MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 60 Award

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Mo Mozhen touched the Cape Forum and finally found the truth that she was regarded as a wishing tree.

I looked at everyone in Li Yanfa's post and they all clamored to make a wish. King Mo said he was speechless.

If he is really so conscientious, is it still used for physiotherapy! Just bless your waist right away! But seeing everyone having such a good time, Mo Tianwang also climbed up Weibo on the whim.

"# 万能 的 兔子 子 # Please make a comment on this Weibo if you want to make a wish. I will decide whether to protect you or not after seeing it :)"

Mo Mozhen finished posting this Weibo, put it on the top, and then boarded the trumpet to eat pears, leaving a message on this Weibo: "I hope I can eat pears soon, Amen."

# 精 分 请 自重 #

However, this Weibo did benefit humanity. Every day, fans, passersby come here to make a wish, and even many stars in the circle have followed suit. This Weibo has been in the limelight for a while, and it can be seen on the popular Weibo rankings almost every day. Even Mo Zhen's number of fans has increased by tens of thousands in a short time.

Tang Qiang watched Mo Zhen's soaring number of fans and hesitated. King Mo can do it. Seeing how great this self-marketing is, colleagues in the public relations department should humiliate themselves in front of him.

Qi Liyan also saw Mo Zhen ’s soaring fans. She looked up and asked the person opposite: “Hazel, how much did you spend on these fans?”

Mo Mozhen: "..."

哪里 Where did he buy fans? !! These are obviously because of his personality charm, crawling over to his masses!

The key is ... how to buy fans, he doesn't know!

King Mo hummed twice and continued to look at everyone's wishes. He felt like a Santa who was reviewing the memorials: "Yes, tomorrow's award ceremony Tang Qiang will accompany me, so you can go home and rest for a day , But still have to come back to sleep at night. "

Tong Liyan glanced at him, and seemed to be very concerned about where to sleep. It was like last birthday on your own, and went to KTV with friends after going home for dinner. They sang until three o'clock, but when Li Yan came back, Mo Zhen was still sitting in the living room waiting for her to return.

"Know, I'll be back sooner." After the last thing, Li Yan didn't dare to play until two or three o'clock. He wasn't worried about anything else, but he didn't want Mo Zhen to stay asleep just to wait for himself. How hard he filmed during the day, she knew better than anyone.

"Zhanzhen, cheer for the awards tomorrow, although I think you will win the prize." The biennial Golden Bull Award is here again. Mo Zhen was nominated again for the best man for the Godson corner of "God Forbidden Zone 3". The protagonist, the major media recently, have been covering the awards ceremony.

Mo Zhen heard Li Yan say this, and looked up to see her: "If I win, how are you going to celebrate for me?"

A slight smile in his voice, and the corner of his mouth curved a proper arc.

"How else can we celebrate, usually with champagne? But then I ca n’t even celebrate it for you, right?" If Mo Zhen won the prize, his own company and many people who wanted to be dedicated would celebrate it for him.

Mo Mozhen still looked at her, and the smile on the corner of her mouth gradually became ambiguous: "It's better ... just pay for the meat I said last time, anyway, my waist is better now."

Tong Liyan: "..."

She'll play at home all night and come back tomorrow.

Although Li Yan had a rare holiday, Mo Zhen was so busy that he was still filming on the set before rushing to the awards ceremony.

Tong Liyan and Chen Qingyang were sitting in front of the TV, excitedly waiting for the live broadcast of the award ceremony. Chen Qingyang looked at the time, and quickly tapped his finger on the keyboard: "As soon as you take a vacation, I don't have time to update it. Your boss will really take the time to give you a vacation."

Tong Liyan squinted at the chicken wings in her mouth and kept her eyes on the TV: "You haven't made a change, and who are you so hard-working?"

"There are only ten days left this month, and I have worked hard for labor and labor!" Chen Qingyang said, his fingers tapped faster.

"Oh." Li Yanchi finished one chicken wing and calmly picked up the other, "I hope you can finish coding before King Mo Tian appears."

清 Chen Qingyang's heart was indignant a bit, the keyboard percussion became sharper.

"Dear viewers, the 53rd Golden Bull Awards ceremony is about to begin. We can see through the camera that a lot of media and people from all walks of life have gathered at the scene. This year's awards ceremony is a shining star. In addition to the noble King Mo Zhenmo who was nominated for the international blockbuster "God Forbidden Zone 3", there are also film nobles like Yan Lexian and Xiao Wanyan. As many as 37 films have been nominated this year ... "

的 The hostess on TV was still making an opening remarks, and Li Yan sat up subconsciously, "Oh, it's about to begin."

Chen Qingyang glanced at the screen in a hurry, and then quickly stuck to the computer again: "Why is this woman hosting again? When Mo Zhen attended the ceremony last time, she entangled Mo Zhen and asked a lot of personal questions, and her eyes were almost I want to eat him in one bite. "

Tong Liyan blinked and looked back at Chen Qingyang: "Personal questions? Don't you just listen to these?"

关键 "The key is the host's eyes! If it wasn't for the male host next to her who was holding her, she would just pounce on Mo Tianwang!"

"No." Li Yan wiped her greasy hands, and her eyes fell back on the passionate hostess. "Anyway, in front of so many audiences, she didn't dare to mess around."

"What do you know!" Although Perak's voice is endless, Chen Qingyang can still take the time to count Li Yan. "Now these people can do everything to become famous. Maybe she has to ask Mo Zhen again today."

"Oh." Li Yan gave a faint whisper, and saw that the first star had already stepped onto the red carpet, "Ah, someone came."

清 Chen Qingyang knocked down the carriage return and exhaled a long breath: "Finally, I caught up." I didn't bother to check the typo, Chen Qingyang directly posted the manuscript I just finished typing on the Internet. Watching the new chapter jump out on the page, Chen Qingyang reassuredly moved his eyes to the screen: "Did you feel that Ni Bai has become more and more ugly in recent years? A case of Lapi's failure?"

Tong Liyan held the pillow in her hand and stared intently at the TV screen: "Who is Ni Bai?"

"It's the aunt who just walked over the red carpet."

Tong Liyan: "..."

"In the early years, there were also media reports that Ni Bai and Mo Zhen were suspected to be in love with their siblings. Can Mo Tianwang see Ni Bai? Hehe."

Tong Liyan: "..."

No wonder she has such deep malice towards the one named Ni Bai.

"Do you still dare to lower the bottom of this skirt of Sun Xiaoman? Don't wear it if you have the ability."

Tong Liyan: "..."

I listened to Chen Qingyang's comment and she suddenly felt a little sad.

People in the bedroom used to like star chasing. When they got together to talk about the stars, she was silently sitting on the side, despising the roommates who participated in these low-level tastes. I did not expect that she would have such a depraved day.

If it was not for Mo Zhen, she would rather go to bed than watch the award ceremony.

清 Chen Qingyang was still thinking aside, and suddenly screamed at the scene. Chen Qingyang grasped Li Yan's arm, as if holding his breath.

"Mr. King!" The hostess was excited and some out-of-tune voice came out from the sound. Li Yan's eyes moved, and she saw a Rolls Royce parked beside the red carpet.

Under the enthusiastic screams of the audience at the scene and the flashes of the media like daylight, the car door slammed open and Mo Zhen stepped down from the car.

At this moment, Li Yan deeply felt for the first time that this person is really a Uranus superstar.

穿着 He wore a black suit with a light gray shirt and burgundy tie, which looked like an elegant nobleman. The perfect smile even under the flash of a storm.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Chen Qingyang was almost excited and ran around the house," he smiled at me just now. "

"... He is smiling at the camera."

"Ah, ah, what do you do, King Mo is so handsome!" Chen Qingyang, who was drowned in King Mo's beauty, had completely lost his mind.

Tong Liyan left her corner of the mouth and ignored her. Mo Zhen from the TV was walking on the red carpet and stopped to take photos from time to time. The voice of the hostess's passion came from the picture again: "This is the third time that King Tian has participated in the award ceremony of the Golden Bull Awards. Just a moment ago, the media was still guessing with whom he would attend tonight, but The fact is that Mo Tianwang still didn't bring a girl companion, and stepped on the red carpet alone for the third time! "

Li Liyan heard her head crooked and thought for a while. Didn't Tang Qiang go with him? If it is really lonely, can Tang Qiang walk the red carpet with him.

#Forever in the Qiang Tang Qiang #

Mo Zhen walked to the signing board and finished signing the name, and the hostess couldn't wait to jump to his side: "Mr. Wang, why didn't you bring a female companion? Did you not find a suitable candidate, or did you deliberately avoid it? "

Li Liyan's mouth was drawn. This question is really simple and rude. Anyway, adding some negotiating skills in it won't miss the title of your host.

Mo Zhen's face didn't change much. It seemed that he was accustomed to this kind of problem. He still maintained his standard Mo's smile: "No one wants to be my female companion. Everyone I want to meet has become someone else. Female companion. "

I believe what he said is a fool. But the hostess wasn't so good at sending out, "So who did Mo Tianwang want to meet before?"

"I originally wanted to make an appointment with Sister Qin Rou, but it was a pity that Gao Yi took the first step."

The enthusiasm of the hostess was obviously blown a bit. This answer ... there is no breaking point.

Qin Rou is a veteran artist of the Emperor Emperor. He had a relationship with Mo Zhen from his predecessors. Mo Zhen also added a sister character to Qin Rou's name, as if he framed this generation for everyone to see. Gao Yi and Qin Rou are the main characters of the movie "South Street Sky Lantern". They were nominated together and it would be normal for them to attend the award ceremony together.

The answer of King Mo is really safe.

Seeing that it was useless to play Tai Chi with Mo Zhen, the hostess who became more and more frustrated decided to go straight to the subject: "Is there any progress in the relationship between Mo Tianwang? The media and fans are very concerned about this issue."

"Oh! You care about it!" Although Chen Qingyang said so, her ears were raised.

Mo Mozhen thought about the camera, and then revealed a slightly different smile, just like "I seem to have met someone I like recently."