MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 123 Lost the child's research madness (end)

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Wang Xuan did not change his surname. He did not want to change. He did not want to integrate into Lin’s life. He felt that if he changed his surname, he would have been very good to him. He taught him to be a human being, and he told him to stay in the world. The slightest influence is gone.

Fortunately, his parents are very open-minded, listening to Wang Xuan said why he did not want to change his family name, he expressed respect for his choice.

The old lady is very happy. She is the same as Lin Shiheng, but her mother is surnamed Wang. In the old lady's view, the surname Lin is the grandson of her grandmother.

No one in the school has any opinions on Wang Xuan's surname. After all, it is rare to fill in the parents' surnames. They are all teachers. The students who live with Wang Xuan on weekdays will pay attention to them.

For the students of this age, they are suffering from more and more heavy academics and strict teachers and parents.

Wang Xuan’s same table Xiaopeng Dun was very upset recently because he thought that Wang Xuan’s academic performance, which was as poor as himself, actually went up day by day.

Wang Xuan, who was originally sitting in the last row with him, will adjust to each time he adjusts his seat. When he finally gets up, he even sits in the middle of the super throne.

Originally, he was still depressed for a while. On the one hand, there was a feeling of being abandoned. On the one hand, he felt that a good brother became a good student, and his friendship might be broken.

When I found out that Wang Xuan’s attitude was as friendly as before, this awkwardness was left behind.

The only thing that makes Xiaopengdun wary is that with Wang Xuan's performance getting better and better, many people in the class are close to Wang Xuan, which makes him very nervous. Every day after class, he rushes to invite Wang Xuan together. Going to play, I am afraid that Wang Xuan will not play with himself if he has a good relationship with others.

Wang Xuan’s popularity is very strange to himself. After all, in his opinion, he is too stuffy because he was habitually silent when he was a dumb ten years ago. Even if he speaks, he can be brief and short. .

And because he hadn't studied it before, he couldn't keep up with his academic performance. He can only take all the time to learn every day, not only at school, but also at home. When other children finish their homework and go out to play, Wang Xuan still has to bury his head. Learn to make up the foundation that you haven't learned before.

Fortunately, his relatives and aunts are teachers, knowing how to make up the lessons for the students. With her spare effort and the hard work of Wang Xuan, his achievements are only mentioned a little bit.

From the last row, sitting in the middle of the golden position, Wang Xuan spent a few months.

In the past few months, he did not find out how much he changed after he had studied hard.

The skin that had been tanned because of working in the sun, and when I was brought home by my parents, I quietly studied in the house every day and gradually came back.

At the beginning of the week, I was designing clothes. I was very good at dressing. In addition to Wang Xuan just coming back, I went out to buy clothes. After that, my son’s clothes were her spiritual design, and I made it myself.

All the clothes are designed according to the image of Wang Xuan itself. It is comfortable and dazzling to wear on the body. Plus, the father and son go to the barber shop every two weeks, and Wang Xuan’s hairstyle has always been very good. Without the messy hair that had been cut out to save money, wearing a fitted outfit, and whitening the skin, the young facial features that were originally covered by the skin color and the dress gradually appeared.

Lin Shiheng and the beginning of the beginning of the week are all one-of-a-kind. As their children, Wang Xuan naturally can't go anywhere. A pair always has a friendly eye, a tall nose, and a slightly curled mouth when laughing. The person who saw him for the first time was also subconsciously showing a smile.

Whether it is a boy or a girl, it is clean and lovable. Wang Xuan loves to be clean, and human beings are visual animals. Even if they are ugly, they will not be disgusting. If you see a good-looking person, your heart will still be Can't help but appreciate it.

Of course, the students around me are not only looking at each other.

Perhaps for Wang Xuan, he is bored, does not like to talk, usually has no special skills in addition to learning, is an ordinary student who basically has no advantages.

But for those who know him, Wang Xuan is like a little sun. He is always very kind to people. That kind of friendliness is not to say that when he says hello, he smiles, but he is not afraid of helping others.

Don't look at his usual boring head, but if there are students who can't ask questions, even if Wang Xuan is still reading the book in the last second, the next second will put down the books to help answer in detail.

The notes he made will never be hidden and not seen. Some students want to borrow and watch them. As long as they are returned in time, for the top students, this kind of performance is never worse than other students. Students who share notes and solve ideas are simply too rare.

For some students who have poor grades, first of all, Wang Xuan is out of their poor team. Secondly, everyone plays together when playing. Wang Xuan reacts quickly and has good jumping ability. Whoever is with him is basically a team. Winning half, plus he never looked down on poor students, this is very good.

For some female classmates in the class, Wang Xuan is like a prince in a fairy tale book. It may be because he is older. When other male students in the class are still childish, he has learned the gentleman's treatment of every girl.

After all, the boy of this age, most of the girls are teasing.

When a girl was thrown to the ground, her legs fell to the ground, and the posture was too ugly. Because the pain could not stand up for a while, when the male students laughed, only Wang Xuan helped the people and asked for the only one. Female friend Cui He helped her to go to the infirmary to take medicine.

I don’t support myself. Naturally, if he does this, the rumor that he and the girl’s early love will be spread throughout the class the next day.

Cui Wo was a short-haired girl sitting at Wang Xuan’s front desk a few months ago. After a few months, she was still short-haired, still not treating herself as a girl, often accommodating with Wang Xuan’s brother, and giving her the opportunity to give her and Wang Xuan After Xiaopeng’s remedial class, she was very devoid of her brother’s loyalty and abandoned Xiaopangdun to the array of good students.

Wang Xuan is very concerned about contact with girls, so every time the girl needs help in the class, he always plays with Cui Wo.

Cui Hexiao said that he was a mother-in-law and laughed at himself. Every time Baba followed him with a piece of Madonna, Wang Xuan smiled and did not explain.

He is not blindly helping people. He only sees the situation when the girl fell before being laughed at by the people around him but no one is willing to help him.

This age of children is always extreme and can not stand the stimulation, a small stimulation and ridicule, are likely to affect their life's character, just like the previous Wang Xuan.

Because I have experienced such embarrassment and know the pain, I can't help but want to shoot.

He helped him, but it was just a little effort for him, but for the parties, it was to let the other side get rid of the predicament.

It is Cui Wo. Since she discovered that with this kind of help, her popularity in the class has gradually improved, and even faintly became the leader of the girls. After running for the position of the squad leader, she was completely addicted. .

After all, before the parent meeting, her parents are sitting alone in the position, but now it is not the same, her mother last time opened a parent meeting, come back to learn with her.

After saying that the teacher especially praised her squad leader, the parents sitting around all came to ask, "You are Cui Wo mother. My daughter and son told us that your daughter has been many times. People can be good to Barabara."

I got her mother back together and stood up. She went back to her dad and said that her daughter was following her good relationship. She also specially gave Cui Wo a big meal to praise, but this is not how it is from small to large. The girl who the family praised was broken.

She is happy, of course, to share with her best friend, Wang Xuan, who caused her popularity.

"My mom also said that I always mentioned that you said that Wang Xuan is much better. She specially went to say hello to your parents, saying that your mother is very gentle and speaks whisperingly. At first glance, it is especially knowledgeable. She also said that seeing your mother can imagine what you are like."

When I mentioned my mother, Wang Xuan’s pretty face also showed a smile. “My mother is very gentle.”

"I really envy you, my parents can be ferocious. When I was a child, my grades were not good. I was mixed with both of them. The result was that the worse I scored, the worse I gave up. Ah, you can see me now."

Cui He said, grinning, "Forget it, don't mention this, a few days in a game just happened to catch up with our holiday, my parents said to take me to see, do you want to be together?"

Wang Xuan was hesitant. "I should go. I am not sure if my father has time."

"Your father is always very busy, otherwise it is like this. If you don't take you at home, you will go with me. I drive at home and it is convenient."

Cui He said, his eyes were full of enthusiasm. "You don't have a camera. Let's take a photo together, it's fun."

It is a pity that her wish has not been realized. The a-game is too hot, and she has sold out without buying a ticket.

During the holidays, most of the students still have to watch the live broadcast on the TV.

For this event, the country has prepared for a long time. For the country with a history of humiliation, this is a great opportunity to show the new countries that are no longer as weak as before.

They have been fully prepared for a long time, just in order not to let the other countries see jokes, but also to re-measure what kind of country China is.

There are many white-skinned foreigners in the capital. Wang Xuan has never seen foreigners in reality. It is inevitable that some people are curious. The family went to the park together. The country flourished, and Lin Shiheng also took time off to accompany his family to watch.

They sprayed an Italian who asked for directions in the park. Wang Xuan did not understand Italian, but Lin Shiheng understood that after answering the other party's questions, he found the same way and simply invited the young man who looked very cheerful to visit.

This is a very short but very pleasant journey. The young man is only twenty years old. He talked very well on the way. Lin Shiheng listened, and then he did not bother to broadcast to his wife and children who did not understand Italian.

"I have only heard of China before. I remembered that it was a foolish, backward, once war-torn country. But when I arrived, I found out that the news was too unreal. The people of China seemed to have passed. Very good, the streets are very clean, the people here are very friendly, although I can't understand what I said, but I will work hard to solve the problem, just like you, they are very friendly people."

Lin Shiheng smiled and said, "Hua Guo really had a dark history, but we are trying to change."

"No, no, this is not an attempt. It has changed. When I came out in the morning, I saw two people who had a conflict and started to fight under the streetlight. At that time, there were very few people on the street. I used to pull the rack and it was not a few minutes. The Chinese police arrived, and this kind of prompt police, even our country can't do it."

He first praised the Chinese nation and coughed it. He whispered and asked Lin Shiheng, "Lin, I saw in the news that your country has a system that can cover the whole country and can quickly master criminals and national genes. This is real or fake"

"Don't misunderstand, I am not talking about doubts. I am just too curious. This is simply black technology. You know, some people in our country have been discussing this matter. Some people say that it is impossible to study the technology of China." I am not saying that you are demeaning to your country. I personally have a very good impression of China. Please be sure to believe me."

"Of course, of course, I know."

Lin Shiheng nodded under the nervous sight of the other side and smiled "is true."

"In fact, the speed of the police you mentioned earlier is also because the police have learned through this system that there is a conflict."


Even if I have long guessed, the young Italian guy couldn’t help but exclaimed, "With this system, how much crime rate you have to reduce."

His expression is very exaggerated and shocked. It is full of surprise and envy. It is this expression that makes Wang Xuan, who is following his parents, memorable.

The Italian, who was a few years older than him, didn't know that the system he praised was developed by his father who was standing beside them, but he was still proud.

This is my father.

He saved a lot of people.

He made China a envy of many people.

While full of yearning for and admiration for his father, his heart is proud of the country.

I am a Chinese.

This is my country.

The country where I live with my parents.

Wang Xuan has always liked to paint. He likes to paint all kinds of scenes and affairs he has seen. Before that, he always wanted to be an art student and later opened his own gallery.

But now, feeling the pride of the country and the father, he suddenly had new ideas in his heart.

I want to build together with my father and return the Chinese nation.

He wants to stand on the same line as his father, like a father, so he can use his own strength to contribute to the country.

Even if he is not interested in scientific research, he can start from other aspects.

The a event held in China was a perfect ending.

When the announcement ends and people from various countries return to their own countries, reports on China are basically appearing in different countries at the same time.

Basically, it is said that Huaguo is different from the Chinese people who are impressed.

Even in terms of security, their own country is not as good as China.

In the point of spraying their own country, the firepower of foreigners has always been strong, and the newspaper with the highest sales volume interviewed some natives who went to China.

In my own country, it’s dark at night, I’m absolutely afraid to go out alone, because you don’t know if you’re going to pick up a gunman from a remote corner, in case you’re facing a The humanity guy can't even ask for mercy, and he will finish playing directly after a shot.

At this point, I am very envious of China, not only because they limit guns, but also because they have a national genetic system. In China, as long as you are in danger on the street, even if it is late, the police will be in ten minutes. Within this rush to control the situation, at this point, our country really needs to learn from China.

I stayed in China for ten days. It made me feel safe. Yes, it’s safe. Our country has developed very well, but it’s too violent. Although it’s already trying to suppress it, it’s always a cure. We can also have the national genetic system of China, and I think the situation will be better.

It’s great, it’s totally different from my imagination. I know, before I got on the plane, my wife was still worried about me. If I couldn’t stand it, I would come back early, but when I went to China, I found out that I played. Very happy, the prices are very low, basically things are selling very cheap, and the tourist attractions everywhere are also very fun, but unfortunately because of a game, there are too many people to go, it is inevitable to squeeze a little, but it does not matter, I have After discussing with the family and going to China for a thorough tour, I have to say that the national genetic system is really enviable. Does our country really not come to the next set?

Basically all the interviews mentioned the national genetic system, which made people who originally held the idea that "China is still the country, what national genetic system is deceptive" gradually began to close their eyes. After thorough research, we joined the application and our country also has its own national genetic system team.

In the eyes of many people who have not been attracted by the national genetic system, the sleeping lion of China seems to be opening its eyes.

Indeed, as they suspected, in the next few years, the country that was quietly engaged in its own technology, like the opening of the country, began to launch a variety of new things.

They no longer only import things from other countries, but increase the export of their own countries. With the rise of the Chinese economy, talents from various industries have also appeared in various parts of the country.

The country has an economy, and the control over the quality of goods is more stringent. When it comes to cracking down on quality goods, Huaguo is becoming more famous in terms of product quality.

In the past, many foreigners believed that China was a pirate country, and there were no pirated copies of original or even earned. For various industries, it was always rare to create their own new products, and more of them were original. Countless piracy follows.

Over time, the original creators can't make money, and they can't get praise. They are either disheartened and no longer original, or they are immersed in piracy. There are fewer and fewer Chinese people who insist on originality in the market.

Only after the state exerted its strength and completely cracked down on this phenomenon, the pirates went to jail, the originals had no competitors, and they could rely on their own strength to make money. Those industries that once thought they would not be original would appear one after another. Original work.

Everything can only be described as a hundred flowers.

When the country has developed to a certain level, without the urging of the state, the market will let the Chinese people begin to look higher.

Because China attaches importance to the development of science and technology, more and more technology products appear in the eyes of everyone.

Among them, when headed by the Sunshine Group.

Sunshine Group is a big company, but the reason why almost half of Chinese people remember it is not because of how big and how rich it is, but because it always insists on improving the happiness of those who use their own products.

They issued a lot of products, although the price is a bit expensive, but in terms of safety and quality, it is definitely worth the money.

At the beginning, Sunshine Group did not set up branches overseas. The products produced by the company will not be exported. It is still good after the foreigners living in China have bought them. They brought back to their country, Amway, and Amway’s people gave Amway. Others, so come back and forth, many countries began to comment on the Sunshine Group official website, hoping to sell in their own country, or else, looking for purchasing trouble, but also worried about buying fakes.

There are too many people praying, and the Sunshine Group has established branches in other countries as they wish.

Only the latest products will be sold preferentially in China. Most of them will wait until half a year or a year later, and the domestic buying frenzy will drop slightly before they will start selling abroad.

No way, to grasp the quality, but also to supply so many customers, of course, we must first give priority to ourselves.

I have to say that on a website in the UK, one of the most frequently asked questions about why you want to go to China to settle down is to buy the latest products from Sunshine Group.

Even according to the survey, every time the Sunshine Group said that new products are about to be released, the number of British people who travel to China will be doubled than usual. This is only their own data, not counting other countries. It can be seen how much influence the Sunshine Group has.

Among the many people who are longing for Sunshine Group, the Smiths are the loyal customers of Sunshine Group. Every time Sunshine Group has new products, even if the price is high, the purchase will make this price more expensive. Will not buy it without hesitation.

As it turns out, their decision-making is really correct. The Sunshine Group has made their lives full of security and small happiness, and even the feelings between family members have become more beautiful.

This year, the Smiths made a solemn decision.

They are planning to take advantage of the holidays, and the whole family will go to Huaguo. When the Sunshine Group’s press conference on new products ends, they will buy new products instead of waiting for the first half of the year.

For the first time, this decision was not opposed by other family members as in the previous decisions. Mr. Smith and his wife and only daughters happily embarked on a journey.

Because they only speak one or two Chinese languages, they decided to hire a part-time translator.

The family can be regarded as a middle-class family, or else there will be no money to buy so many Sunshine Group products, carefully selected, and finally selected a very good travel agency.

What makes them happy is that the travel agency buys one get one free and arranges two guides directly for them. Of course, the customer service has made it clear that the tour guide who sent it is just coming to the travel agency and needs to follow the seniors to learn, so many aspects may not be bought. The guides are well aware, and if they mind, they can arrange for a guided tour.

Mrs. Smith thinks that this is nothing. The two tour guides are better than a tour guide, as long as there is no problem with language communication.

So, their family happily arrived in China by plane, and the 18-year-old daughter remained excited all the way.

The airport pick-up was very smooth. The two tour guides who bought it, the one who sent it is also very easy to see. The one who bought it is a Chinese woman who looks like a 30-year-old. When she comes up, she is very active. Mrs. Smith was carrying luggage, and another young guide who seemed to be in her twenties seemed less clever. When the group went out to be blown by the wind, they even muttered something in the Chinese language.

The Smiths didn't understand Chinese, but they could clearly see that some of the older guides severely reprimanded her and apologized for her.

After the young tour guide was unwilling to apologize, they only knew that she was complaining about the wind and the need to pick them up.

Mrs. Smith was a little unhappy. She said straightforwardly, "If the lady still wants to follow us, I hope she won’t open it again on the next trip."

"Okay, of course no problem, I am sorry, I will be optimistic about her."

Introducing his own surname Li, Li Yi’s tour guide repeatedly apologized, and they looked embarrassed to look at it, and another young guide named Zou Le also closed his mouth under reprimand, so the next The journey will be smooth.

After learning that the Smiths came to buy the products of the Sunshine Group, Li Guide was not used to the beginning of the product.

They released the protective bag installed on the car this time. It is not a traditional accident to find a safety bag to protect the passengers sitting in the car from flying out. Instead, in the moment of a car accident, the protective bag is detected. When it comes to danger, it pops up automatically, from a small compressed sac to a huge bubble-like thing, and the whole person is wrapped in it.

The outside is convex, painted with fire, and there is enough oxygen in the inside to ensure that even if the car explodes, or if it rolls over from the sky, the shockproofness can ensure the safety of the passengers.

Each protective bag is positioned. Every protective bag sold out will be entered into the system. If a protective bag and passengers roll into the water in the event of a car accident, as long as the police find the license plate number or the owner information, dial the sun. The group's official safety phone can get the positioning of this protective bag to quickly salvage passengers before the oxygen is exhausted.

Mr. Smith was shocked. "We did not release information on new products when we inquired before. If we are positioning and contacting the police, we can buy them and we can't use them in our own country."

"It doesn't matter, this product is a safety product. It will be handed over to each country in advance. When you go to buy, the staff will ask for your ID or visa. If you show it and sell it to you, then these products are in Your country is available."

Lee’s patient explanation was over, and he smiled. “You’ve just arrived, just two o'clock in the afternoon, Sunshine Group is going to open a new product launch conference. I heard that the chairman has to come in person.”

The Smiths were really happy, but then they lost again. "We can't get in this situation. We still can't watch TV."

"So I said that your time is just right."

Li guided a light cough. "Our boss has a relationship with a news agency. This time, at the press conference, he is qualified to bring people to the market, but this price."

The price is of course very expensive, but the Smiths are loyal fans of the Sunshine Group. After hesitating a few times, they decided to buy it.

When they sent them to the hotel to put down their luggage, Li’s guide frowned and looked at Zou Le, who had been shutting up behind him. “What do you think of today? You have been complained about how to do it. Our travel agency has a good reputation now. If you have a pot of broken soup, you don’t want to take this month’s salary."

Zou Le’s face was red, but he did not dare to refute.

After graduating, she hit the wall and let her know that she was not the arrogant woman of the day. The previous work, because she was not able to get along with her colleagues, Zou Le could not find a suitable job, the most important. Yes, she is not a graduate. When someone listens to her work for three years after graduation, it will not and will not want to recruit her. The family is very dissatisfied with her never going to work, and she is forced to plug her into this travel agency. Forcing her to do the work she once most despised.

But she has no choice but to obey.

When she was at school, she chose the fact that she was cheating on her own money. Afterwards, her father hurriedly transferred her to the capital, transferred to the middle school entrance examination, and suffered such a big psychological blow. Zou Le naturally took a test.

After that, the family spent money to let her go to an ordinary high school. Zou Le began to want to study hard, **** before shame, but the price of Beijing is too high, and the students here are also richer than her.

If she used to be a phoenix in the chicken nest in that small city, then after she arrived in Beijing, she became the chicken in the phoenix nest after entering the high school where she spent money.

The classmates around them have famous brand-name clothes and even new products. Only she has nothing. Because she used to swindle money, her father was also ridiculed in the unit. He resigned in anger and has been At home, when I didn't find a job, my mother had to go to work and do housework. She was more and more dissatisfied with her father. The family was always full of quarrels, and she still had her daughter.

Zou Le did not dare to ask for money from the family. He could only pay attention to his skills. He would pay attention to the son of a big money, pretend to be friends with him, and ask for money from him.

It’s just that this is not like Wang Xuan’s original deception. It’s not cheap to spend money. Zou Le can’t help but seduce. It’s the first time. After the first time, I won’t be able to stop the car. .

She started to pay rich boyfriends, and if they didn't play with them, they might not stop.

Zou Le did not dare to tell her parents that she was pregnant. She had to use the child in her stomach to ask the current boyfriend for a sum of money to sneak into the small clinic to do it. The result was so clever that there was a hometown next to the small clinic.

As a result, Zou Le passed away from home and sneaked abortion.

She has no more thoughts to learn.

After that, I barely got a third-rate university, and I barely graduated. After work, I was overwhelmed by the pressure of life. The family could not give support, and my father still asked for money from her.

It is obvious that there are parents at home, but they live like an orphan.

Zou Le is behind the Smith family and has no interest in any press conference. She doesn't like to watch this kind of news, because it will only make her swear and unwilling, rather than seeing how these people sell one by one. What she can't afford, it's better to think about what flavors of instant noodles are eaten at night.

She was hanging her head and suddenly heard a voice.

"Now, I have invited the chairman of the Sunshine Group and Mr. Wang Xuan to speak."

Immediately around the applause, Zou Le suddenly trembled, looked up and looked at the stage, and saw a familiar and strange face on the stage.

He was slender and smiling, standing up, wearing a woolen sweater and a black windbreaker on the outside. It looked refined and gentle, and the original black and thin face grew flesh and whitened. The five senses are still the same, but they are a little more open than when they were young.

Is it Wang Xuan?

Is that really Wang Xuan?

Zou Le was not sure, but the above people quickly spoke. "Everyone knows that the Sunshine Group's first product is a sound aid that helps people who can't speak, and it is the Sunshine Group that is the first to receive public. The reason for trust, in this respect, I want to thank my father, because in fact, I have not been able to speak for a while, he took me to treat, and prepared for both hands, there is a sounder. I imagined that after I was healed by treatment, he gave me this idea as my 16th birthday gift. After that, with the support of my parents, I had my own team and waited until the university to formally make it. The sounder that was conceived long ago officially established the Sunshine Group."

"About the protective capsule, it is also derived from"

What he was talking about behind, Zou Le couldn’t hear anything, she could only watch the look above the face and feel confident, as if the man who would shine would stand on the stage.

That is Wang Xuan.

Like her Xu Xuan.

The feelings in her heart are mixed together, I don’t know if I regret it, or I hate it.

Zou Le has a voice at the bottom of his heart to say hello, maybe Wang Xuan still likes her.

She kept hesitating until the end of the conference. A short-haired woman stepped forward and took the microphone from Wang Xuan's hand and looked at him.

Obviously, there is no talk, but there is a very good understanding. Zou Le also saw that on the ring finger of the two, wearing the same ring.

That favorite, it was still ruined by her own hands.

Until the release of the people all left, Wang Xuan did not look at this side.

Even if he sees it, he will not have any mood fluctuations.

After all, he is happy now.

Lin Shiheng died at the age of eighty, and his wife was half a year behind.

After his death, his contributions to the country were released. The old scientist deserves respect from the whole country, just like his son.

叮 The mission is completed, please choose 1, vacation, 2, continue the mission.

Continue the mission.

Lin Shiheng opened his eyes, and there was a woman in front of him. He was cutting his hand with a dagger and his face was determined to be determined.

"Just use my meat to give my sister a prescription, I am willing."

He is quickly accepting memories, seeing this, and quickly picking up one sentence.

"Don't be"

The woman’s face just showed a happy color, and she turned around and looked at Lin Shiheng’s “sister husband”.

But seeing the people in front of me

"Don't cut your hands, cut more thighs."

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