MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 29 Identity

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Of course, Mo Mozhen did not win the Top Ten Youth Award. In fact, he once suspected that he had passed the age when he could win this award.

Then the time passed silently, and it was November. The weather was getting colder, but Ayao still swaggered across the city in her dress.

Although Mo Zhen looked cold, he thought that the ghost was cold, and he was relieved.

Ayao still followed Mo Zhen to the studio every day. Seeing that the shooting of "God Forbidden Zone 3" has entered the final stage, Ayao was suddenly slightly sentimental.

In order to control the progress of the filming, the director focused on the final filming of the places with English dialogue. After entering the closing stage, almost every actor has a large number of English lines, the number of NG has increased significantly, and the shooting speed is much slower than before.

"I didn't expect to see the third part of the" God forbidden zone "series after I died."

The voice full of vicissitudes suddenly sounded beside Ayao, which scared Ayao. She turned back and looked at the person in surprise, "Floating!"

Biao Piaopiao also looked at Ayao and smiled with her mouth raised, "It's been a long time, kitten."

Lifted up the kitten, A Yao's eyes darkened, "The little black cat has run away from home."

It's not surprising that Piao Piao fluttered down. "That's the way wild cats are. This is called wildness."

"That's what it says ..." A Yao looked down, she always felt like she was the little black cat, and she was about to leave one day. Piao Piao saw that A Yao's mood suddenly dropped, and she approached her to look at her, "What's wrong with you, little meow, Mo Tianwang bullied you?"

"No." A Yao shook his head and looked at the fluttering road, "Where have you been this time?"

"Where does the uneven go?"

Ayao: "..."

It seems that such things as martial arts are really addictive.

"Your family King Mo grabbed me for the credit and drove me away. It was heartbroken!" Flutteringly intentionally enlarged voice really attracted Mo Zhen's gaze, and this subconscious move in exchange for the director's card .

"Floating, don't affect the work of Hazel!" Ayao strongly condemned Piaofei for disturbing the order of the set.

Piao Piao fluttered her tongue, glanced in the direction of Mo Zhen, and abducted Yao Yao. "Let's go for the kitten, I'll go out and teach you other skills."

"Really?" Aya's eyes lit up, "What's this time?"

"Three Kingdoms Kill."

"Three Kingdoms Kill?"

Uh ...

Mo Mozhen listened to the voices of the two of them farther and farther, tearing the corners of her mouth.

"Mr. Tian, ​​are you ready? Can you start shooting?" Cui's assistant stood beside the camera, looking earnestly at Mo Zhen's direction.

"Huh." Mo Zhen nodded and re-entered the shooting state.

After entering the autumn, the day was significantly shorter, and at seven o'clock it was completely dark. When Mo Zhen drove away from the set, Ayao had not yet returned, and Flutter did not appear again.

Mo Mo snorted and drove the car in the direction of the villa area.

Forty minutes later, he stood in the large room, suddenly a little surprised.

It was very dark in the squatter house, and apparently Ayao did not return home. He took a bath and ate dinner briefly, and climbed to the sofa a little tired, waiting for Aya while surfing the Internet.

After turning on the computer, Mo Zhen later realized that today turned out to be November 11.

He forgot such an important festival!

当然 Of course, the importance of this festival is not reflected in Singles' Day, but half price for Taobao.

Although he lives in a villa and drives a luxury car, he still enjoys the thrill of half-price shipping.

Catching up with the last car, Mo Zhen opened all the snack shops he had collected and started to pick snacks. Although there are not many types of goods at this time, fortunately, there is not much to grab you.

It was ten o'clock when Mo Zhen was busy finishing this huge project. Mo Zhen looked at the time in the lower right corner and frowned subconsciously. It seems necessary to set an access time.

I cut off Taobao, and Mo Zhen opened Weibo again. I've been busy these days. I haven't updated Weibo for a long time. Well, although he doesn't update Weibo when he is not busy.

Tang Qiang was very dissatisfied with this before. He told Mo Zhen many times to communicate with the fans, but later discovered that Mo Zhen casually updated a client to upgrade the Weibo. Qiang silently shut up.

But I thought that today is Singles' Day, and Uncle Mo updated his Weibo with compassion.

Bless you who have celebrated this festival, today today, every year. 【Ha ha】

Uh ...

"It's definitely not my male **** that is so sad. [Bye]"

"Such a poisonous tongue must not be my male god. [Bye Bye]"

"The male **** must have been stolen. [Bye bye]"

"Repost positive energy at will. [Bye]"

"No thanks on the left. [Bye bye]"

The positive response of netizens once again confirmed Mo Zhen's appeal on Weibo-this Weibo even appeared on the popular Weibo ranking in an instant.

Mo Mozhen had to wonder how huge the number of singles in China today is.

After the abuse of netizens, Mo Zhen also looked at the other popular Weibo on the ranking, and a blogger named Boiled Lemon stopped Mo Zhen's hand by sliding his mouse.

How about boiled lemon? This name sounds familiar. Where did you hear it?

Mo Zhenshun clicked into the boiled lemon's Weibo, and a yellow line of Q version of Godzilla's avatar with a yellow V was written with a line of small characters:, the author of the book, has published the "Future Bookmark" series, "And many other works.

Mo Mozhen's eyes jumped. Will the styles of the two works differ too much? However, he remembered who this person was, and he had previously mentioned it to Yunze, a friend of the little girl of the Li family.

Mo Zhen slipped down. The boiled lemon top Weibo is the news of the new book publication. The next one is the reposted Weibo that he just sent to the netizens, and the next one ... Mo Zhen's hand stopped. .

"Ha ha ha ha ha, my bones born on November 11 must be quite clear, you say yes! [With tears in laughter] This year ’s birthday wish is to hope that my family will be able to get better quickly, do n’t you still want to go to Goreme Are you taking a hot air balloon! Please also wish everyone great strength to recover soon! "

There are two pictures below Weibo, one is Goreme's hot air balloon, and the other is a photo of two girls.

In the background is a Japanese restaurant. Two girls are sitting on a tatami and smiling at the camera. The **** the left should be a blogger with shoulder-length brown curly hair, a pair of red bezel glasses on her face, and a british brimmed hat on her head. The **** the right has a black hair on her head, and a pink rhinestone-inlaid cherry blossom-shaped bun on it. Light blue loose digital T-shirt with denim shorts, stepped on a pair of Japanese-style flip-flops.

Although dressed completely differently, this person looks exactly like A Yao.

Mo Mozhen stared at this photo for at least five minutes, still sitting motionless in front of the computer. Judging from the text of this Weibo, the girl in the picture should be the power of the blogger's mouth. This Dali is a nickname at first, but in combination with the information disclosed to Yunze, it is not difficult to infer that Dali is the little girl in the Li family who was still in a coma, and also someone who had been in love with Yunze for so long.

Mo Zhen remembered that her name was Li Yan.

It was as if something had suddenly exploded in his head, and his consciousness became a little fuzzy.

A Yao is Li Yan? Li Yan is Aya?

No, there must be something wrong in the middle. Maybe, Aya has a twin sister? Would he like to call Xiang Yunze?

Mo Mozhen found countless possibilities for himself, but still couldn't hide the answer deep inside.

Aya Yao is Li Yan.

Sitting in front of the computer for another five minutes, Mo Zhen's hand was slow to open a comment and wanted to see if there was any clue in the comment.

"Blessing strong. But why make others strong? Obviously such a beautiful girl (⊙_⊙)."

"It's clear that Lemon is jealous of people's beauty, and bless you vigorously and quickly."

"Shampoo shampoo! Is she swollen vigorously ?!"

Mo Mozhen stopped when she saw this place. The tone of this person seems to have been known to the blogger for a long time. But the boiled lemon did not reply to her, he refreshed the page, opened the comment again, and a reply from the blogger jumped out.

"Poop, vigorously she fell off the stairs and hasn't woken up yet QAQ"

Mo Mozhen frowned and refreshed the page again.

The man named Poop must be the same as Mo Zhen, and has been waiting for bloggers in F5. So after Mo Zhen pressed F5 three times, he finally came back with a **** response.

"Stop! You're so stupid when you graduated from college! How can you not notify me of such an important matter!"

This time, Mo Zhen refreshed for a long time, and the bloggers didn't reply again.

Mo Mozhen pouted the corner of her mouth, slid the page to the top, and stared at the photo again.

Whether it's the corners of his mouth rising up or his clear eyes, Mo Zhen can't be more familiar. But this person is not A Yao.

She is Li Yan, a girl who has quietly liked Yunze for many years.

Suddenly the stomach hurts. Mo Zhen was lying on the sofa, covering her stomach with her right hand, and smiling a bit bleakly.

怎么 How could there be such a coincidence in this world?

Since she is Li Yan, why do n’t you go to Yunze after you get out of your body and go to your own door! Could it be that the United States is too far away for her to fly!

As soon as Mo Zhen was angry, his stomach hurt a bit. Although the stomach medicine was just a few steps away, he didn't want to move or take it, at least the severe pain could relieve the pain in his heart.

After all, stomach pain is much better than heartache.

手机 The mobile phone on the sofa vibrated a bit, because it was right next to Mo Zhen, so Mo Zhen picked it up and glanced.

榛 The long series of numbers on the screen made Mo Zhen's eyes fixed, he opened the short message, there were only four words on it.

I am back.

Read The Duke's Passion