MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 5 How can I call it?

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When Han Shuo woke up, he found himself lying on a small wooden bed in the grocery store. The body was full of cold water. The opposite fat Jack, carrying a small wooden barrel in his hand, struggling to step on a bench, was planning to pour the cold water inside the bucket. Come down.

Now the weather is a bit cold. Han Shuo is wet, and it is already frozen. Seeing the little fat Jack, a bucket of water will be poured down and screamed: "Jack, what are you doing?"

Jack, a little fat man, is also a waste product. It was swaying, and Han Shuo screamed and shook his heart. The cold water in the small wooden barrel was poured into Han. On the master's head, even the small wooden barrel flew out of his hand and squatted on Han Shuo's chest.

"Oh... I said Jack, do you want to play dead?"

Han Shuo was poured in the second bucket of cold water, and the frozen body trembled, and the chest was smashed by a small wooden barrel. It was even more painful, and the ghost who licked his mouth immediately screamed.

"I'm sorry Brian, I just thought that I didn't wake you up in the first bucket. Your bench was shaking, and you shouted again. I was also scared by you, shaking your hands and pouring water from the bucket." It!"

The little fat Jack was embarrassed with his face. He took a rotten cloth next to him and wiped it off Han Shuo. He wanted to clean the water on Han Shuo’s neck first.

Where did you know that Han Shuo was a pig-like scream, but he stumbled and hurriedly climbed away, and quickly said: "Jack, the rag on your hand, there is bone powder that has deteriorated after the undead magic test. Things sting like small needles, don't you want to kill me?"

"Ah... I'm sorry Brian, I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it!"

Jack was also a little scared. He quickly threw the rag in his hand far away. He was glad that he had the side he had taken, and no bone powder stuck to it.

"Auntie... Auntie..., forget it, Jack, how can I be here, I remember that I was not used as a shield by Buck's bastard, and was the pain of the little witch Lisa's soul?"

Han Shuo sneezed, his neck was red and red, and he took off his wet clothes with his hands and feet, and found the black lacquered towel used by Brian from the side, and wiped the cold water droplets clean.

"Brian, you have a lot of scars!"

Listening to Jack saying this, Han Shuo couldn’t help but look at his body for the first time. The place where the eyes saw, there was no one without scars. The heart secretly sighed, Han Shuo once again felt for Brian’s experience. Hearty.

"Scars are men's memories and medals. You know a fart. Hurry up and say, what happened after I passed out?"

"After you were stunned by the pain of the soul, Diablo College just happened to be in class. Lisa said a few words and hurriedly ran to class. I called Uncle Shalu, and the two of us brought you back!"

"It turned out that Uncle Shalu came over, yes, what Lisa said before he left."

Han Shuo wiped his body and nodded. Uncle Shalu is the oldest servant of the undead. He is in his fifties. He is still very good for Brian and Jack. When Brian came to the Babylonian Moto School to do the chores, Sharu It has been done for more than ten years.

"Lisa said that you are unlucky. If the soul hurts on Buck, Buck is a magic apprentice. With his mental strength, as long as the soul hurts for three days. But you are not a magician of the undead, no mental strength. I’m probably hurting for a month. She said that you disturbed her to sleep yesterday, and also loaded stones in the pants, hurting her feet and not helping you to relieve the pain of the soul!”

"Damn, this Lisa would dare to do this to me, I will clean up her sooner or later!"

Han Shuo listened to Jack and said that he immediately turned cold and screamed, but it scared Jack a big jump. He thought that Lisa was not a day or two for you, nor did he see how you could treat her.

When Han Shuo finished, he thought about it: "Buck is a magic apprentice. If you have mental strength, you can hurt for three days. I have to hurt for a month. Oh, my talent is extraordinary. If you learn the magic of the dead, maybe three days. Enough."

"Brian, you are a chores, how can you learn magic?"

"How did the magician learn magic?"

"First meditation, inductive magic elements, and so on, with the spirit, then learn the knowledge of the magic book, practice magic according to the magic spell, do not understand the place to ask the magic teacher!" Jack thought about it, of course.

"This is not enough. I can also meditate. When I have the mental power, can I practice magic with the magic book and the spell above?"

"But you don't have a magic book?"

Talk to this place, Han Shuo came to Xiaokezi Jack very friendly, suddenly staring at Jack, said to Jack, "I don't have you, don't you clean the library?"

Jack was shocked and quickly left Han Shuo. He said with a flustered look: "Brian, you want me to steal books for you?"

"Vulgar! How can I steal it? I just let you borrow books. When I finish reading it, you can't just put it back. Anyway, those books based on magic, no one sees it, no one knows about it. Jack, I am so unlucky today, but to help you, you should also help me?" Han Shuo stared at Jack, a fat man, righteously said.

Jack gave him such a statement, hesitant in his face, but under the emotional offensive of Han Shuo, he finally reluctantly agreed to "borrow" the magic book for Han Shuo.

In the evening, Jack’s thief’s brain found Han Shuo. From the fat belly, he pulled out a copy of “The Undead Magic Foundation” and a “Magic Dictionary” and handed it to Han Shuo. He said a lot of words. Only sneaking away.

Originally, as a Brian servant, he was not qualified to learn the text, but he had to do anything because of his chores. Because of the needs of some work, I have learned a lot of words in the past six years. All left to Han Shuo, so Han Shuo can understand the text on these two books.

After Jack left, Han Shuo also closed the small wooden door of the grocery store and opened the first pale yellow paper of "The Undead Magic Foundation", which he looked at with great interest.

Magic is a way of using spiritual power to communicate with some magic elements in the world. There are four ways to use magic. They can pass spells, magic scrolls (primers), gestures, magic arrays.

The undead magic was once extremely prosperous. In the undead magic, all the dark magic was classified and undead magic, but unfortunately it has now fallen, and the undead magic has become a branch of dark magic.

The undead magic was only the magic of controlling the soul and the bones. In the process of development, the continuous experiment of the predecessors improved the spells of the undead magic, gradually forming a system, and finally became the representative of the dark magic. .

The foundation of any magic is spiritual power, and the way to gain spiritual strength is to meditate through the magical elements that ordinary people can't feel. Only by meditation on spiritual power can they be considered magic apprentices.

Therefore, when Han Shuo studied the "Underworld Magic Foundation", the first thing to do was to meditate to feel the spiritual power. However, Han Shuo had been meditation for seven days, and he had nothing to gain. He could not conceive a slight spiritual power.

During these seven days, Han Shuo only practiced through meditation at night. During the day, he still played the role of Brian in diligence. Those who cleaned the garbage and dumped garbage were still doing a lot of work because they were not. Do, Han Shuo, who is a chores, don't want to eat at the Magic School, and don't want to stay in the Babylonian Academy.

Because of the pain of the soul, every day, Han Shuo’s brain suddenly hurts several times. The first two Han Shuo immediately fainted, but later, although it may still hurt for a while, it may be because of resilience, Han Shuo did not faint again.

During this time, Han Shuo’s semi-mad and stupid name was also passed out, but Han Shuo seems crazy and silly, but what he should do every day is still done, Babylonian School of Magic, Seeing Han Shuo seems crazy, but he did what he did and did not drive him out of the college.

For the strange performance of Han Shuo, a mad man, the undead magician agrees that Han Shuo has been doing this for six years, so although he is crazy, this habit cannot be changed, or it is completed every day. What he did.

Only these days, those who want to find Han Shuo's experimental magic, every time they find Han Shuo, Han Shuo will be just a sudden "headache", he will be even more mad when he has a headache, and sometimes he will not get it. Han Shuo will make a mess of experiments. The students know that Han Shuo has the pain of Lisa's soul, and he is a little crazy, and he is not good at how to take him.

Why did Lisa beat Buck? No one knows it until now, but Buck’s mood is very depressed during this time. He will find an excuse to beat Han Shuo’s meal. Buck is a magic apprentice and his body is stronger than Han Shuo, even Han Shuo. It’s not too light to be mad at him.

In the evening, I returned to the grocery store. When Han Shuo came in, he screamed: "Buck, you are a mess, give me a wait, and my aunt will not know you sooner or later."

Today Han Shuo was beaten by Buck. Bucka was a small beating Han Shuo. Han Shuo was naturally unable to beat it. His body is now blue and purple everywhere. Only these days, Han Shuo feels that his strength is getting bigger and bigger, and his food intake is also increasing. Every time his own food is not enough, he wants to go to Jack every day.

And every time after being beaten by Buck, although it hurts a lot at the time, after returning to the grocery store, Han Shuo only needs to practice the magical powers with the "solid" method. Wake up the next day, not only does it hurt at all, it is Even the spirit is very good. When I beat Buck again, I found Buck hitting myself, and the pain on my body became lighter and lighter.

In this way, every time Han Shuo was beaten, he will immediately return to the small grocery store and immediately begin to practice magic. The magic element in the body, during this time, unconsciously became bigger.

It seems that every time Han Shuo was defamed, after returning to practice magic power, the body is slowly forging, and the magical force is gradually becoming like a thumb.

This makes Han Shuo feel excited and scared. The excitement is that the magic yuan is growing, his body and spirit are getting better and better, and the fear is that because the magic yuan is growing, Han Shuo is getting more and more. It is difficult to control his temper, and it is easy to make things that he fears and regrets afterwards.

From the bottom of the small wooden bed, the "Underworld Magic Foundation" was taken out. After watching it for a while, Han Shuo once again habitually began to meditate. The magic element in his body also began to wander around his body irregularly. Han Shuo felt very comfortable after the painful place passed by the magic yuan.

In Han Shuo's meditation, slowly, the trace of the magic element flowed from his neck to Han Shuo's mind. At this time, the familiar pain suddenly came from Han Shuo's mind. Shuo knows that the pain of the soul released by Lisa has once again occurred.

Suddenly, when Han Shuo’s brain hurts, the trace of the magic element seems to have entered the center of the pain. This is the first time when the soul hurts. The magic element just enters the brain. Han Shuo only feels like a gun in the brain. The explosion, then the mind hurts and faints again.

Read The Duke's Passion