MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 43 Released

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When the pointer was pointing at ten, Li Yan was still dazed at the poster on the bedside.

Life is really amazing. Not long ago, she was still in a long queue, just to buy an album of this person, but now she is going to become his assistant.

Well, the premise is that the company is willing to hire her.

Even if Li Yan doesn't understand the entertainment industry, she also knows that assistants can't do it for everyone. Celebs like to have their relatives and friends as their assistants, because they are easier to trust.

she was……

Forget it, don't want to, even if it doesn't work, it can be considered to add experience for the subsequent interview.

"Yan Yan, why haven't you slept?" Mother Li, holding a plate of cut fruits, opened the door and walked in. "It's ten o'clock. Your body can't stay up late now. Eat fruits and go to bed early."

"I see." Li Yan smiled back at her, but she couldn't help worrying. In case the company is blind and really hires her, will the parents agree to her going out to work?

Although she didn't grow up in the parents' coveted childhood, after this serious illness, the whole family offered her as a porcelain doll, and even a little hard work did not let her do it, even the coach in the martial arts and her When he tried to move, he became more and more embroidered.

Xi Li's mother put down her plate and told him to go to bed earlier before going out. Li Yan took a bite of the apple and took a bite. I felt that I would worry about it after the company was really blind.

I took out her pajamas from the closet, and Li Yan naturally began to change clothes. It's just that this kind of nature becomes a little unnatural when you see the poster on the bedside.

脱 It's really shy to undress in front of Mo Tianwang's poster! Especially his eyes were still fixed on him!

"Hate!" Li Yan covered her face and smiled twice, holding her pajamas into the bathroom. When I came out, I had already put on that set of checkered pajamas. Lie down on the bed, Li Yan took the mobile phone aside, ready to swipe Weibo again.

There is an unread text message on the phone, which was sent by Chen Qingyang two minutes ago. Li Yan looked at it and asked her to go to the cinema the day after tomorrow to watch a movie.

上帝 "God Forbidden Zone 3" was officially released the day after tomorrow. This time, whether it is television or the Internet, the most intensive news is this news. The forum was even more lively, and many support groups decided to organize a group to go to the cinema.

Li Liyan feels that since she is going to be assistant Mo Zhen immediately, it is necessary for her to understand the work of the boss first. So she responded positively to Chen Qingyang's call: "Shampoo, we got up early the day after tomorrow, and went to the cinema to grab a seat!"

On April 13, "God Forbidden Zone 3" was released nationwide. Li Yan thought she and Chen Qingyang had arrived early enough, but she still underestimated Mo Zhen's charm. The movie theater was so crowded that it was just like watching movies for no money. Even the business of taking a small street vendor by the movie theater was booming.

Chen Qingyang ate the kebabs and said to Li Yan next to him, "What use do you say these people are crowded here? Can't you go in without a ticket?" Two tickets, "It's still your brother Yunze's way to get two VIP tickets."

Tong Liyan held down her hand and swallowed the juice from her mouth: "Would you keep a low profile? Don't cry when someone comes to rob you."

"Robbery? If anyone dares to come, you let her taste the power of your iron sand palm!"

Tong Liyan: "..."

She just wants to pretend she doesn't know this person. But looking at the tickets, she was a bit lost. Since Valentine's Day, she has never seen Xiang Yunze again. This time, these two tickets were given to Chen Qingyang.

Is he still mad at himself? Li Yan was always a little worried, but he didn't contact himself, and she was embarrassed to contact him.

"Don't think about it." Chen Qingyang banged Li Yan next to her with her elbow. "Your brother Yunze is very spirited and jumps alive."

Qi Liyan picked up a duck's neck in silence and nodded.

清 Chen Qingyang's brow moved. Was this girl deliberately pretending to be deep, in fact to eat stuffy? It's too cunning.

She also picked up a duck neck and whispered, "I heard him say there is a project recently, and he will contact you when he is busy."

"Oh." Li Yan took the paper towel and wiped her hands. "It's almost time, let's go."

VIP tickets are in a special screening room. After the two people find their seats by the dim lights, they stare at the big screen intently ... watching the advertisement.

After watching the advertisement for jewellery for a while, the theater lights suddenly turned black, which exclaimed the audience in excitement. The big screen went dark for a while, then began to play ... introduction to God's restricted area.

The introduction film reviews the first two episodes of the movie. Although the audience has watched it more than once, each time Gao Sen appears, the audience screams, and Chen Qingyang is one of them.

大力 "Strong and vigorous! Finally, I saw Gao Sen on the big screen again, I was so excited that there were tears in my eyes!"

Qi Liyan sucked the juice silently and didn't want to ignore her.

After about five minutes, the feature film finally started. This time the audience screamed especially warmly. Chen Qingyang even grabbed Li Yan's hand and shook it.

白 The white area on the screen is chaotic as if the world is beginning to open. It didn't take long for a yellow dot to appear in the middle, and the camera zoomed in to see that it was a lemon. The lemon shook twice, rolled down the bevel, and was caught by a long, fair hand. The camera zoomed out, and a man in a white coat appeared on the screen. He was as elegant as a cheetah, and even he wore a white coat out of the aristocratic range.

I cut the lemon in half with a scalpel, and the man picked up half of it and pushed open the laboratory door. Standing at the door for a while, he took a bite of the lemon in his hand, and then walked out with his feet. The experimental base is full of cutting-edge and sophisticated instruments, and there are busy staff in every corner. The manly attitude seems to be incompatible with all this.

一行 A small line of words popped up on the screen, just right next to the man: starring Mo Zhen.

Since the appearance of Mo Zhen, the screams in the screening room have never stopped. Li Yan first understood the word deafening.

It wasn't until the film had been playing for several minutes that the audience calmed down.

Li Liyan has been sitting quietly watching from the position, but the more she sees it, the more familiar the plot is, as if she has seen it before? She told this doubt to Chen Qingyang, and Chen Qingyang just gave her a blank eye: "You crossed?"

Tong Liyan thinks that different ways are not the same, she is better to think independently. Just thinking about the end of the movie, she didn't think about it.

"The blackened Gossen is also handsome, okay!" Chen Qingyang followed the flow of people out of the theater, apparently has not yet been liberated from the beauty of Gossen.

In the plot just now, one of Gaosen's assistants unintentionally found his corpse infected with the virus, and was killed by Gaosen without hesitation. The strong reversal of the character's character has brought great impact to the audience. Terry Holt, one of the directors of the "God forbidden zone" series, revealed in an interview that the role of Gossen is not a savior, and he may also be Shura from hell.

"What to do vigorously, I really want to give Gao Sensheng a monkey!"

Tong Liyan's mouth twitched without a reply. The more she thought about it, the more she seemed to have seen "God Forbidden Zone 3", especially the plot of Gorson's killing the assistant just now, and she even had a fresh memory.

The two walked outside the cinema and found a snack bar to sit down. Chen Qingyang went to order the food, and Li Yan sat in a chair to take up the seat and watch the baggage. The cell phone in the bag vibrated a bit. Li Yan took it out and looked at it. It was a message from a strange number.

She blinked doubtfully and clicked on the text message.

"Hello Miss Li, congratulations on your passing the King's interview. Please bring your valid ID and six one-inch headless photos tomorrow morning at 10 am and go to the personnel department on the 9th floor to complete the entry procedures."

Tong Liyan blinked again, who is this prank? But no one except her herself knew that she had gone to the Emperor's interview!

I didn't expect ... the company is really so blind!

Chen Qingyang came back after ordering food, and saw Li Yan sitting in a seat, knocking on her head: "What's so strong? Hungry and stupid?"

Tong Liyan looked up at her, and stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Chen Qingyang opened the chair and sat down opposite her.

Li Yan thought about it, although she didn't want to hide Shampoo, but the person who interviewed that day said that it could not be told to anyone else, let alone ... if Shampoo knew she was going to be Mo Zhen's assistant, she would definitely kill her in minutes. .

"Nothing." Li Yan shook her head and decided to make this a secret forever. When Chen Qingyang saw her, she didn't say anything, and didn't ask any more, but changed a topic: "Yes, you're better now. My novel is also signed out. We can go to Goreme for a hot air balloon! "

Goreme? Li Yan looked at Chen Qingyang and finally felt guilty: "Shampoo, I may not be able to go ..."

"Why ?!" Said that he was following in the footsteps of Mo Tianwang!

"I found a job……"

Chen Qingyang stunned 「, When did you find a job?

"A few days ago. Because I wasn't sure before, I didn't tell you. They just sent a text message and asked me to go through the employment procedures tomorrow."

This time Chen Qingyang dwelled longer than last time, and then patted the table and said, "This is a good thing, can you go again after the trip! Oh, what is the job?"

"Hmm ... the editor of the website." Of course, their Chinese department has to find a job related to text. Since Shampoo is the author, she will be the editor.

清 Chen Qingyang nodded, this work is still strong enough, but ... "Does your family agree?"

Healed at the beginning of her illness, she could see that her family was still trembling. I'm afraid she won't let her go out to work so soon.

Qi Liyan was also worried about this issue. The interview that day was an accident. She didn't have time to discuss it with her family. In order to take care of her during this time, her mother moved almost all work back home to do it, and her father also canceled all business trips and stayed at home with her. It may be a bit difficult for them to agree to go out to work.

He seems to have to get a grandfather first.

Read The Duke's Passion