MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 46 SGS(2)

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There are not too many female supporting roles. The assassin in the script is cold-blooded and ruthless. She was trained to be a killing machine since she was a child. Her main plot in the play is fighting scenes, but this role is an important figure in the awakening of the male lead. A short episode of high light drama.

On the stage, including the actress who arrived at the same time as Xu Heran's Xinnuo nanny car before, was also there.

"Try the part of the palace first." The assistant director said, "Have you all read the script?"

The five girls nodded.

"Well, you come first."

The assistant director pointed to the **** the far left, who was also the actress.

The actress stood up, bowed, and said, "I brought props, is that okay?"

The assistant director was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Of course."


The actress happily took out a fake sword from her bag, and Li You folded her arms and leaned back in the seat.

In the scene in the palace, Ah Qing led someone to assassinate the hero, and after speaking a few lines, it was a fight scene.

"Boom." The actress pretended to jump off the wall, frowned, turned her head and said to her companion behind her, "Try."

The sword in her hand was twisted into a sword flower, and she rushed forward first. In the plot, their assassination was discovered, and the hero came out to confront Ah Qing.

"Today is your death day!" The female artist said coldly, and then shouted, "Go!"

"kill him!"

"Stop!" The assistant director raised his hand, "Added two lines?"

The actress touched her face, blushed and said, "Yes, I'm addicted to drama, I'm sorry."

"Okay, thank you." The assistant director said, "Next."

The next three female artists, because the first person brought props, felt overwhelmed, and tried their best to perform in the play. Unfortunately, there were too few lines and the plot was simple, so the performance effect was similar.

"Thank you, next one."

Xin Nuo stepped forward.

While the others performed, she tied her long hair tightly behind her head and bowed her head to tie her shoelaces. She was wearing a black sports suit today, and even her shoes were ordinary black sneakers with flat soles and no patterns.

The actress who performed first looked at her out of the corner of her eye, thinking sarcastically, what kind of acting does a little idol know.

She was expressing her ridicule towards "resource coffee" in her heart, when she saw the **** the stage expressionless, then lifted up her jacket and pulled out two Emei thorns from her back waist.

Female artist: "..."

Li You: "..."

other people:"…"

Xu Heran: "??"

Hey, I am familiar with this trick!

Mu Yiye looked at Xin Nuo in horror and almost jumped up from the stool.

Wait, where did it come from? Why does anyone carry this thing with them?

Aren't you afraid of pricking yourself?

Xin Nuo put the Emei thorn on the middle fingers of both hands, turned it around twice, and explained: "I found it in a hurry, it didn't have a sharp edge, it's just two iron pipes."

Several people in the audience nodded slowly.

On the stage, Xin Nuo closed his eyes and then opened them again, those bright eyes gradually dimmed, lifeless, like a puppet without a soul. She made a wall-jumping motion and landed lightly.

She twirled the Emei thorn in her hand, raised her hand to cover the guard's mouth, and quickly pulled out the Emei thorn that penetrated his throat at some point.

The Emei thorn was pulled out, blood splashed from the dead man's neck, and fell on the assassin's face, but she remained expressionless, but the eyelids hit by the blood dripped slightly trembling.

The assassin let go, and the body fell to the ground.


The assassin's voice was low, like a death knell in the dark, terribly dull.

Then, when the palace was bright, the assassins were discovered, but the female assassin was still cold, colder than the ice in the mountains, she was indifferent to everything in front of her eyes, and she was indifferent to the angry male protagonist.

The Emei stab twirled in her palm, the female assassin raised her eyebrows slightly, her voice was cold and dark.



Xin Nuo pulled out the Emei thorn and bowed to the audience.

Three seconds later, applause rang out.

"Not bad." The assistant director said with a smile, "The script sent to you is only two paragraphs. You can understand Ah Qing's true character, not bad."

"Yes." Li You said.

The actresses who came to audition for Ah Qing, including those who disdain Xin Nuo, all looked at her in surprise, and only let out a breath carefully after she put away the Emei thorn.

…You idols, are you all so omnipotent now?

Too cruel!

Especially the actress who was still mocking other people's resource cafes in her heart just now, hugged her bag silently. Damn it, I have to practice a few more skills in the future, I can't just hold the sword flower!

"Thank you." Xin Nuo thanked.

Li You suddenly stopped her, "Wait."

"Can the Emei thorn be replaced by a dagger?"

Xin Nuo raised his eyebrows, raised the Emei thorn, and the short and long iron pipe rotated in her palm, then circled around the back of the palm, and was held tightly by her backhand.

"Papa papa." Li You applauded.

"Well, please help Ms. Xin." Li You said, he looked at the rest of the male artists, these are the first-tier and second-tier popular male artists, including Mu Yingdi, who is very popular this year.

"Try the hero's scene directly with everyone, just the rainy night scene in the palace." Li You said, "The second part of the plot sent to you."

Xin Nuo readily accepted.

"Let's start with Mu Yingdi first." Li You said.

Mu Yiye's heart skipped a beat, he raised a fake smile, and said, "Be careful, it might cause blood to splatter on the spot."

Everyone thought he was joking and laughed in agreement.

Mu Yiye's smile became even more fake.

Xin Nuo turned the Emei thorn again, and said with a smile, "Don't worry."

I'm so worried!

Mu Yiye's eyes twisted.

Rainy night in Wangfu.

The male protagonist tried to find peace, but countless people in the world could not see his peace. He couldn't bear it anymore, and fought with the assassin with a knife. In the end, the knife pierced through the assassin's chest. The victorious male protagonist took off the black cloth covering the assassin's face, but found that the assassin was actually A very young girl. She did not rest in peace, but her eyes did not fluctuate when she died, and she was still dead, silent, and soulless.

The male protagonist suddenly collapsed, he finally woke up, blindly avoided, did not join the battle, there are still countless young souls like assassins who are driven, used, and become dead under the knife. He wants to leave the game, but he is already in the game.

The staff of the crew put a table and stools on the stage, and Xin Nuo raised his hand and pressed down on the table.

Sitting on the stool, Mu Yiye asked her nervously, "What do you want to do?"

Xin Nuo looked at him suspiciously, and the corner of his mouth twitched contemptuously.

Mu Yiye was startled, his fingers trembled slightly, this was his audition, Xin Nuo couldn't be deliberately trying to spoil him! No, he is the actor. Xin Nuo is a young idol who just debuted, and it is absolutely impossible for him to overwhelm him in acting!


Offstage, the assistant director shouted.

Xin Nuo stood behind Mu Yiye, jumped down lightly, and pretended to land on the ground. Mu Yiye, who played the leading role, put his hands on the table and said in a deep voice, "You're here."

The assassin didn't answer, and she didn't need to answer either. Her only mission was to kill him.

The assassin raised his hand, and the Emei thorn fell towards the male lead's neck, and the male lead immediately raised his hand to block her arm. Xin Nuo stopped at an arm's length away from Mu Yiye. She looked at Mu Yiye's trembling fingers with a blank expression on her face.

The indifferent assassin rushed forward suddenly, pressed his left hand on the table, his legs were strong, his body was as light as a jade bead, and quickly spun around the table, and landed safely on the table, in front of Mu Yiye.

The next moment, on and off the stage, everyone felt that Xin Nuo's aura had changed. Her face was so indifferent, and a strong murderous look gathered in her dark eyes. This was the only emotion she possessed as an assassin.



kill him.

In the assassin's dead eyes, there was excitement because the target was close in front of her eyes. Even though she was expressionless at the moment, everyone could feel the suppressed and distorted excitement, which made her dark eyes bright.

The malicious killing intent made the assassin suddenly have a soul.


The cold Emei thorn fell towards the target's chest, quickly, earnestly, anxiously, and excitedly. The murderous intent she had hidden for a long time exploded like thunder, pervading, in the dark, as if the chains of impermanence hooked Mu Yiye's neck, he met Xin Nuo's face, met her murderous eyes, and his mind "" Buzz.



The Emei thorn in the assassin's hand stopped in the air, while the assassin pressed the corner of his mouth, slowly put away his weapon, and stood up straight.

Off the stage, everyone got up with a "wow" and looked at the stage in astonishment.

The stool collapsed, and the tall man was lying face up on the ground. Whether he was blinded by the fall or because he was ashamed, he stared at Xin Nuo with wide-eyed dull eyes.

This year's hottest actor of the Golden Cup, an actor with many years of acting experience! An idol artist who had just debuted for half a month was so frightened that he fell off the stool during an audition!

Fall hard!

If this is said, who will believe it?


Li You pressed the corner of his mouth and looked down at the script. The others drank water, unbuttoned and fastened their buttons, and looked at their watches. They just didn't look at the stage to give Mu Yingdi time to get up.

The Emei thorn was wrapped around the flowers in Xin Nuo's hands. She put away the Emei thorn, pressed her palms on the table, lowered her eyes, looked at Mu Yiye, who was lying on the ground, stiff all over, with a clean face and cold sweat on his forehead, and smiled.

"Are you all right, Film Emperor Mu?"

"Shall I call an ambulance for you?"

If Xu Heran was behind her, he would definitely be able to hear her false tone of voice and see the joy flowing from the end of her eyes.

It's a pity that Xu Heran sat in the audience and couldn't appreciate Xin Nuo's "enthusiasm" and "care" up close.

But Xu Heran can do another thing.

Under the stage, Xu Heran, who was delighted to watch Xin Nuo's audition, got up "shua", crossed his palms, and clapped vigorously.

"Good!" Little Pearl shouted, "Well done!"


"another one!"

The author has something to say:

Little Pearl: Encore! Encore! Encore!

Thank you Lei Lei and Liquid Liquid! muamuamua~~~~

Read The Duke's Passion