MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 145 Ancient farmer's son (2)

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Thanks to the matchmaker who was afraid of this marriage, Li Lanlan’s message to marry Lin Jiaxiu’s news spread throughout the village the next day.

To say that this news has spread quickly, a large part of it is because Lin Jia’s family is not very good.

Although Lin Shiheng was a scholar, but he did not have the power of the chicken, he did not see him go to the ground. Before the two brothers looked after it, now the family is divided, and with two old people, marrying the past is not a blessing. That is to serve the family to work hard.

Not to mention Li Lanlan, she is a good-looking, hard-working, hard-working family, and can’t stand a fool.

In this year, the people in the village are bitter and haha. One heart is thinking about saving money. Li’s father is good, and he has to do good deeds when he has money. If he is married to Li Lanlan, such a family will definitely not help a little, maybe Will also rely on the husband's family.

These two people are in a bad situation, but they all have a good skin. The villagers who have children of school age are very vigilant. On weekdays, they are at home not to be close to Lin Shiheng and Li Lanlan, so that young people are not I am sensible, and I am stunned by the skin.

No one expected that the two people who were secretly rejected by the villagers turned out to be a pair.

The elders in the village felt that it was quite good. They were together, and their children would not be able to get together. The younger generation had a lot of sullenness.

The fears of the elders are not unreasonable. Most of the juniors are not as far-sighted as their elders, nor have they felt the burden of the family. They want to be more idealistic. Li Lanlan is fine at the end. Although she looks good, she works well, and her temper is good. But that blame is to persuade.

Lin Shiheng is very different. He is a good life. On weekdays, he is a pair of white-collar students. Even walking has his own demeanor. It is completely different from those in the village.

Although I haven’t taken the testimony, this is not only twenty-two years old. Now I’m afraid of what I’m afraid of. If he’s admitted to a person, is it still silver?

There are quite a few girls who have such thoughts. Unfortunately, they are all suppressed by their families. They are innocent. The elders are not naive. Is it a joke to support two 60-year-olds? Maybe Lin Shiheng has no money to study, for the girl’s family. It is said that marrying a person is a matter of a lifetime, and then regret can not be changed. Instead of pressing the hope on the imaginary **** lady, the elders are more inclined to the home of more people in the field.

The girls in the village are not favored, but most of them are more favored, but they are less than the males at home. They dare not resist the elders. Even if they like Lin Shiheng any more, they dare to hide and see when he comes out. .

Now know that he has set a kiss, the girls in the village who like Lin Shiheng are a glimpse.

If you have a good temper, you can forget about two tears. If you have some bad temperament, your mentality will not be very positive.

Li family has no mother, and Li’s father is unclear. Of course, no one in the family prepares clothes for Li Lanlan, the girl who is about to marry. Although no matter how poor the family is, all the daughters must get new clothes when they marry.

Since Li’s death, Li’s family has always been Li Lanlan’s housekeeper, so she also knows that the family can’t afford to make new clothes for herself, and Li’s father doesn’t know where to go to do good things. After eating a meal, according to common sense, Li Lanlan, who is going to get married at home to raise skin at home, can only go out to work.

When she went out, she happened to meet a girl in the village who always liked Lin Shiheng.

This girl calls Zhou Dazhen, a very common name, but the person is a little handsome, because there are many brothers in the family, she and her sisters are lucky not to go to the ground, people will be white and tender, always Consciously different from Li Lanlan, the girl who wants to go to the ground, it must be more noble.

The result is that she is not married to Lin Shiheng, but it is better for Li Lanlan to get this.

Zhou Dazhao didn't cry like some girls who really like Lin Shiheng. They are still more annoyed. They are not farsighted at home, because now Lin’s situation is not good, they stop themselves from marrying, and they are angry. Lin Shiheng has no vision. Proactively mentioning the pro, the biggest annoyance is that her position is not allowed by Li Lanlan, but the bitter haha ​​that she had passed on weekdays was sat by her old woman who had been commented on many times.

Because Li Lanlan is good, Zhou Dazhen, who is a beautiful woman, has never liked her very much. Seeing Li Lanlan 18 has not yet married, I don’t know how happy I am, how many times I say it back, and she actually married. Lin Xiucai, who has never been able to marry.

She didn't sleep well for one night. When she got up the next morning, she saw Li Lanlan who was going to do farm work. She suddenly felt that she was not good anywhere.

Zhou Dazhao was unhappy and didn't want Li Lanlan to take up his position. So she did not hesitate to face Li Lanlan. She did not see her, and took her little sister to start laughing.

"Have you heard that Lin’s family wants to marry Li Lanlan? She is really unlucky. Last night, my mother said at the dinner table that Lin’s two old people couldn’t work and still dragged on. Lin Xiucai is a scholar who can’t work. To marry the past is to be a ready-made old mother to serve the family."

The little sisters did not see Li Lanlan when they were doing things. When they heard Zhou Daxuan mentioning this topic, they also followed the trend and followed up with interest: "No, my mother said, Lin is a superficial light, this is for a scholar. It is necessary to provide a patient, but also to support the parents, and then the big family can also be tossed, not to mention that they have no family."

With such cooperation, Zhou Dazhao is more energetic: "And, Lin Xiucai basically does not move around in the village. Before he was in the scenery, his mother said that Lin Xiucai wanted to be in the city, you said, now home. Hard, he married Li Lanlan, can you like her?"

Li Lanlan didn’t feel very sad after hearing their words. This was very thorough after she knew that Li’s father had promised himself to Lin’s family. According to her own thoughts, Lin’s family was definitely not a good place, but her thoughts were nothing. With the words of the parents, the relatives have made her out. If she is not, it is not filial. If the name is passed on, she is afraid that she will not be able to marry in this life.

Anyway, she already thought about it. After she married, if she was willing to give her a meal, she would wait for her life. If she was not married, she would jump into the river.

Anyway, the mother is also dead, and there is no her in her heart. It is better to die than to be bullied in her life.

Because there was already preparation, Li Lanlan was too lazy to be angry, and looked at Zhou Dazhen, passing the farmer's side and passing by.

Her appearance will be like Li Lanlan's collapse and crying Zhou Daqi is angry again, standing up and hating Li Lanlan's back. "What I am proud of, I really thought that marrying Lin Xiucai would be a blessing in the future."

Zhou Dazhao’s little sister saw that Li Lanlan passed by and looked a little embarrassed. After all, she said that she was behind her mouth. At this moment, she saw the sister’s indignant appearance. She couldn’t help but pull the sleeves of Zhou Dazhao: “Da, don’t say She is not good either."

"It's not so good. You didn't see her look like a despised person. Waiting to see it, Lin Xiucai is different from the men in our village. His eyes are high. Li Lanlan is a country village, Lin Xiucai definitely can't see. She is on her, she is just doing farm work."

"Oh, don't say it, don't even marry someone, you can't be ashamed."

Zhou Dazhao is really a little scared. She is the age of the relatives. If someone sees her unmarried girl saying irresponsible remarks, it is definitely not good.

So even if she was unwilling to be so worried, she could only hate to sit down and work, but she refused to give up and lowered her silver. "Li Lanlan’s marriage is definitely not good, maybe when will it be? Hugh home."

Zhou Dazhao’s obsessive reading for a morning, as if cursing Li Lanlan, she can make a fortune herself.

The rest of the village is similar to her. Although there is no revenge with Li Lanlan, most people are not optimistic about this affair. The specific reason is similar to what Zhou Dazhao said.

Lin Xiucai does not go out often, but as long as he walks out, his long eyes can be seen that he is completely different from the villagers. When Lin’s family was not separated, Lin Mu never concealed his son’s desire to testify. A girl in the city, now Lin’s eyes are not good, he wants to marry Li Lanlan, I am afraid to do farm work.

Li Jiacun is the only one, but the villagers and other villages have a lot of friends, and they know about some gossip.

For example, Wangjiacun is also a showman. It was still 20 years ago. Wang Xiucai is also the same as Lin Shiheng. He has repeatedly failed to test. He has no money for studying, and Wang Xiucai’s family has gradually lost some signs. .

So he married a lady back, this lady thought that marrying the past is a showgirl, the result is married to serve an old and small, Wang Xiucai will not be anything but reading, Wang Xiucai is not awkward, mother is not seeing The daughter-in-law of the daughter-in-law did not learn much about her. Now that she has been in the blink of an eye for twenty years, the old lady is always with the old lady. It is said that every time she returns to her family, she will complain, and the days will not be too much.

In the eyes of the villagers, this Lin Xiucai is Wang Xiucai second.

He is also worse than Wang Xiucai. So Wang Xicai’s family has no one who can’t do farm work, and he is sick and ill.

Li Lanlan was so unwilling to take the people in the village, and waited until the day when the marriage was agreed.

Father Li, who did good deeds everywhere, did not run out to do good deeds on this day. An An was assigned to his family and waited for the Lin family to come to pick up his daughter.

When the daughter of the family is married, the family must say two words for the daughter's plan, or pull the son-in-law to say that he is good to his daughter. Only Lin is very unusual. He pulls his daughter and tells Li Lanlan to let her go. Take care of the Lin family, the rest, did not mention a word.

Li Lanlan had long been cold-hearted by her relatives, and she was not disappointed. She did not wear new clothes and had a red hijab on her head. She only wore a good dress.

Said to be a wedding, the two can not afford to do, so it is only the man to come with the woman to go, and then the woman's family went to the man to eat dinner, even the simple sentence can not be said.

Here, Li Lanlan is sitting in the house with the hijab waiting, and Lin Shiheng is coming under the band of the matchmaker.

He is very spirited today, with the good looks, all the way to see a lot of little girls' eyes, but Li Lanlan can't see the hijab, waiting for the matchmaker to shout, the groom can pull the safflower, she only I know that I am coming in to be my future husband.

A safflower made of crude red cloth was stuffed into her hands by the matchmaker, and the other hand was held in Lin Shiheng's hand. The matchmaker thought about the thank-you gift that was about to arrive, and how happy and joyful it was to smile. The voice shouted loudly. It was obvious that there were only a few scattered villagers who were watching the crowd. It was hard for her to shout out the effect of a large group of people outside: "The groom brought the bride home."

According to the tradition in the village, the girl marries, it should be carried by the male man from the door to the big tree at the entrance of the village, and then he can return home with the husband.

A pair of newcomers walked to the door, and Li’s father was watching with a smile, and was about to come forward to recite the niece. Suddenly a child squeezed out from the crowd watching the crowd and hurriedly shouted: “Uncle Li, I Grandma fell, can you trouble me to take my grandmother to the town to see the disease."

A group of people watching the excitement suddenly got up.

On the days when people are overjoyed, they rushed to find the bride’s cockroaches to do something else. This child is so ignorant.

"When I fell, I went."

The joy of Li’s face disappeared for a moment, and he turned away. This was because Li Lanlan, who was uneasy because he was going to marry, lived in a footstep, and his face under the red hijab was white.


She stopped her father. "I am married today. If you want to go, why should you carry me under the tree?"

Li’s father hesitated and looked back at his daughter, yelling: “Lan Lan, this is a big life-saving thing”

Li Lanlan’s face under the hijab was whiter.

When a woman is married, no man is carrying it under the tree. It is only a matter of the end of the family. If Li’s father is gone today, she is not a woman under the tree. It is unknown in the eyes of many villagers.

This is a big event that can affect her life.

She was desperate, suddenly heard that Lin Shiheng, who had been quiet all the time, opened his mouth. "Father, anyone can take the child's grandmother to see a doctor, but Lan Lan has only one of you."

Some people who watched the lively village had a good heart. They thought that they would not take people to go to the town to see a doctor. They were not far away. They simply opened their mouths: "Yes, Li Jiazheng is doing a happy event. At this time, it’s not appropriate, just as I am idle, I bring Got it."


The child’s face changed immediately. Others will not help to pay for medical expenses when he brought to see a doctor. He looked at Li’s father persistently and began to play emotional cards: “My grandmother’s illness is unclear, who is going to fight, Li Shushu It is a good person, she believes in Uncle Li, Uncle Li, you can help us, my mother is crying at home."

Li’s father immediately remembered the mother of the child. It was a young widow. What a poor woman, she had no husband to support her mother-in-law, and she had to take a child. It’s definitely helpless to meet the matter.

He no longer hesitated, and hurriedly said to his daughter: "When you go to save people, other things come back."

Then, following the child, she left her daughter's wedding scene.

Li Lanlan was trembling, not knowing if she was angry or sad.

There is only one man in Li’s family. No one is carrying her to the tree. She is the bride who can’t get the blessing. If something happens in the family, the family will be on her head.

Her relatives, so easy, ruined her daughter's life.

Not enough once, come again.

Li Lanlan can hear someone talking outside. It is the familiar voice of Zhou Dazhao. Although it is concealed, the gloating fun is still very obvious.

"What can I do? No one is going back to Li Lanlan. How can she marry someone? If she marries Lin Xiucai, she will not bring disaster to Lin family."

Zhou Dazhao knew that somebody nearby should converge, but she couldn't help but see Lin Shiheng, who was wearing a brighter look today. The anger of her heart could not help but go out.

If it is not Li Lanlan, such a good-looking show is the husband.

But it doesn't matter, Li Lanlan's relatives do so absolutely, which face will not look good, Lin Xiucai at first glance is a good face, maybe not swearing.

Zhou Dazhao wants to be more happy.

In the next second, the happiness on her face froze.

Lin Shiheng, standing at the door of Li’s house, went to Li Lanlan and leaned back to her.

"Come up, I will take you back."

Li Lanlan was in the midst of a spirit and heard this sentence.

She reacted for a second before reacting. I knew that this was my only chance. Li Lanlan couldn’t take care of anything else, biting her lip and groping for the future.

Lin Shiheng stepped out of the door and began to move forward. It was already because of Li’s father’s retreat that the face of the matchmaker was happy, and quickly went to the front to start an active atmosphere.

"Come on, the bride is going out, stepping on the early birth, two steps"

Li Lanlan has not heard what the matchmaker is saying. She is kneeling on Lin Shiheng’s back and feels the muscles that move with him as he moves forward.

She is thinking about it:

He was not as thin as he thought. On the contrary, he was quite strong and did not sway with her.

His voice is also very good, and he is not quite the same as the people in the village, with a gentleman who reads a book.

He seems to be different from what others have said. Although he did not see him, she could feel that he did not look down on her.

Li Lanlan was a little nervous, and she cautiously hugged the future husband with her hands. She was a bit happy and a little nervous. Maybe, her future days were not as bad as I thought before.

With the cheers of the matchmaker's strength, the Lin family's show all the way back to the village entrance tree, and took his little daughter-in-law back home.

In the future, Li Lanlan is the Lin family woman.