MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 163 The End of the World - The Zombie Era (2)

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"The flu has been screaming these days. I heard my sister say that many children in their kindergarten have been infected. The hospital is also overcrowded. Even the small clinics on the roadside have a lot of injections."

"A group of people on the way to work, wearing a mask, is estimated to be afraid of contagion. I heard that the flu is very troublesome, and how the injection does not fall back."

During the lunch break, everyone sat down in their own position after dinner. Ji Jiaqi took a vacation yesterday. Today, he has a pile of things on his hands. He sits on his chair and beats his hands on the keyboard while listening to them.

When she heard the flu, she was also a bit worried about her infection. Fortunately, there were masks in the drawers, and I would go back and wear masks.

Because my heart still remembers hanging Yunjie, Ji Jiaqi didn’t have any spirits every day. When I got off work, I only felt exhausted. I was about to take the bag and leave the phone. The phone rang and it was the boyfriend’s phone.

She and her boyfriend are an orphanage. It is also a childhood friend. Both of them look good and they all love to learn. Although they have been admitted to different universities, they have always been in a city. it is good.

Because they look very good type, the common friends who know that they are together laughed that they are a natural pair of handsome men and women, and they are always talked about when they are studying.

The relationship between the two has always been very good, but recently I don’t know if my boyfriend is too busy to learn. I haven’t contacted her in recent days. In the past few days, Ji Jiaqi was busy with Yun’s business and business trip, and actually went to play. I found it by phone.

Ji Jiaqi took the call, and that was the voice of her boyfriend Ji Hang with gentle care. "Jia Qi, there is flu recently. When you go out, remember to wear a mask, be careful to be infected. I am not busy recently, have a meal together at night."

Ji Hang is a medical student. Ji Jiaqi has been working for a year. He is still in school. Compared to Ji Jia, who needs to go to work in strict accordance with the company's regulations, Ji Hang is free, so he has always been the time for him to cooperate with Ji Jiaqi.

Ji Jiaqi did not take the initiative to contact her boyfriend for a few days, and immediately said, "Okay, go to the old place at night."

"You must remember to wear a mask. Our teacher said that the flu is very troublesome. There is no cure yet."

Ji Hang said softly, Ji Jiaqi suddenly felt that the scorpion was a little itchy, could not help but cough twice, the sound of the phone immediately stopped for a few seconds.

"Jiaqi, you won't be infected with the flu."

Ji Jiaqi felt that the scorpion had dried up, took a cup of water and took a sip of water to moisten the scorpion. "I don't know, maybe it was a little hot last night, and the scorpion was uncomfortable."

Ji Hang was silent for a few more seconds.

The precursor of this flu is that the scorpion is uncomfortable, the person coughs, and then it will have a high fever. Even if it has been an injection, it can only reduce the body temperature to 38 degrees. Although it has not been killed, how can it not burn? Something went wrong.

Ji Jiaqi did not find the abnormal silence of her boyfriend. After feeling that her voice was much more comfortable, she continued. "Then I hang up the phone first, go back and clean up, see you at night."

She hung up the phone and walked away with a mask and a mask. As soon as she walked to the company's gate, she received a text message.

Ji Hang’s parents want me to continue my tutoring tonight, and I won’t go at night.

Ji Jiaqi did not think much about it. Both of them are orphans. Without parental support, they can only work hard after they want to survive in adulthood. Ji Hang has been a part-time tutor, she knows.

Because in the big cities, the price is high, the part-time time is short, and it can't make much money. The burden is all on Ji Jiaqi, who has already officially worked, so she will work so hard to get a promotion and raise salary.

But fortunately, Ji Hang is about to graduate soon, and the pressure on her will be greatly reduced, otherwise she will not want to raise a cat.

When Ji Jiaqi took the subway back, she saw that most people wore masks. There were coughs from time to time in the crowd. It seems that this flu is really troublesome.

She went to the downstairs supermarket to buy some food, took the Yun sister's express, and then went upstairs.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the puppet cat who was watching TV on the sofa.

Even if I was tired for a day, I saw a little cute in front of me when I got home. I still let Ji Jiaqi feel better. She went up and touched the cat of the puppet cat. "Heng Heng, I am not at home today. ”

The puppet was always tall and glamorous and looked up and looked at Ji Jiaqi. The line of sight did not stop for a second on her face, and she turned her attention to the TV again.

Ji Jiaqi also got used to it. When he got up, he planned to add shovel and cat litter to the cat food. The result was not smashed.

The cat food is still so much when she walks in the morning, but the water is moving a little.

Everlasting has not eaten this day?

Ji Jiaqi looked back and looked at the puppet cat. He went to the cat litter on the balcony and saw that there was nothing in the litter box.

Do not eat, do not go to the toilet, stress

Cats, which are sensitive and fragile creatures, are likely to be scared to death because of high mental stress. Especially when they are young, they are raised in the palm of their hands and have not eaten a little bit of pet cats. Always pay attention.

Ji Jiaqi was a little panicked and quickly started to check the information on the Internet. Now that Yunjie is not there, she can only rely on herself.

After checking the information, I was still not worried. I was planning to go to the pet hospital with a puppet. Ji Jiaqi suddenly noticed that the apple on the table was left with only one apple core.

She didn't eat, who can eat it?

Ji Jiaqi looked back and looked at the cat lying on the sofa.

Cat eating apple

Isn't the cat not eating fruit?

"Hengheng, you eat"

She took the apple to the side of the sofa and placed it in front of the puppet cat.

The puppet who had never made a sound from yesterday to the present until now, squinted at the shovel.


Ji Jiaqi

Isn’t it?

And this short call is what happened. Yunjie didn’t say that when Hengheng called it, it’s a long delay.

Next, Ji Jiaqi found a bag of bitten egg yolk pies at home and put them in the bedroom cakes. These were unfortunately poisoned.

She couldn't help but laugh. After she put down the worry that the puppet cat didn't eat, she sat on the sofa and said, "Are you a little fool? Cats can't eat these things, don't know, what should I do if I have a problem?"

The puppet is always "嗷."

"Don't love eating cat food, can you open a can?"


Ji Jia chess really opened a can, which smells she wants to eat, but the puppet on the sofa does not know if it is full, squinting and watching TV, the head does not return.

and many more

Ji Jiaqi suddenly thought about it. She didn’t turn on the TV when she left.

She is trying to rack her brains to remember if she has turned on the TV before she walks. The mobile phone WeChat prompt sounds suddenly.

Ji Jiaqi temporarily put down his thoughts to read the news. He was a high school classmate. At that time, the relationship between the two was very close. However, after graduation, they were admitted to different universities. The number of contacts was gradually reduced. They only said a happy birthday every year when they celebrated each other's birthday.

Jia Qi, are you still with Ji Hang?

For a long time, there was no contact, and suddenly a sentence was sent. Ji Jia’s heart sank and had a bad feeling.

She licked her lips and comforted herself in the bottom of her heart. Maybe she was okay, and she replied, we are still together.

After the classmate saw the news, he sent a few photos.

It is a photo of Ji Hang and a beautiful girl holding hands on the road. Although they have no other moves besides holding hands, they wear a couple's clothes.

My brother went to school at this university. I came to see him when I was on a business trip. I saw Ji Hang and a woman I didn’t know. I heard the woman’s call him, and I should have not admit it. Anyway, be careful. .

Ji Jia chess looks at the photos on the phone for a long time.

She actually knew that her classmates did not admit her mistakes. This dress was passed by her in front of her, but at that time she did not think that this dress was actually a couple.

The classmates are willing to tell her that she is already very worthy of her. After all, everyone is not willing to do anything in front of the door. She can do nothing to do.

Ji Jiaqi lifted his finger heavily and pressed on the phone. Thank you.

She did not give herself too much sad time and sent the photos directly to Ji Hang.

Break up.

There was no reply for a long time, and it was good to reply at night.

Looking at this short word, Ji Jiaqi had already shed tears in his eyes, and he cried again with his quilt.

The result was not crying for a while, the phone suddenly received a bank tone, indicating that the money on her card was taken away.

Ji Jiaqi's card is bound to his own online banking, and the card is handed over to her boyfriend to facilitate her access, because every time he uses her side to receive text messages, Ji Hang uses this card a few times, Every time I use it, I will tell her in advance.

The two grew up together and stayed together for so long. It can be said that Ji Hang is the most trusted person of Ji Jiaqi. Even if he knows that he is derailed, she is just sad and does not think about retaliation.

The heart is so terrible.

After they broke up, Ji Hang directly took all her money.

Ji Jiaqiu trembled and asked if he didn't want to call.

Ji Hang has tore off the gentle mask and said with confidence on the phone that "the card is shared by us. My part-time money will occasionally be hit in it. Why can't I use it and you didn't want to open it last time? What kind of online shop, let me buy you a house to eat? This money is like buying those who eat."

The sound of Ji Jiaqi’s crying is trembled. “It’s obviously that you want to open the online store and put these things on my side, and your part-time money has been called once. Later, I said that I have to take the mobile phone and take it away. This card Qian Mingming is my salary."

"Do you have any evidence? Otherwise, I will sue me, but I remind you that maybe you ask the lawyer to make more money than the money."

Ji Hang said this, that is to get the Ji Jia chess and temper is not good.

They grew up together, he understood her, it was a personal family who slapped her, she did not dare to fight back and dare to hide.

It was an orphan, no one supported it. Before he was willing to take advantage of her willingness to take money, now that he has been dismantled, he does not need to pretend.

Anyway, Ji Jia is so small and cowardly that he is afraid to go to court, and at most he is crying.

"you you"

Ji Jiaqi was indeed crying again. Until the phone was hung up, her body was still shaking. I couldn’t believe why a person who was still good during the day suddenly became so vicious.

The puppet was on the sofa and listened to the cry from the bedroom. The cat's face was expressionless.

The third time.

Here, Ji Hang, who hangs up the phone, is satisfied with the money in the account, and he is thinking about what to do with the money.

He really intends to open a Taobao shop, but the money for the purchase can not compare with the money, some things to eat, when to buy can not buy.

Just give Ji Jiaqi.

Second day

The screams and the crash of the car sounded.

Ji Jiaqi opened the curtains, swollen a pair of eyes and stared at the doomsday scene downstairs.

Lin Shiheng stretched out, stretched out his hand and touched the cat's ear on the top of his head. He looked back at the long tail on the root of his buttock and put himself on the shirt that Ji Hang left here.

It seems that the 14-year-old cat-eared teenager is licking the apple and knocking on the door of Ji Jiaqi.

On the first day of the last days, Ji Jiaqi had a safe house, a house of food, and a powerful beast that could only protect him.

And the next university lives in the dormitory of Ji Hang.

Only money.