MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 129 Ancient Reborn Black Heart (6)

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That Shantou knew that his role was to seduce Linjiang Wang. He was fully prepared. He never thought that she had not had time to resort to means, and the purpose was so easy to achieve.

Hearing Lin Shiheng’s unrecognizable boastful love, she was happy in her heart, with a shyness on her pretty face, a slight blessing, and a whispered voice saying, “Slaves thank you Wang Ye’s boast.”

Mu Qingrong here is more proud, she knows that Linjiang Wang will like this look.

She is holding her own dignified appearance, smiling and generous. "This girl came to me and waited for a short time. She has always been smart and considerate, and she can be praised by the king. It is also her blessing."

Mu Qingrong’s heart is full of certainty. She knows that Linjiang’s wife, who has always liked it, never refuses to give up. If not, she would not leave her after she became the emperor. By the side.

Today, when Lin Jiang Wang accompanied Wang Hao back to the door, he personally asked Wang Hao’s sister to ask for a beautiful girl’s business. If it was passed out, it was only a romantic affair for Lin Jiangwang. For Wang Qi Mu Qingling, it was equivalent to A slap in the face was fanned to the face.

This incident will be spread throughout the capital under the direction of Mu Qingrong.

As long as she is a normal woman, she will certainly give birth to her husband because of this matter, and with the help of Shantou Boer, she will marry Lin Shiheng in the future, and Wang Hao, who is not liked by Wang, is not a threat at all.

Mu Qingrong was very good at planning, but unfortunately, he did not wait for Lin Jiang’s time to open his mouth. Mu Qingling, who was standing next to him, smiled and said, “This girl’s face is indeed a good look. My sister can cut love, let I brought it back to the palace."

Upon hearing this, Mu Qingrong’s unsmiling smile on his face froze slightly.

what's the situation.

Mu Qingling, who is not ignorant and dumb, can also see that her newlywed husband is a hungry ghost, how can he not be angry, and make such a generous gesture.

Mu Qingrong simply can't wait to bite a silver tooth.

Now Mu Qingling speaks, if she sends it, even if it is this **** to the Linjiang king bed in the future, it is also Mu Qingling's generous and generous, and if she does not send it, Linjiang Wangyi will give it, then it will not become her. Is this unmarried sister giving a woman a bed to her brother-in-law?

Going out, she still has to be famous.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qingling actually had this kind of means. It is really a dog that does not bite.

Mu Qingrong is not light, and he used to enjoy the life of Lin Jiangwang to suppress Mu Qingrong for too long. Even if he is born again in this life, in her eyes, Mu Qingling is only a defeated army.

As long as she cried and cried, Mu Qingling could be defeated.

Mu Qingrong has always thought so.

But now, Wang Ye has not accepted her, Mu Qingling still occupies the position of Wang Hao, even if she has a belly how to let Wang Ye pity his own means, as a big girl, Mu Qingrong can not come out.

She is angry and hateful, but she can look at Lin Shiheng who is unwilling to look forward to her because she has not agreed, or she has forced herself to suppress this grievance, and she is soft and weak. "Since my sister likes it, then This girl is sent to her sister."

After that, Mu Qingrong looked up and looked at Lin Shiheng with a pitiful look. He was born with a shyness.

She has a good appearance, such an action is made, as long as it is a man, it will be a dream, and put her in the heart.

Mu Qingrong was full of confidence, and the result was placed on Lin Shiheng’s face. The scene she saw was almost mad at her.

Dressed in a luxurious and handsome prince, with a smile of appreciation, he looked at the berth without looking at it. A trace of the eye was not rewarded to Mu Qingrong. Naturally, she could not see the shame of her hard work. Gesture.

The look on Mu Qingrong’s face was stagnant again.

She even began to regret the practice of launching Boer. She originally thought of letting Boer leave Linjiang and Mu Qingling, and smeared the reputation of Mu Qingling. It can be seen that Mu Qingling’s reputation is Lossless does not mean that Boer does not say it, but also affects her plans to cultivate her feelings with Linjiang Wang.

I regret it in my heart, but I can’t show it in the face.

It stands to reason that Mu Qingrong has not yet been married. Although Lin Jiangwang is her brother-in-law, it is also a foreign man. Occasionally, no one is talking about gossip, and she will retire soon.

Mu Qingrong does not

In the last life, she also felt that she was a honour and a humiliation. When she first died, she became too embarrassed and nearly pained into the cold palace.

If she said that she had the restraint of all the ladies in this period of time, Mu Qingrong had already put her face and reputation behind her after she had become a favorite again in the last generation.

What is the use of fame, can she enjoy the prosperity of her life?

As long as the right is powerful, even if it is a bad reputation, it is like a lifetime, she can not enter the palace with a too embarrassed identity, but as long as the emperor a sentence, she can change her name to change her name, and easily sit on the favorite position.

Mu Qingrong knows that the emperor's favor is the most important thing. Even if she killed Mu Qingling's two children, she was not firmly protected. Not only that, Lin Shiheng defended her and even committed suicide. Ling this wife.

Even if there were countless palace eunuchs who saw it, the people in the world only knew that Mu Qingling died because of sudden illness. If it wasn’t for her momentary deviation, she would not have a fake pregnancy to get the post. Was rejected by the emperor.

Mu Qingrong did not dare to hate Lin Shiheng who had killed her life. She only hated Mu Qingling. She hated her for stealing her position and snatching her own glory. If it wasn’t for her Mu Qingrong, how could Mu Qingling Become the throne.

Mu Qingling owed her to her life, she must get it back in this life.

at all costs

Mu Qingling did not know how Mu Qingrong was full of brains how to let himself die early to let the position, see the three sisters cheeky and do not take the initiative to ask, she is simply to be laughed.

They have been taught by the beggars since childhood. Even if Mu Qingrong is spoiled, those rules can't be learned. She can't help but know what is called men's and women's defense.

Even if it happens, it doesn’t mean to die. She doesn’t want to be famous. The sisters underneath don’t want it anymore.

Mu Qingling took some anger in his eyes and swept Mu Qingrong. The tone was cold. "I have to go with my prince to ask my mother for peace. I will not be here with my sister."

Mu Qingrong, a little bit, did not adapt to such a tough attitude with her Mu Qingling, she is not afraid Lin Shiheng bored her?

The pretty girl looks like she has been wronged by her sister's tone. A pair of beautiful eyes have emerged from the water. The concise screams that "the sister has not returned to the house for a long time, Qingrong is really missing"

Look, how kind she is, love her sister.

Such a, she must be able to set off Mu Qingling more indifferent.

You know, Lin Shiheng is the most annoying person who is indifferent to pretty women.

Mu Qingrong looked at Lin Shiheng with tears and grievances, and then froze again.

"Slim fiber jade hand, licking my heart, I don't know the hand of the child, it is really like a cloud."

The beautiful, boastful face is blushing, and the eyes of Linjiang Wang are even more inconspicuous.

After Mu Qingrong’s stiffness, he immediately raised his voice and brought a little cry in his tone.

"My sister thought that my sister and her sister missed their family."

Said, she was red-eyed, seemingly inadvertently glanced at Linjiang Wang, looking forward to his pity for his sobbing.

However, Lin Shiheng was still concentrating on Boer, and did not blink to see what she meant.

Obviously, I haven’t seen Wang’s own Wang Hao’s difficulty in Mu Qingrong.

I used to have a thing to look for when Lin Shiheng asked him to help him out. Mu Qingrong almost didn’t have a sigh of relief in the eyes of the blind man. The most annoying thing is that she is not the favorite of her life, but just a girl who has not left the cabinet. Even if you cry like a lifetime, you can’t do it when you ask Lin.

Mu Qingling, who had been suppressed by her in the last life, was not cold, and said, "I know that my sister wants to talk to me, but since the prince is here, my sister has not yet left the cabinet, and she will return to the hospital for the time being. When you have a chance, you and my sister will have a good story."

Who wants to tell you about the old?

Mu Qingrong hated to bite her teeth, but when her grievances turned, the Lin Shiheng, who could be the master of her, was still talking to Bo.

"Are you really a gimmick? So beautiful and clear, even afraid of being a fairy in the sky."

His face is full of sincere admiration "Boer, this king has seen you, I am afraid that no one else will be seen in the eyes."

A gesture of white work, Mu Qingrong was anxious.

She comforted herself, it doesn't matter, it is a good thing for Boer to ask Wang Ye to like it. According to what she taught before, Boer will find every opportunity to praise her three young ladies and let Wang Ye's eyes shift to her.

Comforting himself, Mu Qingrong felt better in his heart.

Here, the heartbeat of the child’s heartbeat was quick and easy, and the smugness of the heart was forcibly smothered, but the corner of the mouth could not help but quietly hooked up. Facing Lin Shiheng’s body, he was ashamed to say “Slaves thank you Wang Ye for praise.”

Did not mention Mu Qingrong for a long time.

Mu Qingrong was in front of a black, almost no fainting.

When Boer felt a cold eye and looked back, he saw Mu Qingrong looking at himself with a sight that seemed to be poisoned.

Her heart was cold, although she was not waiting for a long time around Mu Qingrong, but the three Misses were obviously not a girl, but they were still aware of things that were more urgent than some of my ladies.

Thinking of her own selling contract is still in the hands of Mu Qingrong, she quickly put away the smug look before, and hurriedly added a sentence, "The slave is not as good as the lord said, the light is just like the three girls, just like the fire and the full Starry stars."

Mu Qingrong was satisfied, and he stood upright and smiled on his face.

She is going to say where she is, she is not so good.

Lin Shiheng turned her head and looked at her. His face was disgusted. He turned his head and said to Boer, "Boer is too modest. Compared with you, Musan is a firefly. Your appearance. Character, but also so self-effacing, is really the most outstanding woman I have ever seen."

I thought that I could be held the final result but I was stepped on by Mu Qingrong.

She watched Lin Shiheng look at the past with the appreciation of Boer because of his exaggeration, and Wang Qiu Mu Qingling, like the display, smiled with no care, and found one thing for the first time.

Her enemies are not Mu Qingling, the ignorant Wang Hao.

It is a woman who looks like a beautiful child and is seduce.

Mu Qingrong's hatred value was pulled to Boer for a moment. As for Mu Qingling, she was completely ignored by her.

Because she finally reacted, she did not have to leave her, and could respect the wife in the face of Wang Hao’s face with other women.

In her heart, she regretted that she had pushed Boer over, and when she was in the forest, she saw that she could not see her at all, and it was a mess.

"Boer is also a good person next to her sister. Since my sister is going, the sister will take her back to pack things."

Mu Qingrong also couldn't take care of his own cheeky plan, and hurriedly gave him a look. In Lin Shiheng, he did not expect to leave the gimmick with a raging anger.

"This is gone"

Linjiang Wang was very sorry to look at the back of Boer’s departure, with a regret of the head facing Mu Qingling’s “The king has not yet made a side.”

Mu Qingling’s smile is generous and gentle. “When the next time, Wang Ye met Boer girl, it’s not too late.”

Lin Shiheng was satisfied with the smile. "It’s still a good idea for Wang Hao."

Said, he went to Mu Qingling, grabbed the umbrella in the hands of the umbrella, and personally held an umbrella for her.

While playing, I also looked at the girl with a sigh of disappointment. "Wang Hao, it’s too much to be around you."

It seems that I don't want to say that I am tired of Wang Hao's face. Linjiang Wang hesitated a few times and chose a word that is not so hurtful. "Too much mediocrity."

Mu Qingling nodded and smiled, saying that although the girl was mediocre, she worked hard.

She has given up reminding that this gimmick is Lin Shiheng who just boasted the name of the person who was famous in the water before going out in the morning.

The pretty girl’s face, which was said to be mediocre, was not sad and embarrassed.

No way, if she is said to be in a bad mood, she must be uncomfortable, but in the past few days, all the gimmicks that were seen by the princes have felt a bit of praise. Meet and don't accept the bill."

Used to it.

This girl succumbed to Mu Qingling, and I wondered what day Wang Hao was in a good mood to see if she could ask for a grace and let her go to the age to marry.

The prince is not normal. Instead of trying to climb the dragon and being rich and then being beaten to death, pointing his nose and ugly, it is better to wait for Wang Hao to go out and do the right lady.

When Mu Qingrong went back to the house, he turned around with anger and looked at the berth behind him.

Boer did not dare to resist and immediately squatted.

"How did I tell you how you did it, and when you saw Wang Ye’s eyes, he fell on him. There is still my master in my heart."

Boer’s heart was wronged, and because he had the favor of the prince, he had a little bit of enthusiasm, and he couldn’t help but speak a little harder.

"The girl wants to seduce the prince, and the prince and the prince, the slave has been doing it, I don't know why the girl is doing this."

"Why should I do this?"

Mu Qingrong looked at the man on the ground coldly and reached out and beat her.


The crisp sound began to sound, and Boer’s eyes were red for a moment, squinting and crying.

Above, Mu Qingrong's voice sounded "I am the master, you are a slave, what do I do, where you need to ask."

"You think that you have the lord's favorite, there is a backing. I tell you, can make you such a little girl disappearing silently in this world. Something is if you make me unhappy again, next time it is not such a slap. ”

She is different from Mu Qingrong. When she said this, she was not scared. When she was a spoiled child, she treated the nephews who wanted to compete with themselves and secretly pregnant with the dragon. Her hand was much more than what she said now. It is also possible to add a little girl.

Boer also heard that Mu Qingrong could really do this kind of thing, scared to pale, and then dare not say anything more.

Mu Qingrong was satisfied with her face and was scared. "In the afternoon, Mu Qingling met the big lady. I will ask her to go to the lake to see the flowers. When you follow, the monks will not push me into the water."

Boer was shocked, she was a slave, pushed the master into the water, where is the life of "slaves, slaves"

"rest assured."

Mu Qingrong saw what she was thinking at a glance, and dismissed a smile. "When Wang arrived, you directly said that Mu Qingling pushed it."

"Can a girl be so honorable, if there is a good one"

"Since I said this, I must be sure that I can get the prince to arrive in time, and I will change clothes. If I don't do well in the afternoon, you don't have to go into the palace. I looked at the abandoned yard in the east. Filling the well."

Boer couldn’t think of why a teenage girl could be so hot, she was shivering and shivering, and kneeling on the ground should be "Yes, slaves must do what the girl said."

Everything goes as in the Mu Qingrong plan.

She also has a way to introduce Lin Shiheng, as long as she sends a gimmick to pass the past, saying that Boer and Wang Hao have had a dispute, Lin Shiheng, who is like Boer, will definitely pass.

This is based on Mu Qingrong's understanding of Lin Shiheng.

When he arrived, she saw that she was struggling with the clothes in the water. Even if she didn’t feel anything about her, she would surely save her because of her pity.

Mu Qingrong did not put the eggs in a basket. She was watery. In her life, as a heir, she once accompanied the time-loving Lin Shiheng who had been swimming for countless times. The small lake in the garden couldn’t help her.

If things change, Lin Shiheng can't come over, she swims up.

Everything is planned very well, except for Lin Shiheng who came early.

Mu Qingrong only had time to give Boer a look, and was pushed down.

It is very difficult for a person who can drink water to pretend that it will not be water.

She kept ups and downs in the water, shouting for help, and pretending that when she struggled, her clothes faded.

Everything is perfect.

Until she saw Lin Shiheng flew quickly to the pavilion, "Boer, you are fine, who is this?"

Mu Qingling was still dignified, and cold eyes glanced at Mu Qingrong in the water. "Wang Ye, this is Boer."

Lin Shiheng took Mu Qingrong's familiar three-pointed suspicion and seven-point dislike, and brewed a half-sound, hesitantly said, "This slave has offended Wang Hao."

Boer had no time to think more about why Lin Jiangwang’s attitude became so fast, and he immediately squatted on the ground, and told him to cry with the instructions. “Wang Ye Mingjian’s three girls and Wang Hao are here to enjoy the flowers. I don’t know what to say, Wang Hao’s anger I pushed the three girls to the lake and asked the prince to save the three girls."

She said, Chu Chu pitifully looked up, but on the line of Lin Shiheng disgusted and full of distrust.

"You are a gimmick, looks ugly, and the character must be unbearable. How can the king's Wang Hao push his own hands, even if it is pushed, she won't find a girl?"

"Come on, push out the lying hoe, and hit the forty."

Parker is stupid.

Mu Qingrong, who is still struggling in the lake, is also stupid.

Only Mu Qingling, no accident.

Boer looked at Wang Hao’s cold and faint look, and his heart suddenly rose into a hate.

Why she had to live a hard life under Mu Qingrong's hands, Mu Qingling could enjoy the position of Wang Hao, and Mu Qingrong did not harm the interests.

As she bit her teeth, she screamed and shouted when she was dragged out. "Wang Ye Mingjian, the three girls of Wang Ye are pushed into the water by Wang Hao. When you save the three girls to the shore, she will naturally tell the truth."

"At the time, all the truth is clear, and it is not too late for the prince to dispose of the slaves."

"and many more."

Lin Shiheng waved his hand and let the next person who grabbed Boer loose his hand.

"You are so sure that Mu San’s girl will go ashore and will say that Wang Hao is pushing the water."

Boer nodded again and again, "Slaves are sure"

Mu Qingling in the water bit his teeth and struggled and shouted, "Wang Ye is really my sister pushing me, asking the king to save me and save me."

Lin Shiheng glanced at Mu Qingrong, who had not been able to bring the dog for a long time even after being pushed into the water.

"Since Boer said so much, Musan said so, then don't fight."

The hustle and bustle of Bo, a hi, the water is still pretending to struggle with Mu Qingrong.

She knew that Lin Shiheng had always treated his favorite people in his bones.

Even if he made a big mistake, he would spare no effort to protect each other.

This time, Mu Qingling still lost.

However, the next moment, Lin Shiheng opened the way

"Put this **** directly out and kill it."

"There are Musan girls"

Lin Shiheng thought for a few seconds under the unbelievable sight of Boer, and ordered the road to "take a bamboo pole, don't let her go ashore, let her live up and damage Wang Hao's reputation."

The implication is that killing people is ruined.

Mu Qingling, who stood very calmly drinking tea, took a sip of water.

"Cough, cough, cough"

Even if it is calm, she is not calm now.

Next to Lin Shiheng quickly went to shoot her back, while shooting and urging the next person waiting at the side

"What are you doing, stupid?"

After the end of the people, he used a milder tone to comfort Mu Qingling. "Wang Hao peace of mind, this king will never let you damage the reputation."

Mu Qingrong in the water is almost not cramped.

She watched Lin Shiheng on the shore actually took over the bamboo poles handed down by the next man and stretched over to himself.

In the last life, even if she killed his own child, the man who would still protect her was looking at it with a look of obstruction. The bamboo pole in her hand was going to knock her head.

"Oh, I can hide."

This is dreaming.

Is dreaming?

Mu Qingrong almost surrendered to the shore at the fastest speed after meeting the water.

She is so sloppy.

Finally survived

At this moment, the joy of escaping the birth of the sky filled her whole heart.

She will know

She won't die so easily

God wants her to live a lifetime, just to let her eliminate all regrets.

She gritted her teeth and vowed that she must step on Mu Qingling.

The next moment, the sound of a devil sounded in her ear.

"It's really troublesome."

"Come, come and throw her in the water."


Mu Qingrong’s teeth were really bitten.