MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 126 Ancient Reborn Black Heart (3)

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Mu Qingling was born the next day and became ill. For the judgment of Linjiang Wang Linshi Heng, all the information he heard before marriage and the cave house himself speculated on the night.

She thought that it was very difficult for the prince who had not suffered any grievances, such as Lin Jiangwang, to let him listen to the persuasion. I did not expect that she had just opened her head and the other party listened.

Mu Qingling carefully observed Lin Shiheng's look and saw that he did not seem to be perfunctory, and he was relieved.

A husband who can communicate is better than a husband who can't listen.

"Yes, Wang Hao."

Lin Shiheng suddenly made a sigh of relief in Mu Qingling's mouth, with a slight dissatisfaction in his tone: "Your three sisters, is it too unruly?"

Mu Qingling did not respond for a moment, slightly squinting, "Wang Ye means"

"Wangcai Wang Wang Duo Duan walked on the road, she had to stop the king, said to talk to the king alone, this is where the daughter of a good family can do it, and it is too unruly."

Mu Qingling hesitated to look at the face of the deserted king.

If she remembers correctly, the room is full of candles and nights, and this one can still boast of Mu Qingrong in the face of her new wife.

Even when she was alone in the temple, she could be boasted of courage, not as boring as a woman.

To be honest, in the night of the cave, it is a shame to boast of another woman to his wife. Mu Qingling was so angry that he was her husband, except that he swallowed it as nothing. Occurs, she can't have any other treatment.

At that time, when the heart was cold, I was glad that although the person I liked was Mu Qingrong and could not look at her, but fortunately he was willing to give her a decent face, not to see her face.

Then the question is coming, how long has it been, how suddenly it is so disgusting to Mu Qingrong

Mu Qingling’s heart is full of doubts, but it’s hard to ask, only the eyebrows are slightly eye-catching, and whispered: “The three sisters grew up in the palm of their hands, and they are still young, and the temper is inevitable. Innocent, not deliberately colliding, but also please Wang Hao forgive me."

"She is your sister, also called the king's brother-in-law, and the king naturally wants to see her in the face of Wang Hao."

Lin Shiheng smiled and looked like a very chic look: "Wang Hao and healed the disease well, until you are sick, this king will send you back to visit the mother-in-law."

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Mu Qingling is still weak and can't see the ceremony. He can only face it with a blank face.

Just now, I saw a man wearing a Chinese costume standing up. "The king went away first. Today, he still has a drink, and Wang Hao can have what he wants. This king will bring you back."

Mu Qingling is still sick now, where there is something he wants, just opened his mouth and wants to refuse, and suddenly remembered that he is now his wife.

She was comatose the next day after she married, and now she does not know the attitude of Linjiang Wang to her Wang Hao. Now is the time for the best temptation.

Mu Qingling thought, and hid the words of rejection in the blind, whispered: "If the prince is empty, can I go to Ziyunzhai and buy some fat powder for me?"

"Well, this king will bring you some back."

Lin Shiheng squats on his sleeves. "Your daughter's family is in trouble. The king never used grease."

Mu Qingling smiled and didn't answer. She only watched Lin Shiheng walk out of the house. Before he left, she could hear a sneer from outside.

"You look like a cockroach, but what is the name of the person around Wang Hao?"

Then, her dowry banquet vines were born with a touch of joy, and they shouted back: "When you meet the prince, the slave is called the grape, and it is the second-class gimmick that Wang Hao is waiting for."


Her husband repeated the name and played it again. The smile in the tone was even heavier: "Sure enough, people are as famous as they are, and they are hurting by the water. You go and talk to Wang Hao, let her prepare for you, wait. When Wang Hao returns to the door, he will let you serve the king."

The beautiful face of the grape immediately showed a happy color, facing the handsome face, and facing her laughing Linjiang Wang squatting.

She is the dowry specially chosen by the second lady. Naturally, Mu Qingling is not a heart. With such an opportunity, of course, it must be firmly grasped.

"Yes, the slaves thank you the prince."

"Don't say anything, this king sees a beautiful person like you on this cold ground, my heart hurts, get up quickly, in the future, the king will give you a side name."

The grape was held up by Lin Shiheng personally, and he got the name of the side. The surprise in his eyes was almost overflowing. She was just a girl. Although she followed Mu Qingling, she could still sell the deed in the hands of the second lady. I did not expect this opportunity.

When you are on the side, you can be the master in the future.

The second lady asked her to give Missy a medicine. Missy must live for seven days. When she died, even if she used to be a slave, she couldn’t be right. There is this sideline. Before Wang Hao’s entrance, she also has Grasp the lord who likes her in her own room.

Regenerate the next child

The grape quickly enjoyed the future, and the pair of eyes was excited and delighted. Looking at Lin Shiheng's eyes, he was full of yearning and shame: "Slaves, slaves thanked the prince."

Lin Shiheng looked at her eyes full of tenderness and love, and even the voice softened: "Now thank you, there will be a lot of time in the future."

After he said this, he turned and left the yard. The mood of the back should be very beautiful. The grape stood in his place and his face was full of shyness and excitement.

The milkmaid standing on one side looked at her and hated to almost bite her teeth.

Although it is a hidden rule to be included in the house by the princes, but those who love their daughters, looking for dowry gimmicks will only find those who are pretty and very honest, but they will definitely be firmly in the hands of the mother.

Selling the deeds in hand is how the **** can be favored, and that is what the mother can say and sell.

Although standing in the position of dowry gimmick is cruel, this is the biggest protective barrier to protect the girl.

Their wife worked hard to find four beautiful characters and honesty that they would never take the gimmick, just to prevent these gimmicks from threatening the girl’s status in the palace.

As a result, one day before the marriage, one of the hoes was so "sincident" that he was seriously ill and could not get out of bed. The second lady had a "coincidence" and had a good-looking gimmick at the hand. So he could not refuse to send the **** to the big room. .

Naturally, this girl is the grape.

On the first day of this hoe, the milkmaid saw that it was not an honest one. I originally thought that after the girl stabilized, she would find an excuse to send the person back. As a result, the little hoof, the girl just woke up, she actually seduce. Wang Ye.

She is hate again, and she is worried that the grape will really be a squat in the future and will give her girl a scorpion, and her face will burst into blue.

The face of the milkmaid is so conspicuous that the grape will certainly not be seen, but she does not care about it now. Does the side need to care about a slave?

What's more, she has confirmed that Mu Qingling has lived for seven days. When Mu Qingling is killed, it is like a nurse. They are like how to be sheltered by Wang Hao. It is not like a duckweed. Generally, you are bullying.

There is a sigh of relief in the heart of the grape. There is a kind of master-female who looks at the milky mother and walks straight into the curtain and walks in.

The milkmaid was again in the heart of her little man's ambition, and quickly followed her and walked in.

"Wang Hao has not been passed, what do you want to do?"

The grape is the **** of the second lady who came back from the outside of the house. She did not go through the strict training of the rules. In addition, she found that Mu Qingling lived for seven days, and the heart of her heart was very different.

She smiled on her face and looked at the milkmaid with sarcasm: "Liu Weifang also heard it. Wang Ye said that he would accept me to enter the house. Although my grape is just a hoe, it is also the **** of Wang Hao, accompanied by Wang Hao. Houfu married, not to mention Wang Ye also said that I want to be a side squat, so that the grapes are also the people around Wang Hao, can not always prepare for this."

The milk girl looked at her face with enthusiasm, and wanted to tear her face off directly, and there was a lot of sorrow in her mouth: "Even if Wang Ye said that he would accept you into the house, that is tomorrow. Today, your grape is still the second-class girl around Wang Hao."

"The master did not speak, you just came in like this, there is no rules."

The master is about to die, and what is the use of this rule.

The taunting of the grape face is even heavier. "Liu Wei, the grape is still a gimmick, but Minger is not. I advise you, it is better to talk or be careful. Today you are reprimanding a little girl, waiting for tomorrow. If you talk to me like this, even if I let you go, the prince may not see it."


The milkmaid was in a hurry and was about to return the mouth, but in the curtain, Mu Qingling’s faint voice sounded: “Mother, let the grapes come in.”

Even if she was angry, she could only force this anger down. She looked at the grapes that were more smug after hearing the voice of Mu Qingling. Coldly said: "You come with me."

The grapes smirked and swayed and opened the curtain and walked in.

"Slaves have seen Wang Hao."

When she was kneeling, she was very different from the previous one. She already had some delicate postures of "I am a pet."

Mu Qing Ling's lips are still white, but the look is not as angry as the milk and the milk lady thought, but it seems to be faint as if she had never heard her husband want to be surrounded by her head.

"Grapes, I remember, you have come to me less than ten days."


The grape raised his face and smiled like a flower. "The slave was originally serving the second lady. Before Wang married, he went to Wang Hao to serve."

"You are not growing up beside me. Xu is not sure about my temper."

Mu Qingling did not seem to see her deliberately smiling charming appearance, only whispered and said: "I am most happy when I am in the government, the most unpleasant, is there are people with irregularities around."

"This palace is much bigger than Houfu, and there are more rules to be required. If it is a mess, the whole house is not going to be a mess."

The grape is crisp: "The slave has never read a book, and he does not understand the words of Wang."

"You haven't read a book, but you should also know that if you really do a side squat, it is a royal person, a royal person, how can you sell a deed in the hands of others?"

Mu Qingling reached out and the milkmaid had a tacit understanding and handed a cup of tea.

Her hands are very beautiful, her fingers are long and she is as white as jade. At this moment, the hands are holding the teacup while gently pushing the teacup cover.

"When you really seal the side, I will send people to Houfu, and find the second wife to return your sales contract. At that time, you are a free body."

"It’s just that you are free, but you can only do a side squat. I’m just squatting. I’m in charge of the middle school. I’m telling me that I’m going to be the master in the middle and upper affairs of this house. You know what this means. ”

There is a puzzle in the eyes of the grape, and there is also a high level that Mu Qingling can't understand.

She is a little funny, she has a good temper, and she is looked at by such a gimmick, how can she not be angry.

It’s just that Mu Qingling doesn’t understand very much. She is the Lord and the grapes are slaves. What is it that gives the grapes this kind of confidence that looks down on Mu Qingling?

Even the second lady, dare not show anything on the bright side, she is a little girl, is it too stupid or has a card in her hand?

The grape does have a card, but her card comes from her belief that Mu Qingling will soon die, and she has won the favor of Wang.

So she is not afraid of Mu Qingling, who will be afraid of a person who will die.

"The slaves don't know, please show me."

Mu Qingling coveted and blew the tea in the teacup. "Now the people in the whole house can make me a king, you said, if it is tonight, Wang Haozheng died in a cold and dead hoe, will it? Someone cares"

When the grape body was stiff, it quickly relaxed. "If this girl is loved by the prince, if he asks Wang Hao, Wang Hao does not care."

"A gimmick, and ultimately it is not a side squat, even if I really did a side squat, I am positive, side squatting as a deputy, Wang Hao wants to deal with a small side squat, especially, a side with no family background. ,easy."

"I was married by my Majesty, even if the prince was unhappy because of a dead girl, I couldn’t make it for me. When I was, I was still Wang Hao, but the girl could only take a roll and send the palace. It was buried."

The grape was nervous by Mu Qingling’s words and suddenly looked up at the person leaning on the bed.

I saw Mu Qingling sitting on the bed faint, as if to say something unusual, rather than killing a person.

When she was next to the second lady, she had seen her picture of killing the other side because a gimmick seduce the two masters in the grape's mind.

Mu Qingling is also a member of Houfu. She only waited for a few days around her. Maybe Mu Qingling is not as quiet as the surface.

She is not scaring her, she really wants to start with her

The moment the thought rose, the grapes trembled and the body picked up.

She is not afraid of Mu Qingling's account after the fall, because she firmly believes that the other party can not live at that time, but she is afraid, I am afraid that Mu Qingling really decided to send her on the road because of her disrespectful attitude.

At that time, although Mu Qingling could come down to accompany her soon, but everyone is dead, what is the use?

The grapes were scared and shaken by their own thoughts. The smug face on the face was scattered and instantly cleaned up. They quickly and eagerly said: "The slaves know what is wrong, and the slaves will not dare to go again, and ask Wang Hao to spare the slaves. Also please Wang Hao Kai En"

Although she was in Shantou, it was not as hard as the former woman who was robbed back, but she was very careful not to bleed, so as not to ruin the beautiful face that Wang Ye looked at.

Mu Qingling drank a cup of tea and didn't scream. When the grapes were almost dizzy, they fainted: "Get up."

"You are the dowry around me. I can have a light on my face. I will go to the side yard tonight. I will let you pick it up so that I won't lose my face."

Said, her eyes did not lift, only said: "Mother, prepare the grape girl to participate in the soup, let her make up the body and wait for the prince."


Ginseng soup

The grape nerves suddenly became nervous. Although she stayed in the second lady's yard for a short time, she learned a lot of means.

For example, the second lady will give medicine to the second lord, drink medicine, and the woman will be infertile for a lifetime. Every time she comes to the moon, she will be very painful. She only wants to die. If there is one or two fish in the net Pregnancy, the fetus can not be produced for three months, and it is naturally a second lady's hand.

She was about to yell at the mouth, but Mu Qingling on the bed seemed to have expected it. The voice rushed out to the outside: "The blind man, bring people in."

Datoutouzi immediately pushed open the door and walked in, and blessed the ceremony: "The master."

"Bring the grape girl out, don't let her out of the side court until the king calls it tomorrow."

"Yes." The scorpion should go down and turn to look at the grape with a look of horror. "Girl, please."

"I don't go, what do you want to do, I don't go, Wang Hao slave is wrong, the master"

The grapes were forcibly pulled out by a few hoes. The nurses closed the door and looked back at Mu Qingling. "The girl should have been like this for a long time. If you are in the government, you can do this. Why do you have to go to the ground like the three girls." ”

Mu Qingling waited for someone to leave, and the light look on his face gradually turned into a bitter smile: "Mother and younger brothers are living under the hands of the two mothers, I can only bear it if I have the heart."

The milkmaid nodded distressedly, "That is the soup."

"Go to my private library and pick it up. If you don't drink it, don't force it. Just let her know that I don't want to mess with it."

"You want the old slave to say that the girl is too kind. The grape is not really on the side, even you look down on it. If you really do a side squat in the future, don’t do it right the day, don’t prematurely deal with it. And it will not leave behind."

Mu Qingling smiled and shook his head: "As long as she is well-behaved, I don't want to do anything to her. If this is done, then I will let go, maybe I will not know myself until the end."

The milk girl sighed. "Girls always do this. They don't fight for it. People don't bother it. Although everyone should be tempered by this show, you can give up such a slap in the face, let people bully and don't fight back. Bitter."

"What the milkmaid said is that I will change it."

Mu Qingling only smiled.

Where is she a retreat, but she did not have that suffocation, in the Fuzhong, the two ladies and mothers have a gap, a strong suppression of the big room, she is quiet and quiet as a wood man and there is no other way to go.

And married to the palace, although the prince is still good for her, but she does not want to irritate him so easily, the grape is a gimmick, the temper is not good, the ambition must be more confusing than before, the prince looks like In the future, the woman in the backyard must be indispensable. Like the temper of grapes, the first one to die is her.

As a Wang Hao, even Wang Wei, who has no marital relationship with Wang Ye, must also abide by the duty, keep the palace for him, set the rules, and frame the box, and then press the women in the backyard.

As for not paying back

Mu Qingling looked down at the teacup in his hand, and his eyes were full of bitterness.

Where can I get back?

When she was at home, as a daughter, everything was tied to her father, so when her father died, her originally favored big house prostitute became a sister's foil.

When she arrived at the palace, her arrogance was on her husband Lin Jiang.

If the other party does not give her this confidence, what can she do?

Mu Qingling thought of some self-deprecating thoughts, maybe, as the mother said, until she had suffered a lot in the future, she would have to think about fighting back if she had no confidence.

Anyway, nowadays, the grape is scared, and it must be honest for a while. When the body is raised, the rules of the house will be rectified, and one side will not be able to turn any waves.

Mu Qingling's plan is very good, and I will sleep very well this night.

On the other hand, after she refused to drink the ginseng soup, the hoes did not have her, but she was very obedient to leave with the ginseng soup.

The grapes are not at ease, but they are even more worried.

Maybe she doesn't drink ginseng soup, annoyed Wang Hao, let her die.

She was scared by her own fantasy. She didn't fall asleep at night, staring at her eyes, nervously shrinking under the bed and looking at the door and the window, for fear of suddenly breaking into people to kill herself.

The result did not happen until dawn.

She was replaced with new clothes, beautiful jewelry, and sent to Wang Hao.

Lin Shiheng was visiting his Wang Hao. He really brought the fat powder, and even brought a hairpin, personally for Mu Qingling.

"How, this one that this king picks is good-looking."

Mu Qingling's face turned better, and he smiled softly with a bun. "The choice of Wang Ye is naturally good."

"This king thinks too."

Just saying, the grapes are coming in.

She was scared for a whole night, and at this moment she saw Lin Shiheng as if she had seen a savior, and she slammed into the ground with a bang.

"Wang Ye slave can see you, Wang Ye, slave."

The grape also had to talk carefully about how he was wronged. Lin Shiheng, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, stood up suddenly and stared at her in shock.

"Where is it so ugly, I will rush out."

The grape was stunned: "Wang Ye, the prince of the prince is a grape, and yesterday you said that you want to seal the slaves as a side squat"

"Hey, you are so ugly, you still have a good side to even give this king a shoe."

"Come and throw it out and throw it out"

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