MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 8 star girl

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Because of the heat, Xu Heran took off his coat and tied it around his waist, wearing only a short sleeve on his upper body. When she bent her body down, her neckline showed delicate and soft skin. Her collarbone was straight, and the socket of her collarbone was like a spoon made of white jade.

When Xin Nuo touched it, she only felt a little cool temperature falling on her skin, which made her heart hidden in her chest uncontrollably beat violently.


Xu Heran blushed suddenly, she sat up straight and watched Xin Nuo get up. Dispersed behind Xin Nuo, her half-blaming, half-smiling eyes wandered around Xu Heran's face.

As if asking, "Why are you blushing?"

"Cough! Sister Nuonuo, you are a little red here." Xu Heran pointed to his eyes and said cautiously, "Aren't you unhappy?"

Xin Nuo leaned back against the wall, put her hands on her knees, and kept rubbing her index finger and thumb that had touched Xu Heran's body. She felt the eyes of other trainees, and smiled helplessly, "Why, no."

Xu Heran bit her lip, knelt on the ground, hunched over, and looked at Xin Nuo worriedly. Facing these beautiful eyes, Xin Nuo suddenly felt an inexplicable irritability in her heart. She really wanted Xu Heran to put away her useless emotions. Ridiculous enough.

In a small corner of her heart, reason told her that this Xu Heran was different from the "Xu Heran" in her previous life, and reason told her to be calm.

She raised her head, her chest rose and fell slowly, exhaled depression, and said calmly: "Really, I'm not unhappy, I'm just... hungry."

Xin Nuo's words stunned the other people who had pricked up their ears.

"Ah?" Xu Heran rubbed his belly, yes, did she not eat in the morning?

"I got up early to record this morning. I was afraid that I would lose energy after eating, so I didn't go to the cafeteria." Xin Nuo explained in a low voice, and the others suddenly realized and accepted her statement.

At this moment, Song Fenghua, who was sitting farthest away, remained motionless, and asked Jiang Qiong, who was sitting closest to her, "Is Xin Nuo crying from hunger?"

"Pfft!" Jiang Qiong spat out a mouthful of water.

There are too many slots in this sentence, not to mention that it came from Song Fenghua's mouth, Jiang Qiong couldn't help it.

"Fenghua said that Xin Nuo was so hungry that he cried! Is this reasonable?"

Everyone's shoulders twitched from laughter, but the key was that Song Fenghua's expression was still very serious, with a puzzled look of "Isn't it?"

"Listen to me, sit closer in the future." Jiang Qiong smiled and patted Song Fenghua's leg.

Song Fenghua was silent and nodded.

"Don't laugh!" Xu Heran purposely raised his face and folded his arms and said, "What's wrong with crying from hunger, who wouldn't cry from hunger, this is a normal physiological reaction! This is a reflection of basic human needs! Yes, uh..."

Xu Heran couldn't make it up anymore, she put down her hands, pretended that she didn't say anything, with a bright smile on her face, "Let's go eat!"

"Now?" Jian Yueyin glanced at the time.

"Go, go." Xu Heran clenched one hand into a fist and shook it slightly.

Haya immediately raised her hand, "Take me one."

She turned her head and said to the others, "Go quickly, or she will act like a baby again."

"Hey!" Xu Heran's ears turned red, who is being coquettish, this person looks like she is being coquettish in everything she does!



Jiang Qiong shrugged, "I have no objection."

"Okay." Song Fenghua was the last to answer.

"Nuo Nuo!" Xu Heran excitedly walked in front of Xin Nuo, bent down, and stretched out his hand, "Let's go, everyone else is training hard, let's steal delicious food!"

"Envy them to death."

Xin Nuo looked at the palms hanging down, and the last gloom in her heart dissipated. With a smile in her eyes, she raised her head and asked Xu Heran, "What about the training?"

Xu Heran narrowed his eyes, "It doesn't matter, I'm just hungry and want to eat! Let's go~"

Xin Nuo lowered her head and smiled, she hesitated for a moment, then raised her hand.

Xu Heran grabbed her slender palm and pulled her up. The pleasant smell of laundry detergent entered Xu Heran's nose, and she reluctantly let go of Xin Nuo's hand, but she didn't notice that the people around her turned their heads slightly, and their black hair fell on her shoulders, mixing with hers.

"Xu Heran, you are really good at acting like a baby."


Xu Heran: "!"

"I don't!"

Who am I doing this for?

She stared angrily at Xin Nuo's back.

Xin Nuo stood at the door of the practice room, put his finger on the light switch, looked at Xu Heran with a smile, hooked his finger at Xu Heran with the other hand, "Come on."

"A coquettish little princess."


The room was dark, and in the corridor, the chatting and laughing girls left in twos and threes, with a ray of light behind them.


The cafeteria was empty and bright, and an aunt was sitting behind the window, looking at them with a smile. Although the trainees pay great attention to managing their body, the cafeteria guarantees food supply from morning to night, and self-control is the ability that trainees need to control themselves.

"Wow, I'm so hungry." Xu Heran took the plate from Xin Nuo, swallowed his saliva and said thank you, staring brightly at the food that shone charmingly in the sunlight.

"I want a chicken leg, a pot bun, half a corn, and ground three delicacies." Xu Heran tapped his index finger on the glass, "Wow, I want to eat big buns!"

Xin Nuo stood behind her with his hands behind his back, and said in surprise, "Is this your breakfast?"

"I'm so hungry!" Xu Heran pursed his lips and rubbed his stomach, "I'm the lead singer, how can I sing high notes if I'm not full?"

"Oh~ I love you, love you, love you, love you, do you still use high notes?" Xin Nuo deliberately sang the competition song, her voice was gentle, and the ending sound was meaningful.

Xu Heran was stunned for a moment, it was the first time she heard Xin Nuo sing, subconsciously said: "Nuo Nuo, you sing really well!"

Xin Nuo raised his eyebrows, handed the plate to his aunt, and imitated Xu Heran's tone, "Please give me a pot bun and a vegetable."

The girl behind her immediately said: "You still talk about me!"

"Eat early, go back to training, and won't come at noon." Xin Nuo said.

Xu Heran had no choice but to shrug his shoulders, waiting for her to finish cooking and the two of them joined the main force one after the other. The others were already seated. There were seven people sitting facing each other at a long table with yogurt and fruit on the table. The cameraman from the program team hurried over and stood behind them.

When the camera was facing the camera, Jiang Qiong and Song Fenghua evaded to varying degrees. After a while, they sat up stiffly. Song Fenghua stretched out an arm to cover his face.

On Xu Heran's left is Haya. She looked at the two eggs on Haya's plate and frowned, "You just eat this? We won't come for lunch at noon."

Haya had a bitter face, her false eyelashes drooped, and she whispered: "I'm too tall, I see people say I'm strong in the camera, I don't dare to eat more!"

"But you want to dance, how can you dance if you can't eat enough and have no strength?" Xu Heran disagreed very much, "And why are you so strong, who is so blind?"

She stretched out her fist and stretched forward, and Haya also stretched out her arms. Comparing the two long and thin arms, Haya was not much thicker than Xu Heran at all.

"Ghost, look at how thin you are." Xu Heran looked at his dinner plate, and reluctantly gave her the chicken leg, "Eat!"

Haya struggled, but did not refuse.

The seven of them started to eat slowly. Except for Haya and Laurel in the dormitory, the others were not very familiar with each other, nor had they cooperated with each other, so they kept their heads down and did not speak.

Xu Heran lowered his head and ate intently without raising his head.

Xin Nuo broke open the soft-skinned buns, and the steaming aroma spread into everyone's noses. A few girls who had eaten breakfast and just wanted to pass them off with fruit swallowed, looked at me and looked at you, and suddenly stood up, "I Or go see it again."

Very good, it seems that everyone's shyness is relatively low, and they should be able to accept "Let's go to see the cherry blossoms together" soon.

Xin Nuo thought to himself, and put half of the broken buns on Xu Heran's dinner plate.

Xu Heran, who was buried in cooking, was stunned, she raised her head in a daze, and looked at Xin Nuo with emotion.

The corner of Xin Nuo's mouth was raised uncontrollably, and she said helplessly, "Xu Heran."

Xu Heran looked at her anxiously.

"your eyes…"

Xu Heran quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, she thought her eyelids were dusty.

"It's okay, let's eat." Xin Nuo said with a smile.

Xu Heran smiled happily at her, but she didn't know that what Xin Nuo wanted to say was - Xu Heran, your eyes are so bright.

She doesn't hate it.

As long as your eyes are always so bright and clear, I won't hate you.

After eating, everyone returned the plates and sat down at the dining table. The atmosphere was a little silent, and someone looked up. Xu Heran, who was the most enthusiastic, was too full and sleepy, resting his chin lazily.

The thick eyelashes are drooping, and the beautiful pupils are half covered, quietly looking at the dust floating in the sun.

"Hmm..." Jian Yueyin suddenly cleared her throat, and everyone couldn't help but focus on her.

"Let's talk about the song."

She took out the folded paper from the small bag she was carrying, and she even brought everyone's lyrics!

Xu Heran looked at Jian Yueyin in surprise, and quickly took the lyrics page to thank him. But when her eyes fell on the lyrics, her expression immediately wept. The cameraman faithfully captured everyone's expressions. Except for the expressionless Song Fenghua, the expressions of the others were more or less subtle. Even Xin Nuo, who was always calm, tilted his head and sighed.

She didn't really want to sing the song either.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Jian Yueyin pursed her lips hesitantly.

Xu Heran leaned back suddenly, held the lyrics page and stretched his waist, leaned on the stool, his head drooped, and wailed, "Save the child—"

The aunt behind the window didn't know why, and looked up here from time to time.

"Small belly." Xin Nuo reminded with a smile.

Xu He suddenly sat up, wrinkled his nose, deliberately raised one leg and stepped on the edge of the stool, looking very awkward. She rolled the lyrics into a tube, tapped on the table, and said, "Everyone speak freely!"

Everyone didn't have the idea to speak freely, just staring at the lyrics. Laurel folded his arms directly, chewing gum in his mouth, looking at the air indifferently, with an expression of whatever you want. The momentum of shouting "fuck her" disappeared after listening to the original song.

Jian Yueyin raised her eyes, looked at everyone again, and licked her lower lip.

Xin Nuo saw her expression of wanting to speak but didn't have the courage to speak. Xin Nuo changed his mind, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly realized. Xin Nuo raised his hand, stroked his hair, leaned on the back of the chair, and said with a smile: "Actually, this song is very good, and it has been very popular until now."

Xu Heran was weak, "Yes."

Jian Yueyin: "Yes."

Haya: "Hahaha."

"Hey, hey." Laurel continued to look at the air.

Jiang Qiong nodded, and Song Fenghua said "oh".

"The song is good, but it doesn't suit our style." Xin Nuo whispered, "And from the lyrics, it's not suitable for adaptation. The songwriter of this song has his own style and characteristics, which is very good."

Xu Heran gave a thumbs up.

"What I want to say is, do you remember that since the first recording when we first entered the camp, we announced a rule about the selection of competing songs." After Xin Nuo finished speaking, he looked at Jian Yueyin.

Jian Yueyin's eyes lit up.

Xu Heran rubbed his head blankly, and whispered to Xin Nuo, "Ah, what?"

"Is there anything else that you know that I don't?" She is a know-it-all! How could she not know what Nuonuo knew!

Xin Nuo withdrew his gaze and looked at Xu Heran with a smile, his tone meaningful.

"Well, there are too many."

The author has something to say:

Favorability: Cleared.

Xin Nuo thinks that you can start over.


Read The Duke's Passion