MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 1 star girl

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"Come together, run to the sun."

"No matter how heavy the wind and rain, no matter how tired the journey is, never give up the dream of shining..."

The sweet singing echoed in the dressing room, and Xu Heran, who was leaning on the makeup chair, was woken up. She opened her eyes and stared blankly at the dressing table with a blank expression.


Where did the music come from.

There was a tablet on the dressing table in front of her, and the music that woke her up was coming from the tablet.

The camera zoomed in on the screen, locking onto the girl in the front center.

Xu Heran's expression was even more stupefied, her eyes widened, her dark pupils were slowly covered with mist, and she stared straight at the girl in the camera.


Why doesn't she remember filming this show, and still stands in the C position?

The agent who wanted to give her to a certain investor didn't dare to show up for three months after being slapped severely by her. How could it be possible to attract such resources to her? That dog and the company are liars!

"Dream." Xu Heran asked doubtfully, but his eyes did not leave the screen.

In the video, the girl standing in the center is bright and beautiful, and everyone behind her becomes her foil. The young girl is radiant, brighter than the stars in the summer night.

Xu Heran was even more sure that this was a dream, or a dream she dared not imagine in reality. Just when she was staring at the video and couldn't take her eyes off, the cheerful and enthusiastic singing came to an end. As the song "Dreams Set Sail, Stars Shine" fell, the program logo slid in.

Under the golden crown, the four golden characters "Buling Bulling" of "Xingyao Girl" flashed.


Star Girl?

"I just read "Star Road" again before going to bed, and I dreamed of participating in the talent show in the novel!" Xu Heran patted his face and said speechlessly, "However, if you are dreaming, I don't know if you can see my family Nuo. promise."

Thinking of his "idol", Xu Heran became happy, sitting on the stool and crossing his legs. She also thought that this dream was very realistic, and she could feel the stiffness and pain after sleeping on the stool for a long time—no, she never felt pain in her dreams!

Xu Heran froze immediately, her pupils dilated suddenly, a strange guess emerged in her mind, her eyes once again inspected the unfamiliar environment.

The dressing room is very large, with more than a dozen dressing tables placed side by side. Among the neat desks, only the dressing table in front of her is in a mess. Scattered around the floor, the shattered lotion and foundation were mixed together and solidified on the white brick surface, like scars.

But whether it's the broken cosmetic bottle, or around the dressing table, and the four walls of the room, the logo of the golden crown she saw in the video is posted everywhere.

The words "Xingyao Girl" in gold and pink are particularly eye-catching, I'm afraid she can't see clearly.

Then the hairs on Xu He's back stood on end, and goose bumps appeared on his fair skin. She turned her head sharply and looked into the mirror.

In the mirror, the bright and beautiful girl stared, her lips parted slightly, her young and immature face, the white skin that could pinch water was soft and delicate, without a trace of being tortured by poverty.

The bright incandescent lamp above the head illuminates the entire dressing room brightly, and the fill light around the mirror is a magic mirror, making all the flaws on the face invisible. And the girl in the mirror has almost no flaws, only the blank expression at the moment, under the ridiculously long eyelashes, the blue-purple pupils are as clear as gems under the bright light.


Xu Heran stood up silently, approached the makeup mirror, put his pink fingertips on the lower eyelids, and gently pulled it down, light water vapor appeared in the eye sockets, and the clean whites of the eyes soon turned red, which contrasted sharply with the color of the pupils.

In the blue-based pupil film, with the pupil as the center, there are several strands of purple lines winding, which become more intense after being stained by the light, dreamy like the star fog surrounding the Milky Way at night.

That's right, it's blue-purple.

Xu Heran took a small breath.

This... pupil film?

She has only seen such a miraculous eye color in one person, no, it should be a character description.

In the early stage of the novel "Star Path", in the talent show, because he hated the heroine for stealing his demeanor, he repeatedly ridiculed the heroine, suppressed and insulted him, and later withdrew from the draft, and used his family power to try to block the heroine's stardom. In the end, the vicious girl did not end well. match-

Xu Heran.

Because of the same name and surname, she didn't read this article several times. Later, she stumbled across a fragment of the book and aroused her curiosity, so she endured the embarrassment and clicked in. Then she put her heart on the heroine Xin Nuo.

The heroine Xin Nuo in the novel is kind and beautiful. In order to earn medical expenses for her mother, she participated in a talent show and wanted to enter the entertainment circle, but her beauty attracted hungry wolves, a pack of hungry wolves! A pack of wolves surrounded Xinnuo, trying to bully her, break her wings, trample on her dreams, humiliate her personality, and fight for her ownership.

Xinnuo is like a toy in their palms, a tool to show their power. During the process of being robbed by these hungry wolves, she was hurt and deceived again and again, and her sick mother was implicated and died.

In the swamp-like darkness, the originally weak girl stood up abruptly, relying on her own perseverance, gritted her teeth and braved the wind and waves, finally crushing all obstacles and standing on the top.

The bones of the jackals, tigers and leopards who once blocked the road are spread on the steps leading to the summit.

Whenever he saw Xin Nuo standing on an empty rooftop in the dark, playing with a lighter and looking at the brightly lit city, Xu Heran always burst into tears. She was also crawling in the dark, and when she was exhausted and desperate, the book "Star Path" became the only place she could stay.

Xin Nuo is her idol, her belief.

She regards Xin Nuo as the future, longing for one day to be like her, coldly saying "waste" to the darkness.


"Why did I become Xu Heran?" She raised her hand and pinched her face fiercely, the tingling sensation from the soft flesh was not fake, she really became the supporting actress in the book! The female supporting role against her idol!

She still has the same looks as her, but with ten layers of beautification effects added to the vicious female supporting role!

Xu Heran's body was stiff, and he hadn't reacted from the changed identity. Suddenly, a name appeared in the program played on the tablet.

"The third round of "Star Shining Girls" was announced, and the fourth-ranking Star Shining Girl is—a personal trainee, Xin Nuo!" The host shouted loudly.


The name was caught by his ears in an instant, Xu Heran immediately let go of the shock in his heart, and lay down on the table excitedly, the blood in his whole body surged rapidly because of the name, the milk-like white and tender skin appeared pale pink, spread all the way to the back of the ear, and slowly flowed down . She lowered her head and looked fascinated at the girl who appeared in the camera.

She had fantasized about Xin Nuo's appearance, but she found that her imagination was less than one-tenth of the real one!

The recording hall is very large, and all the lights are converging on Xin Nuo at this moment, flowing light pouring down, generous preference. The moment she appeared, no one could take their eyes off her, she was the center of all light.

The people off-screen stared at her fascinatedly. The original owner was of mixed race, with deeper eye sockets, and even the color of the Mary Sue eyes was caused by a genetic mutation. But Xin Nuo's pupils are very black, like ink that cannot be melted. Few people can have such black and bright eyes.

At this moment, she was looking at the blue-purple eyes off-screen with these dark and deep eyes.

"Thank you, thank you all for your love and support."

Xin Nuo brushed the hair next to his ear, and said warmly. The trainee sitting below and Xu Heran who was lying on the table sighed at the same time, which made the girl who wanted to give a speech a little embarrassed. She showed a shy smile on her usually calm face, and raised the microphone to cover her mouth. side, smiling slightly.

Xu Heran's heart was hit, and he murmured and whimpered: "Nuo Nuo, Nuo Nuo woo woo woo..."

Xu Heran, who was intoxicated by the natural beauty of the paper man, inserted his hands into his hair and swayed from side to side, relying on the fact that no one in the dressing room kept calling Xin Nuo's name, "Nuo Nuo is so beautiful!"

The girl who had just walked outside the dressing room stopped and looked suspiciously at the closed door.

Host: "Although Xin Nuo is a personal trainee, he has won everyone's recognition with his amazing beauty and outstanding strength! From fifty in the first ranking, he leapt to tenth! In this ranking, he has improved again Ranked fourth, successfully entered the debut position, and became one of the most eye-catching trainees in the training camp! Regarding this, what do you have to say to everyone?"

Xu Heran pursed her mouth, and the redness in her eyes did not fade away. She knelt on the ground, holding her face in her arms, and couldn't help sighing: "Yes, our Nuonuo is so good! Who wouldn't like our Nuonuo! "

"This ranking is both encouragement and pressure for me. Among the trainees, there are many friends who are stronger than me. Everyone may surpass me." In the deepest part, there seemed to be a small flame burning fiercely.

"Wooooow, Nuonuo is so humble!"

"But I will also work hard to keep this position. I want to thank the star makers who have always supported me. It is your support that allows me to stand in this position. I will strive to create a more perfect stage and repay everyone's love!"

"Hey, Nuonuo is so heartwarming!"

Xu Heran looked at Xin Nuo as best he could, completely forgetting his current situation. However, when Xin Nuo was giving her speech, the camera suddenly cut to the seat behind her. Among the rows of beautiful girls who were crying and laughing, in the middle of the fourth row, the girl rolling her eyes was particularly obvious.

Although it was a distant view, the disgust almost floated through the lens.

Xu Heran suddenly became angry, "Who, dare to roll your eyes at my precious female goose!"

She was furious, but the camera pulled back so quickly that it was impossible to see who was rolling her eyes. Xu Heran had an idea, stretched out his hand, tapped the tablet, and re-opened the bullet screen setting that was closed in the lower left corner.

The next moment, dense bullet screens floated from the right. Those white, red, purple, and green bullet screens rolled by at various speeds and sizes only expressed one point of view.

Xu Heran, who finally found the target, straightened his back, slapped the table hard, and cursed along with the barrage—

"I'll go, Xu Heran, are you sick?"

Xin Nuo never provoked you, why do you roll your eyes at her!

"damn thing!"


The door of the dressing room was opened from the outside, and the girl standing at the door with short sleeves and trousers leaned forward slightly, with her hands still on the handle. A white baseball cap was pressed on her head, with a low brim, covering almost half of her face. From Xu Heran's perspective, only her straight pink lips can be seen.

"It looks so tall." Xu Heran raised his head, the anger on his face had not dissipated, and he frowned.

The girl in sight was tall and slender, like a flower quietly blooming after a rain in spring. She hadn't stepped into the room, but her fragrance suddenly diffused into the room and invaded the tip of Xu Heran's nose.

"You... how are you?" Xu Heran raised his hand and opened his mouth tentatively.


The shallow sneer that almost made Xu Heran think it was an auditory hallucination dissipated in the air. The girl at the door raised her chin slightly, and the dark eyes under the brim of the hat met the people in the room.

Her cold eyes fell on the tablet rolling the barrage, and then turned to Xu Heran, staying for a moment on her still angry face, indifferent to the sudden excitement in her eyes, cold eyes down, along the girl's young and vigorous body slide-

It landed on her and Floor Sticker's lap.

Xin Nuo:?

The author has something to say:

Xu Heran: I scold Xu Heran what has anything to do with my Xu Heran!

Question: Why is Xu Heran's pupils blue and purple?

Answer: The question is that the gene mutation heroine Mary Sue is unique!

Let’s start the article—chirp, chirp, I want to try to write a long story, the two heroines will start from the draft, and they will become better and better! I hope everyone will support Mengmeng's two beautiful female geese!

And the most important thing, because it is the entertainment industry, the variety shows involved in this article have references to the actual variety show settings. The most important thing is that this article does not have any prototypes! This is really important, thank you dear readers~ I bow to everyone, I love you so much~ I love you!

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