MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 1010 Is a good woman

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Not to mention that Emily is the most understanding woman, she always works hard and does some of the hidden dangers for Han Shuo. (p_a_o_s_h_u_8.c_o_m)

Over the years, on the Tianzhu Pharmacy, Fei Bi presided over the overall situation, making Tianzhu Pharmacy more and more influential throughout the mainland. And Emily is carefully managing the internal situation of the Korean family. If there is any bad sign in the future, it will be cut off in time, and some problems will be solved.

Han Shuo can safely and quietly hide in the bottom of the valley to quietly repair, Emily's role is indeed not small.

This time, Emily seemed to see Rose's abnormality at a glance, and he would calm down Rose's emotions without waiting for Han Shuo's irritability, so as not to affect Han Shuo's cultivation.

Under Emily's persuasion and the sullen smile of Filipo's daughters, Rose was somewhat flattered. She agreed to Emily's statement unclearly and dismissed the idea of ​​leaving the valley.

Why did she want to go?

The valley not only has the dark elements of the foot, but also the huge resources available to the Han family, so that she can safely hide here to practice. In addition, there are some people in the valley who can't give up. If she is not depressed, she will definitely not go.

All along, Emily and Fibi have kept a distance to other women in the valley, and will not deliberately alienate them, nor will they really make friends. In the view of Rose, Fei Bi, Emily, and Vanni are the most concerned people of Han Shuo who came from the Qiu mainland with Han Shuo.

This small has obvious exclusivity. She has never seen Emily and Phoebe in the valley for a long time. They have actively communicated with her. This has strengthened Rose's understanding and thought that they would not face up to themselves anyway. character. This book

When I was in the Dark Divine, because she was far beyond the strength of Emily, she would not be too concerned about this matter and felt that she was definitely more useful than Han Shuo. However, since they came to the chaotic land, with the help of Han’s huge resources and the help of Han Shuo’s ball of ambition and the help of Shenli Pharmacy, Fei Bi and Emily, who have low strength, have made rapid progress and have already caught up with her.

But so. From Han Shuo's hands, he got the sorcerer of the sorcerer's sorcerer, the singer, and the singer. The speed of progress has far exceeded her imagination. According to this trend, Mi Li and Vanni will sooner or later enter the realm of the Lord God. More than her old man.

Vanni is not good at management. Seeing the strength is also compared to them. There is less and less confidence. So I was slowly disheartened. Dispelled their long-term desire to avoid them and avoid Han Shuo.

Emily and Bi were suddenly enthusiastic. Let Rose suddenly see hope again. So I promised to stay.

Always indifferently, Rose was passionately staying in several women's places. Promise not to go. Secretly stunned Han Shuo, Han Shuo’s face was a strange smile. I couldn’t help but be surprised. His face is usually red with blood.

"Giggle. I have never seen you like this." Emily smiled. Pulling Rose away. While walking, he said, "Let's go. Let's talk about some private words." There were Phoebe and Vannie leaning over Han Shuo and didn't stay. They also followed Emily.

A blink of an eye. These women have all disappeared. Leaving Han Shuo and Xue Ling, Bolandz, Gilbert are there.

"Hey, Emily is really generous. I know that the white-blooded woman has a bad heart for the owner, and she still retains her. The master is probably more powerful than the magical power in the way of the royal girl!" Gilbert shook his head I looked at Han Shuo with admiration.

Blood Spirit is also a guilty look that agrees with Gilbert's statement. He admires Han Shuo and sighs: "It seems that there are still many things that the Master has not taught me. I have to learn more." ""

Han Shuo stunned, couldn't help but knocked on the **** spirit, and slammed Gilbert, yelling: "You guys are mixed together, it really smells like you can't learn well!" Bolanz glanced at Han Shuo: "You will have to pay more attention to the two **** in the future, so that they can focus on cultivation."

"Brother, Emily is really a good woman who knows the general." Bolandz nodded first, and like Ginger, he glanced at Gilbert and bloody, and then evaluated Emily with a sigh.

With Han Shuo’s current power of insight, what is in the mind of someone, even if you don’t deliberately peep into the depths of the soul, you can roughly sense it.

Before I came, Han Shuo’s thoughts fell into the soul of Rose, and when she came over, she immediately felt the strong movement in the soul of the silk, and the heart only thought about it. Han Shuo understood the silk. Mind.

Over the years, the communication between him and Reese has been small, but he has not been in a messy place, but he has been staying with Reese. At that time, he roughly guessed the thoughts of Rose, not to mention the present.

Listening to Bolandz, Han Shuo smiled and said nothing. He continued to explain the power of the magic power to the three Bolandes.

After waiting for some questions about the magical powers of Blood Spirit, Gilbert, and Boland, they laughed and said: "Your realm is not enough. I will give you all the chaos, but the power gap is not so Fill it up."

After a pause, Han Shuo said: "Because your power is special, so the power of the potion does not work for you. If you want to improve your strength faster, you can only use the huge aura of the nine-place Xuan Yin poly-spirit. However, your strength is too bad. If you enter the secret room of my cultivation now, you will be crushed to death by the huge force. I thought about it and planned to find another secret room to overflow my secret room. The spirit will be used by the three of you. For you, those sinful qi will be enough for you to make rapid progress."

Han Shuo now uses the heaven and earth aura of the Jiuyin Xuanyin Gathering Circle to be like a big fish and a big fish. It’s a little bit to give the three people a drink for them. It has no influence on Han Shuo, because the heavens and the aura of the gods are really huge. To the imagination of Han Shuo, the mysterious atmosphere gathered in these years has been more than that gathered in the Qiu mainland for so many years.

"Really, Master, is this true? Can we also?" The blood spirit is overjoyed and excited to know how to be good.

"There was a copy of you. It used to be because your realm is not enough, and my realm is not stable, so it is not very easy to achieve. Today, you asked me questions that you already have this foundation, then there is no problem at all. Han Shuo laughed.

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