MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 75 SGS(1)

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After the female idol named Taozi finished taking pictures with Xu Heran, she greeted Xin Nuo again, but she didn't treat Xu Heran enthusiastically, and then bounced away with a happy expression.

Halfway through, he turned around and smiled brightly.

However, when Xu Heran turned her head, she followed her back and looked at Xin Nuo. Xin Nuo lowered his eyes and stared at Xu Heran with an indifferent expression. No one paid attention to Tao Zi in front of him. Jiang Qiong, who was embarrassed for others, couldn't help raising her hand and waved to her.

Taozi forced a smile and waved. This time she left faster than before.

"I don't know her!" Xu Heran said to Xin Nuo, "Did you hear me, I just introduced myself to her!"

"And summer is here, I like to eat watermelon now!"

Xin Nuo: "Oh."

Jiang Qiong quietly leaned over, "Hey, let me tell you, there are eleven people in their group, and they are all named after fruits. You like watermelon, and they have it too!"

Jiang Xiaoqiong, who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, stretches out her hand and nods to the group where Tao Zi is, "The fifth one from the left is the sister with a watermelon head! Look at how caring she is, and she even puts her own fruit labels on her sportswear. "

Xu Heran: "...It's so hot, stay away from me."

A pearl raised her foot, her white sneakers pressed against Jiang Qiong's buttocks, her legs straightened, and the barking dog was pushed aside.

"Hey, I'm kind enough to introduce you!" Jiang Xiaoqiong got up, patted the blades of grass on her buttocks, and crawled over again excitedly, her eyes were full of excitement to eat melons.

"Xu Zhenzhu, why did she pinch your face? Is she familiar with you? If you don't know her, why pinch your face? You little pearl doesn't keep your virtue."

The people who formed a circle laughed lightly when they heard this, and cooperated with Jiang Qiongdao.

"Yes, yes, what's the matter with you, I have never pinched your face!"

"What, you haven't pinched Xu Zhenzhu's face?"

"Little sister looks a little sweet, huh?"

"What sister, she is older than you."

"I really envy her familiar character, but I can't do it. I saw the lead singer of the super crazy band, and I wanted to say hello to her, but I didn't dare."

A group of people chattered endlessly, and the topic could not be separated from the female idol who had just come to make friends with Xu Heran. Xu Heran was even more afraid to speak. She quietly glanced at Xin Nuo's expression.

Xin Nuo was expressionless, she was sitting next to Xu Heran, wearing a pink sportswear. All eight of them are pink. According to Jiang Qiong, the more pink they are, the more stable their rankings will be.

The slender girl is sitting on the green indoor football field, like a clear daffodil.

Everyone's words fell into her ears, she remained expressionless, lowered her head, and picked up a small stone.

Xu Heran felt that what she pinched was not a rock, but a broken pearl!

Xu Heran: "...Sister, pinch your face!"

She put her chin on Xin Nuo's lap and tilted her head. The indoor venues are well lit, someone's blue-based pupils are like the sea, and the shining purple lines are like corals sleeping in the clear sea. Everything is a miracle of nature.

"Too lazy to move." Xin Nuo said lightly.

"Come on." Xu Heran said, "It's just a warm-up exercise."

She took Xin Nuo's hand and put it on her face. Xin Nuo deliberately let go of his strength, making his arms limp, and Xu Heran grabbed and shook them up and down. As she shook, her fingertips grazed Little Pearl's soft skin.

"...So this is a warm-up exercise?" Jian Yueyin asked in surprise.

Haya: "Got it."

She immediately raised her hand, squeezed Lin Weining's face with both hands, and rubbed her face back and forth. Lin Xianxian stared round her eyes, then raised her hand to pinch Haya's, and the two squeezed each other.

"Come on~"

Xu Heran begged.

Xin Nuo slanted his eyes, "Do you really want me to pinch?"



Xin Nuo's tone was even lighter, he raised his hand, pinched Xu Heran's face and pulled it away, and said in his mouth, "Become a pig."

Someone raised his hand very cooperatively and pressed it against his nose.

Everyone: "..."

Xin Nuo: "...Pfft!"

Seeing that Xin Nuo smiled, Xu Heran laughed along with her. She leaned forward, with the upper half of her body pressed against Xin Nuo's lap.

"It's so coaxing..." Jian Yueyin said softly, and she sat down, "Hey."

The tone of her tone provoked, and the other seven people in SGS subconsciously moved towards Jian Yueyin's direction.

"I heard from Sister Cui that the Xingyao brand has launched a new product, summer fruit drink, and the spokesperson has not yet been decided." Jian Yueyin said, "I heard what Sister Cui said, she wants to find a girl group to endorse, and ask for a sweeter one. "

Xu Heran blinked, "Captain, why do you know everything?"

"Aren't you looking for us?" Jiang Qiong, who loves Manene, asked.

Jian Yueyin said: "I don't know, haven't you paid attention to your own endorsements? This year, Xingyao Beverage has done well, from Haicheng to the whole country. I saw it at the canteen last time when I went home."

Jian Yueyin's hometown is in the countryside, a small village in an underdeveloped place.

Everyone seemed to understand but nodded.

"Speaking of sweetness, didn't you see them budding this time?" Laurel asked.

"Maybe I'm preparing for a new album." After Jian Yueyin finished speaking, she looked at Xu Heran again, and said with a smile, "It's okay."

Xin Nuo also glanced at Xu Heran, she suddenly held Xu Heran's face, and turned in the direction of other teammates. A certain pearl's eyes meet the previous circle of sight.

"Pinch it?" Xin Nuo chuckled, "No tickets, only today."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"You can take pictures."

Xu Heran's eyes widened slowly, and before he could struggle, he pinched her cheek with one hand.

"Not bad." Song Fenghua rolled his eyes, "It's easy to pinch."

"Don't forget to take pictures." Xin Nuo instructed.


Song Fenghua raised his phone.

Xin Nuo said softly, "Xu Heran."

Xu Heran: "..."

She raised her scissors.

Because it is a sports variety show, the atmosphere on the scene is not serious. Following the camera of the director, the host introduces to future audiences who are taking a break and talking, and what they are doing.

The host's voice passed through the loudspeaker and also fell into the ears of everyone sitting on the grass.

"As you can see, our very popular SGS girl idol group is happily taking pictures, hahaha, is Xu Heran, the youngest member of SGS, being used as a prop?" the host joked.

From the moment they entered the arena, many celebrities who wanted to watch but were embarrassed immediately turned their heads with smiles and took the opportunity to watch SGS in the open.

Among the individual groups participating in the star sports meeting this year, SGS can be said to be the top idol group last year and this year, and it is the most popular idol among all.

The director's camera fell on them from time to time. Some people looked at them with sore eyes, but they didn't dare to say anything. And as a star, Na Bo, who was secretly chasing stars in private, was extremely happy.

"Did you see it? It's so cute!"

"Everyone in their group looks so good-looking. How do they look! The face is so-so small, and the legs are so-so long! I can't be jealous if I can eat with my face alone."

"I also want to take pictures with Laurel, His Majesty Hua is my idol."

"Can you throw me over there?"

"Can I ask for an autograph after a while? Does anyone know what project Mr. Xin applied for?"

"From the time they entered the arena to now, I have seen Taozi in the fruit combination take pictures with Xu Heran, she is so courageous."

"I don't dare to go, I'm afraid that people will say that I'm too hot...Although I really want to take pictures with Little Pearl."

In the midst of discussions, the fruit group, Tao Zi, who had just edited and sent on Weibo, froze when she heard the discussion, and deliberately did not look at the person next to her.

"How is it?" Someone in the group asked her.

"It's okay, let's see if I can still talk to Xu Heran later." Tao Zi whispered.

"You can take it easy, don't be too outrageous." The captain of the fruit group whispered.

Tao Zi whispered, "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. I didn't do this for our combination. Xu Heran is the daughter of Universal. If I have a good relationship with her, there must be a lot of time when Xingyao summer fruit drink series considers the spokesperson. Give us two points!"

"Anyway, such a good opportunity is given to you. If you can't do it well, don't blame us for being angry." Someone said dissatisfied.

They are a group of eleven people, and they have debuted for a year, so it is inevitable that there will be some small frictions. As for the matter of taking pictures with Xu Heran this time, it was directly decided by the company, and the others were not very happy.

The popularity of SGS is obvious to all. Being able to stir up CP with Xu Heran, regardless of being scolded or knocked off CP, is popular, especially Xu Heran's fans are usually quite gentle, and their attitude towards CP fans is also good. SGS is a group of various CPs, and they are It's not a person in SGS, so it won't matter if you post it casually.

This kind of good thing that can increase fans, but the company decided to give it to Taozi. Originally, Taozi was the c position set by the company, and she was given priority in all good things, and the others were naturally not convinced.

Their company has weighed the weight of the two groups, and the success of Shining Star Drinks is inseparable from the success of SGS. Shining Star Beverages currently has two series, milk and juice. If it can win the endorsement of the juice series, if it works well, it is not impossible to be bundled with SGS, and SGS will be disbanded next year. Dissolution will be a big news. Traffic, the rest of the year is bundled together and there is no worries. At that time, their eleven-member group can also split out seven or eight people, called small SGS, no matter how profitable it is, there is no harm.

Fruit Group is a third-line girl group. Seeing that the statistics are getting worse and worse after their debut two years ago, they are also panicking in their hearts. Who doesn't want to be a first-line girl group, who doesn't want to be popular, and they didn't hurt SGS. A team with low means, they are already considered very good.

A group of people thought in their hearts, but did not speak.

"I know, if it's really not possible, you can go together when you see the opportunity." Taozi touched her cheek and said, "I won't feel angry, after all, this is a good thing for our entire group, even though the company appointed me to come with Xu Heran Let's fry cp, but I'm afraid I can't do it well..."

Others felt that the meaning of her words was not right, and someone immediately said: "You said, let us go too?"

Taozi bit her tongue, thinking that if I just said it, you still believe it, with a hesitant expression on her face, "I really don't care, it's the company... and if we stick to them too much, will someone say we lick it?" ?”

"One or two people is fine, what about a group of people." Tao Zi smiled, "Unless we can be so friendly with SGS that we call them sister groups?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Their sister group is FYU. Let's think about this kind of thing when we sign with Universal." Someone poured cold water on her. She saw Taozi's displeasure and rolled her eyes in her heart.

"Cut, isn't it just leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, if it's us..."

The eyes of a group of people floated up.

If they had such good resources, would they...


The whistle sounded, and the competitions of the sports conference officially started.

Xu Heran loosened his shoulders and went to check.

There are countless idol groups large and small in Huaguo, and besides idols, there are also young singers and actors in this star sports meeting.

"Come on!" The seven members of SGS, who had already moved to the audience seats, applauded Xu Heran, "We won't see you off, walking will make you tired, we need to store energy."

Xu Heran slid the black line up and down his head, glanced at the other people accompanying him to the inspection, and turned his head unwillingly.

"I think you can have a running companion."

In an instant, a group of people fell back together, pretending to look at the sky.

Xu Heran: "..."

Xin Nuo, who was editing the text with his head down, chuckled, "Just wait, the news of the discord within the SGS team will come out in a while."

"What, we made up?" Jiang Qiong said intentionally, "The classmate next to me, what's your last name?"

Laurel said indifferently: "My surname is Lau."

"Hahaha, I thought it was the President." Haya laughed.

Laurel's eye knife "shua" turned sideways, for the sake of Haya's life, the kind fairy Lin Xianxian raised her hand and covered Haya's mouth.

"Just think about it in your heart, why you say it." The fairy was puzzled.

Haya grabbed back Lin Weining's withdrawn hand and pressed it to her mouth again, "I was wrong."

"Nuo Nuo?" Xu Heran called Xin Nuo, "Do you want to watch me run?"

Xin Nuo raised his hand and waved his fingers outward, "Come on."

Depressedly, Xu Heran went to check by himself.

In the stands, Xin Nuo sneered as he looked at Weibo, where someone kindly called Zhuzhu's name and selfie, as well as the inexplicable "looks a bit matching" text in the comments.

"Xu Heran seldom gets his face pinched. Even his own family member's face has never been touched, but he is directly pinched by a friend he just met. Is this the legendary love at first sight?"

"Peach is so good, you are indeed an excellent diplomat of our fruit group! You have made friends with the members of SGS so quickly! Awesome! As expected of you!"

"Not only have I made friends~ I'm also called Zhuzhu~ I'm so close~ Oh my god, I've got it, I've got it!"



"Although I want to say something, it's hard to say it."

"Don't come to our place with names from upstairs, you can slap yours, we can also slap ours, everyone is free to slap CP!"

"Okay, goodbye!"

Not long after, the Celebrity Games became a trending topic in the entertainment sector. At the same time, selfies posted by various celebrities celebrating the opening of the Games also floated up. Teams were vying to occupy the headlines.

Two minutes later, #辛诺叶珠# slowly took the first place.

After clicking in, a photo was saved by many people laughing in Weibo, which had only been posted for ten minutes but already had more than 10,000 comments.

The person with his chin in his sister's palm puffed his face, but was pinched by his sister's slender and white fingers, his expression looked aggrieved, if the smile in his eyes was suppressed.

Xin Nuo: "Whose family's little pearl is it?"

Comment below first.

"It belongs to your family!"

"The throbbing is real!"

After the fans shouted the slogan, they swiped Weibo happily, and immediately, a series of "bead pinching photos" appeared on the homepage. Jian Yueyin, Song Fenghua, Laurel, Lin Weining, Haya, even dog Wangwang wanted to touch Pearl's face, but Zhuwangwang grabbed her wrist and bit her.

"Hahahaha I announce the official start of the first bead pinching competition in this sports meeting!"

"Jiang Xiaoqiong is the first to be eliminated!"

"Fenghua's movements are too gentle, Xiaozhuzhu's face is not deformed! Unqualified, eliminated!"

"Look at us, Ha Daya, with Lin Weining on the left and right, and we can get the best tacit understanding award!"

"His Majesty Hua is His Majesty Hua. The dead fish eyes taking a selfie with Little Pearl is really memorable, such a disdainful expression, such an uninhibited movement."

"So unruly, it turned out to be two scissorhands!"

"Hahaha Sister Yueyin, does Sister Yueyin have any objections to the little pearls? If you pinch them, rub them together hahaha, our chubby little pearls are going to become long strips!"

"Yueyin: Let you always beat me! Ha!"

"Miss Yueyin is second, Laurel is third, the first is obvious!"

"The sound of gongs and drums, and the sound of firecrackers! Congratulations to Her Royal Highness for winning the first bead pinching competition! I hope that Her Royal Highness will stop arrogance and impetuosity, continue to work hard, and achieve better results in the next competition! Dear audience and friends! Let us see you later!"


A lot of people participated in the 100-meter sprint. Xu Heran was assigned to the fifth group of women's competition.

Playing in a group of five, she stood warming up at the edge of the grass, yawning amidst the screams around her.

When the staff raised the horn to call the fifth group, when the fifth group was ready, Xu Heran swung his arms and stood at the starting point amid all kinds of inadvertent scrutiny from the crowd.

A girl in black sweatpants and a small yellow skirt turned her head and opened her eyes wide, showing a surprised expression.

"Yeah, it's Zhuzhu, hello!"

Xu Heran frowned slightly, and said politely, "Hello."

"I'm peach's friend, and I'm a fruit combination lemon!" The girl grabbed the jewelry pinned to her chest, a round lemon, "You can call me Lemon, or Lemon!"

Xu Heran suddenly shivered, "It sounds a little sore."

The smile on the corner of Lemon's mouth was crooked, "Yes, hahaha, but lemons are nutritious!"

Xu Heran nodded with a smile.

"Let's run together. Your legs are so long, so you look amazing." Lemon looked down at Xu Heran's legs. The size of SGS's sportswear was tailored according to their figures, and it looked a bit close-fitting. Girls The slender arc comes into view.

Lemon compared her legs, then looked at her own, and suddenly felt that they were indeed a little sour.

She stretched out her hand, pretending to have a smile of praise on her face, and wanted to pinch Xu Heran's leg, "What did you eat to grow up?"

Xu Heran stepped back, pretending not to hear Lemon's voice, and asked the girl next to him, "Are you about to start?"

The girl next to her was a little surprised, and even a little surprised, and said with a smile, "We have to wait until the time is registered at the finish line."

Lemon next to him felt empty, as if he felt Xu Heran's repulsion, he didn't speak again, and Xu Heran just returned to his original position.

What's so great about having long legs? Long legs don't mean you can run fast!

Lemon sneered in her heart, intending to show Xu Heran her ability, she is a good sprinter in their group.

Xu Heran doesn't know what Lemon is thinking, she thinks the outside world is so dangerous, she must be optimistic about Nuonuo, and don't let her suffer the same "danger"!

Little Pearl thought to herself, when she raised her eyes, she suddenly saw a girl in pink sportswear smiling and waving at the finish line.

Xu Heran's eyes widened suddenly.


"Ready!" The staff raised the flag.

Little Pearl, who was full of enthusiasm, stepped onto the running gear.


At the same time as the starting gun sounded, a pink shadow "swish" flew out, like a sharp blade piercing through the air, or a bullet flying out of the muzzle of a gun, galloping on the runway.

Surrounding players on the runway were shocked at the same time, and there were fierce cheers at the scene!

"Come on! Xu Heran, come on!"

"Little Pearl, go!"


In just ten seconds, the pink figure crossed the finish line and hugged the same pink figure waiting at the finish line.

"Bumped into me, idiot!"

"Hey~" Xu Heran let go of Xin Nuo, panted, and grabbed Xin Nuo's wrist, "Am I great!"

"Great, thank you all." Xin Nuo smiled and put down her flying bangs.

Xu Heran smiled at the camera, and bowed to thank the star athletes who were cheering for her on the stage.

Lemon, who was left behind by her, crossed the line second. She widened her eyes and asked loudly, "Did she get away early?"

She grabbed the athletes of the same team, "Did she make a false start, did she run before the gunshot?"

"No." Another athlete said with a smile, "It's just that she runs fast. Haven't you watched the SGS variety show? Little Pearl is very fit, and she can also fight and box!"


She looked at the lens, smiled embarrassedly, and wanted to redeem the problem and poor performance that she had just been out of her mind.

"I'm sorry, I just want a fair competition environment, so I'm too quick to speak out~ Please Xu Heran's fans let me go~"

Her words seemed to say that Xu Heran's fans would scold her, the cameraman who recorded the video showed a subtle expression and did not speak.

Sprints in the morning, followed by men's and women's long jump shot put, high jump.

"We obviously have two people, Xu Zhenzhu and Ha Daya, but you let my poor dog, Wang Wang, participate in the sports competition!" Jiang Xiaoqiong stood in place, waiting for the captain to give her a number plate, "You don't even want to win the championship!"

"Competition comes second, friendship comes first." Song Fenghua said.

Xu Heran waved his fan, took the water glass from Xin Nuo, and dried the water.

"Come on, try not to take the last place!" Lin Weining cheered Jiang Qiong.

"Thank you so much, you have such high expectations for me!" Jiang Xiaoqiong pursed her lips, "The bottom one is also one!"

"I'm going!"

Song Fenghua made a long jump, Jiang Xiaoqiong jumped high and Jian Yueyin went to throw a shot put. With a sense of responsibility of "participation" and a sense of mission of "keeping the first and competing for the second", they strived to win their due in the penultimate and penultimate positions. honor.

"It's really great!"

Xu Heran applauded.

The two bunkers were close to each other, both in the southwest corner, while Xu Heran and the others were allocated a stand in the northeast corner, facing Jiang Xiaoqiong's jumping pole for the upcoming competition.

In the stands, except for Laurel who was going to accompany Song Fenghua and Jian Yueyin, the four of them sat forward together, resting their chins on their hands, watching the young girls with great interest, using various movements, expressions, and interpretations of jumping poles. Love and Hatred.

"Can any of them really jump over?" Haya said, "Is the kid who jumped on the spot serious?"

"I'm going!" In the crowd, Jiang Qiong in pink clothes yelled, clenched her fists, rushed out, and took off. With a terrified expression, she crossed the bar and rolled 980 degrees on the mat, using her face smoothly. brake.

"Eh?" Jiang Qiong looked at herself in surprise, who had no missing arms or legs, and then turned her head to look at the slightly shaking but securely hanging pole.


The four people in the stands sighed in unison, showing disappointed expressions.

"Except for the final landing action, I was not interested in performing at the beginning. I am disappointed with Jiang's performance this time." Xu Heran took advantage of Dog Wangwang's absence to split the friendship of Wangwang team.

"Qioner is a performing artist, not in the same branch as Nuoer, but they are both excellent performers." Haya insisted on words.

"I'm not the bottom one!" Jiang Qiong happily waved to the stands.

The four girls raised their arms and waved, with false smiles on their faces.

"Laugh, just laugh."

Jiang Xiaoqiong, who was not the bottom one, made it to the final in a thrilling manner, and got the third place. It was a pleasant surprise. Song Fenghua was second in the long jump, and Jian Yueyin took the bottom three very easily. Everyone has good results. Come back and cheer together, tons of water.

After lunch, only relay and archery are left for SGS to participate in this afternoon. Swimming, dancing and fencing will be held tomorrow.

"Why don't you give us Haya a horse race?" Xu Heran said.

Haya immediately said, "I thank you for not asking me to perform a horse-riding show."

"It's not good to tie a horse, it costs shoes." Jiang Qiong immediately imitated the movements of the man who tied the horse in the video he had watched.

Xin Nuo chuckled, "I remember someone asking me why Zhuzhu's accent changes so often."

Xu Heran tilted his head and stared at Xin Nuo for a while, his eyelids slowly falling.

"It depends on the video that Jiang Xiaoqiong and Ha Daya shared with Zhuzhu recently." Xin Nuo looked at the two culprits.

"Sauce." Jian Yueyin said with a smile.

"Stop the sauce, I like sesame sauce, come to my hometown this winter, I'll invite you to eat our local pot." Haya pulled Xu Heran away from Xin Nuo, "Wake up, I'll take you for a walk."

"This winter should be very busy." Jian Yueyin said.

Haya shrugged, "Let's see when the time comes...Xu Zhongzhu, you ran a hundred in the morning and ate so much at noon?"

Xu Heran was so sleepy, his tone became lazier: "How can you exercise if you're not full?"

"Look good." Xin Nuo said with a smile, "Don't lose our little pearl."

Haya raised her eyebrows at Xin Nuo.


Xin Nuo chuckled and waved his hand.

"Let's play."

Two tall girls walked to the archery range, Haya weighed the bow in her hand, her expression was expressionless, she said to Xu Heran, "Bibi?"

"All right." Xu Heran said with a smile, "Protect the two and fight for the first?"

Xu Heran has grown up recently, and her delicate face lost its childishness and became more protruding. She and Haya stood among a bunch of beautiful beauties in their own way, and all the flowers suddenly became a foil. If the other people are the daisies beside the flowerbed on the artist's paper, these two people are the peonies with thick ink and color, with multiple petals and stamens, and they are the center of the whole painting.

When they competed with serious expressions, not to mention those male stars, many girls couldn't help but look sideways and linger on the two of them.

In archery, fencing, golf and other sports, Xu Heran used to accompany the two elders in the family, while Haya was even more unrestrained. Before becoming an idol, he often went rock climbing, bungee jumping, and skydiving.

Two carefully cultivated flower branches bloom in the arena.

In the end, the more experienced Haya came out on top.

"Thanks." Haya smiled and gave Xu Heran a high five.

"As expected of you."

The two laughed and left amidst the applause around them.

"There's only 400 meters of relay left!" Jiang Qiong slumped on the stool and shook her head, "Fortunately, it's just this one time, I won't come here again!"

Xu Heran paused in the action of tying his shoelaces, and thought about it.

"You must never set a flag for yourself."


"Qiong'er, did Director Liu invite you to be a resident of "Whatever You Want"?" Jian Yueyin said with a smile, "Yes, Qiong'er can be a variety show host and singer, and I'm afraid you won't be a frequent guest of major variety shows in the future."

Jiang Qiong took a breath, "Get away from me."

When Xu Heran stood on the track, he couldn't help exhaling.

"Get away from me."

"Hey, it's Zhuzhu!" Taozi said happily to Xu Heran, "I didn't expect us to run the last race together. I've been watching your game today. You're really amazing!"

"You startled the lemon!"

Taozi cupped her face, "Scared out lemon juice hahaha."

Xu Heran: "Ha, ha, ha..."


"You're so good, can you let me run for a while?" Taozi blinked her big eyes, and begged Xu Heran, "You're so good, I'm sure you can take the first place, just let me run, it's good to run with you The pressure!"

"Show your bosom, little pearl!" Tao Zi slapped her chest.

Xu Heran looked left and right, and smiled politely: "If you think this is in line with sportsmanship..."

"Huh?" Taozi stared round her eyes, looking at Xu Heran with an expression of incomprehension.

"I can persuade the teams that are competing together to let your team finish the run alone first, and then we will compare ourselves." Xu Heran crossed his hips and touched his chin. "In this way, you can run however you want. It's very comfortable, isn't it?"

Tao Zi: "... I hate it!"

"I'm just kidding you." Taozi laughed, "You've already said that, I will definitely try my best to show you, and I will never let you look down on me!"

She clenched her left hand and put it on her waist, raised her right hand, and pointed her index finger at Xu Heran's face.

The camera slowly came over.

"Well, come on, but I'm sure I won't underestimate you." Xu Heran's tone was more polite, and he turned to look at the track. The black-haired girl waved at her. Xu Heran raised his arms and pointed his heart at Xin Nuobi, with a calm voice .

"Not only do they not look down on you, they don't even look down on you, don't worry."



Next, Xu Heran really didn't look at Taozi, and without turning his head to the side, Taozi twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment. The star athlete next to him pretended not to hear their conversation, looked up at the ceiling, lowered his head to study the rubber track, and tried his best not to laugh.

Well, this competition is interesting, so interesting, hahahahaha!


The starting gun fired, SGS's first stick, Laurel, rushed forward blankly, and handed over the second stick to Haya. All the teams worked hard, but SGS came up to take the lead. Haya's athletic talent was really strong, and he directly left the second place behind by half a lap.

The three-stick Xin Nuo took the baton, turned his head and rushed forward.

Xin Nuo took off his coat, his arms were thin and white, he frowned slightly while running, and looked at Xu Heran with bright eyes.

Xu Heran's eyes were even brighter.

She watched Xin Nuo running towards her, the cheers around her drifted away slowly, and the beautiful colorful flags were flying in the stands, but they were all so vague. She only saw the loose hair on Xin Nuo's temples, and heard her breathing as she approached her.

"Come on." Xin Nuo said quickly, watching Xu Heran run towards the finish line.

The girl who only wore short sleeves raised her hand, brushed back the broken hair around her ears, her eyes inadvertently met her peaches. The eyes of the two of them were about to leave, and both sides looked away expressionlessly.

In the women's relay, SGS won first place without any surprise.

Xu Heran crossed his hips at the finish line, smiling as he watched other teammates walking in his direction. Today's race was almost over, and the three people on the track slowed down, or they simply had to wait for the teammates behind.


A voice made Xu Heran's hair stand on end.

"You said you ignored me, you really ignored me, it's disgusting." Taozi said intentionally, "We are all girls, so what about me."

Xu Heran tilted his head, touched the side of his neck with his palm, and said calmly, "You must be honest."

she thought to herself.

Do pearls too.

"Hmph, I will find a way to let you see me!" Tao Zi said, "But, can you tell me what kind of person you like... Oh, I have no other intentions, just want to get familiar with you, I said that I like you very much and want to be good friends with you!"

"Who do I like?" Xu Heran looked ahead, and Xin Nuo walked over with two teammates with no expression on his face.

Little Pearl gulped down her saliva.

"'s obvious!"

"Everyone knows that I like big breasts!" Xu Heran said proudly.

The smile on Tao Zi’s face suddenly froze, staring at Xu Heran, who was looking straight ahead without looking down at her, and continued: “Of course, it’s better to have longer legs, thinner waist, whiter skin, smaller face, and bigger eyes. , hair, I also like black hair!"

Peach who dyed her hair pink specially for this operation: "..."

Why, Xu Heran thinks that she has short chest, calves, short waist, thick skin, dark face, big eyes and small hair... Her hair is black even if it is not dyed!

Taozi, who is 1.6 meters tall, raised her head, flames burst out of her eyes, she gritted her teeth and said with a smile, "Is that so...haha, haha."

"The game is over, my teammates called me, see you tomorrow, in vain."

The girl with flames on her back returned to the team faster than running a relay. The moment she sat down, she immediately took out her mobile phone, cut the trumpet, and spoke angrily.

Xia Tian wants to eat peaches: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Xia Tian wants to eat peaches: "My friends, I have truth-telling news. The SGS girl group Xu Heran looks down on girls and criticizes them at will, saying that they are thick and short, dark-skinned and poor. How can there be such a female idol!"

Xia Tian wants to eat peaches: "This kind of person can be a female idol, it is an insult to girls!"

Her trumpet has two or three hundred fans, and someone immediately forwarded it and asked, "Really?"

Tao Zi was furious, and tapped on the keyboard, "Yes, be true! Everyone knows that I am a staff member in the entertainment industry. It is not convenient to disclose the specific work, but I heard Xu Heran say that she likes long legs, big breasts, and thin waist. Dead gays are disgusting!"


Because of the keyword, this speech quickly floated to the SGS fan homepage. Someone read her words twice and said in confusion: "The Star Games will be filmed in Beijing this year. My friend, I think you are positioned as the Beijing University Stadium, so you are a star." The staff of the sports meeting? What you said is true? Spreading rumors is against the law, and Universal’s legal department, you know it too, be quick and ruthless.”

Taozi, who was swiping the screen and watching her retweeting volume slowly increase, thumped and broke out in a cold sweat.

"September is the harvest season and the season of joy. Thanks to this man named Xia Tian wanting to eat peaches for bringing me the biggest joke this year—Xu Heran looks down on girls. Xu Heran is a girl, so Xu Heran looks down on herself?"

"I really spared no effort for Hei Xiaozhu. Anyone who knows a little bit about their group knows that, among other things, SGS only has a lot of female fans, especially Xu Heran's mother fans. You say she hates the number of other groups by herself. Girl, how did these mother fans come out?"

"Don't ask, asking is company marketing."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"While saying that Xu Heran is gay, and at the same time saying that she looks down on girls, ah... How old is my friend this year, and have you ever taken any medicine?"

"Shells, although this friend is full of lies, I choose to believe one of them. Xu Heran likes those with long breasts, thighs, and thin waist. I already know that Xin Nuo has long breasts, thighs, and thin waist, so——Xu Heran likes Xin Nuo! It's real!"

"At once

Read The Duke's Passion