MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 91 she and her

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This time, Jiang Qiong recorded the program for two days and edited two episodes. It will last until night. Only Xu Heran and Xin Nuo are left in the forest villa. The two are sitting on the balcony, watching a group of beautiful girls on the forest path while eating. Chasing me and fleeing, passionate "fighting", and occasionally a few comments.

"Have you watched the variety show by Haya and Wei Ning?" Xin Nuo asked Xu Heran.

Xu Heran said honestly: "I only watched the clips of the two of them."

Because there are people you don't want to see.

Even without Nuonuo's supervision, she still keeps her virtues, she is really a rare little pearl!

Holding a white printed coffee cup, Xin Nuo crossed his legs and looked at Xu Heran with a smile on hearing this, "It's okay, they only appeared in the first issue and were quickly eliminated. You can watch the full episode."

Xin Nuo thought for a while, "Start with the second issue."

Xu Heran raised his hand to say "ok", and explained: "I only watch it when I am eating, and I am usually busy with my studies and thinking about you. It is really too much."

"Hmph." Xin Nuo chuckled, "Next year your gift will be a bucket of stickers."

"No need." Xu Heran said, "I want to open it."

"I don't think you're tired, but it would be great if I could be with you all the time."

Xin Nuo snapped her fingers, feeling sore in her heart, she whispered: "I want to be with you too."

Xu Heran didn't speak, the finger with the ring hooked her finger.

The hands of the two slowly joined together, fingers interlaced.

Downstairs, Jiang Xiaoqiong passing by raised her hand, "Hey! Those who are watching the show, come down!"

Xu Heran waved to the camera, "Come up if you have the ability."

Jiang Qiong crossed her hips, and before she could speak, the pursuit team heard the sound, and the dog turned around and ran away in fright.

"Qioner's health is getting better and better." Xu Heran looked at Jiang Qiong's flying shadow and nodded with satisfaction, "Sister Cui should send a silk banner to Director Liu."

"Fitness coach, Master Wang Wang."

"You and Qiong'er are here tonight. She has been running for two days. You can let her rest for a while." Xin Nuo said helplessly.

Xu Heran immediately turned to look at her, "I've worked hard too, I've worked hard all night."


"Shut up!"

Xin Nuo raised his hand and twisted Xu Heran's mouth.

After Xin Nuo had eaten, Xu Heran went downstairs and sent her to the airport.

"I'll be back on June 6th, wait for me."

Before leaving, Xin Nuo said softly.

Xu Heran reached out and hugged Xin Nuo.

"I've been waiting for you."

"The Willow's Head on the Moon" will be released soon. Xin Nuo, Song Fenghua, and the leading actor will go to the capital to participate in a variety show to promote the movie.

Variety shows are outdoor variety shows full of life. Star guests need to play different roles, earn enough money, and finally pay for overnight food and accommodation.

The three of them came to a small town on the outskirts of the capital. The town had beautiful scenery and simple folk customs, and they had to work hard to earn a specified amount of money for each of them within a day.

Song Fenghua held the card, and his thin expression slowly froze, "I want to get up early to fish, and then come back to sell fish?"

Xin Nuo patted her on the shoulder, "I'm going to the orchard, do you want to change with me?"

"It's okay." Song Fenghua shook his head slowly, his tone was dry, "I can."

"Don't force it." Xin Nuo smiled and pressed her shoulder.

"I can." Song Fenghua raised his hand and said firmly.

There are so many fishermen in the world, why can't she be one more, she will definitely be able to!

Early the next morning, the sky was bright and everyone got up.

Xin Nuo and Song Fenghua climbed onto the back of a tricycle, grabbed the handrail nervously, and stepped forward amidst the sound of "peddling".

After the car drove out, a man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Old Wang, why are you so nervous? Why, is it possible that you are a fan of any of these three actors, and you are nervous when you see a real person?" Someone joked.

"No, no." The man waved his hand.

"Okay, if you don't have it, you don't have it. Help me move these things in. Be careful, don't drop them. Also, I will bring some firewood in later, and I will use it at night." The man said.

"Okay." The man surnamed Wang nodded quickly.

The staff dispersed, and someone winked at the person who just ordered, "Why don't you be more polite to Old Wang, after all, he has worked as an assistant director before, be careful that he will climb up in the future, and he won't give you good fruit to eat."

"You think too much, just what he did before, and you still want to climb up?" The man lifted his lips disdainfully, "He had a lot of thoughts, and he used to be extravagant, flying abroad to gamble, since he made a mistake and was kicked out of the project, We dare not use him in any big or small project, that is to say, our director is a friend of him, and seeing how pitiful he is, that’s why we let him do odd jobs.”

"Speaking of which, the project he caused trouble at that time seemed to be "Xingyao Girl"? I said, no wonder I was so nervous." The man put his pockets in his pocket and smiled, "Tch, Lao Wang still wanted to treat me when he first came. Pointing fingers, don't look at him being obedient now, making small reports to the director in private, thinking that I don't know."

The man rolled his eyes, "Hey, I will send a box lunch to the staff later, you let Lao Wang go."

"Okay, I really have you."

"I invite you to dinner tonight!"

The town has beautiful mountains and clear waters. Xin Nuo got up early to pick peaches and apricots with the people in the orchard. She picked two baskets by herself and followed the car to sell them. At the market, the grandmother who sold vegetables next to her saw her beautiful, and talked to her, saying that the town would develop tourism. , It will get better and better in the future, and it is said that some big companies come to them to buy water.

"Buy water?" Xin Nuo tilted his head in doubt.

"It's mountain spring water." The younger townsman said with a smile, "The spring water in the wild mountain behind us is very sweet. Some people want to sell our spring."

"I see." Xin Nuo nodded, not thinking about it.

At the entrance of the town ten meters away from them, the leaders of the town smiled and shook hands with the people who got off the car.

"Welcome, Manager Xing, you are welcome to visit us."

Xing Yujin smiled and said, "Where, win-win cooperation."

"Now with the support of national policies, our place is getting better and better, and it is close to the capital. When your project starts, many young people don't have to go to the capital to work, but come back to work in the town directly. This is very good for us. "

The leaders of the town attached great importance to this project, and took Xing Yujin to see the atmosphere of the town and explain the history of the town. Xing Yujin was impatient and had a gentle smile on his face.

He snatched this project from Xing Jun, and he will definitely do better than Xing Jun!

After he returned to the company, he found out that their industry has been suppressed by Universal. There are only a few dairy drinks in the country that are bigger and stronger. So big, if you are strong, he will be weak, it just depends on their own abilities.

After Xing Yujin returned to China, in order to seize power with Xing Jun, he first cooperated with Dream Entertainment through relationships, and won the endorsements of many stars at the top of Dream at a package price, letting them endorse each series of Xing's products, and invested in Dream to create a new product. For the variety show, Mu Yiye, the elder brother of Dream Entertainment, was invited to be the host, and 360 degrees were implanted in the Xing family, which achieved some results.

He has achievements, the current president of the Xing Corporation, Longxin Joy, entrusted this project to him, thinking of Xing Jun's face at that time, he was really proud.

There was a smile on the corner of Xing Yujin's mouth, at this moment, the people next to him called him several times, Xing Yujin immediately returned to his senses, facing the suspicious look of the town leaders, he quickly said: "I'm sorry, I think it's very lively over there, and I'm a little distracted. "

He lowered his head in embarrassment, "I'm so sorry."

Xing Yujin was young and handsome. He lowered his head and pretended to be obedient, making the town leader who was a round older than him smile. Young people are a little unstable, so I understand. The leader explained to him with a smile: "That's a 'welfare' brought to us by the city. Big stars come to our place to shoot shows!"

"When the show is broadcast, we may also become a check-in place for some Internet celebrities." The leader said with a smile.

"Big star?" Xing Yujin said casually.

"What's the name? There are two pretty little girls and a young man. I took a look when I came here. They are really pretty!"

"So that's it." Xing Yujin smiled, followed the town leaders and walked in. He raised his eyes casually, and accidentally caught a glimpse of a face from the lively crowd.

And smiling, dark eyes.

Xing Yujin's footsteps stopped suddenly, and his brows were tightly frowned.

It turned out to be her!

Is the other person Xu Heran?

Make him grit his teeth and hate the little princess of the Xu family for three whole years?

"Boss Xing." The secretary reminded him to leave here quickly.

"Go and have a look." Xing Yujin winked at the secretary.


At noon, Xing Yujin had dinner with the town leaders and returned to the hostel. He looked at the poor environment with disgust and listened to the secretary's report.

"Mr. Xing, the program is recorded by Beijing TV. This episode invites Xin Nuo, Song Fenghua, and Mu Sen from Universal Entertainment." The secretary looked at Xing Yujin's face, "Xin Nuo and Song Fenghua are the original star girls Cheng members of the regiment."

"I, know, know!" Xing Yujin's voice squeezed out from between his teeth.

How could he not know!

"This show will only be filmed until tomorrow morning. I checked, and it seems that Universal Entertainment's own movie is about to be released, and these three people will be the leading actors." The secretary said, "There is one more thing..."

Xing Yujin glanced at him, "Say."

The secretary hesitated and said, "Do you still remember Wang Heng?"

"Who is that?" Xing Yujin had no impression at all.

The secretary's voice became lower and lower, "That's...before, Xingyao Girl, the assistant director."

Xing Yujin suddenly remembered, "It turned out to be him, didn't he get paid for it at that time?"

"Yes, but he seems very down and out now," said the secretary.

"Abject?" Xing Yujin's eyes suddenly flashed a light, and he waved to the secretary, "Check how abject he is now, if not, we might as well help him."

"If he wants to, take revenge on the man who got him where he is."

Xing Yujin smiled slightly.

The Universal Group is a giant, so he can't move now, but he doesn't mind embarrassing some people, or... Xing Yujin's tongue slowly licked the back molars.

Can't touch Xu Heran, can't he touch other people?

As long as it is done cleanly, can we still find him?

He was exiled abroad for two years, thinking over and over again, and only recognized two things. First, keep a low profile in everything. If it wasn't him but a certain manager who appeared on the scene back then, and he didn't have the urge to answer the phone call with Xu's father, then he could wash off the dirty water and pretend to be Innocent, even biting back!


Xing Yujin smiled deeper and colder.

It must be very, very fast, otherwise it will be like him - get up.

Xing Yujin took off his tie and threw it on the bed.

"Don't use clean ones. Those friends I met abroad can help. By the way, absolutely don't leave any evidence."

The secretary's back felt cold, and he didn't dare to speak for a long time. Finally, under Xing Yujin's suspicious eyes, he took a deep breath.

"Okay, Mr. Xing."

"Don't worry, if you do this well, I will never treat you badly."

The secretary lowered his head, "Thank you Mr. Xing."

On June 7th, the national unified college entrance examination.

All SGS members gathered to send the only remaining college entrance examination students in their team to the battlefield.

After returning from the capital, Laurel went back to school to study in a closed environment, and walked into the school with the eyes of everyone encouraging.

"Why do I feel more nervous than I was when I took the exam?" Xu Heran said with a smile.

"Have you blessed His Majesty Hua with the breath of the **** of learning?" Jiang Qiong asked.

Xu Heran raised his finger, "I specially asked my elder sister and younger brother to send a pen they often use, plus mine for His Majesty Hua!"

"Steady!" Haya said immediately.

Lin Weining smiled and said, "I gave Huahua a must-pass talisman for every exam. I bought it in a temple. I heard it's good!"

Song Fenghua was stunned, turned his head, and raised his hand to touch Lin Weining's head.

"What's wrong?" Lin Weining asked suspiciously.

Xu Heran was even more puzzled: "There is still this talisman in the temple?"

Xin Nuo smiled and said, "It's quite up to date."

Lin Weining: "..."

"It's okay, please feel at ease." Haya comforted Lin Weining, "It's definitely working!"

Jiang Qiong whispered to Lin Weining: "I specially let His Majesty Hua wear red underwear!"

Jian Yueyin, who was sharing water for everyone: "...It's ok."


Seven people sat in the car, enjoying the rare peace and relaxation.

"Nuo Nuo, after your movie is released, will the TV series also be released, and you will be the concubine?" Jiang Qiong swiped her phone, saw the promotion of Xin Nuo's movie, and asked.

Xu Heran immediately said: "Pay attention to your words."

Nomi belongto little pearl thank you.

"Yeah." Xin Nuo said, "But I don't have much role in that show, and I don't need to run for the promotion, female number n."

"Thank you for the release of your movie. Sister Cui is willing to give us a holiday." Jian Yueyin stretched her waist and said with a smile.

"Except for Xu Zhenzhu, everyone is busy." Jiang Qiong said intentionally.

"I'm busy too, okay?" Xu Heran said.

Otherwise, there would be no way to find Xin Nuo to play with.

"Wait until you graduate next year." Xin Nuo smiled lowly.

"It will be even busier." Song Fenghua nodded.

Everyone knew Cui Qi's temperament clearly, and everyone laughed.

The two-day college entrance examination ended successfully, and Laurel refused to tell everyone what happened in his heart. After sleeping for a day and a night, he regained the vitality of the older candidates. play games.

Until June 10, "The Willow's Head on the Moon" premiered in Haicheng and was released simultaneously nationwide.

After the film team and the starring team were interviewed by reporters, they were invited to watch the film together with the big V, film critics, the audience, and the global artist group mixed in.

The story of "The Willow's Head on the Moon" is not complicated. It mainly tells the friendship and family relationship between two men and a woman. From the age of eighteen to forty-eight, the story is warm and simple, and it is narrated.

When the two girls, Wuyun Yuyue, were wearing ballet suits, chatting, laughing, and stretching their legs in the practice room full of shadows of phoenix trees, Xu Heran raised his eyebrows.

"For those who learn to dance, flexibility is good." Jiang Qiong couldn't help but say.

The first half of the story focuses on the two girls, and later on Wuyun gets married and starts a business, and spends half his life with the male protagonist, experiencing half his life.

At the end of the story, Wu Yun, who quarreled with the male protagonist because of trifles, went out to look for the male protagonist, and when he found the male protagonist, he smiled and stood under the tree waiting for her.

And behind the tree, Yu Yue, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, came out with a smile.

The picture zooms out in an instant, and at dusk on a certain day of a certain year, three smiling young people are gradually walking away on the bluestone road with phoenix trees.

At the end of the movie, the film team and actors thanked everyone. When Xu Heran got up, he heard someone excitedly say to his companions.

"What's the matter, I think two girls are better than the hero and heroine! I remember that I used to knock envelope cp!"

Xu Heran: "?"

When they got home, Xu Heran swiped her phone to read the comments of "The Willow's Head on the Moon", and she also specially read the comments of passers-by.

"Push through the dark clouds to see the cloud and moon! The cloud is you, the moon is you, I will give you all the wind and moon in this life, you are the joy of youth, you have never said that you have a secret love with others, the willow branches on the moon, and people make appointments at dusk, you know I love you ?#云月cp是真正#”

Xu Heran: "??"

"She loves her so much, every time she smiles is for her, every time she falls, as long as she thinks of her, Yue will have courage, but Yun doesn't know, Yue's brilliance stays on her body all the time, woo woo woo, so cruel! "

"Ahhh, I got it! And Fenghua's first movie was with Nuonuo. In the interview, she said that Nuonuo taught her acting, and it was Nuonuo who gave her courage. Without Nuonuo, there would be no Yu Yue in the movie. This is not the real version of Yun and Moon! What is in the movie is true, and what is outside the movie is also true! Yunyue in the movie is bee, but in reality, Yunyue will not be! Yunyue will be together soon!! "

Xu Heran: "???"

"Either I'm crazy, or the world is crazy!"

Xu Heran threw down the phone, smiled coldly, and then followed Xin Nuo and Song Fenghua to appear in the actor's lounge of the Beijing Grand Theater at the next announcement.

Song Fenghua said in a low voice: "Zhuzhu doesn't look right at me."

"Don't pay attention to her." Xin Nuo smiled, "She's been acting weird these two days."

Xu Heran stroked his hair and asked his assistant, "What color do you think this is?"

"It's black, but the quality of the hair is really good, and there are so many hairs, how do you keep them?" the assistant said enviously.

"Early to bed and early to rise, life is happy." Xu Heran said, "and happiness."



"What are you doing dressed like this?" Xin Nuo asked Xu Heran with a smile. The girl was dressed in black, with sunglasses and a mask, and a black baseball cap on her head, sticking to her like a bodyguard.

"Zhuzhu is what I eat and should be you."

"I think Zhuzhu will be beaten." Xin Nuo warned her, "Don't act foolishly, the audience doesn't know you're there, so don't cause trouble."


Xu Heran raised his finger coolly.

Next to her, Song Fenghua looked at her pretending to be cool, and suddenly recalled the old things in his eyes, and couldn't help but bend his eyes, his eyes dimmed slightly.

The head of the willow on the moon.

"Xiao Fenghua, please drink milk tea." Xu Heran sneaked in from the school. She followed Xin Nuo and Song Fenghua to the capital. Xin Nuo had been filming before and rarely came to the capital. Cafeteria milk tea.

"We are going to the stage, you stay here." Xin Nuo said, "Honestly, stay here."

Xu Heran continued to pretend to be cool.

When the two of them entered the arena, cheers erupted in the theater. Xu Heran smiled slightly, joined the bodyguard group, and stood among them pretending to be an emotionless bodyguard.

She is tall, and no one paid attention to her at first, but then someone saw her profile, muttered, "This female bodyguard looks so handsome", and secretly took pictures of her.

Xin Nuo and Song Fenghua answered the reporter's questions and left before the film started. Xu Heran immediately followed the bodyguards and quietly moved to Xin Nuo's side.

"Didn't they let you stay in the background?" Xin Nuo said with a smile.

"Xu Heran stay here obediently. I am Xu Heran's bodyguard." Xu Heran said indifferently, "Please watch your step and don't moles the bodyguard."

Xin Nuo shook his head with a smile. Their schedule here is over, and they walked outside the cinema. Many fans were waiting for the two of them outside, taking pictures and shaking hands with them. Xu Heran was in the crowd and saw someone holding a "Yunyue SZD" brand.

Xu Zhenzhu: "You're so angry."

"Thank you everyone, please support our movie a lot, thank you!" Xin Nuo walked in the direction of the car with Song Fenghua in a dress, and the dark fans were stopped by bodyguards holding hands, only Xu Heran and two other bodyguards followed them behind.

Just as Xin Nuo passed the corner, a girl suddenly screamed, rushed out of the crowd, and fell to the ground.

"Who pushed me?" she said angrily.

"Are you okay?" Xin Nuo hurriedly bent down, trying to help her up.

The **** the ground was a little angry at first, but when she looked up and saw Xin Nuo's gentle smiling face, the atmosphere in her heart was swept away. She quickly smiled and said, "It's okay, Nuo Nuo, you—"


"Who is pushing people behind!"

"Don't squeeze!"


Another girl fell to the ground, and the bodyguard team was opened by the crowd. In the chaos, a man wearing a mask rushed forward, holding a brand new silver fruit knife in his hand, and stabbed Xin Nuo straight in the face. .


The girl who fell on the ground turned pale with fright, and screams came from all around. Xin Nuo subconsciously raised his arms to block in front of him, only three words flashed through his blank mind.

"Xu Heran."


"Bang bang!"


The momentary fear blurred Xin Nuo's hearing, and he thought he had lost his sense of pain in a trance. There was complete silence all around, Xin Nuo's fingers trembled slightly, and being embraced by Song Fenghua who was full of panic, she slowly put down her hands and lowered her eyes.

On the ground, the right hand of the man holding the knife hangs twistedly on the ground, his head is firmly pressed to the ground by a hand with bulging veins, and blood slowly flows from the side of the man's face.

The sunglasses on Xu Heran's face fell off at some point, his eyes, which were always bright and bright, were like black clouds before a thunderstorm, and the purple lines were like lightning, splitting the darkness in his eyes.

Xu Heran let go, kicked away the fruit knife on the ground, raised his foot, and stepped on the man's other intact hand.

With a "click", the man screamed and raised his head, revealing a **** and pale face.

"Don't! Don't, please!"

What qualifications do you have to ask me!

how dare you!

The girl clenched her back molars tightly, controlled the roaring beast in her heart, picked up the man's head with trembling hands, looked at his distorted nose, her voice was extremely low.

"Want to die? Don't bother."

"I teach you."

The author has something to say:

Babies, you can post long comments, but don’t swipe the screen with all one word~ Some babies like to read comments, which will affect the reading of comments~ boo chirp~