MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 56 SGSx Crazy Deduction (Including Deep Water Addition)

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"I only recognize her as a princess."

There was a subtle but uncontrollable smile on the guest's face.

Ji Songyu pursed his lower lip, and patted Xu Heran's arm with his book, "So this little cat looks very disgusted with Xinorella on the surface, but he still likes it in his heart, doesn't he?"

The guests shouted in unison: "Yes!"

Only the little cat doesn't admit it.

"This is a serious slander! An accusation!" Ran Miao said angrily, "Whose little cat would like humans!"

"That's not necessarily true." Xin Nuo walked back slowly, and sat in the seat with her skirt up. She and Xin Nuo looked at each other. Xu Heran pouted with an unconvinced expression, while Xin Nuo smiled softly.

"To interrupt the tenderness of the two of you, may I ask Miss Princess, what is your age this year?" Ji Songyu asked.

Xin Nuo raised his hand, "I am twenty years old."


The housekeeper asked: "You are so young this year? It has been a year and a half since you divorced the prince, and you are only twenty?"

"Hmm." Xin Nuo explained, "I married the prince when I was eighteen, and divorced half a year later."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Xu Heran shook his head beside him, and said to Ji Songyu, "See, flash marriage, or early marriage, divorce?"

"I don't have any emotional foundation at all. I got married within two days of knowing each other. Young people, take marriage as a joke!"

Ji Songyu said indifferently: "It is forbidden for kittens to point fingers at human marriages!"

Xin Nuo continued to talk about his message, "I received an invitation letter from the prince, inviting me to attend today's Christmas ball. As you all know, I am a free and rich princess now. Apart from sleeping and beauty, I take princess classes every day. The little animals sang—"

She raised her hand and pinched the cheek of Xu Heran who was shaking her head again and again.

"Just to go to the ball and meet some young girls." Xin Nuo said.

Many people looked at the noble lady who suddenly folded her arms and rolled her eyes.

"It's hooking up with young boys." The noble lady sneered.

Sinorella sighed, "This is serious slander."

The butler said: "It's very strange that the prince and princess have been divorced for a long time. We didn't expect that the prince would suddenly send an invitation letter to the princess. We were all very surprised."

"Yes, yes." The maid nodded.

"It was indeed the prince who invited me. I arrived at the castle at around seven o'clock today. The knight picked me up. I met Ranmao at the gate of the castle. She saw my invitation letter." Xinorella said, "After that, everyone Let's go to the castle together."

Xu Heran immediately raised his hand, "I've been basking in the sun behind the fountain all day long. The music in the castle woke me up. I smelled a nasty smell. It really is this princess!"

Xin Nuo turned a blind eye to Xu Heran who didn't even dare to look at her.

"Okay, thank you, next one!"

The steward said: "I am the steward of the castle. My surname is Lu. You can call me Steward Lu, or Steward Lu. As you can see, I am a loyal and reliable man."

The butler straightened her slender shoulders.


Everyone chuckled.

"My family has served the royal family for generations. In order to prepare for the Christmas banquet, we have been busy in the castle from morning till night today." said the butler. Before the banquet, my maid and I greeted the guests at the castle gate until the banquet began. "

"I am forty years old."

"Yes, my timeline is similar to that of the housekeeper. I am the maid of the castle. My name is Rose, and I am sixteen years old this year." Said the maid.

"Oh~" Ji Songyu glanced at the two people with similar timelines.

At this time, the knight stood up and drew out the long sword at his waist.

"I am the knight of this kingdom! I am handsome and suave, and countless girls fall for me, but in my heart, there is only a shadow of a beautiful woman!" The knight suddenly looked at Xinorella.

Sinorella raised her left hand and stretched it towards the rider, but turned her head to the right, covering her mouth with her right hand, looking shy.

Xu Heran hummed beside him.

"It's quite embarrassing."

Ji Songyu immediately lifted the notebook and tapped on Xu Heran's head.

"I have a great future, and I am a nobleman with a noble status. I am 22 years old, and I am best at riding alone for thousands of miles. Everyone can call me a single knight."


"Fan knight?" The noble lady next to the knight couldn't help raising her hand, "Where should I order?"

"Don't be like this, I haven't finished yet." Shan Knight sat back on the stool and said with a smile, "I'm going to pick up the princess when I go out today, and the timeline is the same as the princess."

The noble lady said: "I am a lady from the Duke's family. My surname is Li, and my name is Monasa Li. This is my twin brother, Mond Lee. We are both twenty years old."

"Hi everyone." The noble man raised his hand.

"Then your surname should be Meng?" Xu Heran asked.

"It's fine, it's fine." The noble man smiled and waved his hands.

Mona Shali said angrily: "Hmph, worthless thing."

Montlee waved his hand again, "Hey, it's all right, it's all right."

After everyone introduced their identities, they began to introduce the timeline.

"The time when the prince's body was discovered was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. Rose discovered it, so he must have died before that. The end of the dance was ten o'clock. We set the murderer's crime time between the dance and twelve o'clock." Ji Songyu road.

Xin Nuo said: "It's fine from ten to twelve o'clock. Today's dance, after I rejected the prince's invitation, I watched him dance with several young girls, and we have been among the girls since then. We didn't get close to him."

"You really care about him." Xu Heran snorted coldly.

"Maybe it's the human brain that remembers more things than cats." Xin Nuo joked.

Other guests said: "We see the same as Sinorella."

"That's ten to twelve o'clock."

Xin Nuo: "I went back to the room at ten o'clock, and went out for ten minutes at ten ten o'clock. When I met the prince, we exchanged a few words, and then I stayed in the room without going out."

Xu Heran: "I went out for a stroll at 10:40, played with the little bug, and then went back to the nest."

Xinorella put on Xu Heran's cat gloves and scratched her clothes.

"I went out for a walk for five minutes from 10:25 to 30." The nobleman said, "I wanted to talk to the prince at eleven o'clock, but I ran into the butler on the way. He saw me and could prove it for me."

The butler nodded, "Yes, I delivered wine to the prince at eleven o'clock, and then left. People, when you are old, you should pay attention to rest."

"Is the prince still drinking at eleven o'clock in the evening?"

"Of course it's night, beauty and wine are better together~" Mona Shali winked, "I was with the prince from 11:10 to 15, and I wanted to spend a good night with him, but he refused because of something. Me, I had to leave."

Xin Nuo raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you want to be the new princess."

Mona Shali stroked her hair, "Hmph, what is a princess, I want to be a queen."

"Have you been rejected?" Mond Lee asked his sister.

"Shut up."

At this time, Rose smiled shyly, "Well... because the prince called me over at 11:30, we will be together for ten minutes."

"What?" Monasha Li turned pale with shock, "You still have this role?"

"Aren't you only sixteen?"

Rose sighed, "So let's talk about poetry and songs, romance, the prince promised me that he will marry me when I grow up and be the next queen."

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Mona Salle.

Monasha Li gritted her teeth.


"Beast!" Everyone scolded the prince one after another.

"Not even a little cat!"

Xu Heran turned his head around and opened his mouth slightly, feeling that he was being ridiculed.

"Good!" Ji Songyu patted Xu Heran.

After the timeline was finished, everyone began to collect evidence, because the castle is very big, everyone went together.

"Before collecting evidence, I have something to remind everyone! There may not be only one murderer. In our "Crazy Deduction" city, there is a rule that the murderer may have an assistant. Identity, but if he/she deduces his/her identity, he/she can choose the camp, whether to assist the murderer or help find the murderer together, but the assister cannot lie, but can only hide certain information.”

"So everyone be careful!" Ji Songyu narrowed his eyes, "Don't let me catch you!"

"Want to come with me?" Ran Miao stretched out her hand, inviting Xinorella.

The princess slapped Xu Heran on the hand.

"Not with you, do you want to confuse me with some inexplicable things again?" Xin Nuo sneered.

"How come?" Xu Heran looked at her with a smile, "It's a certain princess who dare not search for evidence with me, isn't she guilty?"

The two of them hummed to each other.

"Leave Xinorella's room to me! I want to search for her!" Xu Heran shouted.

"Then I'll go to your room now!" Xin Nuo lifted his skirt up the stairs.

"No problem!" the guests shouted.

Seeing Xin Nuo's back disappear around the corner, Xu Heran rolled up his sleeves and searched the brightly lit banquet hall.

"Big news, divorced for a year and a half, the prince actually invited Xinorella back to the castle to participate in the ball, the two are suspected of getting back together?" Xu Heran read the news from the newspaper at the door.

"So the princess was invited by the prince? The prince is idle. There are so many noble ladies dancing with him, drinking with the princess, and talking to the maid. He must be exhausted!" Xu Heran wrote in the newspaper. Throw it on the table, search around, go upstairs, and come to Xinorella's princess room.


The princess's room is very beautiful. The princess bed has graceful lace curtains hanging down, the white mattress is soft, and the fluffy carpet is very comfortable to step on. Xu Heran took off his shoes and threw himself on Xin Nuo's bed.

"Let me smell it, does it smell like a princess?" Xu Heran sniffed back and forth on the bed, and she turned over, "Ah, it's comfortable."

Someone with cat ears closes their eyes.

Outside the door, a person walked over quietly, and she stood outside the door for a while.

"Detective! I will report, there are people here who are lazy and don't search for evidence!"

Ji Songyu's voice sounded across several rooms, "Vote for her!"

Xu Heran immediately jumped up, "It's Xin Nuo who is sleeping!"

"I don't know who Xin Nuo is." Xin Nuo Ruila walked in, picked up a doll and threw it on Xu Heran's face, "Lazy cat."

Xu Heran was confident, "Our cats are just lazy."

She jumped out of bed and started rummaging through boxes and boxes in front of Xin Nuo.

"Do you know how many cats you have in your room?" Xin Nuo said with a smile.

Xu Heran opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Really?"

"There are also two little milk cats."

Xu Heran was about to go out immediately, "Why didn't I see it this afternoon, let's go quickly."

"No!" As soon as he reached the door, Xu Heran stopped immediately, "You just deliberately stopped me from searching for evidence!"

"If you think so, I can't help it." Xin Nuo shook his head and straightened his shoulders, "I found a lot of amazing things, but meow, you are very mysterious..."

She glanced at Xu Heran.

"Of course, our cats are very mysterious! I am a magical cat." Xu Heran pulled out a box, Xin Nuo glanced at it, and immediately walked out.

"My happiest days...huh?"

"Where is your happiest day—" Xu Heran turned his head, "Where are you?"

"Guilty!" Xu Heran said loudly, and began to search for the password. During the search, she found a lot of evidence. When she was taking pictures, she suddenly felt someone behind her. Before she could look up, a warm, fluffy thing was placed on her head. superior.


"Meow, meow~"

The kitten's paws, which were bigger than a palm, hooked Xu Heran's ears.

Xin Nuo smiled and asked, "Maomao, is this big meow your aunt?"


"No, it's you Mama?"


"Oh, she doesn't give you food, it's too bad." Xin Nuo pinched Xu Heran's real ears, "Bad cat."

Xu Heran stretched out his hand carefully and put the kitten down.

The white, soft kitten nestled obediently in her arms, with moist blue eyes.

"I'm her godmother. This is my neighbor's baby. Don't you understand animal language? You failed the princess class!" Xu Heran said to Xin Nuo.

"Isn't this your child?" Xin Nuo pinched the back of the kitten's neck and placed it on Xu Heran's face. The ears of the cat, one big and one small, stood up, and blue eyes looked at her at the same time.

"Please give Xiao Miao Miao's eyes some purple in the later stage, thank you."

"Baby, this princess is so kind, let her feed you nainai."

"Humans and cats are different." Xin Nuo pinched the back of Xu Heran's neck, "Feed it yourself!"

Ten minutes later, the happy time for collecting evidence was over, and everyone gathered in the living room of the lobby.

"Please take a seat." Xu Heran leaned on the gorgeous seat, with a posture of showing off his power, "From now on, this castle will belong to me. Don't be polite, everyone, treat yourself as your own home, and sit down!"

"Cough!" Ji Songyu stood beside her.

"Hi, I allow the detective to sit in my seat today." Xu Heran stood up, patted the stool, "Please."

"Then I thank you." Ji Songyu said with a smile, "Can this country work, the kitten is in power and ruling mankind!"

Xu Heran waved his hand, "From now on, everyone's task is to eat and sleep, and eat and sleep! This is the victory of Miaomiao Cult!"

"Okay!" Everyone immediately applauded, "Please ascend to the throne immediately!"

Xin Nuo shook his head again and again.

"Then invite our student Ran Miao, who is about to ascend the throne, to speak first." Ji Songyu said with a smile.

Meow Meow gorgeously stepped onto the stage of human history.

"I went to Xinorella's room~" Xu Heran's expression became serious, "But before I went, I searched the hall, and there is evidence that Xinorella was indeed invited by the prince."

"But, you said that they have been divorced for a year and a half. Why did the prince invite his ex-wife when he was full? Are they really rekindling their old relationship?"

Seven people at the scene, including the detective, raised their hands and crossed them.

The old **** Xinorella was there, raising his hand to support his cheek.

"Da baa."

"News from Daba tabloids, the prince divorced his ex-wife Xinorella, and the royal family property was divided into two. After the divorce, the prince wasted extravagantly and wasted every night, holding dances, and spending a lot of money to please all kinds of beauties, which chilled the common people!"

Xu Heran also said, "There is also a newspaper from last year, which is the news of the division of property when the two divorced. It is marked with a red pen. After the prince and princess divorced, a precious magic gem was distributed to Xinorella. It is said that this gemstone has magical powers and can summon the legendary dragon with countless gold and silver treasures."

"So I suspect that the reason why the prince invited Xinorella was really to remarry. After all, everyone has seen that this princess is quite rich now, and can even make a big carriage." Xu Heran said sourly.

Xin Nuo immediately raised his hand, "I invite you to sit down tomorrow."

"Hmph!" Xu Heran pouted, "Even if it's not for remarriage, it's for money. The prince ruined his family and wanted to attack his ex-wife, or he wanted to steal that magic gem."

Xin Nuo said: "In his eyes, he thought he was taking back his gemstone. I met the prince in the corridor at 10:10, and the two had a quarrel. When we mentioned this gemstone, this newspaper was the time of the quarrel. It fell from his pocket and I picked it up."

"It was only tonight that I found out why he invited me here."


Xu Heran threw the photo on the table, looked at Xin Nuo coldly, "Don't make yourself so innocent."

Xin Nuo looked at Xu Heran with a smile.

"Let's take a look at this princess named Xinuo Ruila." After Xu Heran finished speaking, everyone sitting at the table immediately looked at Xin Nuo's face.

"Look at her pretty little face."

Xin Nuo put his face in his hands.

"Innocent expression."

Xin Nuo raised his eyes and chuckled, tilted his head, blinked his eyelashes, and widened his eyes.

"And this gorgeous dress!"

Xin Nuo immediately got up and spun around, the skirt of the white palace dress fluttering.

"Come here." Xu Heran beckoned, letting Xin Nuo stand beside him.

She said: "This is such a beautiful and beautiful girl. As you can imagine, she used to be a cleaning girl!"

Ji Songyu shook his head helplessly, "You can't give up this description?"

"I don't! Our kitty has always been honest!" Xu Heran grabbed Xin Nuo's wrist and told her not to leave, "Also, who of you would have thought that Xin Nuo Rella is actually her pseudonym!"

"Pseudonym?" Everyone said in surprise.


Xu Heran poked at the table, "Her original name was Xin! Her last name was Hui!"

"Her real name is Hui Xin!"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

The guests laughed, "What the hell!"

Xinorella put her hands together on her abdomen, her posture was straight and elegant, "no, our name is Xin Hui."

"It's better to hear Huixin," Monasha Li said.

"Let's tell everyone." Xu Heran put his hands on the table, sat on it, and gave Xin Nuo the space, "All my evidence is here."

"You're pretty good, you found all of this?" Xin Nuo glanced at the photo in her hand.


"That's right, my original surname is Hui. In the Kingdom of Dreams, our Hui family used to be a lord." Sinorella said softly, "In the past, everyone respectfully called me Miss Cinderella."

"My father and mother were a happy family until my mother passed away. My father soon brought back a new wife and her two daughters." Xinorella's originally gentle eyes gradually covered her eyes. A layer of frost said, "A man's heart is really fickle. The previous vows of eternal love can be given to another person in an instant."

"Perhaps it was some kind of retribution. My father passed away shortly after he married a new wife, and I, from a young lady, was bullied by my stepmother and two older sisters, and I worked as a servant every day. Since then , people no longer call me Cinderella, just call me Cinderella."


"Did your father die naturally?" asked the knight.

The corner of Xin Nuo's mouth curled up.

Everyone's expressions changed immediately.

"So you still worked as a cleaning girl until you were eighteen." Xu Heran said, "Then this fairy godmother will match you with the prince. It's ridiculous. With a pair of crystal shoes, you two will get married?"

Then Meow flexed her thumb and index finger, and flicked the photos, "There are still few people in this country, are there only a few girls, according to the size of the foot, and the shoe store sells your shoes all year round?"

"It's just a pair of shoes, one size fits one pair." The knight said immediately.

Xu Heran's eyes were bright, "Yes, yes, it's sold out as soon as it arrives!"

"That pair of princesses can't be sold. She is the cleaning girl and has no money to buy shoes, so the matchmaker has to pay for the blind date!" said the maid.

"Then the prince is still stupid, wouldn't it be over if he went directly to the shoe store to ask!" Meng Deli said disgustedly.

Xu Heran smiled, "So he washed it!"

"You're stupid," said the butler.

The knight clapped his hands, "Solve the case!"

"Be serious!" Ji Songyu patted the table.

"Cough." Xu Heran put down the photo and touched his nose, "What's the point... In short, everyone has heard about their love story, but the good times don't last long, the princess will divorce the prince soon!"

Ran Meow applauded warmly.

Xinorella's smile faded, "Because I found out that he was cheating, cheating, and being unfaithful to love."

"I suddenly remembered the love between my father and my mother. Sure enough, in this world, love is unbelievable."

The knight said incredulously, "What about me!"

"You?" Xu Heran looked at him disdainfully, "You're just a toy!"

At this time, Monasha Lee and Mond Lee shouted together, "What about my father?"

"What?" Ji Songyu was shocked, "Princess still has something to do with your father?"

"Isn't she two years younger than you two?" Ji Songyu pointed to Xinuo Ruila.

The princess looked at her hand calmly, and turned the back of her hand to admire the lace pattern of her glove.

"I found a box in the princess's room. The reminder on it was the princess's happiest day. I tried using the princess' birthday and the wedding date of the princess and the prince, but it didn't work. Finally, I opened it with the date of their divorce!" Xu Heran said loudly.

"There's a diary inside, and a gem!"

"The diary records her mental journey from Cinderella to Cinderella to Xinorella! Everyone can see her from the initial innocence to pain and confusion. Poisoning!"

"Moreover, after she found out that she was having an affair with the prince, she wrote such a sentence, 'Sure enough, in this world, only money and rights will not betray you'!" Xu Heran pointed to Xinorella and said, "She is absolutely Not a pure princess!"

"What—" Everyone clapped their hands in surprise, looking at Xin Nuo whose expression gradually became indifferent.

"That's right." Xin Nuo stretched out his hand, pressed it on the table, and leaned forward slightly. In his dark eyes, the gentle emotions disappeared without a trace.

"Only what is held in the palm of your hand is real, money, rights... and," she smiled and stood up, with a mocking smile, gently stroking her soft and fair cheeks with white lace gloves, "somewhat beautiful."


Ji Songyu tapped his pen on the table again and again, "What happened to that gem!"

"Is that the magic gem?"

"Yeah." Xin Nuo nodded.

"Do you know what gemstones do?" everyone asked.

Xin Nuo said lightly, "I know."

"Not only did she know, she even used it!" Xu Heran said, "This gem was originally silver, but it will turn transparent after use. It can only be used once, and it can summon the legendary dragon with gold and silver jewels! "

"After using it, there will be a silver dragon logo on the back of the summoner's hand!"

The noble lady sitting next to Xin Nuo quickly grabbed Xin Nuo's hand and pulled off her gloves. The noble lady's beautiful eyes widened as she pointed to the silver dragon mark on the back of her hand.

"She used it!"

"She did! She summoned the dragon!"


Everyone shouted, "The reason why she is so rich is not only because of the sharing of the prince's property!"

"I thought my father gave you money!" said Montlee to Shinno.

Xin Nuo didn't speak, and looked down at him. On her indifferent face, the sarcasm was vividly exposed, and the end of her eyes was full of disdain, as if she was saying——

What is your father?

The noble twins hugged each other in fear.

"My God..."

"How do you know the function of gems?" Ji Songyu asked.

"Naturally, after marrying the prince, he told me, and he promised me that if we divorce, the gem will belong to me." Xin Nuo took off the other glove and said casually, "Give it to me, of course it's mine, why? No, that's money."



"Hiss." Ji Songyu rubbed his arms.

"Then you saw your stepmother kill your father, you kept silent because you hated your father, and the prince betrayed you, don't you want to kill him?" the housekeeper asked Xin Nuo.

Xin Nuo said: "I thought about it, but I think it is more important to enjoy a happy life than to kill him and risk exposure to execution."

"Happy life?" Xu Heran suddenly sneered, "You think you are very happy."

Xin Nuo immediately turned to look at her and smiled, "Am I not happy?"

Xu Heran narrowed his eyes, "Well, indeed, you are indeed very happy."

"With so much money, of course you are happy." Xu Heran opened the diary and said in a deep voice, "It's not just money that makes you happy, playing with these men, making them quarrel for you, watching them rack their brains to please you for you, You are happier."

"Hmm, not bad." Xin Nuo chuckled.

"So, my father is just your toy?" Monasha Li was shocked, "But he loves you so much, he wants to abandon this family!"

"He was killed by the prince because of you!" said Montlee.

"Oh, really?" Xin Nuo's tone was not interested.

Xu Heran looked at the twins with pitiful eyes.

"Why, what's the matter?"

The twins swallowed, "Don't do this."

"Dear friends, don't focus on money and dragons, because there are two small boxes inside this box." Xu Heran lowered his eyelashes, "Hint, happier days."

"One of them, I open with February 1st."

"Drink!" The twin nobles stood up with a "bang", covered their mouths, and looked at Xin Nuo, "No...won't you?"

Ji Songyu's eyes widened excitedly.

"What happened to February 1st?"

"February 1st is the day our father passed away!" Mona Shali trembled, looking at the girl who was standing by the table, slender like a lily, "Could it be, could it be..."

Xu Heran turned over a photo, on which was the portrait of the father of the twin nobles, crossed out with a red pen.


Everyone at the table shrugged their shoulders together and looked at Xinorella, who was standing in front of the table with a face that had nothing to do with him, playing with gloves.

"Did you do it?" Ji Songyu asked, "Or did you let someone do it?"

"Is it a dragon?"

"Dragon?" Sinorella frowned unhappily because of this guess. She pinched the lace on the glove with her fingers, as if she wanted to crush it, "Don't give my happiness to others casually, I will be unhappy."


"Gudong." The knight swallowed.

"I fell in love with someone..."

Xu Heran had already jumped off the table, and she picked up another photo and smiled.

"Of course it's you, why isn't it you? Another box, the password to open it is 0205. On February 5th, the Daba newspaper reported that the fairy godmother died at home, and the killer is unknown!"

"In your box is the photo of the fairy godmother crossed out with a red pen! Their father and the fairy godmother were all killed by you!" Xu Heran said loudly.


Xinorella smiled, lifted the hem of her skirt, and raised her chest as if getting off the carriage, like a light and fluttering snow-white flower, slowly moving along the conference table with the wind.

Everyone at the table hides inside the table at the same time.

"After the divorce, Duke Li was very enthusiastic and helped me very enthusiastically, claiming to be my good friend and take care of me. But, how could I not see that disgusting desire hidden in his eyes?" Xin Nuo chuckled He stood next to Mona Sha Li, gently pressing her shoulders, close to her ears.

"I want to play with him."

Mona Shali shivered.

"The majestic duke comes and goes when I call him. His tail wags faster than a dog. When I am happy, I give him two glances. When I am unhappy, I slap him and he will be happy. Thank you very much.” Xin Nuo’s voice was teasing, and there was a trace of indifference in her dark eyes. She opened her eyes innocently and said to the twin sister, “Your father, kneeling on the ground and begging me for mercy, is so interesting. .”

"You really have to look at the ridiculous appearance of him swearing to pick off the stars from the sky and send them to me, stars, huh..."

Shinno smiled.


The twin sister slapped the table hard, "You!"

"Shh - don't worry." Xin Nuo pressed her shoulder and said softly, "I haven't finished yet."

"It's just that I may have given you extra bones. This old man has unnecessary fantasies. He really thought he could have me. It's ridiculous." Xin Nuo rolled his eyes and shook his head, "So, I found A young man is about to start the next stage of the game, but your father is furious because of this, saying that he will force me to marry me home, man..."

"With a glass of poisoned wine, such a tall man fell down."

Xin Nuo laughed, and his beautiful voice echoed in the empty and dead hall.

"Ah~ Seeing his unrepentant death, I suddenly felt a sense of excitement. Could it be that my stepmother felt the same way when she killed my father? I suddenly regretted it. I shouldn't have kept the prince. It's a pity. After I divorced him, I never saw him again."

Xin Nuo lifted her skirt and continued to walk slowly. This time, she stopped behind the detective's seat, and the detective shrank his neck.

"However, there is another person, the source of my betrayal! She is really a good person, isn't she?" Sinorella bent down and asked the detective.

Ji Chacha trembled, "But she did help you! Besides, shouldn't it be your stepmother and sister who hurt you?"

"Well, I didn't say anything, are they still alive?" The girl with fair skin and bright eyes smiled, "It's just that the three of them are really not worthy of my photos, but they are just three humble civilians. That's all."



There was no sound, and the living room was dead silent.

Xinorella stood up humming a little tune, stood beside the detective, and looked at Xu Heran across the long table.

"How about it, little cat, do you like such a princess?"

The black-haired girl had curved eyebrows and a sweet smile.

Behind the long table, the cat's ears were pointed, and the pink cat licked the corner of her mouth. She raised her eyebrows and smiled. Her blue eyes were as deep as the sea, and the waves in the sea were rolling and sparkling.

"I really... like it to death."

The author has something to say:


It's late! Excuse me! muamuamua~

No update tonight~ because I can't finish writing! So I want to take a break secretly tonight and update it during the day tomorrow~ I love you guys! Mua!

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