!" Self-deprecating shook his head and sighed. Han Shuo finally put the ball of the soul in front of him. The light of the two souls, which are extremely light and light, is shot on the ball of the soul.

suddenly. The sphere contains the mist and the ball of the soul. A fierce bloom of strange souls.

Three people on the road suddenly missed one. At the same time, haha ​​laugh!

"Let your strength be awkward. You still have to be arrogant!" Regis appeared in front of Han Shuo. A thunderbolt of lightning was emerging in his hand. Lightning rays are interwoven. Into a big net will Han Shuo trapped.

Sai Lu Miller is not idle. They all came to Han Shuo with a smile. Heli shots were placed around him to ban enchantment. And the shot sealed the power of Han Shuo.

"The ball of the soul, all his memories are in the end. It is the time of his death!" Sai Yalu breathed a sigh of relief. The ocean's intention: "This soul ball has been hand-footed by us. Once the soul is connected with him. Except the main god. No one can break the power of the soul out of it! Hey. A young man. Was ruined by three of us!"

"Put up your one - false compassion!" Le laughed. Look at the singular curves in the soul ball that clearly have memory infusion fluctuations. Satisfied: "This is a value. Hey. With this valley and the memory in his mind. I can not only know the power of his cultivation. It is enough to build the same valley in other places. !"

This is the case. Sai Ya Road. Both Le are laughing. The meaning of the ocean.


Exclaimed. Suddenly came from afar. The indifferent Vasis appeared in the fog. Han Shuo, who was stunned by the power of the soul ball and banned by layers. Vassis has changed dramatically. Coldly said: "What did you do to Brian?"

"Wassis is it?" Yalu looked at him with a smile. Leisurely said: "There is nothing wrong with you here. If you leave the valley immediately. How far can you escape? We will not care about you. Oh. Right. You have to remember. It is best to put your snow peak above. Those guys take it with them. Because it won't take long. We will take over here."

Miller and Regis are also funny smiles. Did not put Vassis in the eye. Look at the three. A Vassis is obviously far from their hands. If not now, I have to look at Han Shuo. They may not mind spending more time. Leave Vassis forever in the valley.

"Vassis. What are you going to run!"

suddenly. Another big drink rang from the fog in the distance. A majestic figure gradually emerged. It is Saras!

Vassis looked cold. Say: "Salas. You are also the chaos of the monarch. Why do you want to help the Hunters Alliance deal with us?"

"When are you taking me seriously?" Saras sneered. "Mom. Laozi left from the chaos. You gave everything that belongs to Laozi to the kid! How many years have I been in the chaos?" These despicable guys. They don't read the old feelings. Why should I care about you!"

Squatting on one side. Sarah shot the Sith. No mercy.

"Haha. It turns out that Sarah is here too!" Sai Yalu apparently knew Saras. Also understand the relationship between Salas and Dhaka. See Salas to chase Vassis. The three are not unexpected.

Miller Regis is also interesting. Easily look at the hands of Salas and Vassis. Miller asked: "Sala. Do you want us to help you? Guy cooking?"

"That's best!" Saras grinned. Ruan said: "Mom. Dakarna was considered by Brian before the bastard. I will blame all of them on me! I have completely broken with them. If you don't give up. I am willing to deal with you Dhaka." !"

When you talk. Salas tried to force Vassis to go to the three sides of Sai Yalu.

Read The Duke's Passion