MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 77 [Fan Wai Juan] Xiao Baozi finds her mother

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Although Mo Zhen's wedding was so low-key, many rumors about the wedding came out. For example, the stylist for the wedding is the goddess An Yian. For example, the stars at the wedding site are as glittering as the red carpet, and how the groom and the newcomer can blindly love each other.

After the hearts of the majority of fans have been tested again and again, they feel that they can calmly face any of the happy weibos of Mo Tianwang.

However, today King Mo once again challenged their upper limit.

Mo Mozhen V: Today, I went to the hospital for a physical examination with my wife. The doctor said that I was going to be a father soon. Please bless me. :)

Uh ...

"Hahahahahahaha blessing you are about to enter a ten-month ban. The desire period is now! [Bye]"

"I wish you a good time with the five girls [bye]"

听说 "I heard that the derailment rate of women during pregnancy is very high. Next, you can get your divorce certificate [bye]"

"I like your idol, I think I'm pretty hard [bye bye]"

Uh ...

Mo Zhen patiently read the fans' comments, and then posted a Weibo.

Mo Mozhen V: You lied to me less, the doctor said it could be done in three months. ╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

The majority of fans: ...

Auntie, who do I like? Not even pregnant women, birds. Beasts!

Tong Liyan also saw Mo Zhen's Weibo, and she drew her lips in a dark face. Mo Tianwang's style of painting this year has turned sharply! What's more, Nima hasn't lost any powder yet, it's not scientific at all!


The screen of the computer was buckled, and Mo Zhen stood behind Li Yan with dissatisfaction: "The doctor said, you should now have less contact with electronic products, by the way, your mobile phone, and try not to use it in the future."

Tong Liyan: "..."

Auntie eggs do not allow the Internet to confiscate even mobile phones, and simply go to the mountains to practice.

Covered with a quilt, he lay down on the bed, Li Yan turned his back to Mo Zhen. Mo Zhen was a little helpless, bending down and rubbing her hair: "Ayao, now you can't be as stupid as before with a baby. Do you know, especially when walking?"

Tong Liyan: "..."

Auntie divorced!

Pregnancy is a very hard job, for Li Yan and Mo Zhen. Li Yan has to deal with a series of pregnancy reactions such as morning sickness and swelling, while Mo Zhen has to deal with the sad days that can be felt but not eaten.

Recently, Mo Zhen appeared in front of the camera and has always been a face of dissatisfaction. Fans were very pleased when they saw it.

Qi Liyan's due date is in March, which is a season of recovery. In March, Mo Zhen pushed out almost all the work that could be done, staring nervously at Li Yan all day long. Li Yan has been supervised for the past ten months, and even before the editor-in-chief Zhou said he wanted to take a set of maternity clothes, Mo Zhen refused with a cold face.

In fact, she really wanted to take pictures. I heard that many pregnant women will spend money to take art pictures in photo studios. Now others give her money to ask her to take pictures, but this guy has also refused. The point is, she's really bored at home everyday.

Now that she has finally entered the due date, she feels that she is finally free.

And this little life was finally born under everyone's expectations. After King Tian handled everything in the hospital, he immediately posted Weibo.

Mo Mozhen V: I became a dad successfully. I am a son and handsome like me. :)

Uh ...

Although there are a lot of slots, the fans finally did not laugh at him this time. After all, the birth of a small life is a joyous thing. Despite the unwillingness, everyone said a lot of blessings to him.

Many entertainers in the circle also sent congratulatory messages, and Mo Tianwang looked at Li Yan who was still sleeping on the bed, and a pool of water was almost in his eyes.

The grandson's name was taken by Mo Zhen, named Mo Chenrui, and his nickname was taken by Li Yan, called Rui Rui.

When Mo Mozhen heard the nickname for the first time, there was only a little bit in her heart. How dare the name be perfunctory?

I just think about the IQ of his family, Aya, and I can only think of such a small name.

Mo Chenrui grew up very well, and she was very beautiful when she was three years old, especially her eyes, as bright as the stars in the sky, Li Yan was very worried that when he grew up, he would hurt countless young girls like his father.

However, Mo Zhen mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally, and did not intend to let his son take the road of entertainment. After all, he knows how hard this road is, he still hopes that the children of Ruirui can live like ordinary children.

So Mo Chenrui has grown to three years old. No media has ever taken a picture of him. There are only pictures of his son on the Weibo post by Wang Tianwang. They are all before one year old.

But how can the media die, King Mo's son doesn't need any report, he can just make a headline by publishing a photo! Think about how good his father and mother's genes are, and he knows that the child Mo Chenrui must look very good!

Not only the media, but even many famous directors and advertisers wanted to see the children of Ruirui, but they were rejected by Mo Tianwang. If his son must be mixed in the entertainment industry in the future, he will not resolutely oppose it, but at least he does not want to let his childhood live under the fluorescent light.

Because Mo Tianwang is busy with work, Ruirui is basically with Li Yan, so she is particularly sticky to this mother. Even if she wears clothes, she must wear it to feel comfortable.

"Mom, mom, get up! Li Yan, are you up!" Early in the morning, Mo Chenrui dragged his little clothes and knocked on Li Yan's door desperately. Li Yan was awakened and wanted to push beside him. The person went to open the door, but after thinking of nothing, she remembered that her family, Chen Zhen, had gone to film abroad, and would not be back until next week.

I had no choice but to get up and open the door for him.

"Mom, help me get dressed." Mo Chenrui ran into the room and looked at her with a small coat in her eyes. She wanted to educate him to wear clothes by himself, but the little eyes softened at first glance, and then he picked up the clothes and put them on the person.

"Mom, you are wearing it!" The child Mo Chenrui saved himself from his clothes, or put on his own clothes. After dressing well, Li Yan glanced at him with satisfaction and crouched down. He kissed him on the face: "Rui Rui is so handsome!"

Mo Chenrui's child, Longxin Dayue, also took a sip on his mother's face: "Mom is so beautiful!" Then he took another sip on the other face. Normally, his father would not let him kiss his mother Now, while my father is away, be sure to kiss a few more.

After two people washed, they went down to breakfast. Thinking of going to Grandpa Zeng's house today, Mo Chenrui was so fast even to eat. Every time he went to Grandpa Zeng's house, he would spend all afternoon in the martial arts hall.

"Mom, I'm done." Mo Chenrui raised his glass, and poured it down, motioning to his mother that he didn't even have a drop of milk left.

"唔." Li Yan saw that his plate was empty, and he had eaten his things two or three times. "Ruirui went to see if the car came, I packed it and left."

"Okay." Mo Chenrui slipped off his chair and the taxi just stopped at the door when the door was opened. Despite being married and having children, Mo Zhen refused to let Li Yan drive.

"Mom, hurry up." Mo Chenrui stood at the door and urged, Li Yan was too lazy to wash the dishes, and came out after wiping his hands.

"Mom, I'm going to learn how to grab a master today." Mo Chenrui sat on Li Yan's knee and looked at her with her head up.

Tong Liyan drew a corner of her mouth, thinking what else you can learn about this little body, someone can throw you out by holding the collar. Seeing his mother not talking, Mo Chenrui was unhappy: "Brother said that he would teach me."

The big brother in his mouth was actually Li Yan's big brother, but he always shouted after his mother.

"Okay, my brother is terrific, let him teach you." Li Yan took care of his collar, and Mo Chenrui laughed.

When I arrived at the Wuguan, Mo Chenrui kept rushing in. Although Li Yan is still Mo Zhen's assistant now, because she still has to take care of this little guy, she can't follow him 24 hours a day like before. She didn't even go to film abroad this time.

However, in my spare time, I will come to the martial arts to make a self-defense coach, and sometimes I will help the magazine to take a few photos. Although she had a baby, Li Yan's figure has recovered and she is only 26 years old and still young.

听说 Because I heard that Mo Chenrui is coming today, several little girls nearby ran to Wu Guan to play. When she saw Mo Chenrui, she was ashamed with a red face.

Although Mo Chenrui loves coquettish words in front of Li Yan a lot, but she is very quiet outside, a look of high cold.

He is almost exactly the same as his father.

Tong Liyan taught female students in Wu Guan, and did not notice when Mo Chenrui ran out. Running to the yard, a little girl was crying. He frowned and walked over to ask people, "What are you crying for?"

Tong's voice was cool and faint, but the little girl looked up to see him, and her tears stopped immediately: "I'm lost, I can't find where my home is."

Mo Chenrui's eyebrows were wrinkled again, so stupid, just like his mother: "Don't cry, I'll take you to find." The master who followed Mo Chenrui saw him pulling a crying little girl When I went out, I couldn't help but whispered in my heart. This little ghost is a thief more than his father. He will chase a little girl at such a young age.

I just thought that the law and order in this area was very good, and the little girl lived near this place, so she did not catch up.

Along the way, Mo Chenrui heard the little **** the side describe that she was the first time to martial arts, or was pulled by other children. He asked them what to do here, and the little girl honestly came to see a man named Mo Chenrui.

Mo Chenrui left his lips and was speechless. There is also a little girl in kindergarten who always likes to stare at him, but in fact he is very troubled.

He walked around and finally sent the little girl home. The little girl was still unwilling to pull his clothes corner before leaving, making her mother embarrassed. Mo Chenrui pulled back his clothes corner and walked away smartly, but after two steps he found that he seemed to be lost.

I walked to the intersection in front and looked around, as if it was not the way he and his mother came. When the child Mo Chenrui was upset, his eyes suddenly lighted up: "Dad?"

He walked to the platform and shouted at Mo Zhen on the billboard crisply, "Dad."

Of course Mo Zhen ignored him.

Mo Chenrui is not happy anymore, usually his dad doesn't get close to him at home. Now he gets lost and he still ignores himself. The child Mo Chenrui stretched out his hand and patted it on the billboard, and called out, "Dad!"

I did not agree with Mo Zhen, but it caught the attention of a passerby. He came over and saw that the child was very beautiful, and subconsciously wanted to be close to him: "Child, what's the matter with you?"

Mo Chenrui glanced at him, ignored him, and continued to call his father to the billboard. There was a regret in the eyes of passers-by, seeing this child look so good, but it turned out to be a fool.

He grinned and showed a smile, trying to make himself look amiable as much as possible: "Child, are you looking for dad? What's your dad's name? Uncle can help you find it?"

Mo Chenrui turned around and finally spoke to him: "My father's name is Mo Zhen."

Kushiro: "..."

He thinks that Mo Tianwang is really attractive, even such a small child is his brain powder.

He calmed down and reached out to Ramo Chenrui: "Uncle, will you take you to find your father?"

"Not good." Mo Chenrui pulled back his hand. "Mom said she can't walk with strangers."

Kushiro thinks that although this child is stupid, but the parents' education is quite good: "Would that uncle take you to the police uncle?"

说 He said that he was going to Ramo Chenrui again. A patrol traffic police just passed by and saw this scene stop immediately in front of the platform: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

The passerby was suddenly asked a moment.

Comrade traffic police still looked at him momentarily, and now the incident of missing children is endless, and the child is so beautiful, this person must be worried!

The passerby was innocent: "He's been calling Dad to King Mo's billboard. I just want to ask him if he needs help."

Comrade Xun Traffic Police looked at him suspiciously, crouched down, and came to look at Mo Chenrui: "Child, what's your name?"

Mo Chenrui saw this man wearing a police uniform. His mother once told him to find an uncle in the police when he was in trouble, so he cooperated with the authentic: "My name is Mo Chenrui, and Mo Zhen is my father."

Traffic Police: "..."

The expression "Look at it" of the passerby raised the jaw at the traffic policeman.

The traffic police persevered and said, "Do you remember Dad's call?"

Mo Chenrui thought for a while and thought, "I remember my mother's call."

I remember the phone is easy to handle, the traffic police took out his phone and let Mo Chenrui say the number. As soon as the call was connected, Mo Chenrui snatched the phone over: "Mom, I see dad!"

"Ah?" Li Yan froze. "Did he not film in France? Where did you see him?"

"Just at the intersection, he is with a beautiful sister, I told him he ignored me!"

Uh ...

The traffic police and passers-by looked at the billboards of Mo Zhen and supermodel Ariel, while they were silent. No matter who his father is, they just want to mourn for him now.

颜 Li Yan on the other side of the phone was really angry, and regardless of the time difference, he directly dialed Mo Zhen's phone.

Mo Mozhen was just resting, glanced at her phone, and picked up: "Aya, what's the matter?"

"Hazel, where are you?"

"I'm on the set, what's wrong?"

"You lied! Rui Rui said he saw you and said you were with a beautiful sister!"

Mo Mozhen: "..."

He was silent for a while, and asked, "Where did Rui Rui see me?"

"Just at the intersection!"

"Are you sure he's not seeing billboards or something?"

Tong Liyan: "..."

"Haha, I'll ask again." Li Yan quickly hung up the phone, and found out the number just called back to the past, but this time it was a traffic police call.

"Hello there."

Li Yan was stunned. Only then did they respond that they did not assign Mo Chenrui with a children's mobile phone. Why did he have a phone call?

When the traffic police saw that the other party was not talking, they continued: "Are you Mo Chenrui's mother?"


"He is with me now."

Tong Liyan: "..."

This is ... met a kidnapper?

"I'm a policeman. We are now at the bus stop at the intersection. Come over and pick him up." After calling the station name, I hung up the phone. Li Yan had a complicated mood holding the phone. Is this police comrade afraid that he will change from evil to right?

Li Liyan soon arrived at the platform where the traffic police said. Mo Chenrui saw her and flung her head up: "Mom!"

Tong Liyan held him up and looked at him with a little disappointment: "Rui Rui, why did you come here alone?"

"Oh, I just sent a little girl home." He didn't tell his mother that he was lost, it was too shameful!

Comrade Xun Traffic Police saw that she was such a young and beautiful mother. No wonder she would lose sight of her child and could not help but warn her. Li Yan embarrassedly got off before the comrade police drove away. When passersby saw that Li Yan was so young and beautiful, she couldn't help telling her to chase less stars, and even her children were broken.

Tong Liyan: "..."

I waited for everyone to leave. The child Mo Chenrui still did not forget to sue: "Mom, look, Dad!"

Tong Li Yan looked at him along his little hand, and it turned out to be Mo Zhen's billboard. She poked at Rui Rui's face and said, "This is an advertisement shot by Dad, not Dad."

Mo Chenrui looked at her puzzledly: "What is an advertisement?"

"Advertising is ... advertising."

Mo Chenrui: "..."

Well, let's go to the kindergarten to ask the teacher.

When Mo Chenrui was five years old, Mo Zhen finally accepted an interview with a media company. The media has been writing appointments since Mo Chenrui was born. Until now, Mo Zhen has been moved. However, the interview is also conditional, only at home, and can not take pictures and photography.

In spite of this, the reporter's sister was crying with joy, and with this exclusive interview, she would definitely be promoted! And it's a great honor to see the children of Mo Chenrui!

Mo Chenrui, 25 years old, is a little longer than 3 years old, and looks like Mo Zhen in his eyebrows. He has fascinated a lot of children in school, but he still loves Li Yan.

The reporter's sister lost heart when he saw him. This is a mini version of Mo Tianwang! I really want to go and kiss myself! = 3 =

Mo Chenrui has always been cool to outsiders. When meeting reporters, he was just lazy in his mother's arms, and Li Yan asked him to say hello.

The reporter sat down on the sofa next to him, took out the recording pen and notebook, made a short opening statement, and began to ask prepared questions.

"Ruirui, do you have any hobbies?"

"Martial arts."

"Does Ruirui prefer mom or dad?"



因为 "Because father only kisses mother and not kisses me."

Reporter: "..."

She felt like she had accidentally asked something extraordinary.

Qi Liyan was also a little embarrassed, only Mo Zhen was sitting beside him as if he was all right. After the interview, the reporter's sister looked at Mo Chenrui for a kiss, but he refused coldly.

Reporter's sister's heart broke instantly. Why was QAQ so cold at the age of five? I wanted to pretend to be a smaller version of Mo Tianwang's own QAQ.

I sent the reporter's sister away, and Mo Zhen asked Mo Chenrui to return to his room. Mo Chenrui felt that Dad had to bully his mother again, and died in the arms of Li Yan, and stared at him fiercely, but he was defeated in the end.

The lost Mo Chenrui was so determined that next time he must let his master teach him more tricks, he would not believe that he could not beat Dad!

Mo chases Mo Chenrui away, and Mo Zhen also turns Li Yan into the room. Kissing her lips, Mo Zhen froze the black hair on her face: "Ayao, Ruirui is five years old. Let's have a sister to accompany him."

Tong Liyan: "..."

"I do n’t want to have a baby anymore, it is painful to have a baby. QAQ"

Mo Zhen smiled and threw her on the bed, and took a bite on her earlobe: "No pain, believe me."

Tong Liyan: "..."

当然 Of course you don't hurt, asshole!

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