MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 70 SGS (Overlord ticket plus change)

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During the Spring Festival, all SGS participated in the first Spring Festival Gala of Universal TV, and spent the first day of the Spring Festival with the audience watching the live broadcast.

At half past twelve, eight girls in down jackets left the Universal Entertainment Building and strolled in the park.

Xu Heran stopped the patrolling Qiuqiu, sat on the small stool behind Qiuqiu, grabbed the handrail, and waved proudly to the crowd behind him.

"Where's my fairy stick?" Jiang Qiong started to rummage through her pockets.


The jumping flame ignited the long fairy wand, and the moment the stars jumped, the girls laughed.

"Fairy stick, fairy stick, who is the most beautiful fairy in this world?" Xu Heran asked with a smile, pointing the firework stick in his hand at a smiling girl.

"In the new year, does Sister Fairy like me more?"

Fairy Wand nodded immediately.

"Wow, super accurate!" Xu Heran said pleasantly.

Xin Nuo immediately grabbed Xu Heran's hand and was about to throw the fireworks into the water.

"You will offend the fairy if you do this!" Xu Heran said threateningly.

"That's not something you little pearl needs to think about." Xin Nuo chuckled, and the two chased on the road with colored lights.

One o'clock at night.

The SGS official blog and eight girls' social platforms uploaded photos, a star made of burning fairy sticks, a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, and a group photo of laughing.

SGS: Happy New Year, may every year be happy and happy.

In March, spring returned to the land, and posters with eight girls from SGS were silently posted in every corner of the city, on the subway propaganda wall, blue and purple girls curled their lips and stretched out their hands in the direction in front of them.

"This March, come?"


A girl leaned on the wall excitedly, touching Xu Heran's hand.

"Wuuuuu Mama can finally see you!"

The pedestrians passing by paused, looking in shock at the girl holding up her mobile phone to "click" to take pictures.

"Is this... the legendary She Niu?"

"Girls Game Workshop" was recorded by FYU after the new year. Everyone in SGS prepared for the concert with all their heart. Among the eight people, except for Lin Weining who worked hard, Xu Heran appeared in the public much less frequently than others. Apart from the concert, she has another one this year. A very important event.

college entrance examination.

"Sister Cui said the concert is over, let me concentrate on the exam." In the changing room, Xu Heran stood in the center, obediently asking the costumer to bring her accessories.

"A total of three concerts, soon." Jian Yueyin drank her saliva, looked at Xu Heran, "Of course, how tall are you now?"

Xu Heran opened his palms and made a five.

"Hiss." Jian Yueyin took a breath, "What did you eat?"

Haya sat on the stool and turned around, "How many Xin Nuo Nuo for a meal?"

The girl who changed her clothes came out and raised her eyebrows.

"Wow, Ms. Nuo." Following the purple hair last time, Xin Nuo's hair challenged other colors again. The pink and purple softened the sense of alienation on her body, and the whole person seemed to have a soft light.

Xu Heran stretched out his hands proudly, "I have found the truth!"

"I'm just a little black among the thousands of flowers on the stage!"

Because it is spring, Haicheng is not very warm yet, everyone's clothes are thicker, but the eight people have been controlling their weight for the concert, and they still look very slender.

"Well, you are a black pearl." Jian Yueyin said, taking another sip of water.

Xin Nuo raised his hand, squeezed Xu Heran's waist, felt someone quietly exerting force, and put down his hand with a smile. Xu Heran chased her fingers through the dresser, but was pinched by Xin Nuo.

"Yueyin, you seem very nervous." Xin Nuo said.

Jian Yueyin drank tea in the posture of a veteran cadre, "Is there any?"

Lin Weining probed and glanced at Jian Yueyin's water glass.

"Sister Yueyin, you drink so much water, can you hold on on stage?"

Jian Yueyin silently put down her hand.

"This is my first concert."

Everyone nods.

"I hope I can finish singing well." Jian Yueyin took a deep breath and stood up straight.

The seven girls gathered together, folded their hands, and looked at each other.

Haya smiled and said, "It's over if you're happy."

"Let's play!"

Xu Heran chuckled, "We light the fire! We detonate it! But this time we won't run away."

"Let's run for a while, I'm afraid someone will steal the pearl." Jian Yueyin laughed.

Xin Nuo curled his lower lip, "No."

Xu Heran lowered his eyelashes with a smile in his eyes.


"come on!"

"A star fell, and there was me in the world"

"I am born as a human being, and it is rare for me to exist. I stand here and tell you that I have too many attachments, and I have no regrets!"

The moment the stage was lit up, the adapted version of "Capturing the Stars" directly ignited the hearts of 30,000 fans present.

The black-haired Xu Zhenzhu stood on the high platform, being looked up to by 30,000 fans.

"It is the light of the stars that lights up the sky, and the barren galaxy is shining because of me."

"I am a star should be born on the Milky Way."

Seven beams of lights fell, and girls in seven colors sang in harmony, awakening the first song of the night.

"My persistent belief—"

"I am Starlight!"

"My belonging is still in a further direction"

"I am still radiant, I am starlight, I will be radiant!"


"Xu Heran!"



"Fenghua, I love you Fenghua!"




"Jiang Qiong!"

The names of eight people were shouted out from a population of 30,000, like surging waves holding up eight shining stars. On the stage, the girls raised their heads, their eyes were slightly red, and they bowed amid the cheers.

"Hi everyone, we are—"


Haicheng is sleepless tonight, the cold spring night is dispelled by the scorching singing, the stars and lights twinkle together, echoing in the depths of everyone's eyes.

In the first concert, the guest was Ji Songyu, the current unshakable sister of Universal Entertainment. In the second concert, Lu Qian was invited. In the third concert, the guests were the three mentors of Xingyao Girls. Count as guests.

There are three concerts held in a month. Except for each one successfully ending, Xu Heran was finally pressed on stage to sing "Let's go see the cherry blossoms" that she had missed before, but how can a certain pearl be sweet by itself, water, or everyone Go well together.

In the audience, the fans didn't know if the eight girls were happy or not, but they were satisfied anyway.

From the beginning of March to the end of April, SGS has a good harvest.

On the first day after leaving the stage, Xu Heran, who left the group and was preparing for the exam, felt the pain of the final students. She apologized to all the final students for her ridicule.

At the beginning of June, Xu Heran, who didn’t get a birthday cake, stepped into the examination room amidst everyone’s anticipation. The news that SGS Xu Zhenzhu participated in the college entrance examination was quietly listed on the trending searches. Although she didn’t have much hope for her baby’s grades, she still hoped that Pearl could pass the exam smoothly. The Ma Ma fan of the university began to repost all kinds of koi.

In order not to put pressure on Xu Heran, several people from SGS pretended to be normal, but on the last day of the exam on the last day, they got in Cui's car to pick up Xu Heran.

There was a sea of ​​people outside the examination room, all of them were parents who were waiting for the college entrance examination students. Everyone was looking forward to it. A black car slowly parked behind Sister Cui's large commercial vehicle.

"Huh?" Sister Cui looked at the rearview mirror in surprise, her expression flustered.

Xin Nuo was looking down at the scores of various universities, when he heard Sister Cui's voice, he quickly asked, "Zhuzhu came out?"

In the back seat, everyone holding their mobile phones was refreshed.

Sister Cui raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, "No, but..."

"Deng Deng."

The door of the commercial vehicle was knocked twice, and Sister Cui subconsciously pressed the door open button.

In order to be the first to get out of the car to meet Xu Heran, Xin Nuo sat at the door on the right hand side, while Sister Cui's car was parked on the left side of the road, and the door opened to the right in the direction of Xin Nuo.

A beautiful figure stood outside the door.

The woman was wearing a red close-fitting long dress, with a very good figure, her face was not much bigger than a palm with wide glasses, and her red lips were delicately curved.

"Hi." Her deep voice fell in everyone's ears.

Xin Nuo's pupils narrowed slightly, her fingers subconsciously pinched the fabric of the clothes, and a name appeared on her lips.

"You are..." Sister Cui became more and more familiar with her, "Mr. Xu?"

The girls in the back row straightened up, turned their bodies to one side, looked at the beautiful woman with round eyes, and opened their mouths.

Xu Menglan took off her glasses and smiled even deeper.

"Good day, children."

The overwhelming femininity made the young girls laugh dizzily, "Good day, mom—no, hello auntie!"

Xin Nuo whispered, "Hello, Auntie."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but she always feels that Xu Heran's mother just watched her for a long time.

The girl put away her phone stiffly, trying to show a gentle smile.

Cui Qi got out of the car quickly, and the others followed and stood behind Cui Qi.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear from you and didn't go to pick you up." Cui Qi said with a smile.

Xu Menglan waved her hand, "I didn't come to Junran's college entrance examination because I had something to do, so Zhuzhudi could only come to pick her up for the last exam."

The woman smiled softly: "Besides, Zhuzhu's birthday is this month, and we are here to celebrate her birthday."

A small question mark floated in Xin Nuo's heart.


A group of people stood under the shade of a tree, surrounded by plainclothes bodyguards. Almost all parents only thought about their children, and no one paid attention to them.

While the few people were talking, another black car stopped.

Xu Jiamu and Xu Junran with indifferent faces got out of the car and walked over.

Everyone in SGS showed excited expressions in their eyes.


They are Little Pearl's older sister and younger brother!

"Is the cake ordered?" Xu Menglan asked.

Xu Jiamu nodded, raised his eyes, and glanced at Xin Nuo and the others calmly.

Xu Junran looked down at the phone, and after confirming the target, he looked up and looked at Xin Nuo, and the others.

Xin Nuo, who was being looked after intensively: "..."

Xin Nuo: "?"

Xu Menglan pointed her chin and chatted with everyone with a smile, "This year, Zhuzhu will be seventeen."

Cui Qi smiled and said, "Yes, but Shi Qi is still younger, a child."

Xu Menglan immediately waved her hand, "Hey, seventeen years old, not too young, rounded up to twenty, isn't it? If this was in ancient times, children would be two years old."

She suddenly turned her head and asked Xin Nuo, "Is that right?"

Xin Nuo: "...Yes, right."

Zhuzhu's math was taught by her mother.


Xu Menglan took the opportunity to ask her whether Zhuzhu is usually good or not, whether she has made everyone angry, whether everyone likes pearls, and whether Nuo Nuoxi likes Zhuzhu?

Xin Nuo licked his lower lip and nodded slightly.

As if seeing the girl's embarrassment, Xu Menglan didn't make things difficult for her anymore, and turned to talk to other people. Her voice was very gentle, which made everyone who was also cramped relieve their anxiety and chatted with her with a smile.

Xu Jiamu glanced at Xin Nuo, and then again.

"Hello." A cold voice greeted her.

Xin Nuo smiled, "Hello, long time no see."

Xu Jiamu nodded.

Xu Junran immediately followed up and said, "Hello."

Xin Nuo: "...You are also good."

Xu Junran nodded in satisfaction.

The atmosphere among the three was a bit strange, and the girls who were watching chuckled lightly.

Not long after, there was a sound from the direction of the door, and some candidates were ready to come out.

When Xu Heran came out of the crowd wearing a mask and glasses and saw the people standing at the appointed place, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Mom?" Xu Heran was dragged into the shade by Xu Menglan, and his glasses and hat were pulled off by the old mother. The "why are you here" on his face couldn't be hidden at all.

"Mom came to pick you up, why are you so disgusted?"

"Do I have it?" Xu Heran asked back, "Didn't you say you can't come?"

Xu Menglan said proudly: "I didn't lie to you, I wanted to surprise you."

"So childish." Xu Heran shook his head, "Xu Junran doesn't do such things anymore!"

Xu Junran: "?"

"Please pay attention, I will be your senior from now on." Xu Junran said immediately.

"Heh." Xu Heran sneered at his younger brother.

In order to prevent her siblings from hurting each other, Xu Menglan quickly diverted Xu Heran's attention.

"I just said hello to your friends. This little girl Nuonuo is so beautiful and has said a lot of good things about you." Xu Menglan said to Xu Heran with a smile.

Sure enough, Xu Heran pricked up his ears, with an expression of "let me hear what you have said" on his face.

Xin Nuo took a small breath.

Xu Menglan chuckled: "Nuo Nuo said that you are beautiful and cute, smart and quick-witted, you can sing well and dance well, and you have a good figure. She said she likes you."

Xu Heran laughed when he heard it.

She turned her head slightly, and looked at Xin Nuo with a blushing face.

"No, she likes me!"

The author has something to say:

Shinno: ...Okay.

Xu Menglan:? ? ?

Xu Menglan: Am I teaching you to speak like this?

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