MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 86 she and her

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The car drove slowly into the distance. Inside the car, the black-haired girl was expressionless and moved slowly. Her white fingertips were tightly pinching the zipper of the schoolbag.

When the "whoosh" sound of zippers sounded in the quiet compartment, the assistant in charge of driving in the front subconsciously glanced at the rearview mirror, and noticed the girl's cold eyebrows. Xin Nuo's eyelashes drooped, and a faint murderous look overflowed from the end of his eyes, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became dark.


She immediately sat up straight, her eyes fixed on the front, never looking back.


A black shade rises from the center of the front and rear seats.

Xin Nuo was very satisfied with the assistant's wink. If it wasn't for the fact that throwing objects in the car was not allowed, then in this car, first of all, this schoolbag, followed by a certain pearl with a smiling face on the side, would all be thrown out of the car window together by her. go out!

"Xu, He, Ran..." Xin Nuo said coldly.

Xu Heran blinked, and his voice was cute.


"I am here."

"You think you're a sugar ball, pretending to be cute?" Xin Nuo turned around suddenly, blushing and threw the shoulder bag on Xu Heran's face, "Give me a little more reserve!"

Xu Heran leaned back, tore off the shoulder bag from his face, and looked at Xin Nuo with a smile.

The black-haired girl leaned against the window without looking back at all, with an expression of refusing Xu Heran's approach.

A certain person stretched out his hand without fear of death, and pinched Xin Nuo's ear, and a deep laugh came out from her mouth. Xu Heran approached Xin Nuo, and said against her ear, "It's so hot."

"Put something serious in your head." Xin Nuo pushed her blushing, but Xu Heran grabbed her wrist. The back seat is very spacious, but the two of them squeezed together.

"I'm serious." Xu Heran pressed Xin Nuo's hand on her lap, squeezed his whole body towards Xin Nuo, and said in a low voice, "If you don't believe me, look, my mind is full of 'Xin Nuo' Character."

Xin Nuo: "...huh."


Xin Nuo glanced at the shoulder bag that made her look like a tiger. The bulging shoulder bag was lying in the corner, and the decoration on the bag looked like a grinning mouth smiling at her.

"I want to make it clear to you." Xin Nuo said sternly, "You must not be like last time, too much is too much, you must restrain yourself!"

"Okay." Xu Heran leaned on Xin Nuo's shoulder, rubbed her neck once and for all, and whispered, "It's all Nuo Nuo's kindness, I can't control it."

Xin Nuo sneered, "Still blame me?"

Xu Heran smiled, grabbed Xin Nuo's hand, and the two of them interlaced their fingers together.

"Nuo Nuo, by the way, have you heard an old saying?" Someone's voice was lower.

"As the saying goes, there are only cows that are exhausted, and there is no land where pears are rotten. I think you should think about me." Xu Heran said seriously, "Also, I also want to see where I can go—don't hit!"

"Hiss! I was wrong!"

In the front seat, the assistant who heard the faint voice behind shook his head, not surprised.

At night, a car carrying two girls drove into the underground garage of a certain hotel in Beijing. After getting off the car, the assistant asked Xu Heran, "Shall I bring you breakfast tomorrow? What time will I pick you up?"

"No need." Xu Heran said with a smile, "Sister Songyu's house can't accommodate us, Nuonuo and I live here temporarily."

"I need to contact you."

"Okay, then be careful, don't go out casually, and be careful not to be photographed by reporters."

Xu Heran made an "ok" gesture, and under Xin Nuo's indifferent and savage gaze, he calmly put on his shoulder bag.

"Come on, I have the card given by Sister Rong, which can be used as a separate elevator and go directly to the guest room." Xu Heran hugged Xin Nuo, put him in his arms, and whispered, "I will definitely not meet other people."


Xin Nuo's face was darker than night, "You throw away that bag."

"Don't, don't waste it, it's all money." Xu Heran grasped the shoulder strap tightly and explained to Xin Nuo, "You can't take advantage of others." yourself, right?

Xin Nuo tilted his head and hummed softly.

The elevator went up all the way to the quiet floor, one elevator door to one door, the moment the elevator door opened, the light outside the door instantly lit up, it was warm light, all the way to the depths of the guest room.

The door of the room is open, and you can directly see the city scenery behind the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room.

Shinno took off his coat.

She was wearing a gray sweater, a long skirt of the same color, small boots, and black hair hanging behind her head. She looked quiet and elegant.

"You knew you came out and didn't take your luggage." Xin Nuo said softly, and turned to look at Xu Heran who was taking off his coat. Seeing the tall girl hanging that terrifying bag on the hanger, she was suddenly relieved.

"Come on." Xin Nuo chuckled, "I haven't seen the night in the capital like this before."

"Wait a moment." Xu Heran said.

Xin Nuo leaned on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, with gentle light in his eyes, watching Xu Heran walk towards the wine cabinet, took out the goblet, and turned to look for wine again.

"Don't pretend to be a good drinker." Xin Nuo whispered.

"It's okay." Xu Heran took out a bottle of red wine, poured it into a decanter, and said with a smile, "Let's create some atmosphere."


Xin Nuo was inexplicably nervous, and turned around involuntarily, pretending to look at the scenery.

The hotel is built very high, and the passing vehicles and roads look as small as toys. Xin Nuo's eyes fell on the ground, and then couldn't help falling on the floor-to-ceiling windows, where someone's figure was reflected.

The mirror could not reflect her beautiful eyes, nor could it reflect the mysterious blue-purple color, but when she approached the person staring at the floor-to-ceiling windows with unhurried steps, the quietly observing girl couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat.

Afterwards, her neck was gently stroked, all the way up, holding her chin.

Xu Heran looked at the girl in his palm, she was sitting with her back to him, her black eyes were quietly looking at her, and the corners of her mouth were curved.

"Xu Heran, why is there only one glass of wine?"

"Because I remember that a certain person's drinking capacity cannot have a glass of red wine alone." Xu Heran said while stroking Xin Nuo's jawline and her slender neck with his fingertips.

The tight bones were traced by her fingertips, and the arteries and blood were beating and flowing in her palm. She was standing and Xin Nuo was sitting, and a certain little pearl suddenly had an illusion, an illusion that she could hold Xin Nuo.

...completely forget about being beaten up in the car just now.

Xu Heran curled his lips and took a sip of wine under Xin Nuo's vigilant gaze. Just when Xin Nuo thought that someone would take the opportunity to kiss her, Xu Heran suddenly let her go, turned and sat beside her, and looked out the window.

"It's so beautiful." Xu Heran leaned back, looked straight out of the window, and said in admiration.

Xin Nuo raised her eyebrows slowly, her eyes followed Xu Heran's eyes, looked at her fingertips, and then turned to the door, where she put her shoulder bag well.

Inexplicably, she was a little happy and a little disappointed.

"Try it?" Xu Heran looked out the window and said suddenly, she turned her head slightly and raised her red wine glass.

Xin Nuo nodded and stretched out his hand.

Then her fingers were pinched.

"Come here." Xu Heran said in a low voice, pulling Xin Nuo forward.

The sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows was very low, but it was spacious enough for two Xin Nuo to lie on their backs. She was pulled forward by Xu Heran, and she threw herself into her arms.

Xin Nuo's heart was beating rapidly again, she raised her head slightly, and met Xu Heran's eyes full of interest, Xin Nuo slowly hooked her lower lip.

"feed me."

She lay prone on the sofa, like a docile cat stretching its soft waist, with eyes full of trust, staring tenderly and affectionately at the human in front of her.

Xu Heran seemed to be bewitched, she lowered her head, gently rubbed the corner of Xin Nuo's mouth with her fingers, took a sip of the red wine, and in Xin Nuo's half-smile eyes, turned the wine glass down and stuck it to Xin Nuo's lips.

The smile in someone's eyes deepened, and he smiled lowly, "Indirect kissing."

Xin Nuo: "..."



The slightly cool wine rushed into the mouth. After the bitterness and pungentness, the rich aroma spread in the mouth. Xin Nuo frowned slightly, and raised his finger to wipe the corner of his mouth.

"a bit sweet."

Xu Heran raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

She didn't taste the sweetness.

"Yes." Xin Nuo said calmly, and lightly licked the corner of his mouth, "It's sweet."

Xu Heran's eyes fell on Xin Nuo's pink lips, and he said with a smile, "Then I'll try it."

She lowered her head, and her red lips slowly approached the transparent wine glass.

The bright red wine fell into his mouth, Xu Heran took a sip slowly, and then shook most of the wine in the goblet with his fingertips.

"Looks like it's a little sweet?"

What a fool!

At this point, if Xin Nuo didn't see that Xu Heran did it on purpose, then her life would be in vain. She couldn't help sneering, raised her hand, hooked her index finger down Xu Heran's neckline, and pulled him in her direction.

"Who told you to taste that, stupid bead..."

The rest of the words dissipated between the tight lips and teeth, Xu Heran smiled and hugged Xin Nuo's waist.

"It's so proactive, it seems that you miss me a lot, don't you?"

At some point, Xin Nuo's posture changed to half-kneeling, with both hands resting on Xu Heran's shoulders, his face was reddish, his tone was cold, the tails of his eyes twitched slightly, and he glanced at Xu Heran, "You don't seem to be as anxious as you say, huh?"

"Nonsense." Xu Heran leaned over and kissed Xin Nuo's lips, "I'm dying of anxiety."

She took Xin Nuo down, and pressed him on the sofa. The remaining wine in the goblet was instantly spilled into Xin Nuo's sweater that was sticking to his skin.

Stimulated by the slightly cold drink, she tensed instantly, her lips paused, and she felt someone pull away.

Her chest rose and fell, and she raised her eyelashes slightly, seeing the girls sitting on both sides of her body smiling and grabbing her wet clothes.

"I'm not careful."

"Who is to blame?"

"Blame me, then let me change your clothes for you."

Xu Heran said with a smile, poked his fingers into Xin Nuo's sweater, and asked with a smile while searching, "Sister, what's under your skirt?"

"Can you hide a Xu Heran?"

Xin Nuo's face turned red suddenly, and he covered his face with his arms, but Xu Heran's movements were slow and orderly, and his tone became more low and gentle.

"May I hide a little pearl?"

"If you don't speak, you will acquiesce? Then I will try."

The snow ridge stretches as far as the eye can see, until the winding peaks are blocked by gray cloth, like a dark sky. But Xu Heran's eyes are darker than the sky, she is like a hero in the myth who can shatter the sky, smashing the gray and dark, and the hidden gentle Xuefeng suddenly jumped out, shy and timid.

The extremely rich snow surrounds the jewels born in the snow, like plums in the snow, but also lighter than plums, the eyes of the indomitable hero suddenly lit up, she held Xuefeng in her hands, lowered her head, and enjoyed her spoils to the fullest .

The moving voice of the room mixed into the light, was shattered by the shadow, and threw a trace of embarrassing embarrassment out of the window.

The night spreads, high-rise buildings complement each other, and they are clearly separated.

Only people have an eager temperature, stick their souls together, lean their flesh and blood together, use blurred eyes, hot palms, and a tear at the end of their eyes to prove that autumn is also hot.

But the autumn night is extremely long.

In the morning, at ten o'clock, in a high-rise guest room in a famous hotel in Beijing.

The voice of the communication software came through the wall, one after another. On the bed, Xu Heran sat up slowly, and before he could rub his eyes, Xin Nuo's hand lightly patted her arm.


"Don't disturb me." The girl said dissatisfiedly, covering her head with a quilt.

Xu Heran's drowsiness disappeared in a second, and he quickly got out of bed, walked out of the bedroom, and closed the door behind him.

The curtains in the guest room were all drawn. A certain person was wearing a nightgown, pulled the phone out of the pile of clothes scattered on the floor, and glanced at the notification of the incoming call.

Xu Heran pressed the call button, walked to the kitchen, and said casually, "Morning."

"Hey hey..."

There was a burst of malicious laughter from the other side of the phone.

"Xu Zhenzhu, you woke up. Did you sleep well last night?" Jiang Qiong said in an extremely excited tone, "Although you only said one word, with my clever little brain and sensitive ears, I heard your words Satisfied~"

"Then you are really good." Xu Heran just got up, his voice was hoarse, and he took water for himself to drink, "As expected of a dog."

"Hey hey~"

"As soon as you went out yesterday, I felt something was wrong. Sure enough, you didn't come back at night! The excuse of your brother looking for you is just an excuse for a young couple!" Jiang Qiong lay on the bed and said comfortably, "I chose I'll call you later at a later time."

"Okay, thank you." Xu Heran said, "Next time, please be later, thank you."

Jiang Qiong blinked, "Fallen!"

Xu Heran drank a glass of water, and while thinking about what to eat for breakfast, he asked Jiang Qiong, "What do you want from me?"

"It's nothing serious, just to tell you, Ha Daya and Lin Xianxian are here today, so our bridesmaids are all here, why don't we go to try on clothes together at night and have dinner by the way."

Xu Heran thought for a while, "Okay."

"By the way, what about Haya and Xianxian?" Xu Heran asked.

Jiang Qiong rolled her eyes, "Thank you for remembering this in your busy schedule, what else can I do, of course it is to refute the rumors. Don't you know that Sister Cui scolded Hadaya so badly that she will not be in public in the future?" Do something so intimate."

"Haya told you?" Xu Heran asked.

"You didn't look at the group." Jiang Qiong said with a smile, "Ha Daya kept saying that girls kiss each other, what's wrong, she was taught by Sister Cui in a row. After all, the fairy is still in the group, and she is now transformed into a fairy. If there is no transformation, the two of you have to think about the fans."

"Let's not talk about the two of them, even if the matter about you two is revealed, fans may not be able to accept it."

Speaking of this matter, Xu Heran suddenly felt a little depressed, "Oh."

"Don't, anyway, you should pay attention." Jiang Qiong said earnestly, "When you and Nuonuo stand at the height of Sister Chacha, with this achievement, it will not be too late to come out! Look at our Sister Chacha, you will get married when you come out , although the news made a lot of noise, the fans are still quite peaceful."


Xu Heran put the cup into the water dispenser, watched the water column fall, and said slowly: "This is not what you meant, is it that Sister Cui is still looking for you?"

"Didn't you find Miss Yueyin?"

Jiang Qiong scratched her head, "Hehe, you have seen through all of this. Presumably, I, Jiang Xiaoqiong, have the Emperor's heart, and Cui Shanghuang favored me, so I secretly passed on the imperial decree."

"So, did you secretly tell Sister Cui that I was with Nuonuo?" Xu Heran immediately interrogated Jiang Qiong, "Otherwise, why would she let you say these words!"

"What a dog, bark, to act as a lackey of the East Factory!"

Jiang Qiong was startled, and immediately said: "Fart, you and Xin Nuonuo are not restrained at all, anyone with long eyes can see it, okay?"

"Otherwise, how could Sister Cui separate you from Xin Nuonuo!"

"Heh." Xu Heran clapped his hands on the table, "Don't gossip, tell Ben Zhenzhu the truth!"

"Cough." Jiang Qiong sat up straight and said in a low voice, "Hey, what, when I was choosing a wedding gift for Sister Chacha, I accidentally said something, when you and Xin Nuonuo got married, Sister Cui I heard...hehe."

Xu Heran: "Bah! The dog barks!"

"Then I want to give you two gifts!" Jiang Qiong said, "I will give you a green hat then!"

"Then I'll give you a luxurious single-room green-painted kennel!"



The Wang Wang team hurt each other and hung up the phone angrily.

Xu Heran sent a message in the group.

"Jiang Xiaoqiong said that she will invite dinner tonight. Jinyitang, the largest and best restaurant in the capital, doesn't need to bring drinks, just bring people. Don't eat at noon, everyone."


"Thank you Joan."


"Hahaha, yes, Jiang Xiaoqiong, be generous!"


"Oh well."

Jiang Qiong: "???"

She immediately went online and searched for Jinyitang's single-person consumption, and a horrifying scream came from a villa complex in the distant capital.

"Pearl Xu! I stalked you!"

In the hotel, Xu Heran hooked her lips, glanced at a familiar word in the reply, and then at someone's newly changed avatar, chuckled, picked up the water glass, turned and walked into the bedroom.

The window of the bedroom opened at some point, and Xin Nuo was lazily lying on the bed with a pillow under her waist. When she heard footsteps, she raised her eyes, immediately lowered them, and landed on the phone.

"Drink water." Xu Heran sat by the bed and handed her the water glass.

Xin Nuo did not refuse, drank a glass of warm water, shook his head when Xu Heran asked, Xu Heran went out again, took a cup of hot water and put it on the cabinet next to Xin Nuo's bed, where he could reach it with his hand, and then walked into the bathroom.

After her figure disappeared, Xin Nuo breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Heran glanced at some wet marks in the bathroom, and asked loudly with a smile, "Why didn't you call me when you woke up?"

The girl who heard her voice pursed her lips, her ears turned red.

Just can't call you!

Who knows what you think.

A certain little pearl is really long-sighted now, and she has learned how to talk about things. Those things are packed in bags and hung on the wardrobe, but someone still hides them in their trouser pockets! The cabinets by the floor-to-ceiling windows of this house, the cabinets by the bed, and even the cabinets in the bathroom... In short, it is a cabinet, and it hides dangerous goods!

This room has been named a dangerous room in her heart so far.

After Xu Heran washed up, he went to the kitchen to cut some fruit and ordered breakfast. After returning to the bedroom, put the food on the bed table, and the two of them lay down comfortably while eating and watching TV. The latest episode of Do whatever you want is shown on the TV, the dog fell into the water in embarrassment, looking miserable, Xu Heran laughed, and Xin Nuo smiled.

"She really needs a good workout." Xu Heran fed Xin Nuo a bite of an apple, and told Xin Nuo what Jiang Qiong called in the morning.

"Why are you bullying Qiong'er." Xin Nuo said softly.

"There's no bullying." Xu Heran said in a low voice.

Xin Nuo turned on the phone, and Jiang Qiong's message was sent to Xin Nuo. A series of crying expressions made Nuo Nuo severely punish Xu Heran.

"You actually agreed!" Xu Heran said, "You still change your avatar, what's the matter with the avatar beating up little pearls? Someone hugged me last night and said it was comfortable..."

Xu Heran's mouth was tightly covered.

Xin Nuo's ears were red, and mist suddenly rose from his black eyes, and he said with tenderness and tenderness after a night: "Shut up."

No matter how comfortable it is, it can't be worth it again and again!


Xu Heran grabbed Xin Nuo's wrist with a smile, kissed her palm, and said in a low voice: "Qioner conveyed Sister Cui's words, let us... let's keep a low profile, and she won't stop us from announcing our relationship when Sister Chacha is as tall as she is."

Xin Nuo's fingers fell into the soft quilt, curled up slightly, and she said "hmm".

"Nonuo, how long will it take?" Xu Heran sighed softly, "I don't like to wait."

"It's okay, I'll be with you." Xin Nuo touched the girl leaning on her, rubbing her face with a downcast expression, "It will be soon, right? As long as we work hard, we will definitely wait until that day."


Xu Heran wrapped his hands around Xin Nuo's waist, and sniffed, feeling aggrieved.

"That's the only way to go, oh, I'm so sad, tears of sadness are about to fall out."

"Well, sister, let's come a million times again, and you can just comfort me, okay?"

"I love you~"

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