MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 89 The villain (7)

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Lin Shiheng patted the shoulders of Zhao’s assistant who was full of vigilance.

Assistant Zhao is still full of vigilance, and he is in front of Lin Shiheng. "Lin always, look at the situation first."

The boss behind him sighed. "Assistant Zhao, I think you can watch some end-time movies less."

Zhao’s assistant was slightly calmed down by Lin Zhenfei’s brain, which was stimulated by the desperate picture. After careful listening to this sentence, he carefully looked at it carefully.

The sound of the door being opened attracted both people to look over. The way they turned their faces and looked at it was indeed the look of a normal person.

He was relieved a little, and he let go of the position, but he still kept the mop in his hand, in case he needed it.

When Zhou Feifei saw that so many people looked over, his face burned red in an instant, and he couldn’t care about his intentions. He quickly buckled his clothes and clasped his clothes. Before she talked, Lin Zhenfei had already had a nose and tears. Cried.

"Dad, you finally came to Dad, you just took her away, just like you can't understand people, I said that I have a wife who is not derailed, she is still rushing off my clothes."

"If I didn't run fast, I was caught by her. Dad, you have to give me the master."

Zhou Feifei's face was red, and her head was lowered. She was so smashed by so many people that she couldn't wait to find a place to sneak in.

When the wife of the woman was seduce, she was hit by the other relative.

Is there anything more tragic than this?


She couldn't speak for a long time, and she didn't know how to explain the move.

If it is met by a group of people, in order to be famous, in order not to be sent to the Public Security Bureau, she may even be filthy because Lin Zhenfei wants to force himself.

But now it’s obvious that Lin Zhenfei’s side is bumping into this scene. One of them is his relatives. If she really beats it, it will be completed in the next half of life.

"What are you?"

I saw that Zhou Feifei, who had just been hiding from him, had just gotten up, and Lin Zhenfei immediately got up.

He had just been so desperate because he did not want to meet Zhou Feifei.

That is to know that relatives will come back soon.

Think about it. If the relatives open the door, they will see him and Zhou Feifei together. According to his temper, it is absolutely a minute to slash the scalpel.

Because of this, Lin Zhenfei hardly forced himself to climb the tree and climbed the pillar.

God knows how desperate he was when he discovered that Zhou Feifei was not screaming and he was going to climb up.

At that moment, Zhou Feifei's face was not a beautiful and pure girl's face, but two **** eggs.

Finally, when he came to Dad, Lin Zhenfei breathed a sigh of relief and quickly began to reprimand Zhou Feifei, indicating how strongly he refused the woman.

"I told you, don't pull me into the water, I am a villain, but I am a stalwart to my wife. Don't say that you seduce me, even if you are stripped of the pole dance in front of me, I am jealous, I will not look at you."

Lin Zhenfei, who condemned while crying, looked very convincing.

Assistant Zhao slowly put down the mop in his hand and looked at Lin Zhenfei. He also looked at Zhou Feifei who was crying with his hair hanging out. He really didn't know which sympathy.

"That Lin Dong, or else I will send this lady out first."

Lin Shiheng nodded, "Send it."

Lin Zhenfei, who also climbed on the pillar, quickly shouted, "Wait a minute."

Zhou Feifei, who was crying and turned, made a move, and his heart rekindled hope. He was about to turn around, but he heard the voice of Lin Zhenfei behind him. "Let her leave my spicy food, I paid the money."

The movement of her turn was stiff, and the tears on her face were more fierce.

Assistant Zhao quickly took people out, although I experienced a little scared myself, and I still have some little comfort in my heart.

It seems that Lin Shaozheng really grew up.

Look, don't want to send a gift, oh, sure enough, people still need to force themselves to grow.

Into the elevator, Zhao assistant listened to the sobbing of the girl around, although through the words of Lin Shao just know that she wants to seduce Lin Shao, but in the end is a girl, being degraded in public, it is quite pitiful.

The most important thing is that she cried like this. After a while, she went out with the elevator. The first floor was full of people. It was also a group of gossips. If I saw this scene, I might think that he did what he did. It.

Thinking of this, Zhao’s assistant spirit was shocked and felt that he could not carry such a **** pot out of thin air.

He quickly smashed his pocket and took out a piece of toilet paper and handed it over.

"Girl, wipe the tears."

Zhou Feifei took over and wept, and whispered, "Thank you."

Very polite, how can I do this kind of thing to rush to be a junior.

Assistant Zhao was stunned, but his face was very gentle and smiled. "You are welcome."

Zhou Feifei was just like that, and my heart was the most embarrassing time. Now I see a man who is so gentle with himself and warm at heart.

I just heard it faintly. He is the assistant of Lin Zhenfei’s father.

That should be quite high.

It seems that she is very old. She is now the most embarrassing time and the most painful time. If the target is changed, this assistant will not turn a blind eye to her like Lin Zhenfei.

Thinking of this, she wiped her tears, raised her face, and smiled at the assistant Zhao.

But Zhou has not forgotten, she is wearing makeup today.

In the past, when I was not crying, I always found a good angle, crying and loving, without damaging the makeup.

But she was too shameful today, completely forgot about this matter, and directly cried a tearful face, plus the toilet paper that Zhao Assistant had kindly given before.

In the eyes of Zhao’s assistant, this woman’s eyes are black and black, her face is green and white, and the mascara on the eyelashes is wet and shows “flying legs”. The lipstick at the corners of the mouth is also wiped out. The bright red is like blood.


Zhao’s assistant, who had not completely forgotten the zombie’s picture, suddenly slammed his eyes, and his leg was almost soft.

He has no mop in his hand now.


The elevator door just opened.

Assistant Zhao’s eye quickly pushed Zhou Feifei out, and he shook his hand and madly pressed the close button.

The door finally closed in his cold sweat.

In the assistant Zhao, he was stunned by the careful liver that was scared and jumped, leaning against the elevator and trying to comfort himself.

It was unveiled by a non-belief that was pushed out to a dangerous fall.

In response to the fact that he was actually so disgusted to launch, a pair of eyes that could not stop tears instantly burst into tears and cried and ran out of the building.

These are some people.

"Dad, although the woman just wanted to give me a hug, but I refused her very seriously, because I always remember that I am a wife and a child, I can control my two. I don’t want to be a beautiful woman to throw a hug, even if it’s ten hundred, it will definitely not shake my determination.”

Lin Shiheng opened the file on his face with no expression, and signed it with a slow pen. After waiting for a few minutes to process the document, he asked, "You really think so."

"Really, it’s true than real gold."

Lin Zhenfei replied without hesitation. "Even if it was not the office of Dad, it was a place where no one was, I would still choose to push him away, because I always remember that I am a wife."

The indifferent old father sitting behind his desk interrupted him with a magnetic voice. "You said this sentence."

"Oh, okay."

Lin Zhenfei immediately changed his mouth. "When she rushed over to me, there was no beauty in my eyes. I only had the connotation of pregnancy, so I was not fascinated by beauty. Dad, this time, my performance is not very good. ”

"Reluctantly pass."

Lin Shiheng approved the last document, put it aside, and went to open the computer to view the information.

"Then can you get me down?"

Lin Zhenfei was holding the pillar, for fear that he would fall, and the body would not move. He desperately pleaded with his father, "Dad, you can give me a chair."

"If you can climb up on your own, you can't climb down."

"I just wanted to hide from the woman and climbed up to fight."

Lin Shiheng did not hear the crying of his son. "You can climb harder and harder."

How is this desperate?

Lin Zhenfei bitterly, and began to cry with a snot and tears. "Dad, don't be like this, I am afraid of high. If I fall down, I have nothing to do with my legs. What should I do? There are children, if I have something, she must cry."

"You also know that you have a wife who has children, then you still want to provoke the woman."

Lin Zhenfei listened to his father's indifferent discourse, and his grievances almost broke through the sky.

"I didn't provoke me. I just ordered a spicy meal. Who knows that the week was not a job change. When I saw that my eyes were green, I must run, but she blocked the door." If you can't run out, you can only climb the pillars."

"Ha ha."

Lin Shiheng finally raised his eyes with mercy and looked at the stupid son who hugged the pillars up to the top. "Isn't that the woman you last planned to sleep?"

"You dare say that last time you didn't take the initiative to sleep with her."

Lin Zhenfei ""

"If it wasn't for your last initiative, she would send you a takeaway and would see you rushing over."

Lin Zhenfei ""

It seems that this is really the case.

The grievances of the full stomach were blocked and turned back. Lin Dao, who had changed from rational to unreasonable, could only pitifully hold the pillar and beg for "Dad, I will not, I really will not, you will take me. Get it down 呜呜呜"

I have to say that Lin Zhenfei is still very pitiful to cry.

A big man, convulsing, crying, crying, taking a few turns and carrying a few points of grievances, while crying and begging for mercy, succeeded Lin Shiheng annoyed him.

"To shut up"

Sitting at the desk, the handsome, indifferent old father said coldly, "Cry me again and lock you in the office for one night."

Lin Zhenfei instantly shut up.

Just as he was desperate in his heart, he only wanted to go back and kill the one who bought the next week, the office door knocked, and the assistant Zhao who sent the person down came back.

Although he later closed the elevator and thought about it carefully, he found that the makeup on Zhou Feifei’s face was stunned by tears. However, because he was scared, he did a good psychological construction after he got out of the elevator. The fact that the forehead did not take a cold sweat did not affect the work, and this came.

After being called in by Lin Shiheng, Zhao Assistant, who had quickly adjusted his status, went to the table with respect and respect. "Lin Dong, the person has already been sent away."


Lin Shiheng had some disappointment and twisted his eyebrows. He pointed to the son who was on the right side of the column and tried to close his mouth. "You go and get him down."

Assistant Zhao found that Lin Shao was still on the pillar.

After experiencing the face of Zhou Feifei's zombie, Assistant Zhao finally understood why a woman who was throwing her arms could scare Lin Shao to climb the pillar.

If he is, he also climbs

Because of this same illness, Zhao’s assistant went very quickly to find the folding ladder. He personally held it, and Lin Zhenfei, who had already had his legs long, trembled and sighed.

After Lin Zhenfei's feet landed, he almost burst into tears.

I could see at a glance that I was staring at my father who was cold and staring at me. I had to take my tears back and thanked Zhao Assistant in a whispering voice. Thank you, Zhao Shushu.

"You're welcome."

When the road was over, Lin Zhenfei limped to his father's desk and pulled his head. "I'm sorry dad."

"I know that I am sorry, it seems that there is really progress."

Lin Shiheng said with a blank expression that the document that had just been signed was pushed forward. "Take these to the second floor and not take the elevator."

Lin Zhenfei, who has become accustomed to this kind of treatment, has been forced to pick up the documents, but he still refuses to go. A pair of phoenix eyes resembling his father squatting on the table, and the weak and weak like a little daughter-in-law. "Dad, I will go down for a while, don't throw my spicy food, I haven't eaten yet."

Just now, I spent so much physical energy to avoid Zhou Feifei, and I hugged for a long time on the pillar. His stomach was already hungry.

"You remind me."

The indifferent old father’s face immediately showed a sneer, and when he reached out, he would push the spicy hot into the trash.


Lin Zhenfei has tears in his eyes and almost cries out. "Dad, the grain is hard, don't waste food."

"It makes sense."

Lin Shiheng pushed back the spicy hot, and when Lin Zhenfei sighed with relief, he extended his slender fingers, opened the box, picked up the chopsticks, and clipped a peeing cow pill. He put it in his mouth in the face of Lin Zhenfei.

Lin Zhenfei stood in a dull position, watching his relatives chew a few times and finished eating the peeing pill.

"Dad, Dad, why do you want to eat my spicy food?"

"Not what you said? The grain is hard." Lin Shiheng did not change the color and put the chopsticks into the bowl. This time it was a doll dish, which was clipped up by chopsticks and gently licked the soup.

From the perspective of Lin Zhenfei, the tender baby dish is red and bright, and it has a little chopped green onion. It looks very attractive.


Lin Zhenfei held the hungry howling belly, and looked straight into the doll dish and swallowed his mouth.

"Dad, that I mean"

After the words have not been finished, Lin Shiheng has been very cruel to send the doll dish into his mouth.

"Well, it's delicious."

Lin Zhenfei ""

So why do you say Dad, you can say this in a faceless expression?

After seeing relatives and eating his quail eggs and chicken hearts, Lin Zhenfei couldn’t bear it.

With his angry face and hungry screaming belly, he turned around with the file and left.

When he used to think about it, he would have a day when he couldn’t even eat spicy food.

I blame the woman who is sick.

Don't call him Lin Zhenfei to see her next time.


Lin Zhenfei's imposing file held his legs and walked into the step ladder, and decided in his heart.

Otherwise, he saw her once and hid her once.

I will never give this woman a chance to touch porcelain.

When Lin Zhenfei looked forward to the stars and looked forward to the moon, he finally waited for Lin Shiheng to take a vacation.

In other words, his life assistant can also take a vacation together.

at last

Lin Zhenfei was so elated that he had not waited until he thought about where to play, and he received a call from his cousin Cheng Yihua.

"Jianghu emergency brother, I am going to be killed, I will borrow 50,000."


The last time I abandoned him so easily, this time I borrowed money and I remembered that I came.

Lin Zhenfei sneered, "Do not borrow."

"I really want to be killed."

Cheng Yihua sent a photo, and it was his nose and face.

Come really.

Lin Zhenfei was scared and quickly hit 50,000 pieces in the past.

"Flying, I know, or you love me, come to my house and give you a surprise."

Cheng Yihua surprised him.

Do you want to make up for the last time you pulled him?

Lin Zhenfei couldn't be fooled when he stared at him. He couldn't help but sneak in his heart and drove to his cousin's house.

As soon as he opened the door, Cheng Yihua’s face was swollen and his face was scared, and Lin Zhen flew to the back.

"Where, what are you doing?"

"Don't mention it."

Cheng Yihua rubbed his cheek twitched face "do not know what to say uncle with my dad, and he got me a fiancee, mother yeah, taekwondo master, it can play, I see once beat me once, I can only I am hiding here."

"This place is only you know, I told you, you must not tell others that I am here, my dad and my sister are catching me around."

"The most annoying thing is that they offered a reward of one million for my whereabouts. My group of buddies are more than a shameless person. It’s especially good to sell people. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I could really get caught, brother. I finally know that you are being blacked out, I know it is wrong, you will not blame me."

Lin Zhenfei saw that his cousin's miserable look still blamed him, and quickly patted his chest to ensure that "you can rest assured that I have long forgotten about it. I will not say this when you hide this."

"Right, what surprises do you want to give me?"

Cheng Yihua’s face was swollen with a smug face, pulling out a person from behind. “Look at the girl you didn’t sleep at the last time, called Zhou Feifei, I’ll find it for you, make up for it, Dangdang Dangdang”

"I am not surprised, I am not surprised."

"Don't misunderstand, the 50,000 I borrowed from you is not to buy her. She doesn't want money to come and see, I see people who have the spirit of contract this year. I appreciate this kind of talent, brother, you. What is the expression, what are you going back?"

Lin Zhenfei looked at his face with a sullen face and a smug look, and looked at Zhou Feifei, who was ashamed to smile at himself.

He took out his mobile phone with no expression.

"Hey, I report, I know where my cousin is." Wrong, please refresh and try again.