MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 53 SGS

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The night wind floats gently, and the clouds in the sky are driven to the distance by the wind.

The lights in the huge park are like dragons, not dark, tree shadows are swaying, flowers are floating, and the small animals that have just fallen asleep are awakened by the announcement of the broadcast, and poke their heads out blankly.

The radio rang three times.

"Lin Weining is eliminated!"

"Lin Weining is eliminated!"

"Ah... I see, can I stop mentioning it!"

Lin Weining put on a mask and followed the staff to leave with a look of disappointment. She said to the camera, "I was eliminated before I figured out what happened?"

Her accompanying director smiled and nodded.

"Xianxian was eliminated?" Haya said in shock.

Song Fenghua stood opposite her, and the two looked at each other across the fountain.

"She's been with you all the time." Song Fenghua looked at Haya suspiciously.

Haya immediately said: "It's not me! I just separated from her, and she was eliminated in less than two minutes?"

"What a coincidence?" Jian Yueyin came from behind and startled Haya when she spoke.

After hearing the news of Lin Weining's elimination, everyone rushed to the square next to the fountain.

"Hey, the personal identity here indicates that it is out of stock." Xu Heran asked, pointing to the stalls on the square. Haya told her, "I walked around the park, and there are four booths in total. Lin Weining, Jiang Qiong and I changed our personal identification reminders, and they were out of stock after the replacement."

Xu Heran nodded, "Then there is still a stall that is not out of stock, no, isn't the task prompt that your red team chose?"

"What red team and blue team, we are now an individual team, I want to avenge Xianxian!" Haya raised her hand, "Xianxian—"

"The personal identity prompt of the last booth should be replaced by Laurel." Jiang Qiong said.

Xin Nuo came over and said, "No, I just came over there, and I checked by the way, and there is no out-of-stock information at the booth over there."

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Xin Nuo in surprise.

Xu Heran scratched his face, "That means Laurel hasn't changed, hey, where's Laurel?"

"Who eliminated Wei Ning?"

"By me." The cold voice said behind Xu Heran.

Little Pearl jumped up in fright, rushed to Xin Nuo, and hugged her tightly.

Laurel wore a wreath on her head, with her waist crossed in depression. She wore wreaths around her neck and wrists, looking like she had returned from a seaside vacation.

The remaining six girls looked at her warily.

"It was an accident," Laurel said, holding a lollipop to her cheek as she spoke. "I swear to God!"

Xu Heran immediately said: "Liar! You eliminated Wei Ning, how could you accidentally eliminate him!"

"Really." Laurel said gloomily.

Jian Yueyin quickly asked her, "Then how did you eliminate her?"

Laurel glanced at her and shook his head.

"...I can't tell you, but I can tell you, be careful with the people around you."

This is the tip she got in the last round, and everyone knows it now, so they don't believe her words, and feel that she is secretly covering up.

Everyone shouted, "The person we should be most careful about is you!"

Laurel laughed and waved his hands, "Really, trust me."

"I don't believe you!"

Xu Heran hugged Xin Nuo tightly, and whispered: "Let's go quickly and stay away from them."

The two of them backed away slowly.

"Laurel's wreath is her weapon, right? She didn't exchange for an identity card, how did she find the weapon and know how to eliminate people?" Xu Heran couldn't figure it out, "Can she eliminate Wei Ning?"

Xin Nuo didn't know either. She had just been supplemented by Xu Heran, so she didn't know where the canyons were located.

"She changed the candy." Xin Nuo said softly, "Let's go to the exchange office to see."

Xu Heran nodded quickly.

At this time, Haya called the two of them from behind, and the three of them quietly got together.

"Let's communicate." Haya said with a smile, "How about exchanging tips?"

Xu Heran and Xin Nuo looked at each other and nodded.

"Let's talk about Wei Ning first." Xin Nuo said, "Since Wei Ning has been eliminated, I think you can tell us her information."

Haya was very sincere, she said: "Vining's identity hint: you hold a scepter."

"Oh~" Xu Heran's eyes lit up, "Wei Ning is a mage?"

Haya gave a thumbs up.

"Laurel can eliminate mages, what is Laurel's position?" Xu Heran scratched his head, "She wears a wreath."

"It's either an assistant or a guard." Haya said, "It's your turn."

Xu Heran said: "I am Hongbahu!"

"...And this thing?" Haya didn't understand even more, and was confused.

Xin Nuo glanced at Xu Heran from the corner of his eye and gave her a look. Xu Heran immediately said: "Then you have to tell us another piece of information."

Haya smiled, "I can tell you that Jiang Xiaoqiong is a crystal."

For her behavior of selling her former teammates without hesitation, Xu Heran and Xin Nuo praised and affirmed her, and the three parted ways.

"Haya doesn't know the attack rules yet, we have to find a way to eliminate it now!" Xu Heran said immediately, "I have a weapon now, as long as you don't stab me, I'm invincible!"

"Why are you given weapons and not told how to use them?" Xin Nuo was dissatisfied, "Where are my weapons?"

Of course, Xu Heran didn't make it. The two of them walked to the exchange point. Her and Xin Nuo's star coins were still unused, and the two of them together had 100 star coins.

"What's the use of this lucky lollipop and lucky sticker?" Xu Heran asked suspiciously the peddler standing behind the booth. The peddler was wearing sunglasses and stood stiffly, motionless.

"I definitely won't tell you." Xin Nuo smiled and touched Pearl's head lying on the table.

"Then how about I exchange two lollipops and a sticker?" Xu Heran whispered.

Xin Nuo thought for a while, "Try."

Xu Heran immediately turned his head, looked at the salesman suspiciously, counted out forty star coins and put them on the table.

With trembling fingers, the salesman handed over a sticker with a ruby ​​printed on it, and two lollipops. The lollipops were bumped into the bag, and there was a card inside.

"Delicious candy may bring you good luck. If not, the sweet taste will bring you a good mood~ Isn't it a good deal to buy it?"

Xu Heran: "..."

"So, this is an ordinary lollipop!" Xu Heran roared, "Unscrupulous merchants! Lie my hard-earned money!"

Xin Nuo put his arms around Xu Heran's waist, preventing her from pretending to lift the stall, and patted her on the shoulder with a smile, "It's all right, at least it's delicious, right?"

"What's the use of this sticker?" Xin Nuo asked Xu Heran.

The ruby ​​sticker was half the size of a girl's palm, and Xu Heran held it in his hand and shook it, with a bewildered expression on his face.

Xin Nuo asked the shopkeeper, "If I choose task hints, can you give us how to use the stickers?"

The salesman said bluntly, "All prompts are random."

Xin Nuo: "..."

The girl squinted her eyes, took a step back with a lollipop in her mouth, and raised her hand to point.


Xu Heran rushed up immediately.

"Unscrupulous merchants, deceiving people's hard-earned money!"

"I only have so few star coins, and I cheated them out! Not including after-sales service! Liar!"

The salesman supported his small table, trembling, "Thank you for your patronage, welcome to visit next time."

Xu Heran waved his hands, "I'm not coming! Only fools are here!"

Xin Nuo paused when he took out the star coins, and turned to Xu Heran. Xu Heran immediately changed his words, "The beautiful Nuo Nuo can come."

"Hmph." Xin Nuo put the star coins on the table, "I'll choose the task reminder."

The salesman took an envelope from the drawer and handed it to her.

The two heads immediately lowered, purple hair and green hair stuck together.

"Mission reminder: Eliminate lucky soldiers, and a random number of stars will drop."

"Oh?" Xu Heran immediately stood up, "Lucky soldier?"

"How to eliminate?"

Xin Nuo put away the hints, "We still lack hints, and didn't you just say that Fenghua found star coins in the park? Then let's continue to look for hints, and we may meet lucky soldiers during the search."

"By the way, don't you have a weapon, can you summon three clones?" Xin Nuo asked Xu Heran if he wanted to use it now.

Xu Heran wrinkled his face, "That can only be used once, I want to use it at critical times, what do you think, sister?"

Thinking that there are still so many people on the field, Xin Nuo nodded and pointed to the two roads in front of him.

"I will search from this side, you will search from this side, and finally meet at the end. If everyone gets separated, meet at this exchange point." She commanded, "You should bring the walkie-talkie."

Xu Heran nodded, and the two broke up in front of the exchange shop.

Half a minute later, the salesman at the exchange point hung up the "Closed" sign and left the exchange point. Jian Yueyin who rushed over scratched her head and went to find the next exchange office.

Song Fenghua followed Laurel slowly.

"Why are you following me?" Laurel took out a lollipop from his pocket and shook it at Song Fenghua, "There is no emergency syrup, only the lollipop. If I give it to you, can you not follow me?"

Song Fenghua put his hands behind his back and asked her: "Can you tell me how to eliminate Wei Ning?"

"No." Laurel looked at Song Fenghua who was approaching, a little suspicious, "I don't think your eyes are very friendly."

There was a smile in Song Fenghua's eyes, she suddenly ran towards Laurel, Laurel turned and ran, and the two chased on the boulevard.

"Fenghua is too scary!" Laurel couldn't help shouting.

Song Fenghua chased her desperately, and finally blocked her in a corner because of his legs longer than Laurel. The panting pink-haired girl grabbed Laurel's wrist and shouted: "Laurel is eliminated!"

laurel: "..."

"Are you scarier than Little Pearl now?" Laurel gasped.

The two gasped for breath, Song Fenghua let go of his hands, supported his waist and asked, "Aren't you eliminated by me?"

Laurel: "...why was I eliminated by you?"

She was the last to enter the park and hadn't found many hints yet. The girl raised her hand and pointed to Song Fenghua's forehead.

"Become a pig."

Song Fenghua shook his head, said "Let's go", and left as if nothing had happened, but looked back at Laurel frequently.

laurel: "?"

Weird and scary.

"Is Uncle Liu recording a horror variety show?" She whispered to the camera, "This park is too big, I feel a little scary."

Laurel stood up, patted his butt, and suddenly pulled out a card from his pocket, looked at it twice, "Why don't you try it?"

"Oh~ Xiao Fenghua can kill Laurel." Jiang Qiong hid behind the bushes, seeing everything in her eyes, she pouted proudly, and wrote down the news in her small notebook, "hiahia, the final victory will definitely belong to me , this crystal is the starting point of everything, and it will also be the end point of victory!"

She waited for Laurel to leave, then stood up from the grass, just took a step, and staggered forward.

"Hiss... squatting for too long, my feet are numb." Jiang Qiong limped on one leg, walked on the "right way", and muttered: "Fortunately, the mosquito repellent was done well, otherwise I would be eaten by insects."

She muttered, and the soldiers with pointed hats walked by slowly. Jiang Qiong glanced at it, and retracted her eyes in disinterest. The moment she lowered her head, she was stunned.

"Wait?" Jiang Qiong immediately put the pen and paper into her bag, and walked forward with numb legs, "Have we met that little girl with a pretty pale face?"

Among a group of pointed hats, several white-faced little girls turned their heads.

"No! It's that! Don't dare to look back at me!" Jiang Qiong was a little anxious, but her legs were numb and itchy. She sat on the ground with a smile and rubbed her legs. "The chain is lost at a critical moment!"

Jiang Qiong squeezed her legs twice, raised her head, and looked at Xiaobing's slowly moving back. When her legs got better, she jumped up and chased after him.

"Don't run!"

"Wow, wow!" The soldiers holding the flags in both hands yelled and fled in all directions. Among the soldiers, a girl who was not tall and slender ran wildly without looking back.

Jiang Qiong hurried to chase, but was quickly left behind.

"This is a sprint champion!" Jiang Qiong said in shock.

Before she finished speaking, another shadow "歘" flew past her, Song Fenghua remained expressionless, and chased after the running figure, and Laurel who was nearby also rushed over after hearing the sound.

"Catch her!"

The lively voice immediately attracted everyone's attention, and SGS members came one after another.

As soon as Xu Heran got out of the intersection, he saw a girl disappear from under his eyes, leaving only her pointed hat on the ground.

"Sister! Your hat!" Xu Heran picked up the hat and put it on his head.

"It's Yuemeng!" Jian Yueyin stood diagonally opposite Xu Heran and said in surprise, "Why is Yuemeng here?"

Xin Nuo trotted over and heard Jian Yueyin's voice, "Shu Yuemeng? The one with Yuxiang?"

Jian Yueyin nodded.

"How can she run so well?" Jiang Qiong fell to the ground exhausted. At this moment, Song Fenghua and Laurel walked over holding Shu Yuemeng's hand.

"Sister, you are amazing." Xu Heran gave a thumbs up.

Xin Nuo raised his hand and patted her waist, "I'm three years older than you."

Shu Yuemeng, Sun Lingxi, and Mu Yuemeng are a group of trainees from Yuxianghe. They look sweet and pleasant, while Shu Yuemeng is usually shy and shy. No one would have thought that she is 1.6 meters tall and can run so well.

"Why are you here?" Everyone asked Shu Yuemeng who was blushing.

Song Fenghua and Laurel let go, Shu Yuemeng touched his face, and whispered, "I'm Shu Yuemeng, a trainee from Universal Entertainment, hello everyone."


Everyone clapped their hands in unison, and said in surprise: "Yuemeng, you have signed a contract with Universal! Then everyone is a family!"

Shu Yuemeng blushed even more, raised her eyelashes embarrassedly, and smiled at everyone.

At this time, Laurel secretly took out a sticker from his pocket and stuck it on Shu Yuemeng.

Song Fenghua who saw her move: "?"


Song Fenghua patted Shu Yuemeng on the shoulder and told her to turn around. Shu Yuemeng turned her head and followed everyone to look at her clothes on the back. A flower-shaped sticker was firmly attached to her body.

Shu Yuemeng: "...Ah, I'm washing!"

The girl raised her arms and fell to the ground.


"Hahaha so suddenly?"

"Don't wash it, Yuemeng! You haven't said a word to us yet, Yuemeng!" Everyone rushed to Shu Yuemeng's side and poked her soft flesh.

Shu Yuemeng bit her lip and suppressed a smile, she fumbled in her pocket, took out a large bag of star coins, squinted her eyes, looked for Laurel's place, and handed it to her.

Laurel: "...Thank you."

"Ah, I understand!" Haya said, "Is this how you eliminated Wei Ning? Stickers!"

Laurel is carrying the bag coolly, showing everyone her prosperous life.

Xu Heran and Xin Nuo looked at each other. Everyone who stayed in place also understood that if they want to eliminate others, they need stickers! But also have weapons!

"I only have ten star coins." Song Fenghua said, she took the bag out of her pocket, "I found it when I was looking for tips."

"A sticker costs twenty star coins."

Laurel immediately counted the star coins, "There are sixty here. After I entered the garden, I found the garland and ten star coins."

"Wait." Jian Yueyin had sharp eyes, she walked up to Song Fenghua, grabbed her wrist, and showed everyone the post on the bag in her hand, "What does this mean?"

I saw a sticker on the bag containing ten star coins. The sticker was a fire-breathing dragon crossed by a red thread.

Everyone shook their heads in confusion.

Jian Yueyin glanced over everyone, and finally landed on Laurel, "Laurel, you only have a mission reminder, how do you know how to eliminate Wei Ning?"

They can only eliminate the corresponding person. If A can eliminate B, if A is eliminated, the person who eliminated A will automatically turn to B in the next attack.

"Laurel, don't you have other tasks?" Jian Yueyin asked.

Laurel immediately waved his hand: "I don't even understand the task now, it's really an accident, I went to the exchange point, exchanged two lollipops and two stickers, just spent 60 star coins, and then met Wei Ning. The two of us were discussing how to use this sticker... I tentatively stuck it on Wei Ning's hand, and she was gone!"


"Really! I swear!" Laurel immediately said, "It's just so inexplicable!"

"What a coincidence..." Xu Heran whispered to Xin Nuo, "As soon as she entered the garden, she found her own weapon and changed the stickers. By chance, Wei Ning was eliminated?"

Xin Nuo nodded, and then glanced at the sticker on the bag in Song Fenghua's hand.

"In the task reminder, there is one, be careful of the people around you." Xin Nuo said meaningfully.

Jiang Qiong immediately turned her head and pointed at Xin Nuo's waist: "Hand!"

Xu Heran immediately let go and raised it.

"I am a little pearl."

Everyone's suspicion leaned towards Laurel, Laurel shook his head, planning to exchange the coins for stickers.

Before everyone parted, they all said, "You have to find your own weapons quickly!"

Xin Nuo and Xu Heran followed Laurel.

"What you said is true?" Xu Heran asked her.

Laurel was decisive, "Really, and I was wondering if we should let Wei Ning come back."

Xu Heran: "?"

"How come back?" Xu Heran asked curiously.

Laurel took out his weapon card from his pocket.

"You are an assistant, your power can revive a person."

"Wow!" Xu Heran said excitedly, "Your skills are amazing! Try it!"

"I want to try too." Laurel said, and asked Xin Nuo, "I'll call Wei Ning back, you two trust me, can you?"

Xin Nuo nodded.

Two minutes later, Lin Weining trotted back.

"Woooooh, curiosity killed Lin Weining." Lin Weining grabbed Laurel's hand, "Are you okay?"

Laurel pointed to Wei Ning, "Look."

Xu Heran and Xin Nuo immediately believed Laurel's words, but...

"Then Wei Ning is back, the person you asked for the knife has become Wei Ning again, right?" Xin Nuo said.

laurel: "..."

Lin Weining: "...Ah."

"Wei Ning, she has a lot of small money! Be careful!" Xu Heran said with a smile.

Lin Weining covered her head and shook her head sadly, "I'm so pitiful, where is my box?"

"You were eliminated, the box belongs to me, but I couldn't open it, so I hid it." Laurel said.

"Where is it hidden?"

Five minutes later, the four squatted in the corner of the park, watching Laurel pick boxes from the fallen leaves.

"I can't open it," Laurel said.

"Only designated people can open it." Lin Weining said, "I, Haya, and Jiang Qiong can't open it."

Xin Nuo raised his eyebrows, looked at the long box, and pressed his hand on the box.

The accompanying director whispered: "Sin Nuo can open this box."


Inside the box lay a sword and a card.

"You are the wild king, you can directly eliminate one person."


Xu Heran clapped her hands excitedly. She thought of something, hugged Xin Nuo's arm again, and said softly, "Don't eliminate me, I'm still useful!"

Lin Weining immediately said: "I didn't find the weapon, and I just came back, don't hurt poor me..."

The eyes of the two slowly drifted to Laurel.

laurel: "...wait a minute"

"I gave you the weapon!"

"Hey, some people are richer." Xu Heran leaned on Xin Nuo's shoulder and said.

Lin Weining came over and hid behind Xin Nuo, "It even hurt Wei Ning's heart."

"The game has been going on for so long, it's time to see blood!" Xu Heran fanned the flames.

"This is a personal battle." Lin Weining said in a low voice.

"Hey!" Laurel quickly resisted and sold himself to Xin Nuo, "I can give you half of the star coins, and my weapon skills have been used, so I won't pose a threat to you!"

Xin Nuo said with a smile: "Yes, your skills are useless."


The radio rang.

"laurel eliminated!"


Everyone in the park looked up and laughed.

"Shoot the bird that stands out, Laurel!"

"Whoever cuts the sword, the sword will last forever."

"Then your goal is not Laurel, and Wei Ning has also been eliminated." Jian Yueyin and Song Fenghua walked together, and the two were discussing.

"I don't have a weapon yet." Song Fenghua shook his head. I don't know who is next.

Jian Yueyin looked at her expression, and asked her: "Have you heard of... the evil dragon?"

"Jingrui! Stop for me!"

Gritting her teeth, Jiang Qiong rushed forward, and Xu Heran jumped out from the side, "Do you have a weapon?"

Jiang Qiong raised her hand and showed her the crystal bracelet she found.

"Post her!" Xu Heran said excitedly.

"...I don't have any stickers." Jiang Qiong hugged Xu Heran's arm and pretended to cry, "I also met Youyou and Luoxi! They knew that I didn't have any stickers, so they held hands and danced around me! I was so **** off! "

Xu Heran said in surprise: "The two of them are here too?"

Jiang Qiong nodded.

Xu Heran immediately clapped his hands.

"Who are you?" Jiang Qiong asked her, "Who are you killing?"

Xu Zhenzhu grinned, "Anyway, I won't kill you."

"Have you seen Miss Yueyin?"

Jiang Qiong immediately showed an expression of "God, you are so brave to attack the captain", she stretched out her hand and patted Xu Heran's arm, "Go, she and Xiao Fenghua went to that booth, go to the knife!" she!"

Xu Heran stretched out his right hand, embraced Jiang Qiong, and patted her on the shoulder, "Leave it to me!"

"Hey hey." Jiang Qiong rubbed her little hands excitedly.

Jian Yueyin and Song Fenghua walked to the exchange point, and when they saw the exchange point, they also put up a "Closed" sign.

"What's going on?" Jian Yueyin said suspiciously, "No one should buy hints."

She and Song Fenghua looked at each other. At this time, Song Fenghua saw in the store, behind the closed sign, there was an envelope next to the sign, with only a small sharp corner exposed. Song Fenghua walked over, opened the envelope, and pulled out the card inside.

Task reminder: The evil dragon buys treasures here to decorate its sharp blades. The residents of the canyon are tortured by fear and leave before the night and blood come.

"So, after the evil dragon bought something here, the exchange point was closed?" Jian Yueyin said in surprise, "Then we have to act quickly, if the remaining two stalls are also closed, we will lose!"

Song Fenghua nodded quickly, and just as they were about to leave, they suddenly heard Xu Heran's voice.

"Xiao Fenghua! Get away from her!" Xu Heran held up the ruby ​​and said, "She is a blue bully, a blue bully who can kill you!"

"She has been following you just to kill you!" Xu Heran shouted loudly.

Song Fenghua: "..."

"I didn't!" Jian Yueyin said immediately, "Our goal is to catch the evil dragon."

"Ah, what evil dragon?" Xu Heran said blankly, "Why did another dragon appear?"

"Didn't you find any other hints?" Jian Yueyin asked Xu Heran.

"I found something about you. The sapphire makes the shield fragile and invulnerable. Our basic information is all out. I am Hongbahu, Nuonuo is a jungler, Jiang Qiong is a crystal, Haya is a shooter, Wei Ning is a mage, Laurel is a support, so you and Xiao Fenghua are a guard and a blue bully."

Xu Heran stopped in front of Song Fenghua, "She can kill you!"

"Didn't you notice that she has been following you?" Xu Heran whispered, "There is a blue bully coveting your life."

"Hey!" Jian Yueyin said helplessly, "I didn't intend to attack Fenghua, so don't sow discord."

"Then how do I know if you want to attack Xiao Fenghua?" Xu Heran said, pulling Song Fenghua away from Jian Yueyin, "I'm Hongbahu, I can be Sister Dao Yueyin!"

Song Fenghua looked at Xu Heran's excited expression, and then at Jian Yueyin.

"What's the matter with the dragon?"

"No, is there anyone else besides us?" Xu Heran asked, she took out the ruby ​​sticker and squinted her eyes on purpose, "Hehehe..."

Jian Yueyin: "..."

"Among the eight of us, one of us got the villain card, but if you want to kill me so much, could it be you?" Jian Yueyin said suspiciously, "Are you a dragon?"

"I am a dragon!" Xu Heran said immediately.

Jian Yueyin and Song Fenghua looked at her in surprise.

"Nonuo is my princess, hehe!" Xu Heran smiled brightly.

Beside, Jian Yueyin was about to speak when the radio suddenly rang.

"Jiang Qiong is eliminated."

"Haya eliminated."

Three people present: "!"

"The dragon is attacking!" Jian Yueyin said, "It's Xin Nuo!"

"Ah?" Xu Heran pursed his lips, "No way..."

"We have to find weapons quickly and eliminate Xin Nuo!"

"But this is a personal battle, I want to eliminate you!" Xu Heran said with a smile, she turned to look at Song Fenghua, "I will help you get rid of her!"

Song Fenghua hesitated.

Jian Yueyin immediately said: "Don't listen to her, if I am eliminated, she can eliminate you!"

"I only have one sticker now." Xu Heran said to Song Fenghua, "I, Sister Dao Yueyin, will not be able to attack you. In this way, you go to find weapons and stickers, go to PK with Nuonuo, and I will eliminate Sister Yueyin , how about you knocking out Xin Nuonuo, the two of us will have a decisive battle at Universal Park in the end?"

Song Fenghua thought for a while and nodded.

Jian Yueyin screamed: "I misread you, Xiao Fenghua!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Yueyin." Song Fenghua said in a serious tone, "This is a personal battle."

Xu Heran grinned, patted Song Fenghua on the back, watched her leave, and held up the sticker again.

"Let's fight!"

Jian Yueyin didn't have a weapon, so she turned around and ran, Xu Heran ran after her. She pinched the sticker and stuck it on Jian Yueyin's body. The two were struggling, Xu Heran lost the gem in his hand, and rolled to the ground.

After the gemstone landed, Xu Heran's ruby ​​sticker was pasted on Jian Yueyin's body.

Jian Yueyin immediately said: "If the weapon is dropped, it doesn't count if it is attached!"

She immediately peeled off the sticker and squeezed it into a ball.

"Okay." Xu Heran put his hands on his hips and waved his hands.

After Jian Yueyin left, she looked at the captain's back, blew her bangs, and smiled at the camera, "It's over anyway."

"Xu Heran!" Xin Nuo shouted loudly.

She distributed Laurel's sixty star coins to herself, Lin Weining and Xu Heran, and the three then separated to look for hints. Xin Nuo exchanged a sticker at the open exchange point. She has a weapon and can knive beads.

"Where did you go?" Xin Nuo bent down and tied his shoelaces, "Isn't it because I'm afraid she won't come to me?"

She smiled softly, and when she looked up, she found a letter among the rose bushes behind the wooden seat.

"Huh?" Xin Nuo hurried over and pulled out the envelope.


On the side of the road, Song Fenghua's voice came, "You are here, you know the evil dragon—"

"Song Fenghua is eliminated."

Xin Nuo squatted on the ground, raised his head, and looked at the stunned Song Fenghua.

The staff immediately ran up and put a mask on Song Fenghua.

"What's going on?" Xin Nuo said in surprise. She got up and saw Song Fenghua waving her hands again and again, feeling at a loss for what to do.


Before Song Fenghua's back disappeared, the second broadcast sounded.

"Jian Yueyin is eliminated."


In the camera, the girl's hair was dyed jet black by the night, she opened the envelope with her mouth slightly open, her eyes dazed, confused.

"Mission reminder: The evil dragon is hiding among you."


Xin Nuo took a breath, twisted the envelope into a paper ball, gritted his teeth, "Xu Heran!"

"Hey, are you looking for me?"

The crisp voice replied.

On the dark path, a slender shadow slowly came out. She patted the debris on the coat, raised her head, her blue eyes sparkled.

"Miss me? Sister."

Xin Nuo picked up the sticker and glared at her.

"You are a dragon!"

With crooked eyes and hands behind her back, Miss Elong walked down the steps slowly, "Who said otherwise?"

"You've been lying to us from the start?"

The evil dragon stood in front of Xin Nuo, chuckling lightly.

"Who said it wasn't?"

"No wonder you haven't used your weapon skills!" Xin Nuo raised his head slightly, and felt something was wrong after thinking about it, "We have already analyzed that Lan Bahu is Yueyin, and you have never attacked her because you are a dragon. No skills!"

"Hmm, who said otherwise?"

Miss Elong frowned, wondering: "Who made me a poor dragon, who can only live like this by robbing everywhere."

"Thank you sister for the twenty star coins." Xu Heran suddenly stretched out her hand, and a sticker stuck to her fingertip.

It's a sticker of a dragon breathing fire.

"Want to be my prisoner?"

Xin Nuo said coldly, his dark eyes were like light, staring at her closely.

"Don't even think about it."

The two girls looked at each other and moved slowly.

The blue-purple eyes were smiling, and they looked at the pitch-black eyes. In the air, there was a faint "crackling" of lightning. In the blink of an eye, Xu Heran made a move.

Xin Nuo raised his hand to stop it. Both of them were holding stickers in their hands and wanted to stick them on each other.

Xu Heran clasped Xin Nuo's wrist with one hand, pressed Xin Nuo's arm with the other hand, and asked with a smile: "Sister, do you like golden cages? I will pick fresh roses for you every day. Would you like to live in a cage?" In the cage I prepared for you?"

Xin Nuo was so suppressed by her that he couldn't lift his hands at all, with both hands clamped by her waist, he watched helplessly as she pulled off the sticker on his fingertips with his free hand, and then stuck the dragon sticker on his cheek.

"It's so beautiful." Miss Evil Dragon said happily.

"I was eliminated?" Xin Nuo asked her, "Let me go."

Xu Heran said: "I don't."

She grabbed Xin Nuo's wrist with both hands, walked behind Xin Nuo, hugged her arms and waist together, and slowly stepped back. When her calf touched the seat, Xu Heran sat down, and Xin Nuo could only sit down. on her lap.

Xin Nuo deliberately pressed her back and swept her face with his hair.

Xu Heran smiled lightly, inserted both hands between her fingers, and interlocked their fingers. Xin Nuo gave up completely, and sat on the chair by the side of the road, looking up at the stars.

Three minutes later, the radio sounded and Xin Nuo was eliminated.

"You can let me go." Xin Nuo snorted coldly, blamed for having to let go of her, there was still a time limit.

"I don't want to let go, isn't it uncomfortable?" Xu Heran put his chin on her neck, turned his face, and said softly with his lips rubbing the sticker on Xin Nuo's face, "Are you really not thinking about it, Sister Nuo Nuo?"

"If the golden cage is not good, how about I decorate it with pearls and gems?"

"You are my prey, and I will treasure you well."

Read The Duke's Passion