MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 171 The End of the World - The Zombie Era (10)

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The charm of the face of the ancient city has been maintained until a few people walked out of the street. When the street was opened, the expression on his face changed and he laughed.

"You see that there is no expression on the face of that person. I think he has to doubt life. Hahahahaha."

Cheng Yue looked at him in a strange way. She had never heard of the mechanics in the ancient city north.

Ji Jiaqi’s feeling of being a little bit angry was also due to the laughter of the ancient city north. “How do you think about this trick?”

"It's not easy. I used to like to look at a certain point. I don't know if I know 10,000, but I don't know if I have a place at home. It can be considered as an opportunity." It is."

After the ancient city of North Russell finished, he was against Ji Jiaqi. "Don't look at me. I don't know how to get in touch with people. I watched TV. I stood in front of me and said a word. I swept my eyes and listened to one ear." What kind of person is he? The man who spoke just now has a high face. People can't wait to use the nostrils, but they have to pretend to be a corporal of Li Xian. It is just another time. You are holding up, he looks at you as a person with identity, and certainly will not dare to cause trouble."

Ji Jiaqi also felt that the tone of the ancient city north made her want to laugh, and felt a little sad.

She and Ji Hang grew up from a young age, but have not seen him on the other side of the ancient city.

Sensitive to the moon feels the sense of loss in Ji Jiaqi. She wants to open her mouth and asks her. She remembers that her sister never told her about her troubles. She always said that she is only a child and should live happily.

"There seems to be a cat bell on the other side. I will go and have a look."

In the moon, holding the cat is about to pass. Lin Shiheng, who has been quietly in her arms, has jumped into the ground with a sigh of silence, and is quietly at the foot of Ji Jiaqi.

The little girl has always looked at her sister's love cat, and she did not force Lin Shiheng to go out with her. Anyway, she knew that the puppet cat had always been obedient and obedient as if she could understand the human language. She simply went to buy the bell.

She has the ability, Ji Jiaqi is still not at ease, standing in the same place watching the moon in the place not far from them to kneel down to see the bell, and then have the mood to speak with the ancient city north.

"You said that I was quite unsuccessful. I have known him for so long. Even he is a dog."

This is what he said is naturally.

Like the Ji Jiaqi in the ancient city of the north, watching the TV dramas in the past few years, the inside of the grass bag is also the grass of the gossip.

He went directly to the stone and sat on it. "This is not the case. Just say that the person, before he revealed his true face, is this attitude towards you?"

Ji Jiaqi shook his head. "I always thought that he was very good. I grew up knowing that I was a gentleman. I was gentle and considerate, and my grades were good. Before he was at school, I was at work. He always called and asked for help. I was sick. He Also care about me"

When the ancient city north heard it, he understood what was going on. He was not a concern of many people. When people were sick, they were the most vulnerable. They always thought that if someone could care about him at this time, how good it would be to talk.

He clap his hands. "Who cares, who can't say it, if I have this opportunity, I can tell you a basket. When you are sick, he cares about you. Actual action. Come on, see you, no, give you Didn’t buy medicine, did you help me with cooking?”

"No." Ji Jiaqi shook his head and smiled bitterly. "He is a medical student and has to go to school. Where can I come to see me?"

"That's called a takeaway head office, let the errands come over and give you medicine."

The ancient city north suddenly looked disdainful. "Who can't talk about Zhangkou. The most important thing is the actual action. Although there are some people who can't think of actual action, there are some people who know the real thing. But just look at the man's face. This guy is simply an empty mouth girl, is he asking for you, or else what to do?"

This question has been thought for a long time on the night of the breakup. The only answer is "He is a medical student. I graduated earlier than him. Most of his expenses before the end of the world are from me. It is estimated to be money."

Having said that, she laughed and laughed and learned how to look at the ancient city north and sit on the stone. "We are all orphans and grow up together. I thought I knew enough about him. After he told me, he would ask me later. Married, so after work, my money can be used directly, I don't need him to say, I will give him money every month, I want him to be so bitter, he has always been very good to me, I used to go to school. When friends around, I think he is a good man, who can think of it?"

Who can think that there are such men in this world who are shameless and good at disguise.

The ancient city of the north see Ji Jia chess body was uncomfortable, wanting to comfort and do not know where to start, can only dry cough and reach out, gently touch her head.

"That, you don't want to be angry, you are not alone. Look at the pretty little girl who is just a bit of a flight brother. Is it full of love for the man? This is not your embarrassment. It is too much for him." Installed."

Speaking of this, he laughed at the disaster. "But this guy can't hold it for a long time. Just when you said that he was derailed, the girl's eyes were about to come out, and she would definitely not be deceived by him again. I owe it, and it’s definitely not a good place to go."

Ji Jiaqi nodded, in the end there is still hate in the heart, according to her character will certainly not take the initiative, but if Ji Hang himself what happened, she does not mind to read jokes.

"thank you."

She smiled and her eyes were a little red. "I was still thinking about whether he was derailed because I was not good enough."

"What are you? I am very good, but I want to say that you are still very good for the man. Even if it is really a good relationship between men and women, then you can’t let your girlfriend raise it. I am not saying that women can’t raise a man. I mean that regardless of men and women, there are hands and feet. Why do you let another person who is not a relative aunt, this feeling is there to come and go, since he can be calmly accepted by you Money, it shows that this person, the root is bad, it is estimated that the original plan is to wait until the graduation can make money and kick you off."

She hugged her knees and sighed with some weakness. "Maybe I am the kind of pay-as-you-go personality on the Internet, or how could he be cheated for so long?"


Lin Shiheng squatted at the side for a long time and finally heard this sentence, and immediately went to extend the tail to hook her calf.

"Well, what is Hengheng?"

Ji Jiaqi has never treated Hengheng cat as an ordinary cat. Seeing Lin Shiheng as such, he immediately hugged. Lin Shiheng sat down and got up and went to the left. He walked back and looked at Ji Jiaqi.

This is obviously the way to lead the way.

Ji Jiaqi did not hesitate, and shouted "Yueyue, gone."

Positive and serious, serious and serious, compared to the cat bell, the moon immediately took a small white rice from the arms to the stall owner, took the bell and left.

Although this is a cat bell, but it is really not for the cat, it is the end of the world, who has the leisure to eat cats.

This thing is used to throw the attention of the zombies on the toy car when going out. The stall owner is about to call the toy car and hasn’t taken it. Seeing that there is really a cat at the foot of the moon, he suddenly closes his mouth and carefully puts it. The white rice was put into the rice bag.

Don't look at it, if you take a little care, you can have a family meal.

It’s a bad day, but as a father, even if it’s hard, he has to take care of the children.

The stall owner continued to hawk, and Lin Shiheng at the other end led the three people into the house they rented.

"Heng Heng, what's the matter, do you have anything to show us?"

Ji Jiaqi touched the cute head of the puppet cat and spoke in a whisper.

On the side of the ancient city north "sister, Heng Heng may be hungry, he is a cat, there is something to show us."

The little girl in the moon also squats down and seriously looks at the puppet constant. "Heng Heng is very embarrassed. If it is not something, he will certainly not."

Ancient city north ""

OK, women have no way to resist the furry creatures, he understands.

Lin Shiheng is indeed something.

I saw him rushing up the ancient city north is a tiger down the mountain, waiting for the ancient city to react to the north, his coat has been made by a more obese puppet cat.

Until Lin Shiheng glared at the coat and went upstairs, the ancient city of the north with only one vest was standing in the same place and did not react.

"It, it"

He looked at the Hengheng cat that had disappeared from the stairs, and looked at Ji Jiaqi, who thought of what he thought of the stairs. "What does it do?"

In the blue sky, I also grabbed clothes.

Ji Jiaqi was slightly tight, "Moon month, you go to close the door."

"it is good."

Cheng Yue’s words against her sister have always been obedient. She immediately turned and closed the door. When she closed the door, her ears suddenly moved, her eyes slammed sharply, and she quickly pulled up her waist and knife, and the knife was stained with lightning. In front of Ji Jiaqi, staring tightly at the direction of the stairs.

"Someone's footsteps"

The ancient city north did not hear the footsteps, but it was also quickly blocked in front of Ji Jiaqi with the moon, and watched the direction of looking into the moon.

"Da da da"

The cheerful slippers sounded on the ground, and then, under the gaze of the three pairs of eyes, a teenager appeared in the stairwell.

He wore the coat of the ancient city north, his eyes were smart and beautiful, and he stepped on the pink slippers of Ji Jiaqi. His head seemed to carry a cat earmuff, and he ran down the stairs.

The ancient city north began to secretly summon its own machinery, while taking a self-identification of "I am the only man in this family", stood up and deliberately let the voice sink and look majestic "who are you?"

However, the young man did not care about him. He easily and smoothly circumvented the two roads and pulled Ji Jiaqi’s arm, his eyes shining.

"You pay for me, I won't lie to you."

Ji Jiaqi looked at his eyes as a child, knowing that he had heard his conversation with the ancient city north, his heart softened, could not help but smile and reached out and touched Lin Shiheng's head.

"Heng Heng, how have you become a person again?"

The ancient city north shocked "Hengheng"

Ji Jiaqi didn't notice him. This time, he gently touched Lin Shiheng's ear. "The ear is still there, the tail is gone."

The ancient city is full of faces, "ears, ears, tails"

The time of surprise on the side of the moon is not long. Before she died, she also heard that the beast has become a human being, but it has become incomplete, either the lower body of the upper body or the beast of the left side. Anyway, it is not very good looking.

After sniffing the smell of Heng Heng, her tight body relaxed, and touched Lin Shiheng's arm. "Heng Heng, you look like a human being."

On the side of the ancient city, looking at the big and small ones that are laughing at the cat ears.

What happened, is he fast-forwarding the plot?

Read The Duke's Passion