MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 97 Gaoling's Flower in Criminal Investigation (1)

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When this was said, it was not only shocking other onlookers, but even the confession party Wei Wei was stunned.

Lin Shiheng, who took the rose in his hand, did not see the shocked look on the face of someone at the place. He placed the rose directly in the upper left pocket of the dress.

This picture of putting roses in the top of the jacket is only seen in the TV series. It is also a TV series of the last century. Now whoever is doing this, it must be ridiculed as a fool.

Can fall on Lin Shiheng, in addition to the accumulation of deep and no one dare to laugh, red roses and white shirts how to see how to coordinate, of course, the most likely coordination is because of that good-looking face.

The flower of Gaoling is Lin Shiheng, this nickname is not a joke.

A man can be said to be a flower, and if you think about it, you will know how good it is.

Seeing Lin Shiheng picking up the roses, the other people looked at each other and didn't know what to say. The young man sitting next to him looked left and right and tried to squeeze a smile on his face.

"Today is really a good day. Just broke the big case, the forest team took off, congratulations!"

He said this, other dumb colleagues also reacted, and quickly began to congratulate: "Congratulations to the forest team, come, respect you, today we are not drunk!"

After saying this, his hand that had poured the wine had not yet extended, and he was pulled back by the person sitting next to him: "What are you talking about, the Lin team never drinks, you forgot."

The man immediately shook his hand back, and smiled at Lin Shiheng: "I can't help but can't help it. I don't have a memory in my life. Come, let's meet a cup, congratulations to the forest team."


Lin Shiheng lifted his own cup and reached into the air. Seeing people around him looked at him with a look of fright, twisted his eyebrows and whispered: "What happened?"

"Nothing! Nothing!"

The man sitting next to him quickly laughed and said, "Let's hurry up, do something cold, hurry up."

A group of people quickly and enthusiastically raised their glasses and made a toast.

Lin Shiheng picked up the cup, took a sip of the hot water inside, and looked sideways at the stupid water standing still. The magnetic voice was light: "Will you sit next to me?"

Shui Wei returned from the shock and hurriedly waved his hand: "No need to use it!"

"That, Lin team..."

She tangled back and looked at a few colleagues who were sitting on the couch in the distance, and looked at the opposite side of Lin Shiheng. It seemed to be drinking and chatting. Actually, they looked at each other one by one. Non-stop colleagues, white and tender face is red.

"I am, we are just actually..."

"I am going to the bathroom."

Waiting for her to finish, the man wearing a white shirt pocket and inserting a red rose has stood up. There is no other look on the face of Bai Yujunyi. He only faintly said to Shu Wei: "Come back soon."

Shui Wei blanked his face and nodded.

I waited until the slender figure passed the corner and disappeared into the line of sight. A group of colleagues who were still quietly pretending to be normal conversations were also secretly watching his back. When the people left, they immediately left the class as the teacher suddenly left. Generally smashed up.

"What is the situation!"

"I was not dreaming just now, hurry up and give me a look!"

"Go and go, swear by yourself!"

They are making trouble here. Feng Kaiyuan, who was sitting next to Lin Shiheng, took a picture:

"I said what is the use of yours here, ask the parties!"


"Avi Awei, come here!"

Shui Wei has just entered the game for three months. It is a complete newcomer, but it is almost half-baked with the colleagues in the bureau. When they see their eyes, they are busy with the gossip.

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything."

Her words are unbelievable, a group of big men suddenly pick up, Shui Wei sees the situation is not good, but Feng Kaiyuan grabbed his arm and quickly pulled it down, a fart | shares sat Before Lin Shiheng's position.

Shui Wei himself groaned, watching them put on a posture to force the confession, and smacked the corner: "I really don't know!"

"Net pull, you don't know anything about you running to tell the Lin team, licking the rose, saying that there is no premeditated believer!"


Shui Wei felt that she was dying: "I didn't tell you before. Every time I have a sister in the dinner party to confess to the Lin team? Isn't this a tradition in our bureau!"

Feng Kaiming thought about it too, loosened his hand holding the water Wei arm, and looked musing: "But the Lin team would have been negligent and refusal before, how can you agree this year?"

Shui Wei didn't know, but in order to get rid of her suspicion, she was very positive and speculated: "Is it going to be an annoying visit to the forest team every year, this time I don't want to treat you?"

Although she only came for three months, her professional habits made her try to collect the same amount of news in the bureau. She also knew that there was an old tradition in the bureau.

If a big case is broken, the bureau will gather together. At this time, as long as a girl confession is sent, Gaoling’s flower will always refuse. After the rejection, he will definitely ask everyone to eat.

It is said that at the beginning of this tradition, the first confession of the girl really liked Lin Shiheng, but the dismissal was soon transferred, and the second confession of the girl was mixed with temptation, and soon after being rejected. Since the transfer, the third is purely because the first two will be treated every time, and with the real heart adventure, then go.

Sure enough, refused, with a treat.

Since then, the confession has become a tradition. The reason why this time sent the water Wei, is because the bureau has smashed the girls altogether, both of them have confessed, so Shui Wei is such a small newcomer.

Shui Wei's face is thin, she doesn't dare to go, or she still hesitates to confess when she loses her dice. She thought that she would be able to withdraw after she was refused. As a result, she just finished saying that the person was said to be not handling the case. Like a shining ice sculpture, Lin Shiheng actually agreed.

This is totally inconsistent with her findings!

When Feng Kaiyuan analyzed it, he even shook his head: "No, no, he certainly won’t want to invite himself to go in."

"More than this, the guests said that it is a tradition. In fact, everyone is playing around. The Lin team is cold-faced every day except that the case is basically not snoring. At this time, we dare to slap him. Before that, there was a man’s confession. I haven't seen any reaction from him."

Shui Wei racked his brains and thought: "But the time is the Lin team's treats. Isn't it too unfair to him? Although he is our head, it is richer, but he can't ask him every time. what."


Feng Kaiyuan laughed. "You really took those rumors seriously. Don't worry, the money for this treat is specially approved. Every time we have a big case, some colleagues with a little seniority know."

Shui Wei stunned: "That, everyone said that every year, a colleague is sent to confess what is going on?"

"It is like this."

Feng Kaiyuan did not squat, and Li Li explained: "In the beginning, there was a female colleague who confessed to dinner. After the forest team refused, she did not slow down for a long time. You also know that everyone works together every day. Looking up, I didn’t see the embarrassment of seeing it. It didn’t take long for her to turn away.”

"Then came a female colleague confession for the second time. The Lin team refused. She is also the same as the former one. Hey, he also transferred. You think, there are fewer girls in our bureau. When doing work that can only be done by women, it is hard to use a female colleague as two."

"When I went to the third place, I felt wrong at the time. Sure enough, the Lin team refused to tear the flowers in the eyes of the girl. Fortunately, I was wary of people, saying that this is a tradition in our bureau. This made her get off the stage. Later, she was afraid that she would feel embarrassed. Her girlfriend would go to the next time when she had a meal, and then it would become a tradition in our bureau."

Shui Wei, who knows the truth of the matter, has a face.

"It’s hard to be the girl and her girlfriend, that is..."

"What do you want!"

Feng Kaiming knocked her a chestnut: "Look at Zhou Jie and Han Jie like who likes love and love!"

Speaking of this, he sighed and sighed: "The two girls were later transferred, not because of embarrassment. I feel that we are not suitable for girls in the bureau. It is really a loss for the Lin team and the soldiers."

After listening to the science of the water Wei interrupted his sigh: "The vice team, you don't fold the soldiers, what should I do?"


Feng Kaiming’s weird pause, “This is, although it’s our tradition, but the forest team doesn’t know, you think about it. If a man runs over and confesses with you, you promise, and then he turns around and then You said: "Oh, I didn't even look at you, I was playing around. What do you think if you are, what do you think?"

Shui Wei: "...I should want to kill him."

"Yeah, I think so too!"

Feng Kaiyuan clapped his hands: "Either way, one would you hide behind me, and then if you played forest, just run, Lin team is still very image-conscious, you should not hit under a large crowd."

"And he is a person who is particularly public and private, and will not be embarrassed at work."

Shui Wei did not believe it. Before this group of people also vowed that she would tell the Bailin team would not agree!

She was only admitted to the exam. If she was really wearing a pair of shoes, then it was called!

When Feng Kaiyuan saw her expression, she knew what she was thinking and shrugged her shoulders. "Let's do it, I will help you for a while. Rest assured, I will definitely tell him that I am instructing you to go, not half-haired with you." Money relationship!"

He promised so happy, but it made the water Wei heart a little embarrassed: "The vice team, if you say, will the forest team anger you."

"No!" Feng Kaiyuan dragged a long tone. "Relief, the Lin team is not so careful, but today he promised so much so that I am a little curious, I look at his look, that look, that action, It doesn't look like you are looking at you."

"not to mention……"

He touched the chin and looked up and down the water, almost regaining his gaze for a moment: "You are short and the legs are not long, flat chest, not a short hair, still a short hair, still There is only a dimple on your face, I feel that his eyes are not so bad."

Shui Wei: "..."

She admits that she is a little shorter than the two long-legged girls in the game, but the legs are not long, and what is the flat chest and short hair! There is also her appearance, who has been boasted from a young age, and that a dimple is not too sweet to say, how bad it is!

"Avi Awei, don't get to know the deputy team. He only likes the **** and long legs."

A colleague on the side heard Feng Kaiyuan’s evaluation of Shui Wei almost didn’t smile, and quickly smashed the water Wei, and squinted at her: “The straight man is aesthetic, you know.”

"Don't blame me badly, I tell you, I will at least appreciate women, the forest team is different. In this eyes, all the lives, men and women belong to the same gender, so he said how he agreed, this It doesn't make sense!"

"There is something wrong, Yuan Fang, what do you think?"

The surname was originally named, and Yuan Fang’s accident with the accident made a deep squint and touched the little Hu Hu that could not be seen on the chin: "I sit and watch."

The colleagues on the side followed up and analyzed: "I think the Lin team may really be watching Ai Wei, you think, the Lin team is twenty-seven, and there have never been intimate women around, even the mother mosquitoes have not There has been one, as a man, of course, in the dark night, I will feel lonely and lonely. Look at Yan Wei, look good, look good, watery, smile so sweet, personality is good, it is not quite normal. of."

"Screw you!"

Feng Kaiming smashed the past, "If your kid loves nonsense, there isn't even a female mosquito around the forest team, you can still get the mosquitoes and mothers!"

"Hey!" The colleague was flashed. "The deputy team, you don't know. The male mosquito does not bite. The mother mosquito bites. Every summer, a group of people are bitten into a big bag. The forest team has never had a mosquito bite. Isn’t that there is no female mosquito around?”

When a group of people were arrogant, Lin Shiheng was drying his hands in the bathroom.

His reception of memory is almost a second, and the memories are simple and clear. After all, the life of the original master is very simple, work, home, and murder scene.

That's right, the murder scene.

The police officer of the original occupation, to be precise, is not a general police.

Under the jurisdiction of Zhongyuan City, the seventh branch of the Zhongyuan City Criminal Police Brigade, specializing in cases that ordinary criminal police can not break for a long time, or those serious cases.

In reality, there is no such thing, Lin Shiheng has not studied, but in this novel, the seventh branch in the beginning can only be regarded as a place where the name is paid, and some second-generation posts are named.

Later, slowly, because of the lack of performance, began to recruit really powerful criminal police, after cracking some cases, the seventh branch gradually became deserved.

In the end, it turned into a real crime-breaking department. Although the second generation was also low-key after the seventh branch was noticed, the convenience of the seventh branch in the first place was preserved and became this novel. The starting point of the female shuiwei.

According to the current setting, this should be a criminal investigation novel, but the author wrote this at the beginning, and wanted to drive while checking the case.

It is the kind of driving in bed.

The author said very vaguely from the beginning, let's drive this time, everyone is ready to eat meat!

The female master Shui Wei, who has a good talent and is diligent, has worked hard as a small rookie to get to the seventh branch, and then when she is ready to work hard to start her own career, she finds that she can actually see ghosts.

It’s not the kind of ghost that can talk and shout, but the one that keeps the last appearance of life.

She is a criminal police, and it is of course not a normal A-float to follow her. They are basically people who have been killed, and they have not solved the case. The murderer has not found out to get punishment, and will always follow the water.

Although they basically maintain their pre-living posture, for example, hanging on their hands, their hands and feet will be stiff and vertical, they can't control their movements, they can only follow behind the water, and each can not talk, and most of the time There is no sense of autonomy. Only after finding the real murder can we control the right to use the body and disappear from the water.

If you change into a big courage, you will get used to it. Although you fall asleep and sleep, you can stand on the bed and stand up. It seems that it is terrible. Anyway, they are not harmful.

The problem is that when the water Wei is caught by the Afghan, the body will be very cold. It is like eating a popsicle in the big winter and soaking a cold bath in the Arctic iceberg. The ice is flying and the heart is cool.

When she was followed for the first time, she almost didn't get frozen.

Still hit the original owner, only barely returned half life.

Since then, Wei Wei has discovered that it may be that the original subject has a heavy yang. Every time there is a floating, she only needs to keep in close contact with the original owner. For example, accidentally touched a hand or elbow, even if it is You can walk through the clothes.

Although it can't be used for a few hours, it can only be used for a few hours.

Just as the reader thought that Shui Wei had to push the flowers of Gaoling for the sake of his life and the original owner, he was stunned.

Every day she pretended to accidentally touch the original owner. At night, she went home and covered several beds. The big cotton was opened and the air conditioner ignored the ghost standing by the bed.

reader:? ? ?

No, say good authors take the high speed? !

The author quickly explained: Pro, first of all, don't be embarrassed, the hostess is so embarrassed, grew up from childhood, how can you let her start with the unfamiliar boss 嘿|咻嘿|咻.

Reader: No, aren't we driving a suede? Little flesh, it doesn't matter what people set!

The author was convinced, so she wrote an accident, the original owner and Shui Wei drove.

For the first time, both of them directly defined the relationship between men and women.

Then, when the readers are happy to wait for the couple to drive, the author is entangled. Her person is the original master Gaoling flower, how can the Gaoling flower be interested in driving?

So the original owner not only did not drive every day, but also diligently ran to the business trip to investigate the case, leaving the female owner alone in Zhongyuan City, driving a thick quilt with air conditioning.

Then the city lost power in Zhongyuan City that night.

It is to cover eight layers of quilts, and it doesn't work.

The readers are excited, the readers are happy, and the flies are waiting for the car.

However, the author who originally planned to write the male owner to fly back to drive was entangled. The original owner was investigating the case in other cities, and the female owner was imminent. Can it still fly the flowers of Gaoling? !

Must not fly, he knows nothing, no excuses to fly back.

And before the story was written, one of the cities did not fly to the airport, and I couldn’t fly back if I wanted to fly.

Now the power outage story has been written, even this night can never restore the power supply has been written, and can not force calls.

The author scratched his heart and lungs.

The author regrets hitting the wall.

The author can't wait to go back to the previous chapter to erase the blackout story.

While many readers yelled and drove, the obsessive-compulsive and logical mad authors succeeded in arranging themselves.

The next day, the readers waiting to drive were happy to open a new chapter.

The woman owner freezes herself to death.

She called her boyfriend for help, but because the author had set the two cities far away from a city and had no planes, the original owner rushed back to see his girlfriend freezing the scene.

The full text is complete.

The author said a few words at the end. This is based on the plot setting and the design of the two people, and then ran away from the lid.

Readers who are excited to drive: ? ?

Lin Shiheng, who spent a few minutes watching the whole story:...

He has fully understood why the memory of the original Lord is so small. It is good to have such an unreliable creator who can keep the regular life of three points and one line.

What's more, the world is not self-contained, because she has not frozen until she has grown up to support the world and make it independent.

When the woman is dead, the world collapses, and all the people in the small world hang along.

The person who buried the burial also naturally included the original owner.

The original Lord was very reluctant. He had no deep feelings about the woman in strict sense. The two were originally together because of the accident, and he rushed back because of responsibility.

As a person with a distinct role in the author's pen, even if the world is destroyed, he is still remembering.

Who is the murderer who is investigating?

Who is it!


This strong willingness makes him prefer to give his soul and also to find who the murderer is.

Before signing the agreement, he thought of his frozen girlfriend, hesitated, and added another one, so that the clerk could take care of her instead of himself. In any case, it was because he did not take his girlfriend’s confession seriously. The trade rushed away and killed her alive.

【Ding! The mission of the world: to find out the last case is really fierce, guarding the water Wei]

Looking for the real murder...

Lin Shiheng was very shameless and looked at the ending.

Sure enough, the author completely forgot the real murder.

It seems that I can only wait for the story to go there.

Lin Shiheng looked at himself in the mirror, took back the hand under the dryer, and turned and went out.


"Reassuring, the forest team will come out, I will help you."

Feng Kaiming rushed to the eyes of some sly shui Wei's key points: "Do not worry, the Lin team is actually not cold, just thinking about investigating the case, don't care about other things, I will help you say it will be fine."

"That team, please."

Shui Wei has been studying for the first half of her life. Single to the present, she was really a little worried when she thought of having to have a boyfriend out of thin air. She listened to Feng Kaiming’s assurance and settled down a little.

"I will go back first and trouble you."

"Well, go, it's proper."

Feng Kaiming just took an ok gesture at the water Wei, and they violently burst into a burst of glass. The next second, a heavy object fell to the ground.

The guests who had just sat together in twos and threes were stood up by the frightened and frustrated, curiously looking at the heavy object.

I saw the original smooth and clean ground, silently and silently leaning against a woman, surrounded by glass fragments and water stains.

There are also several fake fish lying on the ground.

"It's a person! It's an individual!!"

The screams quickly rang around, and the guests who were close to the woman’s position rushed to stand up and hide. No matter how big the nature of people’s love, when they saw this scene, they knew it was a scene of murder. , or will be far from the subconscious.

The original criminals who had been together and happily stunned, and Lin Shiheng just came out from the corner. When he saw this scene, his eyebrows twitched slightly, and he quickly stepped forward and lowered his hand and pressed it against the woman’s neck. She frowned and looked at the limbs she was tied to and the pieces of broken glass that were inserted into her body.

After the investigation, stand up and squat toward the subordinates who have stood up and walked toward this side: "Control the scene, the police call people."


Although they don't often encounter such things during breaks, they are still very skilled at isolating the onlookers when they go to work. They immediately began to spread out. With this woman as the center, they were separated from the fear of being afraid. the masses.

When Feng Kaiming saw Lin Shiheng so commanded instead of playing 120 to save people, he understood a few points in his heart. He also wanted to stop the water from the crowd. "You have not touched this kind of human murder case. Not here, this time I will study together."

Shui Wei is not a squeezing temper. I know that when I first came, I had to hurry and learn from my predecessors. I listened to the words and followed me.

Feng Kaiming asked before he came up: "Dead?"

"There was no bleeding on the broken glass, and the blood had solidified."

Lin Shiheng gave a short answer, looked up and looked up, slightly twisting his eyebrows, as if thinking.

Shui Wei and Feng Kaiming also looked up and looked up.


Feng Kaiming took the lead: "The place where the body is dropped is a headlight. That is to say, was the body hidden in the lamp before?"

The place where they meet is selected according to the reviews in some review software. This time, it is a place similar to a bar. It is slightly dimly lit, the place is spacious, the sofa is scattered, there is privacy, and there is atmosphere. Coupled with everyone's party, they love to drink and pass the ticket directly.

When they came in, they also felt that there was such a big lamp hanging on it. People looked at it and thought of the fan hanging over the head when they were a child. It’s really a worry about playing a fan at all times. The child fell.

However, compared to the fan that keeps chilling, this headlight is much more beautiful. From the bottom up, the light is in the water, in the transparent water, there are several fake fish floating, the light is reflected down. Under the hood, bring some water shadows, sparkling, good-looking and feeling.

Good-looking is good-looking, that is, the time of water and shadow is long dizzy, maybe the boss has taken this into consideration, so there is no seat under this headlight, but a place is vacated, and it looks like a decoration. .

Now, looking at the body, the boss who was called by the phone has a different look.

No matter how popular his business here before, how many people have a reputation, the dead will certainly drive away more than half of the passenger traffic.

When the forensic doctor came, the on-site forensics was completed, and when the body was turned up and the face was lifted up, the boss’s face was no longer a charm, but the face was shocked and scared.

Shui Wei noticed that his shock was more than fear. It didn't look like he saw someone. She asked: "Do you know her?"

The boss ran out of his mouth. "Know, it is the waiter in our store, called Zou Yufang. I really didn't think that it was actually her..."

Shui Wei always felt that his attitude when he said this sentence was too complicated. After reading a few eyes, he still didn't say anything. Feng Kaiming was more careful than her rookie, and went to the boss to ask the words of the boss. The eye fell on the body that had been photographed and placed on a white cloth.

Before she couldn't see her face, her long hair was scattered on her body, her hands were double, her legs were tied with rope, and the whole person fell straight on the ground in a stiff and flat posture, which was similar to a plate. The board, now showing his face, Shui Wei also found strange places.

Since there is no sign of life, it is normal to look pale, but there is something wrong with the face already swollen.

I was thinking, Lin Shiheng, aside, suddenly whispered a sentence: "See where is wrong?"

Shui Wei was almost scared by his cold mouth. He shook his body and looked up and found that Lin Shiheng, who was just five steps away from her, was already standing on her side, looking down at the body.

It’s really easy to make people misunderstand not talking to her.

However, this idea just came out, and the man on the side added two more words: "Shui Wei."

Ok, I know I am talking to her.

Shui Wei has some nervous lips. "The face is pale and swollen. There is no such phenomenon in the limbs. Plus the water under the lamp, I suspect that when she did not fall, the face was soaked in the water."


Lin Shiheng nodded and looked up at the broken headlights above. "There are two possibilities for the time being. One is that she was transported to the top after her death, the face was soaked in the water, the body was in the waterless place, and the other was She was sent alive, her hands and feet were tied and could not move, her face was in the water, and she was alive and dead."

"But the water above is always there. If the murderer wants to drown her, why not just find a simpler way?"

Lin Shiheng was willing to discuss with her, so that the tension of Shui Wei was less. She made a stroke. "This high place, I want to transport a big living person, and for the time being, I lost consciousness when I was a big living person, but even if it is In this way, you need a ladder to go up. You must find someone who has no time for this kind of thing. When you are no one, come here, find a high ladder, carry people up, put people into the lamp, and then Kneeling down and taking the ladder."

"Isn't it too much trouble to do this?"

Lin Shiheng, who still has a red rose in his white shirt pocket, nodded. "Yes, but the same reason, the murderer killed the person, tied the person tightly, and then found a place where no one climbed the ladder and stuffed the body into the lamp. Still very troublesome."

"There are many ways to deal with corpses. They are thrown into the river, in the mountains, in the mountains, in the corpses, or in the burning of corpses. They may be able to hang in the lamp for two days. After a long time, the body will rot and smell, and it will still be I found that when I came in, I took a look at the light. The water was on the lower light. It was two completely isolated systems. It was necessary to disassemble the body and it was much more troublesome than those methods."

Shui Wei listens too. If it is just for the body, the place is not monitored. The murderer can hide the body silently, which means that he can quietly go anywhere in the restaurant, even if it is thrown into the trash. Less effort than putting it on the lamp.

She really is a rookie.

Lin Shiheng looked at the uniformed colleagues and came almost. He greeted the leader of the other party and came back to say hello to the first time.

"Well, the person who took over is here. Go back first. I don't know if this case will be distributed to us. As a witness to the scene of the accident, I will write an analysis report tomorrow, and everyone will go to bed early tonight."

These people are usually used to the body, and there is no feeling that "a good meal has been destroyed". I heard that I have nothing to do, and I went back to take things and go out.

It is Shui Wei, the newcomer's fighting spirit has not subsided, looking at the corpse in one step and three, there is always a feeling of incompetence in my heart.

"What's the little rookie?"

Feng Kaiming went to the end and saw Shui Wei, the **** who was not guarding, and he went to ask, "Do you want to break the case?"

Shui Wei was a little embarrassed cough: "We really don't care?"

"No, we are independent members. Only when they can't break it, or if the time is too long to break, we will transfer to our side. Don't watch the dramas on the TV where the criminal police went to solve the crime, only the above. We can break the case and give it to us."

Shui Wei’s heart is also clear, that is, for the first time, I saw that someone really died in front of me, and my heart was a bit too much.

She nodded a little, but she looked up and stood in front of a slender figure. When she looked closely, Lin Shiheng was standing back to them, wearing a coat and carrying a bag in one hand.

Yes, forget to explain to the forest team.

Shui Weixi’s look to the vice team, Feng Kaiming forgot the shackles, and straightened forward to take Lin Shiheng’s shoulders: “Lin team, are you going to give Da Mao their meals?”


Lin Shiheng took advantage of the food he had packed before, and the magnetic voice whispered: "Notify them that they will come out for dinner next evening."

After that, he moved his left shoulder to be shackled: "Hands open."

"Get off and take it away, then take it away."

Feng Kaiming is very skillful to speak, but his hands are always moving: "Lin team, like you, how can you be cold-faced when you are smashed, let's do this, you are not so torment yourself!" ”

"I help you to hone more and more, you don't know, my person, the best thing is to resolve the invisible, you and me, how much can touch the light, this is to help you out of the sea of ​​bitterness, As soon as you get rid of it, you have to thank me for knowing it."

Lin Shiheng glanced at the cold.

"Leave your hand, I will thank it."

"The line can't be provoked."

Feng Kaiming was hit by this one-eyed look. He quickly pulled back his hand and turned to the lower step. He was blown by the cold wind and shook.

"Mom, it’s raining, it’s so cold, this ghost weather is really changeable."

Shui Wei was also shaken by the cold wind. Today, during the day, she wore short-sleeved cropped trousers, and she felt more cold than Feng Kaiming.

Slightly unlucky, don't walk for a while, just take a taxi back.

She was about to step down and suddenly saw Lin Shiheng turned and looked at her.

Ok, it’s getting colder by this look.

Sure enough, it is a flower of Gaoling, cold enough.

Apparently, Lin Shiheng looked at her only by the way. His correct goal was Feng Kaiming, who was beckoning at them.



Feng Kaiming didn't think much, and he ran up again.

Lin Shiheng asked: "Is it really cold?"

"The thief is cold!"

Feng Kaiming said, and he slammed again.

Lin Shiheng nodded and handed over the bag in his hand. He watched Feng Kaiming pick it up and began to take off his coat.

Feng Kaiming was shocked and carrying the bag: "Lin team, it is hard that you want to give me... No, no, no, how funny, how cold it is, I can stand it!"

He has never been treated like a boss, and he can't do anything when he is moved. He also feels that this is a bit of a foundation. He says that he doesn't want to be, and when he is blown by the cold wind, the body is very honest to reach out.

Then I took it.

Because Lin Shiheng, who took off his coat, turned around and put the jacket on the side of the water Wei.

Feng Kaiming: "..."

He moved his claws silently, and if he had nothing to do, he put it on the back of his neck and grabbed it, as if he had just stretched out and planned to do so.

Sure enough, what he is best at is that the solution is invisible. Something went wrong, please refresh and try again

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy