MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 68 SGS

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After shooting the commercials and posters of Keruite perfume, everyone immediately flew around the country according to Sister Cui's itinerary to participate in the year-end music activities of various TV stations.

On January 25th, one week before Chinese New Year, eight people from SGS and four people from FYU landed at Yucheng International Airport.

Yucheng is like spring all year round. The weather here is warm, so it is also called the city of spring. The city seems to be built in the forest, full of greenery and blooming flowers everywhere.

The annual Golden Sound and Jade Music Awards Ceremony is held in Yucheng, and it has been held for fifty-six times. It is one of the well-known heavyweight music awards in Huaguo.

Compared with the low-key styling in the past, everyone came prepared this time. A group of beautiful girls put on their makeup before boarding the plane and changed into dresses of the same color and different shapes.

"From the moment you get off the plane, live broadcast, direct shooting, and countless cameras pointing at you, you must cheer up!" Sister Cui said to everyone.

Xu Heran's hair was cut a little shorter, and now it is only about half the length of the palm below the shoulders. The hair stylist braided the upper half of her hair for her, and tied a short ponytail on the back of her head. The girl with silver hair and gold-rimmed glasses looks a bit cold when she doesn't speak.

I don't know if the stylist did it on purpose, but Xin Nuo wears silver-rimmed glasses, and the mirror chains of the two are of the same series with different styles. The lower end of Xu Heran's mirror chain is decorated with pearls, and the lower end of Xin Nuo's mirror chain is black crystal.

The two of them had just got off the plane, and the make-up artist grabbed them to restyle their hairstyles. The moment they looked at each other, Xu Heran raised his eyebrows at Xin Nuo.

Xin Nuo pursed his lower lip and looked away.

The other girls were also arrested to adjust their poses. Jiang Qiong and Laurel stood together, and Dog Wangwang bit Laurel's ears.

"Do you feel that Xu Zhenzhu has been very... slutty recently?"

Laurel: "...?"

Can the words "little pearl" and "slutty" be put together?

"I always feel that she has been flamboyant recently." Jiang Qiong said sharply.

"Don't be stupid." Laurel said, she thought for a while, "The little pearls have grown."

The two of them glanced at Xu Heran at the same time. The girl's side face was smooth and perfect, with a smile at the corner of her mouth. She looked...very good-looking.

Very unpretentious but sincere vocabulary, used on Xu Heran, is the most practical expression.

"Hiss, if she didn't talk about it before, how can she ask other people to live?" Jiang Qiong couldn't help but put the phone into her bag.

Laurel looked at Xu Heran again, thought for a while, "Look at it, it's still a bit childish now."

In a few years, Xu Heran, who has completely become an adult, does not know what kind of monster he looks like.

Jiang Qiong smiled and said, "I'll wait."

After the make-up artist "raised her hands high", the radiant crowd breathed a sigh of relief, followed Sister Cui's instructions with their chests raised and their stomachs retracted, and walked into the hall.

Almost at the moment they entered the door, the shutter sounded "click-click-click", and countless entertainment reporters stood in the photo area outside the red line, holding long guns and short cannons.

"Hello, everyone!"

Twelve girls smiled and waved to everyone.

Before they walked out of the gate of the airport, the airport photos of SGS and FYU appeared in the main business of the marketing accounts of major entertainment accounts, and were happily reposted by fans. When they walked out of the airport gate, the fans who came from all over to pick them up shouted loudly.

"Pearl Xu—"

"Sino, I love you!"

Xu Heran and the others stopped for a while to let the fans take pictures, and chatted with the fans a few words, telling them to pay attention to safety and go back early, before getting into the luxury car sent by Universal Entertainment.

"Shall we go directly to the red carpet?" Jian Yueyin asked.

"Yes, after the red carpet, there will be an award ceremony, and then there will be a false reception for exchanging feelings. In the end, everyone will go back to their respective homes. This year's task is completed." Haya said, she glanced at the girls around her, "Where are the immortals?"

"Captain Xian was afraid that Sister Ran and the others would be nervous, so he went to ride with them to the red carpet." Xu Heran said.

"Good captain." Jiang Qiong said immediately, "Of course, I didn't mean to say Yueyin was bad."

Jian Yueyin smiled slightly, "Then let's pretend it's not there."

Jiang Qiong's eyes widened in fear.

Everyone laughed, and the tension in their hearts was covered by laughter.

Driving eastward along the wide road, the car stopped on the road in front of the auditorium built near the lake.

Sister Cui got out of the front car and knocked on their door, "There are two celebrities waiting to walk on the red carpet ahead, everyone, don't worry, don't be nervous, and don't be nervous! You are not allowed to play around on the red carpet, and you are not allowed to be in front of the host. Say what you shouldn't say, and don't allow any behavior that is not allowed!"

Every time she said a word, she would look at Xu Heran.

The people in the back row pursed their lips and held back their laughter.

Xu Heran said helplessly, "I'm like a five-year-old child."

"You are just two words away from a five-year-old child." Sister Cui said, "I will wait for you at the corner of the red carpet. Remember to smile when the live camera is aimed at you."

They have only debuted for half a year, and their achievements are very dazzling, which makes many people jealous. Standing in a high position, they will magnify every word and deed. Sister Cui can't control other people's mouths, she can only let them pay attention to their own words and deeds. Of course, some Universal Entertainment will definitely not watch anyone who insists on jumping out to discredit the girls.

Many entertainment companies and marketing accounts who have experienced Universal's determination to protect their artists have suffered a loss, and when they meet Universal's artists, they weigh and write articles.

Not long after, the driver received a text message, and the car carrying SGS started slowly. Everyone sat up straight and looked at the lively scene in the distance. They ran back quietly nervously because they didn't know where to hide, and insisted on holding hands with them. hand.

Xu Heran turned his head and looked at the crowd, "Once you are born twice, friends."

Among the crowd, only Xin Nuo put his face on his fingers and smiled lightly.

"Qiong'er, don't shake!" Haya pressed Jiang Qiong's shoulder.

"Dream back to the talent show." Jiang Qiong took a breath, and when their car approached, the host's voice sounded, and with the voice of "Welcome SGS idol girl group", the fans cheered.

"Let's go."

Xu Heran pulled down the car door, beside the red carpet, just halfway through the run, the staff responsible for opening the door was stunned, patted his head amidst the laughter of the fans, and walked back.

Cui Qi, who was watching from a distance, raised his hand and covered his face.

"Good afternoon, everyone!" Xu Heran smiled and waved his hands.


I don't know whether these fans came spontaneously or were selected by the officials. At a glance, there are many SGS support signs, and the girls in the car, the moment they step on the red carpet, their hearts suddenly settle down.

The main performance is that Jiang Qiong finally stopped shaking.

The black car drove away, the car behind them stopped, the seven girls didn't move, they stood on the red carpet with a smile and waved to everyone, when the five people from FYU got off the car, Lin Weining walked over with a smile, everyone in SGS There was action just now.

"Look here!" The reporters' voices were very enthusiastic. Everyone took pictures together and walked to the host at a leisurely pace.

"Hi everyone, we are—"


"Singing for you, beauty for you, hello everyone, we are!"


The host smiled and said: "It's the first time so many people stand in front of me at the same time, and everyone is so young and beautiful, it's really a very eye-catching scene!"

Another host immediately said: "Indeed, of course our awards ceremony today requires not only beauty, but also beautiful singing voices. In the second half of this year, our two girl groups are very active in releasing their own albums and songs. Then, Are you confident that you will win your first music award tonight?"

The host's microphone was handed over to the two captains.

Jian Yueyin said with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether we can win the award or not. It is a kind of affirmation in itself that we can stand here. We are very happy and proud to stand here and say hello to all the friends who support us."

The host said: "Hey, what does this mean, does it mean that you don't have confidence in your own music?"

The host next to him hurriedly said: "Why don't you have confidence? The name of our SGS captain is a symbol of love for music."

Xu Heran said with a smile: "Of course, our sister Yueyin's partner is music. She is loyal and devout to music. Of course music will return her the same love."

"Oh?" The host said with a smile, "It seems that everyone is still looking forward to tonight, so we wish you all the best!"

The hosts’ small difficulties were discussed in advance, and everyone didn’t feel angry. They smiled and waved to the hosts, walked to the autograph area behind the red carpet, and greeted the camera.

Xu Heran held a pen between his fingertips, and waited until Xin Nuo had finished signing his name before signing next to her. After signing, he deliberately drew a circle to enclose Xin Nuo's name.

Xin Nuo smiled and said, "What do you do?"

"Draw a little pearl." Xu Heran had an expression like "my signature".

After everyone walked out of the public area and on the way to the auditorium, Xin Nuo reached out and patted Xu Heran's arm.

"Little liar."

Xu Heran chuckled, "Did you lie to my sister?"

"Then I'll pay you one, okay?"

Xin Nuo wanted to laugh at her earthy love talk, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help curling up, "You learn these things while holding your textbooks every day?"

"Huh?" Xu Heran had a serious expression, "Since I have used it and it works, it means I learned it right."

"Sophistry." Xin Nuo walked in front of her, "What's the use?"

"Ineffective learning."


Xu Heran didn't speak. After she sat down, she straightened her clothes, turned her head, and poked Xin Nuo's shoulder. Xin Nuo turned his head slowly, before seeing Xu Heran's face, his own face was pinched.

Someone put his **** against her chin, pinched her cheek with his index finger and thumb, and looked at her expression.

Xin Nuo raised both hands and pinched her left and right cheeks.

"I want to say," Xu Heran pinched his face angrily by Xin Nuo, the smile in his eyes increased instead of diminishing, "Why do I feel that some people really like me?"

"It looks like she really wants to hide the little pearl at home."

Xin Nuo narrowed his eyes, "I'm sorry, I already have a small pearl in my house, it's very precious, and I don't need another small pearl to replace it."

What she was talking about was a gift from Xu Heran.

Xu Heran immediately said: "Tonight, I will climb the wall of your house and steal it!"

"Come here." Xin Nuo sneered, "You don't even know where I put it?"

"It can't be in my heart." Xu Heran deliberately said, just after finishing speaking, the force on his face became heavier, Little Pearl inhaled, "I was wrong, don't be oily!"

The two looked at each other and let go of their hands at the same time.

Xu Heran raised his hand, rubbed his face, and said with a smile, "Under the pillow, or under the quilt?"

"Sister, do you like letting Little Pearl sleep with you?"

Xin Nuo looked away, "Wrong guess, idiot."

"Okay." Xu Heran shook his head in disappointment, "I thought my sister wanted to sleep with Little Pearl."

Her voice was very low, but it just fell on Xin Nuo's ear.

Xin Nuo stared straight ahead, his ears turned slightly red.

"What are you talking about, can't you let me listen too?"

"When pinching each other's faces, did they ever think that this is a live broadcast!"

"Besides, this is a live broadcast where half the musicians in the entire Huaguo music scene are present, so they can't restrain themselves—kiss each other if they can, what's the point of pinching your cheeks! Xu Zhenzhu, I look down on you!"

"Hahahaha I saw Sister Cui. Sister Cui's face was so dark, she was standing at the back of the auditorium, she folded her arms and glared at Xu Zhuzhu, but little Pearl was still talking to Xin Nuo with a smile hahaha."

"So Sister Cui is so biased, she only stares at Zhuzhu and not Nuonuo, what does that mean! It means that Zhuzhu is the one who took the initiative to flirt with Nuonuo at home!"

"Let me explain it for everyone: Zhuzhu (pinches Noono's face): Baby, let's have a boo.

Nuonuo refused and pinched her face: You idiot can't do it here.

Zhuzhu: Why, I can't help it.

Nuonuo: Let's kiss again when we get home, honey, bear with it.

Zhuzhu: Well, I'm in your way.

Nuonuo: I'm bothering you too. "

"I would have believed the previous sentence if it wasn't for the last sentence. Is Nuonuo a girl who can say love? I can't imagine it!"

"Me too... Nuonuo really looks gentle and gentle, but she is actually colder than anyone else, woohoo, so the throbbing is more real! How can someone be special to only one person, Nuonuo will not say that he loves you, but Her words and deeds are saying, I love you! It's true that you are throbbing!"

"Hey, I'm still happy with my own broadcast. They are all my fans. The main channel is too crowded, and there are all kinds of brushes. By the way, FYU is also here. I thought they would not come this year. After all, there is only one debut. moon."

"But FYU's debut song is so good! The new song is super good, and it's the first in the airborne! It's worthy of being "fighted" from the talent show. Everyone's quality is great!"

"That dog director, Old Liu, really knows how to do variety shows. There are so many good seedlings in "Xingyao Girl", and many of them who haven't debuted are also great. I was worried that something like Yuemeng Poetry would be eliminated from the beginning of the later stage. Will it be possible? Dragging Wei Ning back, I didn't expect her performance to be unexpected."

"It's not that Lao Liu chose well, but Universal dug well, right? As soon as Xingyao Girls ended the crazy poaching of major entertainment companies, didn't Wei Ning's incident happen like this at that time? We have to trust Universal. The ball is really good, there is no preference, you watch the variety shows on SGS, FYU followed, the company is very active in taking care of it.”

"Hahaha, I saw Lingxi and the moon. They came around the two rows behind and hugged everyone. The sprouting girl is really pitiful, even more pitiful than the fairy who is often 'bullied' in the group show. Collided with SGS, released an album and collided with FYU, the collision was bloody."

"The fairy is silent, the fairy is wronged, the fairy shouts, is there anything wrong with kindness!"

"Yes, but you will be bullied hahaha"

"Except for Lingxi and Yueyue, other girls who are sprouting girls are really not good. It's not about character or anything. Pure strength is a bit behind Lingxi Yueyue. It feels like they were forced together for a group debut. I saw one of the girls they participated in. Variety shows, really consonance and the moon are going to be exhausted, how can anyone even perform so rigidly in variety shows."

"Hey, I have less experience. You can't compare other groups with SGS. In SGS, each has a bigger heart than the other, and one is better at playing. You can see that Little Pearl was called the devil on the stage during the draft. Yes. Now I am more worried about cute girls. I am quite a fan, but the company is too partial to senior groups. Some internal employees have complained that many of their songs are leftovers from senior groups. Alas, the new debut has no results, and it can’t be played. The results have been achieved, and now there is no group comprehensive, the company is too careless."

"Hey, so it's good to be a fan of SGS, the top group! Fearless, not afraid of anyone!"

"...It's good, but! SGS is a limited group! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."


"Stop talking, start crying."


"Sister Qian!" Xu Heran and Xin Nuo got up and greeted Lu Qian in the front row.

"Good afternoon, good afternoon, are you going to have a concert in March this year?" Lu Qian said with a smile, "Have you invited the guests, do you want me to work?"

Lu Qian made her debut early, she has a lot of popular songs, and she is a very capable singer.

Xu Heran smiled and said, "Then the fans are not coming to the concert for us."

"Hey, I'm sorry, I will contact you when the time comes. If I don't have a schedule, I will definitely help you." Lu Qian said.

"Thank you, Miss Qian!"

Apart from Lu Qian, everyone who debuted in Xingyao Girls also met their mentors from the previous show. The auditorium before the awards ceremony was like a social gathering, where everyone made friends and chatted with old friends.

While everyone was chatting, the auditorium became more and more full, and a group of girls in white skirts walked into the auditorium with smiles on their faces.

Lin Weining was a little surprised, then calmed down, turned her head and continued chatting with Haya.

"Who is it?"

Xu Heran asked Xin Nuo in a low voice.

Although she debuted for a short time, she also knew that in various occasions, the later she appeared, the higher the status of the representative and the more important the celebrity, but she had no impression of these girls at all.

Xin Nuo looked away from the girls sitting in the same row as them, "Angel Entertainment."

Xu Heran blinked.

"The girl group that debuted a few months earlier than Sister Ran and the others." Xin Nuo said, "Angels like to bring the old and the new this year. They should come with an old Angel singer."

Xin Nuo remembers that they are also memories of her previous life. She remembers that this girl group did not release a few songs in her previous life, but her popularity was black and red. She was criticized by many fans of other groups and stars for just raising coffee.

Not long after the girl group of Angel Entertainment sat down, a veteran singer of Angel Entertainment, a handsome middle-aged man sat down in the first row with a smile.

Xu Heran nodded, not paying attention.

After three more music superstars were seated, everyone gathered in the auditorium, and the awards ceremony officially began.

Many shots wandered away from everyone's faces and landed on the screen in the center of the auditorium, everyone had a smile on their faces.

At the beginning of the award ceremony, the program team invited several singers to the stage to warm up the show. Lv Qian, who had just chatted with Xu Heran and Xin Nuo, was the opening show. In the middle, the group Angel Blue, who walked the red carpet with the veteran angel singer before, was in everyone's doubts. Emotes on stage.

It was a lively singing and dancing song, and there were singers under the stage. It was obvious at a glance that they were lip-syncing, and they just smiled and applauded.

At this time, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was quite harmonious.

After the hot song ended, the awards ceremony began, and the awards were presented to the new winners one by one by the old singers.

Sister Cui analyzed with them, which awards are likely to be won, and which ones will be given up directly. When the host said "Best Newcomer Music Singer Award of the Year" at the end, many groups and musicians who debuted this year sat up straight.

Xu Heran pinched his fingers and looked at Jian Yueyin.

Their captain's eyes were bright, staring intently at the host.

"Before handing out this award, let's ask Able, Angel Blue to bring us a song..."

A question mark appeared on Xu Heran's head.

Why are you again?

Except for the opening and middle performances, usually after the awards, the award-winning musicians will perform their own songs. Tonight is the first time someone went up to sing before the awards.

But when the girl in the white skirt sitting in the same row with them smiled and stood up, Xu Heran's question mark immediately turned into a full stop.

Well, I see.

Xin Nuo touched his chin, still with a gentle expression. The camera seemed to be intentional. It shone on the faces of everyone in SGS, but Xin Nuo didn't even look at it. He smiled and said to the side, "Tsk, angel."

Jian Yueyin laughed, "Tsk, angel."

"As expected of an angel." Xu Heran clapped his hands.

"Big companies are amazing."



"I suggest that Sister Cui learn how to be thick-skinned."

The only honest man turned his head, covered his mouth with his hands, and said to the smiling people beside him, "Don't do this, I'm afraid."

"Just laugh." Xu Heran said with a smile.

Lin Weining is proficient in this skill, and immediately curled the corners of her mouth.

"...What is this?"

"Forcibly held up to ashes!"

"You're so drunk, Angel Entertainment, why don't you be ashamed?"

"This directly changed the program process. How much did the angel pay? The official agreed? Is there any problem with tonight's awards?"

"I also began to suspect, but luckily it's just a show, if they come up again after the curtain ends, I'll get angry!"

"This group has used all kinds of resources since its debut, let alone exploded in the end. It has only been a few months since its debut and quarreled with this group and that group. Isn't chasing them annoying?"

"Actually, I suspect that the fans of this group are all Angel's sailors. I don't understand who likes to quarrel with others every day."

"I don't understand why they can sit in the second row and force their coffee?"

In the live broadcast room, fans of various singers gathered together. Many people were dissatisfied with Angel Entertainment's destruction of the awarding process. That's right, and Angel Blue is also an artist who has just debuted, maybe they will directly win the best newcomer!

Before the fans could finish their words, singing sounded on the stage, and the exquisite singing echoed in the auditorium and live broadcast room. Many rational angels and fans of other artists shut their mouths.

At least... really singing! Just sing and dance songs without turning on the microphone! What does it mean when you lip-sync the original song in a lyrical song?

From the first awards to the present, Jinyin Yuqu has not had a singer who lip-synced on stage!

This evening, Angel's girl group broke tradition twice, great job!

Under the stage, the veteran singer of Angel changed his sitting position in embarrassment.

Four difficult minutes passed, Angel Blue on stage bowed to thank her, and stepped down. There were scattered applause from the audience.

The host's good qualities kept him smiling, and he invited the award presenters to come on stage with a smile.

Unfortunately, the award presenter is the veteran singer.

"The one who won the Best Newcomer Music Singer of the Year Award is—" The singer opened the envelope in his hand, and Xu Heran was relieved to see that he was not obvious.

"SGS, congratulations!"

In the SGS broadcast room, the fans became excited all of a sudden, cheering and congratulating SGS.

Under the auditorium, Xu Heran got up and hugged Xin Nuo.

A certain pearl whispered in Xin Nuo's ear: "I thought he would just ignore the name on the envelope and say Angel Blue."

Xin Nuo chuckled and patted her on the back.

"People are not that stupid."

Eight girls came to the stage with a smile and received the award.

"Thank you, I am very happy to receive this award. As an artist who has just debuted for half a year, we are honored to be recognized by everyone, thank you." Jian Yueyin said with a smile while holding the trophy.

Xu Heran looked at Jian Yueyin's expression, "Oh~" in his eyes, and looked at Xin Nuo.

The expressions of the seven people standing behind Jian Yueyin were somewhat subtle.

Jian Yueyin smiled, "The way this year's award was won is a bit special. I don't think I will forget it. I don't know how many people will remember this year with me. Anyway, thank you very much."

Beside him, the angel singer's smile almost didn't collapse, his pupils dilated slightly, the young man in his heart is really brave.

The most courageous are yet to come.

Xu Heran took Jian Yueyin's mic and asked in a doubtful tone: "Then shall we still sing?"

The angel singer said with difficulty: "I want to sing."

Under the stage, I don't know who will take the lead, and there was a burst of laughter.

"That's great!" Xu Heran looked innocent and naive, and she looked behind, "Just now we heard a very nice song, it was catchy, and we remembered it after listening to it once. How about this, the opportunity is rare, how about we Just a few, and perform Angel Blue's song again... Ugh."

Xin Nuo grabbed her hand, ""bestblue""

"Yes, yes, yes, let's act this good Laner again!" Xu Heran said with affirmation.

"Can you give us a few more mics? The original song is not needed, the accompaniment is fine, but the lyrics need to be given, thank you."

Xu Heran said enthusiastically: "It's really a good song!"

Behind her, Xin Nuo smiled and raised his hand, applauding.

"Yes, Not Bad."

The author has something to say:

Xu Heran: I already praised it as a good song, no trouble~

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