MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 4 star girl

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The director with folded arms looked at them coldly. When the assistant director told him that Xu Heran had confessed his love to Xin Nuo, his sneer echoed throughout the room.

All the guard dogs at the training camp knew that Xu Heran didn't like Xin Nuo, and she never concealed her dislike for Xin Nuo. He didn't even believe that Xu Heran would like Xin Nuo even after the sky fell!

Then the assistant director put the video in front of him and told him, wake up, the sky is falling.

"You..." He looked at the atmosphere of the two people, didn't they look like they had a bad relationship? Xu Heran woke up? back? Know what you did wrong? That's not even a confession!

"It's nothing serious." Xu Heran shook his fingers, as if he had seen a big scene, "I didn't say anything explicit, we are all good friends, what's wrong with posting it!"


The director's face was dark.

good friend?

Xin Nuo's expression moved slightly.

"And it's all the popularity!" Xu Heran patted the table, more director than the director, "I gave almost 180% of the popularity of the show so far, right? I just helped the show create a little popularity , you have to thank me!"

The director urgently needed oxygen.

Thank you also! Thank you for almost sending me away?

"After a few days, everyone will forget about this matter." Xu Heran made a serious suggestion, "If it really doesn't work, let's do a small interview!"

She suddenly looked at Xin Nuo, with a smile in her blue eyes, and blinked her left eye at her.

Xin Nuo cooperatively raised the phone and put it to his lips, "May I ask you to confess to Xin Nuo, who is also a trainee, in the middle of the night, do you really like her?"

Xu Heran put his hands on his stomach and sat up straight.

"of course!"

Xin Nuo paused with his finger holding the phone.

"Who doesn't like a beautiful sister!"

Xin Nuo immediately took the phone back and put it near his mouth, "Please note, trainee Xin Nuo is two years older than you."

"Oh, who doesn't like pretty sisters!" Xu Heran immediately changed his words, "I just want to be a fan of pretty sisters, and vote for pretty sisters! Spend money! Send my sisters to debut, let my sisters walk the road!"

"Okay, okay, put my phone down..." The director looked weak, he waved his hand, and sighed, "I'll discuss with the program team how to deal with this matter, you guys go back and rest first."

Xu Heran's words reminded him that this matter needs to be handled in cooperation with Universal Entertainment.

"By the way, Heran, ask the staff to make up an interview tomorrow."

Xu Heran raised his hand in an "ok" gesture.

The two walked towards the dormitory along the brightly lit road, and there were sporadic trainees who had just finished training walking in the same direction as them with tired steps. From the corner of their eyes, they saw Xin Nuo and Xu Heran side by side not far away, and their indifferent faces were immediately replaced by surprise. Their tired bodies suddenly became sober because of gossip, and they turned their heads repeatedly, wanting to make sure that the girl who was walking with Xin Nuo was really Is it Xu Heran?

"My eyes are broken." A certain girl murmured, raised her hand and patted her head, "It must be because I have practiced too much and my brain is dizzy."

Xin Nuo saw the back of the trainee burning his **** in front of him, and a smile appeared in his eyes. Although things didn't go according to her plan, the fact that she won't meet those disgusting things now made her feel relieved. Her greatest advantage is that the enemy is out in the dark, use this time to accumulate strength and then settle with them.

She made a list in her mind and wrote down each name with a red pen. At this moment, she heard a soft humming in her ear.

It's a very well-known ballad, "Five Hundred Miles."

The night is long, gently shaken by the wind-blown vegetation, and the moonlight is indifferent, melting in the warm and bright lights.

On the quiet stone road, singing falls in the parallel shadows.

Xin Nuo's arms hung by his sides, and he stuffed them into his pockets. Her heart filled with hatred seemed to be held in gentle hands. The revolving doors of her previous life flashed in her mind, covered with gray and white. Those names that had caused her pain were instantly blown away by the wind, and a faint soreness permeated the air. heart.

Only after the award ceremony, the brightly lit rooftop was reflected in the depths of her pupils, the cool breeze from the rooftop was blowing, and the queen’s gold cup was placed under her feet. She looked at the city in the middle of the night, closed her eyes and opened her arms to dance and hum in the aroma of wine. Who would have thought that the next moment, he would return to his youth.

Xin Nuo paused, and raised his hand to put the hood of his coat on his head.

Xu Heran put his hands behind his back, swaying his body left and right according to the rhythm, the beautiful voice echoed in the night, and the whole world became quiet.

The singing ended, and the two were already standing in front of the dormitory.

"Xu Heran, you are right, you are really good at singing." Xin Nuo whispered, the hat covered her brows and eyes, concealed her expression, the soft cloth was placed on the tip of her nose, and her pink lips curled up .

Xu Heran tilted his head and smiled, biting the tip of his tongue. In her previous life, she wanted to enter the entertainment industry as a singer!

"Nonuo." Before parting, Xu Heran whispered, "I didn't lie today, I will always support you."

She showed a serious look on her face, "When I leave the show, I hope you will remember that there is a fan named Xu Heran who has always supported you. Come on, Xin Nuo!"

Enjoy your new life!

Xu Heran cheered Xin Nuo up and waved goodbye to her.

Xin Nuo slowly frowned, her bright red eyes were like roses blooming in the night, her black eyes looked at Xu Heran's bouncing back. Now that the live broadcast event is different from the previous life, Xu Heran will not get off because of the bullying and violence incident. Why does she mean that she will still be eliminated?

"Oh." Xu Heran sighed, and opened the tablet—yes, she asked for the tablet back from the director.

There is a rule in the program group. Except for major violations of discipline, every time a trainee violates discipline, 10,000 votes will be deducted from the trainee's own votes. This is fatal for many low-ranking contestants. But Xu Heran didn't pay attention to the rules at all, and did not allow the program group to deduct tickets because of his identity and violation of discipline.

Later, after the live broadcast incident, the audience asked Xu Heran to withdraw from the program group, frantically voted for the contestants below Xu Heran, and forced her votes out of the promotion group, and then some contestants spoke out about Xu Heran's violation of discipline, and the program group was under pressure After counting Xu Heran's votes, she suddenly became the bottom one and was ridiculed by the whole network.

"Although this live broadcast will not be scolded, Xin Nuo's fans will not let me go." Xu Heran cried and said, "Don't hate me now, Nuomi, we are all friends!"

The original owner has already attracted dissatisfaction from the audience, and even ordered the program group to delete unfavorable images, but the Internet has a memory, and everyone doesn't like being covered. The harder the pressure, the more rebellious the audience. After returning to the dormitory, Xu Heran sent a message to the director, asking him to clean up the original owner's violation of discipline. It is estimated that she will be eliminated next time the ranking is announced.

Although according to the plot, she should be eliminated next time.

For Xu Heran, who inherited everything from the original owner, even if he got off the show, he had to leave innocently.

She will do her best to make up for the original owner's previous mistakes.

Xu Heran sighed, lay on the bed, turned on the program "Star Shining Girl", and started making up lessons from the first episode. The recording is going to be done tomorrow, so she has to get familiar with the people on the show quickly so as not to make mistakes, the 10,000 votes must be spent!

After a long time, the army that attacked Xu Heran dispersed, and everyone finally reached a consensus, thinking that Xu Heran wanted to bind Xin Nuo because of his constantly retreating rankings.

However, in a small corner, some fans with strange angles emerged from the water.

A small bowl can eat a big bowl: Hey, I touched a post all night, and when I turned around, I felt very happy #欣然#! I hope the little princess will behave better and stop making troubles! Otherwise, no matter how good-looking you are, I won't forgive you! Figure, Figure.

In the first picture, in the camera, the girl under the moonlight is standing in the darkness, only the falling moonlight illuminates the two people who are approaching. Like each other's most trusted friends.

This is a picture taken from the live broadcast, so clear that even Xu Heran's blue-purple eyes can see it clearly.

The second one is a copied painting, which is very delicate, with bubbles floating out next to the pouting girl, "Why are you so slow~ ̄へ ̄"

The black-haired girl smiled softly, "But I'm here?"

This artist called Xiaowan can eat a big bowl has more than 200,000 fans. He has reposted many pictures of beautiful actresses on Weibo, and the pictures he drew have been reposted by the owner. He is rich in fan pictures and has many active fans. At this moment, they forwarded her Weibo one after another.

Because the appearance of the two protagonists in the photo is too eye-catching, especially one of them has blue-purple eyes, passers-by who didn't know that the "Star Shining Girl" program was attracted by the beauty of the girls asked curiously.

After going back and forth, the amount of forwarding soared.

A day later, the program team of "Star Shining Girl" posted a blog, expressing that trainee Xu Heran apologized for expressing dissatisfaction with other contestants many times in the program, and deducted votes for her disciplinary behavior, and Xu Heran trainee was apologetic for her behavior. One hundred thousand votes were voluntarily deducted for the negative impact caused, and a total of 420,000 votes were deducted. Xu Heran, who was originally fifteenth, suddenly fell to fifty-ninth. Attached to Weibo is a short video shot on a mobile phone.

"Because of my arrogant attitude, I caused a very bad influence. I would like to say sorry to all the trainees, especially Sister Xin Nuo, and the staff of the program group, and say sorry to the star makers who supported me. I'm sorry, but I am willing to accept everyone's criticism. I agree with the program team's handling, and I will work hard to correct it in the future!"


The eyes of the audience who were still asleep suddenly widened. Did Xu Heran apologize?

Just when they wrote "Don't Believe Rumors, Don't Spread Rumors" and hadn't sent it yet, in the video, the person holding the shooting device smiled and said, "Really know it's wrong?"

Xu Heran, who put his hands on his stomach and bowed, raised his body with a "swish" and shouted with a blushing face, "Got it!"

The audience, who were mocking Xu Heran for apologizing, sat up all of a sudden, hey, it was Xin Nuo who took the picture! Listen to the tone, the two reconciled?

Hiss - really hell!

The remarks about whether Xu Heran was hyping up or not came out again. When everyone was arguing on the Internet, some netizens suddenly said: "Regardless of whether it is true or not, Xu Heran has dropped to fifty-nine this time. "Xingyao Girl" was originally 140 people, 42 people were eliminated in the first round, and 28 people were eliminated in the second round. Now there are only 70 trainees left. Her ranking is really dangerous! Now everyone knows what she has done. Will she be voted to go to the next round?"

This statement has been discussed by many people. "Xingyao Girl" is a program that claims that every vote can stand the inspection. Each ID card can only be registered on the official website once, and each round will get seven free votes. You can vote for your favorite exercises You can also vote separately, but if you find out that someone is buying and selling votes privately, not only will your account be banned by the official, but the number of votes bought and sold will be multiplied by 1,000 to deduct the player's votes, and the official has set up a report channel, and the report is successful. The audience will give a large bonus, very strict.

A total of 420,000 votes will be withheld, unless the Xu family can bribe a total of 60,000 people to register on the official website and vote all seven votes for Xu Heran without disturbing the official and guaranteeing that the secrets will not be leaked, but is this possible?

Is Xu Heran's entertainment company really planning to give up allowing her to continue participating in the show? Isn't this show just for the Xu family to praise the little princess?

Everyone was confused.


When the wake-up bell rang, Xu Heran opened his eyes and thought about where it was for five minutes. Only then did he slowly get out of bed, wash up in a daze, and return the tablet to the staff before going out to the training camp with floating steps. Walk.

The manager Cui Qi who came to wake her up opened the door, looked at the empty room and the makeup artist.

Really reformed, do not need to wake up?

"Falling to the fifteenth place, is it such a big blow to her?" Cui Qi murmured.

The make-up artist patted her on the shoulder, "Miss Xu has always been favored by thousands of pampers, and now she is rejected by everyone, and her self-esteem can't bear it. I want to redeem it."

Thinking of Xu Heran's behavior in the past, Cui Qi smiled wryly, "I hope so."

The ranking posted on Xu Heran's clothes has been changed to 59, and the original 15 to 59 trainees will be automatically promoted by one. When everyone heard what happened last night from the makeup artist sent by the company, they were more and more surprised. When they entered the door, they looked at Xu Heran from the corner of their eyes.

The trainee who met Xu Heran and Xin Nuo last night suddenly realized.

Fortunately, her eyes and brain are good! Not bad! What she saw were Xin Nuo and Xu Heran!

Xu Heran completed the six episodes, except for Xin Nuo and a few trainees who had a lot of scenes, none of them remembered it. She only slept for three hours last night. After watching the show, she watched Xin Nuo's stage ten times before she was satisfied with sleep.

Now when I see other people's faces painted with exquisite makeup, I realize that I forgot to put on makeup. When the host came in, she tucked her hands into her sleeves, covered her face with her sleeves, and asked the silent little girl beside her.

"Sister, do you think I have dark circles under my eyes?"

Xu Heran is 1.68 meters tall, and the girl next to her is 1.6 meters tall. She was taken aback by the fact that Xu Heran "condescended" to talk to her, and she felt quite flattered. The girl raised her head and took a serious look at Xu Heran's face.

Another glance.

The girl's face without makeup was white and tender, as smooth as an egg that had been peeled off its shell, without any bloodshot spots. Only characters in anime novels have Mary Su's pupil-colored eyes, which are clear and bright, with clean whites and cute eyes. Not to mention that she was already good-looking, with a straight nose, delicate and rosy lips, and a healthy glow on her cheeks.

Where did the dark circles come from!

The well-dressed girl who didn't show her whiteness without makeup widened her eyes, showing shame and anger, stomped her feet, turned her head and hugged the **** the other side, and complained, "She is hitting my self-confidence with her good looks!"

"She's Versailles! Woohoo..."

Xu Heran:? ? ?

How can she!

The conscience of heaven and earth!

The girl she was hugging was two centimeters shorter than her, and she tried her best to raise her head, carefully glanced at the dazed Xu Heran, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, it's okay, just get used to it, just get used to it."

The girl pulled her head out of her arms, sniffed, and felt wronged, "She still calls me sister! I'm four years older than her!"

"Humiliation, naked humiliation!"

"It's okay, young, you look young."

"I'm not old at all!" the twenty-year-old girl said angrily.

Suddenly there was laughter from all around, and everyone turned their heads one after another, taking this opportunity to observe Xu Heran openly.

Xu Heran scratched her head, she had a bad habit of calling younger girls younger than her sister.

In the third row of the line, there were only four people standing on the leftmost side of the line. Among the young and beautiful girls, the girl who was still outstanding and eye-catching raised her hand, pulled her long hair back around her neck, and looked back without a trace.

Xu Heran stood in the last row cautiously, pretending to look around casually, his eyes collided with Xin Nuo unexpectedly in the gap between the crowd, and looked at each other across the four rows of crowded people.

Xin Nuo raised the corner of his mouth, raised his eyebrows at Xu Heran, and spoke silently.

"Come on, little princess."

The author has something to say:

Xin Nuo: watching a play

I can't think of a nice cp name, let's use Xinran first (I will offer a cup of sympathetic tea to the netizens who are standing on cp at the moment)

"FiveHundredMiles" (500 miles) JustinTimberlake&CareyMulligan&starksands version

Let me tell you, the lyrics of the songs that appear in the article belong to the real-life I will be writing the words. The songs and lyrics that are not marked are made up by Mengmeng. Any similarity is purely coincidental!

posted 500 miles lyrics

If you missed the train I'mon,

If you miss the train I'm on

You will know that Iamgone,

That's why I've left alone

You can hear the whistle blowahundred miles.

You listen to the whistle that stretches for hundreds of miles

Ahundred miles, ahundred miles,

One hundred miles and one hundred miles take me far away

Ahundred miles, Ahundred miles,

A hundred miles and a hundred miles and I can't go back

You can hear the whistle blow Ahundred miles.

The siren that stretches for hundreds of miles will tell you that I am leaving

Lord, I'mone, Lord, I'mtwo, Lord,

One hundred miles, two hundred miles gradually go away

I'mthree, Lord, I'mfour, Lord,

Three hundred miles, four hundred miles, I can't go back

I'm five hundred miles away from home.

Before I knew it, I was more than five hundred miles away from home

Away from home, away from home,

Carrying everything and leaving home

away from home, away from home,

My home is far away, but it's hard for me to go back

Lord, I'm five hundred miles away from home

God, my hometown is more than five hundred miles away from me


now i'm in rags


still penniless

Lord. Ican'tgobackhomethisoleway.

God how can I just go home like this

This-away, this oleway,

so down and so poor

This-away, this oleway,

such a miserable situation

Lord, Ican't go back home this sole way.

How can I go home like this?

If you missed the train I'mon,

If that train leaves I don't have time to see you

You will know that Iamgone,

That means I've left sadly alone

You can hear the whistle blow Ahundred miles.

You listen to the whistle that stretches for hundreds of miles

Ahundred miles.

one hundred miles

Ahundred miles.

Take me another hundred miles away

Ahundred miles.

one hundred miles

Ahundred miles.

I can't go back another hundred miles

You can hear the whistle blowahundred miles

You hear the sound of the siren that stretches for hundreds of miles fades away

You can hear the whistle blowahundred miles

Telling you that I have left home and never seen the return date

You can hear the whistle blowahundred miles

The whistle that stretches for hundreds of miles is like my sigh

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