MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 131 Ancient Reborn Black Heart (8)

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Mu Qingrong, who was used by everyone to "haven't thought that your character is so bad" is going crazy, but she can't refute a word.

She is now standing in the palace, asserting that the eye is the master of Yuantong, and the eye is the Linjiang King. It is the Empress Dowager and the two princes who are looking at her.

No matter where you look, Mu Qingrong is not qualified to be angry.

Looking at the pale face of the stunning beauty, the Queen Mother and Anqing Emperor magically lost the anger before.

Knowing that this person is a woman with a good looking ugly face, they are very satisfied with Mu Qingrong’s initiative not to enter the palace.

After all, such a woman with poor character is not necessarily doing anything in the palace.

Well, it is also Houfu Qianjin. The Queen Mother is not good because of her bad character and blame. She only sent people out of the palace, and the emperor secretly recorded the name of Mu Qingrong in my heart.

As an emperor, members of the royal family are occasionally given a marriage by him. If one day, if Mu Qingrong is handed out, isn’t it a harm to relatives?

But think carefully, she is such a tooth, it is estimated that even if he forgets the name, he will not give such a woman with a loss of appearance to the royal family.

Mu Qingrong, an outsider who has left the scene, has been meditation in the bottom of his heart. The master of Yuantong has naturally said to the emperor that "you guys are slowly talking, my outsider is retreating first."

The emperor didn't want him to go. He didn't say anything about his brother's eyes. He also wanted to ask why he had a good eye. He got the specific use of the eye. It will not be like this in the future. It is harmless to the body and harmful to the soul. Anyway, etc.

I don't want to worry about my mother, and I don't want to scare my brother. The emperor laughed and took the master of Yuantong to the main hall to talk about Dharma.

Lin Chuan Wang knows the current affairs very well. Although he has been raised with the Queen Mother for a few years, he knows how he can't compare with his own children. Moreover, he is still a big event like Jinghui, so he waits for the emperor and the master of Yuantong to go. He also retired and left.

When she was only the elder of the Queen Mother, she immediately went to her son with a worries, "How come I have such a problem."

Lin Shiheng smiled and comforted her. "Don't say this after the mother, the master is not saying it. Kaihui eyes are related to the Buddha. Maybe the son's life is the golden boy under the Buddha's seat. Because he saw the mother and the man and the good and the blessing, the son was born." In the belly of the mother."

The Queen Mother was opened by her son’s eyebrows. "You, the child, is the Buddha you can tease? Stop your mouth quickly."

"The son can't have a little bit of ridicule, and that's all true."

Lin Shiheng got together before the back and smiled and looked at her. "Looking at the mother, cann’t the child be worthy of being a golden boy?"

When he said this, the Queen Mother looked at it and saw that there were some Buddha images.

Her youngest son has always been a good student, handsome and handsome, white as jade, when his face is smiling, his life can make people's hearts smile. In the past, he always likes to play the little girl, and there is no right thing. Now this pair The smile is pure and good, but it is really like the golden boy under the Buddha seat.

"Don't leave your aunt, later, your child, born in a wealthy family, is disease-free and disaster-free, and meets your brother as good as your brother. If you are good at it, why do you open your eyes?"

"Opening the eye is not a bad thing, and it feels very good. If there is no loyalty in the future, if the mother and the child can use the goggles to see it, it will save a lot of effort."

The Queen Mother, too.

When the Queen was in the Queen's house, the sons of the harem had to fight for the throne. You gave me an abortion today. I will give you a disfigurement tomorrow. The Queen Mother can support me now. She is stable and has a reliable son. .

Even if it was like this, at that time, the things that the palace people were bought and betrayed did not happen. I waited until she became an emperor. When she became a queen, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. I want to hide in the dark to murder myself.

Although it has been relaxed a lot now, since the younger son has these eyes, look at it.

The Queen Mother was successfully brainwashed and called the palace ladies in her palace. They stood in the yard and let the little son see it.

Linjiang Wangzi carefully looked carefully and looked at it again, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

The Queen Mother has been paying attention to her son’s movements. When she saw him frowning, he immediately asked nervously, “How can I have something wrong?”

"After the mother, the people in your house are so ugly."

Lin Shiheng made a comment with a very disgusting attitude.

"There is no **** in my eyes. Is this watching me or watching the sky?"

"This eye is too bright, looking at the infiltration."

"The skin is dark and dark, I am afraid that there is no less sun."

"Oh, this is white, but unfortunately the white is too much, and there is no color at all."

"The mouth is too thin, and it is not good enough to look at it."

"Your mouth is thick, it is too thick."

"The foot is too big."

"The feet are so small, is it not difficult to walk?"

A group of people is just as young, I thought that the Queen Mother would let Linjiang Wang see that they wanted to choose a girl who was brought back to serve. The eyes of the girls who were commented were tearful, shy and grievous and bowed their heads.

When Lin Shiheng walked from the front to the back, none of the ladies had raised their heads.

There are many people waiting for the Queen Mother's Palace. This is a big project, but Lin Shiheng does not feel that he has worked hard. He has not changed a word in his mouth. He will approve it once.

In the end, only five palace people were not attacked by poisonous tongues, but they were taken out and brought to the back.

Lin Shiheng proudly announced that "this is the beauty chosen by the children."

The Queen Mother had long been stunned by the younger son, which was almost a crushing criticism.

She had long known that Shiheng was spoiled. She loved beauty when she was a child. Even if she was out of the palace, she was also a fool of Heaven and the King of Linchuan.

It’s just because the oldest son didn’t dare to stop and study hard when he was in the throne. Even the emperor never relaxed, and the trouble was always bad. The Queen Mother never dared to ask the younger son too. many.

I am too tired to learn.

I don’t want to go forward, not on, it’s all Wang Ye’s progress.

Want to play with a woman

Not allowed to be inaccurate

When the emperor was just ten years old, he was sent to the head of the Queen’s death by the Queen’s death. The emperor’s emperor almost didn’t fall because of the palace lady. Although the Queen Mother quickly smashed the culprit, he took the opportunity to enter the cold palace, but the emperor’s The body is still losing money.

He is so big, there is no letter in the harem, and there is no one in his arms. The Queen Mother is hard to think of because the emperor was badly worn and played bad.

It is her turn to be a younger son. She can condone other things. Only in this case, she lives in the door, just not letting her younger son, like his brother, to be broken early, and even a child is difficult.

Because of the resolute attitude of the Queen Mother, although Linjiang Wang was a mouthful of flowers since childhood, he did not extend his claws to the side of the palace, but it may be because of the fact that he could not eat it. Linjiang Wang always had a high vision.

The Queen Mother always thought that this was nothing, the royal family, the eyes are high and normal.

But until today, she only knows how high her son’s vision is.

Because the Queen Mother is also a Yan control, the palace ladies in her palace are not all beautiful women, and most of them are beautiful and beautiful, Xiaojiabiyu, alone is a beautiful appearance that can make people shine.

It’s a shortcoming in Lin’s mouth, and it’s a shortcoming. It’s not good here, and it’s not good there.

A good and beautiful woman is hard to be said to be an ugly woman.

Let's not mention that people are said to be ugly for no reason. The area of ​​psychological shadow should be large. It is just the current Queen Mother, and her psychological shadow is quite big.

The forefoot master said that the son’s eyes are all about the character of the person. Nowadays, Heng said that she is a ugly girl in the first house. Doesn’t it mean that the first house is not good.

Not so back.

The Queen Mother tightened her body in a moment, and when she was ready to send these palaces away, Lin Shiheng was satisfied with a smile. "Okay, mother, then the children will go out, wait for the children to come back, and then use Huiyan to help you take a good look." ""

Yeah, this is the first time he has seen these palace people, and he hasn’t used it.

The Queen’s breath was relieved, and while the body relaxed slightly, she looked at the back of her little son who was swaying toward the outside of the temple, and then looked at the palace’s people who were very close to the line but were pointed at the nose and ugly. The heart is full of complex emotions.

What is this eye?

Fear is not broken

Lin Shiheng wandered outside for a while, then re-entered the hall.

As before, he walked from the front to the back and pulled out seven palace people.

When I came back, I pulled out two more.

The Queen Mother had been nervously watching it for a long time. When she saw the result, she quickly greeted her.

Lin Shiheng pointed out that the seven palace people "they are barely good-looking."

Also pointed to the last two "singular and ugly."

The Queen’s Eyes glanced at the nine people who were lying on the ground. “The rest is there.”


Lin Shiheng frowned, and his face was disgusted. "How ugly before, how ugly it is now."

"There are five beautiful people who are also ugly, just as ugly as most of the palace people."

The queen is awkward.

How to say it, or ugly.

With so many people in her palace, there is no good character.

Therefore, the Emperor who had just in-depth discussion with Yuantong Master about the origin, development, and maintenance of the eye was called by the Queen Mother.

Master Yuantong was somewhat relaxed when he learned that the Queen Mother was in a hurry.

He couldn’t adapt to Anqing’s life for a moment. It’s like a big **** who was born with an egg instead of a chicken. He giggled at him and read the story of Lin Jiang’s time. It is normal to have a Buddha's edge.

Master Yuantong does not want to know that the five-year-old Linjiang Wang is obedient, and he does not want to know why the Buddha's edge is to be obtained by obedience and obedience.

He even wanted to give up Master's closed mouth and create a closed-eared Zen, so that he could get out of the Anqing Emperor's giggling.

When I arrived at the place, I knew that Lin Shiheng actually only found out seven "good-looking" palace people. The emperor was not in the mood to recite how much his own brother was so sensible. In the original brothers of the wolf ambitions, how pure he was.

Anqing Emperor is very concerned about his own and his family's safety. This is from his success as a winner, and the brothers who have fought for the defeat of the throne have been kicked out of the royal family. They have been imprisoned for a lifetime with civilian status, and they have given their brothers a hard life. You can see it when you get to the third position. He is a rainy emperor.

He immediately made up his own mother, like a little white rabbit, squatting in the grass nest, and was miserable by the great wild wolf.

The emperor's eyes were red.

He was the owner of this world, and even the mother could not protect her, so that she was surrounded by so many wolf ambitions.

He opened his mouth and shouted, "Come and drag it out, give it to you."

"His Majesty."

Master Yuantong knew what he was doing as soon as he saw him. He quickly yelled at the person and read the Buddha.

"Since the Queen Mother of the Queen Mother thought that these palaces were ugly before, is it that the ugliness that Wang Ye said is different from what I understand?"

Can ugly understand differently?

Not all of them should be heard at the first sight, "How is this person so ugly?"

At this moment, the emperor is immersed in the self-blame of "I have not protected my mother." I don't want to do anything else, but Master Yuantong is an expert in this field. Although he can't be regarded as a very good emperor, he is a gentle and good at it. The emperor who accepted the opinions of the people.

So after the request of Master Yuantong, the emperor sent people to find palaces to ensure that Lin Shiheng had never seen him.

In the eyes of him and the Queen Mother and Master Yuantong, the three palace ladies who were found were very good.

If you want to divide it, that’s probably

The beauty of the little beauty is the ultimate beauty.

When he gave Lin Shiheng a look, he gave three grades very smoothly.

Ugly is ugly and okay.

The emperor and the Queen Mother suddenly realized.

It turned out to be an aesthetic issue.

The results of the seven women’s surveys that were evaluated as not bad are also coming out. It is indeed a very good relationship, and almost no one does not say good things.

The two palace ladies who were judged to be ugly, one who had stolen the same house, planted it to another palace girl, and the other party was sent to the 浣衣坊. One was to volunteer to take the medicine when the friend got the cold, but secretly secretly The medicine is exchanged, and the other party is killed.

These are naturally detected in an emergency. In the palace, there are too many ways to ask someone to speak the truth.

After the difficult translation of Lin Shiheng’s words, the situation was almost unreasonable.

The huge ugly character is very poor, and it is very likely that it has done something that is harmful to human life.

Ugly is not bad, ordinary, not up.

The general character is quite good.

It looks very good.

After some thorough translation, the event that the Queen Mother and the emperor worried about the incomparable palace woman finally ended perfectly.

The Queen Mother thought about it. In the future, she would have to give him a look at the little son before giving him a good look at the character.

"What is the appearance of the mother in the eyes of the time?"

Lin Shiheng easily released a rainbow fart without a delay.

"In the eyes of my son, the fairy is a fairy, the skin is fair, the appearance is stunning, the eyes are looking forward to, the smile is fascinating, and even if the child looks at it, it can be a half-sound, but unfortunately, you are like a fairy. Others can't see it, otherwise the woman will definitely treat you as a bodhisattva. You can have one ten thousandth of a day and night."

The Queen Mother was laughed at by him.

Is her character so good?

However, if you think about it, if her character is not good, the emperor will send the Taipa to raise it after he ascended the throne. He has already sent these bad things to the road.

I fell into the mood of "I am so kind, there are no more kind people than me in the world."

"Wang Hao, your sly king is good."

Lin Shiheng still didn't stop at a moment, and opened his mouth. The beginning of the singer said, "Wang Hao is the only woman I have seen in this period of time. It is a woman who can be compared with her mother. Every night, my parents feel that they are staring at the fairy. Sleeping, not only that"

Having said that, the mysterious singer of Linjiang Wang looked around and took a look at the Queen Mother. He used the voice of the Emperor and Yuantong Master to hear the thief and thief. "After the mother, the children also saw Jin Guang around Wang Hao. The last time the court accidentally picked up a little on the body, when he entered the palace, he gave the emperor a shoulder, and Jinguang went to the emperor."

Said, he whispered to the ears of the Queen Mother, but let the Emperor and Yuantong Master listen clearly and said, "When the mother looks, the Emperor is better."

The Queen Mother was shocked and happy, and quickly looked at the older son.

I don't know, I found out that the weak face of the eldest son was indeed a lot lighter, and even his face was ruddy and not as pale as before.

The Queen Mother immediately recruited a doctor, and the result was not called. The emperor’s **** outside the hurriedly called the door outside.

His sharp voice with a happy voice can completely make people in the house hear that "Your Majesty is pregnant and pregnant."



The Queen Mother did not win, and was stunned by this huge surprise for a moment, and he was fainted with "Amitabha, Buddha bless, Buddha bless."

Her son finally has a back

It’s okay even if it’s a princess, it’s good to be born, to be able to live.

Even the emperor who had never been a father for a lifetime had been dizzy.

The royals present at the scene were only awake when Linjiang Wang Lin was constant.

He stood up strong and pointed his way to the relatives.

"After the mother, the emperor, you should thank me, Wang Haocai. If it is not the golden light that Wang Hao gave, the emperor's body will not be so fast."


In the early years of the Queen Mother, he did not believe in Buddhism. Later, the Emperor’s harem had never been seen. This began to burn incense and worship Buddha. After listening to the words of the younger son, he immediately said

"Wang Xi's merits and sorrows will not be forgotten, and the Buddha will be grateful. Master Yuantong, the mourners will build thirty-three temples for the Buddha, to thank the Buddha."

Master Yuantong is in charge of "Amitabha."

Lin Shiheng glanced up and down at the side of Anqing, and surely said, "I am the emperor, I will help you with my goggles. Zhenzhen will definitely give birth to the emperor."


The Queen Mother was even more excited. Although she did not despise the princess, she could be an emperor. Anqing Emperor really needed a son.

Her happy lips can't stop going up. "Today, I would like to thank the masters for their doubts. If it weren't for you, we still don't know that Shiheng has such a powerful eye."

The smile on the face of Yuantong Master has a moment of stiffness.

He never knew that Goggles also had the function of looking at the gender of the child.

Master Yuantong is very helpless.

So he put his hands together and meditation in his heart, closing his mouth and closing his mouth.

Smiling and nodding, "Amitabha."

This palace, he did not want to come in this life.

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