MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 108 Xu Jiamu x Cheng Siying (including Overlord ticket plus update)

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Xu Jiamu thinks the researchers of Cheng's Biology are a group of very interesting people, at least she has never seen someone who uses measuring cups and test tubes used in the laboratory in the kitchen, but when these researchers carefully prepare the seasoning, the results are worthy of them Seriousness is fine.

But Process Siying's craftsmanship is very good. Xu Jiamu thought to himself, Mr. Cheng is really versatile.

"When I was studying in Languo, I lived on noodles." Cheng Siying said warmly.

Xu Jiamu lowered his eyelashes, and said in a low voice, "Because of my grandfather, our family is full of Hua Guowei."

"Next time you come to Languo, I will ask my auntie, who has been a cook for 30 years, to cook a big meal for you."

Cheng Siying tilted her head, "I thought at this time, you would say that you would make it for me yourself."

Xu Jiamu's tone was very cautious, "But I hope you are in good health."

Cheng Siying: "..."

"Okay." She chuckled, thinking that Xu Jiamu was really interesting.

The usually cold beauty is actually easy to get along with and polite. She regrets not getting to know Xu Jiamu sooner—but it's not too late now.

After the two had eaten, they put the tableware in the dining area, and Xu Jiamu invited Cheng Siying to go outside for a stroll.

"The lake in the park misses you very much." Xu Jiamu said.

"Really." Cheng Siying glanced lightly at Xu Jiamu and agreed.

The park was very close to the research institute, but the two walked very slowly. They didn't speak, but the atmosphere was very comfortable. Half an hour later, Xu Jia and Mu Cheng Siying stood side by side by the lake in the empty park.

The sky is gloomy, and the end of winter is about to pass, but the snow is still persistently wanting to return to the earth. There was a light snow today, and the corners of the park are piled up with the traces of the previous snow. The lake is not frozen, and it is as cold as a piece of dark jade. , can not see the shadow of the fish.

Xu Jiamu looked away from the sky and lowered his eyes, but Cheng Siying didn't look at the lake and looked far away.

"I used to hide here to watch the water flow when I was in a bad mood or when there was a problem with my research." Cheng Siying said in a low voice, "It seems that the troubles and doubts in my heart are leaving with the water flow."

"If all the doubts in life will be washed away by water." Cheng Siying curled his lips, "Then the existence of human beings would be meaningless."

Xu Jiamu's hands were hanging by her sides, she looked at the lake, her voice was very soft.

"The reason why you are in a bad mood...including feelings?"

Cheng Siying looked at her suspiciously.

Xu Jiamu didn't look back, and said quietly: "Does the dissolution of the engagement make you sad?"

Are you still attached to Ji Yichen?

Cheng Siying looked at Xu Jiamu seriously, and was a little puzzled why she asked such a question. She looked at Xu Jiamu's delicate side face with clear pupils, "I have never been troubled by feelings before."

Xu Jiamu raised his eyebrows.

"Strictly speaking, in my current life, there are only family and friendship, but no love."

"The marriage contract with Fengfeng Jizuo was the least rigorous thing my father did in his life." Cheng Siying said.

The woman next to her suddenly felt that the word Xu Jiamu sounded very nice.

"Go back." Cheng Siying said, "I still have work in the afternoon."


Xu Jiamu turned around expressionlessly, raised his chin slightly, "Let's go."

Cheng Siying felt that Xu Jiamu's state was a little strange, she stretched out her finger, and lightly tapped Xu Jiamu's back, "Miss Mikael."


"Don't just ask me, as a young, promising and beautiful woman, haven't you been pursued before?" Cheng Siying asked her.

Xu Jiamu said honestly, "A lot."

Cheng Siying said "Oh".

"There are men and women." Xu Jiamu continued.

Cheng Siying: "Yes."

Xu Jiamu added: "A lot."

Cheng Siying didn't speak, but slightly hooked her lips.

"However," someone turned his eyes, put his palm on the waist of the woman who was half a step behind, and led her forward, "I used to think that I would spend my whole life with work."

With her hands in her pockets, Cheng Siying couldn't help but curl her mouth.

They walked for a long time until the gate of the research institute was in front of them. The two stopped at the gate. Cheng Siying turned around and looked at Xu Jiamu's face. She asked, "When is the past you are talking about?"

Xu Jiamu's tone was natural: "It's about as long as Mr. Cheng's now."

"So that's it." Cheng Siying said, stepped onto the steps, and looked at Xu Jiamu at the same level, "It doesn't seem to be long."

Xu Jiamu nodded: "I see."

Cheng Siying couldn't help it, raised her hand, and stopped before her index finger touched Xu Jiamu's skin. Xu Jiamu grabbed Cheng Siying's hand and exerted a little force.

The slightly cool fingertips touched the soft face, and Xu Jiamu's face sank into a shallow dimple.

Cheng Siying couldn't help exerting force, Xu Jiamu leaned back and smiled lightly.

"Goodbye." Cheng Siying withdrew her hand and turned around, "I'm going to work."

"See you next time."

Xu Jiamu looked at her back and said, "Mr. Cheng, I will come to see you for dinner another day. Please make up for the fried egg I owed me today, thank you."

Cheng Siying waved her hand without looking back.

When Xu Jiamu got in the car, the secretary in the front row turned around and asked with a smile, "Mr. Xu, do you want to order flowers for Miss Cheng in your name?"

Xu Jiamu's expression remained unchanged: "No, I will do it myself."

"Compared with flowers and jewelry, we should implement the problem of meals in the institute as soon as possible." Xu Jiamu thought about the environment of the institute, and added, "There is also a security issue."

"Okay, Mr. Xu, I'll do it right away."

A few days later, apart from the meals at the research institute, a group of elites with good reputation and excellent skills were selected by the secretary to settle in the research institute. From the general manager to the finance, personnel and administration, everything is available. So far, everything in the research institute has entered into a normal state. operation stage.

On the other hand, Xu Jiamu and Lu Manxin of the Lu Group attended the official auction in Beijing on the same day.

This auction involves construction land in the suburbs of the capital city and various projects of various sizes. The bidders are all Huaguo's heavyweight enterprises. Xu Jiamu's purpose this time is to purchase the suburban land participating in the auction.

Global and Lu's technology park blueprints and plans have been completed, and they will strive to win the target land in this auction.

"It doesn't matter if you can't take pictures." Lu Manxin crossed his legs, leaned back lazily, and whispered to Xu Jiamu, "The big deal is to go shopping."

They bought the right to use most of the land, but some places close to the capital had to be obtained in auctions. If they could win the land they wanted, their science and technology park happened to be rectangular.

Lu Manxin glanced around, waved at Xu Jiamu, and said to the woman who was leaning over: "Did you see the action of Zenith joining forces with other companies?"

Xu Jiamu nodded.

"Tsk." Lu Manxin rubbed his fingers lightly and raised his eyebrows, "Each according to his ability."

The big thing about buying land cannot be concealed. Lu's and Universal are buying it, and Dingfeng and other companies are also buying it, and what they are buying is another piece of land next to them. Except for the land, these companies at the top of the capital have all received news. Officials are planning to repair the subway to the suburbs, but the planning map has not yet been released, and everything is under discussion.

If it is realized, the land price in the suburbs will definitely soar. These companies who are buying land are betting on where the subway will be repaired. An industrial park is not only tens of hundreds of square meters, but according to Universal and Lu's planning, the science and technology park covers an area of ​​300 hectares, and the land of 3 million square meters is worth an astronomical figure. To continue the development, the follow-up investment is a huge amount than the astronomical figure.

Lu Manxin was not afraid of making it clear, but was afraid that some people would use shady tricks to deliberately stumbling behind their backs and interfere with official decision-making. The establishment of the science and technology park is also supported by the government. If the subway is not repaired in the direction of the science and technology park...

The richest man in China, whose back view made countless people look up to him, tapped the handrail with his finger and smiled slightly.

That's really interesting.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Xu, good morning." A deep male voice interrupted their whispering.

Xu Jiamu looked up and nodded at the man: "Mr. Ji."

"I didn't expect Mr. Lu to be there in person, which made me a little nervous." Ji Yichen smiled slightly.

"For this auction, please be merciful." Ji Yichen said.

Lu Manxin chuckled, "You're welcome."

"Mr. Xu is rigorous in his work." Lu Manxin looked at Xu Jiamu, "As a partner, of course we have to be with him, but I heard that recently someone said that I am greedy and want to interfere in everything."

Lu Manxin's eyes were slightly cold, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "Since some people think that I am such a person, then I have to let everyone see."

The extremely gorgeous woman raised her eyebrows: "I can be even more greedy."

Ji Yichen was silent for a while.

"If it's convenient for Mr. Ji, please give me a message for everyone. Thank you for looking up to me." Lu Manxin rested his chin on his fingers, leaned lazily in the seat, and said slowly, "Thank you."

Ji Yichen's back felt cold for a while, and he understood that some of the people who affirmed the companies he contacted reached Lu Manxin's ears with nonsense. He gritted his teeth and kept smiling, "Boss Lu is joking."

"Go slowly." Lu Manxin retracted his eyes, and Ji Yichen left quickly with a faint smile and covered in cold sweat.

When he left, Lu Manxin sneered, and said to Xu Jiamu, who ignored Ji Yichen the whole time: "In this world, most people are scumbags. These people like to discuss business at the wine table. They dare to say anything after a few sips of yellow soup. They dare to say , don’t be afraid to hear it in my ears.”

Xu Jiamu said "Yes", "I don't like socializing."

"I don't like it either. With that time, wouldn't it be nice to have a candlelight dinner with my wife?" Lu Manxin sat up and smiled, "Fortunately, no one dares to force me."

candlelight dinner?

Xu Jiamu's eyes moved slightly.

I have never tried it, but I want to try it.

Twenty minutes later, the auction began.

Land in the capital is expensive, and most of the auctioned buildings and land in the urban area were forcibly taken back for various reasons, partly because of poor management and bankruptcy auctions, and every piece of land was extremely fierce. When it comes to suburban land, the price drops all of a sudden.

It is said that it is in the suburbs, the land for auction is far away from the capital city, and the transportation is inconvenient without development, but the strange thing is that the auction, which was not very enthusiastic in the past, is now extremely intense. I bet where the subway will be repaired, and I don’t know how to repair it and how long it will take.

However, many people have noticed that almost all of the participants in the auction are technology companies.

As Lu Manxin said, they don't need to be obsessed with making the science and technology park a rectangle. The land on the east side is too high and exceeds expectations, so they can buy the north side. grab.

Xu Jiamu and Lu Manxin looked calm, and the team around them was also calm, raising cards while calculating. Ji Yichen's brows gradually frowned, if they shoot like this, how will their science and technology park be repaired?

But the working capital in his hand...he had to grit his teeth, and the company's operations would be under pressure within six months.

"Mr. Ji, shall we take over this piece of land?" The people around Ji Yichen asked.

"This piece of land is the largest piece of land tonight. According to information, this piece of land borders the land that the Lu family has already purchased. It should be the piece of land they most want to photograph tonight."

Ji Yichen asked coldly, "What is our estimated amount?"

The assistant held out two fingers.

this amount...

Ji Yichen took a deep breath, "Try, I can personally provide 200 million."

On the stage, the auctioneer announced the reserve price of the auction, which was 150 million.

Ji Yichen's assistant immediately straightened his shoulders, before he raised the sign in his hand, Lu's sign in the first row had already been raised.

"Lu family, 410 million."


Ji Yichen: "..."

other people:"…"

The auctioneer didn't change his face: "410 million, is there a higher amount?"

"Mr. Ji?" the assistant asked Ji Yichen anxiously.

Ji Yichen frowned, they guessed his reserve price, if he followed, Lu Manxin and Xu Jiamu would definitely beat him, but he was unwilling to give up like this, but he also understood that if he dared to bid with Lu's, it would be worth a million dollars. Jia looks too stingy, if you add two or three times and Lu Manxin gives up, then he will lose more than 200 million...

"One time in 410 million, two times in 410 million, three times in 410 million!"


The gavel falls and the auction is established.

Xu Jiamu turned his head slightly, his eyes fell on Ji Yichen's face, and seeing his gloomy face, he looked back indifferently.

Yes, Not Bad.

The auction ended successfully, and Xu Jiamu and Lu Manxin returned home full of rewards. They admired the land map in the hands of Ji Yichen and others in the car after they united.

"Yes, mess is a kind of beauty." Lu Manxin said, "At least we are connected together."

"En." Xu Jiamu nodded, zoomed out on the map, and suddenly said "Huh".

She found that next to the last piece of land they photographed today was Cheng's research institute, and the research institute and its surrounding land just separated the land in Ji Yichen's hands.

Xu Jiamu's eyes deepened and he closed the notebook.

Nearly half a year after leaving from Peak, Cheng Siying rarely received a call from Ji Yichen.

The voice of the man on the phone was very gentle and polite: "Siying, long time no see, are you busy with work recently, my father is celebrating his birthday, he was looking at old photos recently, and saw him, Uncle Cheng and us when we were two children The photos are full of emotions, I would like to invite you to have a meal at home, do you have time?"

Cheng Siying said calmly, "No."

On the other side of the phone, Ji Yichen was sitting in the dark car, looking at the map in the notebook, his tone became more gentle: "Siying, is it because of the dissolution of the engagement that you still have resentment towards me?"

"Ji Yichen, tell me what you have to say." Cheng Siying glanced at the time, "I'll give you two minutes."

Ji Yichen suppressed the anger in his heart, and laughed: "Okay, sure enough, you can't hide anything from you, that's it, your research institute and the surrounding land were purchased by Cheng's father for 70 years. I would like to invite you to How about transferring this land to me?"

Cheng Siying didn't even think about it: "No."

"Don't refuse, I will try my best to meet your conditions, or you see, in addition to the money for buying the land, how about I reduce the right to use new materials for ten years?" Ji Yichen followed the temptation, "You sell the land to me , you can continue to do research in the research institute, I will let you rent it for two years for free, and with the money, you can buy equipment and continue your research, don’t you just need funds now?”

Cheng Siying looked at his watch and said, "First, even if I need funds, I will not resell the land to you; second, you are late, and I have already sold this land to someone else; third, you still have Ten seconds."

Ji Yichen immediately asked, "Who did you sell to?"

"Respect the privacy of others, and keep this matter confidential." Cheng Siying said, "There are still three seconds."

"Siying's relationship between us—"

"Da." Cheng Siying hung up the phone, looked at Xu Jiamu, "Thank you for telling me."

Xu Jiamu rested his chin, looked at Cheng Siying's face through the candlelight, and smiled slightly, "To thank me, cheers?"

On the opposite side, a woman wearing a long skirt, combing her hair, and wearing simple jewelry held up a goblet.


The rich wine wet the bright red lips, Xu Jiamu's eyes swept over the corner of Cheng Siying's mouth, and he said casually: "I suggest you tell the person who bought the land about this in advance, I think Ji Yichen will disturb him."


Cheng Siying said softly: "After dinner, I will send a text message to Miss Xin."

"Okay...huh?" Xu Jiamu blinked, "Miss Xin?"

"Yes." Cheng Siying nodded, "Coincidentally, this Miss Xin has the same name and surname as your sister Pearl's friend, but she is not a celebrity."

Selling her father's life's hard work was a secret pain in Cheng Siying's heart. At that time, she signed the document and signed the entrustment agreement to let others handle the matter. It was just that she looked through the window of the office that day. When she came to the institute, she went to the Bureau of Land Management with her assistant and client to take a look. She wanted to know who the future owner of this land would be.

It was a woman with a delicate appearance and a kind smile, not the girl who was as beautiful as a godsend in the Weibo she followed that day.

How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

Cheng Siying smiled at Xu Jiamu.

Xu Jiamu's expression slowly disappeared, and she picked up the phone.

how to say.

In this world, there are such coincidences.

After Xin Nuo got off the show, he squatted in a place with a signal, and sent a message to Xu Heran: "Well, tell my sister, I bought it."

"Does she want it? I can transfer it to my sister."

Xin Nuo smiled and said, "I don't want money, I'll exchange it with her sister."

The author has something to say:

Xu Jiamu: Yes.

Xu Heran: Give it!

Cheng Siying: Huh

Xin Nuo: ^-^

Tomorrow, sister and sister-in-law will be over, and Ha Daya and Xianxian will be on stage!

Baby Yunchen's update is complete~mua~

Read The Duke's Passion