MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 940 Break the predicament

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The ninth and forty-first chapter breaks the predicament

I don't know that someone in the dark is peeking at him and took out the magic mirror.

After the Dhaka in the magical mirror appeared in the Hunting Gods, Tyre hurriedly said: "Big Brother, the situation has changed!"

"What happened? I am here to discuss with them how to attack the chaos. Why are you so eager to contact me?" Daka in the magic mirror frowned and his voice was low.

"Just in the land of our mixed-race, there is a god. Almost, our four great monarchs have all been killed!" Tyre seems to have not recovered from the deterrent of the death god, and the voice seems to be a little short.

"The Lord God? What is the situation?" Dhaka was a little surprised, but he should not be connected to the top of the main gods, and his expression is not dignified.

"The **** of the gods!" Tyre emphasized.

"What?" Dhaka panicked, finally looking at the seriousness of the problem, and was shocked: "What does he do in the chaotic land?"

Tyre was full of smiles, and the situation that happened was carefully described to Dhaka.

Listening to Tell's description, Dhaka's face became more and more dignified. After a while, he suddenly smiled and said: "I understand what he is doing in the chaotic land, haha, it is like this, Dagma Dagma. It seems that you didn't want to get that kind of thing..."

Dhaka smiled for a while before he looked at Tyre on the right side: "Do not worry, the purpose of the death **** is not you at all, you don't have to worry about anything. Well, then we will rest for a while, wait for the death **** to handle his affairs. After that, then we will start again, or else there will be a lot of variables in his place of chaos, whether it is on your side or on my side."

After this speech is finished. Dhaka explained to Tyre about the shards of Xiao Han Han Hao.

After Dhaka finished. Tyre looked amazed. He said: "Why are they both lucky?" Tyre calmly said: "A Brian is already hard enough to deal with. There is a fragment of God in Han Hao. It will be a great evil in the future!"

"Han Hao has a message of God's shards. You can't reveal it. Only me, Dagma, and Athelst know this. Once the news leaks out, the relationship between you and me is very likely. Exposure. Even now. Because I am familiar with the news of the chaotic land. Some people have begun to care for me. For our actions. Our brothers must be cautious!" Daka Shen Shen.

"I understand." Tyre nodded. Laughing: "The land of chaos is so big. Rogge pointed out Han Hao to the **** of death. I want to wait until he finds that other people are not the target. Naturally, he will find Han Hao."

"Well. We don't have to do anything! You should pay attention. As long as Han Hao is dead. Or the death **** has left the chaotic land. Just let me know. Then we will follow the plan immediately. The matter has passed. You have the place of chaos. I Leading the Alliance of Hunters. These forces are all in hand. We have the opportunity to go to the city of the sky!" Dhaka Road.

Tyre looked awkward. Smiled and nodded. I also chatted with Dhaka a few times about the current situation. Then the two talents cut off the contact.


Not far away, a light smoke quietly went away, silent, without a trace of life.

After the light smoke from Tel-Berry, it gradually became Han Shuo. After nearly half a month of observation and peeping, he finally confirmed the speculation of Salas, Dhaka and Tyre’s Dhaka commander. It was a brother, which made Han Shuo very shocked.

If there is no such discovery today, once the war with the Hunter Alliance will be launched, it will definitely be given to the two brothers. The two brothers fellow initiates the destruction of power. Tyre is the most powerful monarch in the chaotic land. The strength of Nadaka is stronger than him. Once the two men join hands, the strength will increase substantially. The four people of Sith, Ossoo, Rogge, and Salas are even more terrible.

Fortunately, with today's understanding, Han Shuo can be arranged in advance to avoid being overwhelmed by the two brothers. Moreover, using the relationship between the two brothers, Han Shuo can also do some articles, and with this alone, they can be defeated at once.

With a fixed mind, Han Shuo no longer stayed and immediately returned to the Magic Valley.

The biggest problem facing him today is not the brothers of Tyre and Dhaka, but the death god, Nestor, who has reached the chaos. Even if Han Shuo’s strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, he still understands that if he really faces The main **** of death, he is definitely not an opponent.

Since Rogge has already reported the name of Xiao Han Han Hao to the death god, his safety has not been guaranteed. Han Hao, who is sure to find the **** of death, will be able to find it. In order to avoid this happening, Han Shuo had to spare all efforts to preserve the small shackles, but also faster.

At the fastest speed, he came to the Magic Valley. Han Hao immediately called Xiaoxi and immediately gave him the bad situation. Han Shuo said: "We must think of a way, otherwise we will be stared at by the death god. Absolutely hard to escape

Suddenly, Han Shuo said: "You said that you have merged with the fragments of Godhead. If the Lord of Death is standing with you, can you know that you have the fragments of God?"

"It should be." Xiao Yan was silent for a while and nodded.

Han Shuo has a big headache. It is certain that the main **** of death should now search for the guys who are famous in the Rogge newspaper to practice the power of death. When he peeks at those people one by one, he will definitely target the final goal to Han Hao. The land of chaos is so big, the power of the main **** of death is so terrible, and the days of coming to the door must not be too far.

Although Mo Hyun Valley has been heavily smashed by Han Shuo, he does not think that he can stand up to the visit of the **** god. So Han Shuo really feels very difficult to do, and he thinks that he always has no idea, he does not know. How to avoid a small crisis.

"Or, I will go to other gods to avoid it. This time I will not return to the chaos for a while?" Seeing Han Shuo with an anxious look, Xiao Yan thought for a while, Zhang mouth proposed.

"This is a solution, but it can only temporarily delay the palliative. If the guy can't find the target in the chaotic land and then finds that you are not here, you will definitely have the shard of the gods. Once you let him Ok, things are even harder!" Han Shuo smiled and grabbed his hair irritably.

Xiao Yan didn't say much. He thought about it for a while and found that there was really no way to cope with this situation. Unless now he and Han Shuo's strength can be raised to the level of confrontation with the main **** of death, or there is no way to cope with it. The progress of magic power is not done overnight. Han Hao, who has just merged the fragments of the gods, is not likely to fight death in a short time. Lord God.

Even if the power of the fragments of Godhead is fully mastered, it is still a dead end to truly face the **** of death who has the godhead. When I think about it, there is no way for Xiaoxuan to pull his head.

"Thinking and brainstorming, we must think of a way as soon as possible!" Han Shuo took a deep breath, and the horse sent a message to let Bolanz, Gilbert, Blood Spirit, Wenman, and the five elements of the corpse, who knew the secrets of the gods and fragments, reunited into the cultivation field. At present, the bad situation quickly said to everyone, and then dignified: "Things are very dangerous. I really can't think of a way. The strength of one person is limited. Maybe the inspiration will not come soon. Let's think about it together, we need Find your idea as soon as possible."

After listening to Han Shuo’s remarks, everyone began to get heavy, and Han Shuo glanced at each other and tried to find a solution.

However, a **** with a godhead is almost synonymous with invincibility in this universe. Except for the **** god who also has the godhead, there is no creature that can compete. Such a horrible existence has come, and it has been faintly locked in Xiaoyan. It is impossible to resist it, and only work hard to avoid it.

Even if you leave the chaotic land for a while, as long as the **** of death determines the fragments of the gods, it is on Xiaoyan’s body. The bad luck of Xiaoyan will come sooner or later, and it is extremely difficult to find a cure and cure.

It’s too difficult. I think about it, I want to break my head, and everyone can’t think of a idea that can solve the problem for a while. One day passed quickly, and one or two seemingly good ideas emerged in the middle, but they could not stand the careful scrutiny and were quickly denied.

Gradually, everyone is getting less and less, others are still calm, Gilbert has become a little annoyed, and squatting and fighting the death of the Lord God.

"If you can fight, will you wait for your mouth?" Han Shuo frowned and yelled at Gilbert.

"I have already died once in a while, and it will be a big deal to die again!" Gilbert muttered.

"The guy who is best at the power of the soul, if you die this time, will not be able to keep the soul temporarily as it was last time. Once the brand of your soul is destroyed by him, I am a big day. There is no way for you to resurrect. At that time, you are really finished!" Han Shuo glanced at Gilbert and said coldly.

"Brother, give you this, I suddenly remembered. Han Hao can not separate the soul from the body, just like Gilbert, who took his soul out of this body. Incorporating his bones, if he can let his soul adhere to another god, can he escape the snooping of the death god?" Bolandz's eyes lit up, and it seemed to be inspired from Gilbert's words.

When this was said, Han Hao was also shocked and asked Xiaohao Han Haodao: "You have cultivated magic power. The form of the soul should be different from that of the average person. Can you separate the soul?"

Xiao Yan never seemed to think about this problem. He tried it silently and then nodded: "It seems to be OK."

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