MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 110 Food (7)

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The children were shocked.

They stared at Lin Shiheng, who was opposite, and looked at the sight for a moment to make him think that he had done something unforgivable.

However, he is not guilty, and his conscience is not painful.

Instead, I took a picture of Lin Yu’s head holding the cake and didn’t know what to eat. Gentle reminder “Xiao Yu, eat it, my brother is watching here.”

Lin Yuqi nodded, sniffing the sweet smell coming from, no longer looking at the children in front, couldn't wait to bow his head and pick up a small piece of cream and put it in his mouth.

The mellow and delicious taste of the cream conquered Lin Yu in an instant.

She carefully tasted the delicious taste of the mouth, and with a few eagerly cut a small piece of cake at the bottom into the mouth.


Unconsciously making an exclamation, Lin Yu’s original sparkling eyes are brighter.

The softness of the cake and the small blueberries hidden inside are mixed together, sour and sweet, and with a delicate delicateness. After she chews a few times, she learns to mix the cream to eat together. The sweet and fragrant scent is more fragrant.

Lin Yu has never eaten such a delicious thing since he was born. After eating the sweetness, he will not lift his head. The flat cheeks on both sides are filled with food in his mouth and become bulging. It looks like a fat baby fat, even if the clothes on her body are dirty, it is very cute.

The opposite group of children will not appreciate how lovely their peers are, and their sights are all attracted to the cake.

If you don't taste it before, but just smell it, don't eat it, don't eat it, and drool at most.

After tasting what kind of delicious food is, they are full of remorse and so on.

Similar to

If I don't bully Lin Yu, I can eat such a delicious cake.

I knew that I wouldn’t bully people, and I’m so hungry.

I regret it, I regret it.

Waiting for such emotions.

Looking at Lin Yu's big lingering, watching her eating the head did not lift, smelling the sweet scent in the air, even if she was hungry and screaming, no child proposed to leave.

Although it is said that the eyes are not clear, even if you can't eat them, you can smell them.

So, there was such a strange scene in the alley.

A thin little girl ate the cake without lifting her head. Standing next to a young, well-dressed brunette, standing opposite a few children, her eyes staring at the little girl and eating the cake.

Lin Yu is still young, even if this cake makes her have a lot of appetite, when half eaten, the stomach is still round and swollen, can not eat.

"Don't you eat?"

Lin Shiheng took out a wet tissue and gently helped her wipe off the cream and cake foam on her lips.

Lin Yuqi raised his head and let his brother wipe his face, but his heart was awkward.

My brother gave her such a delicious cake, but she couldn't finish it.

Will my brother be angry?

She carefully looked at the black pupil with Lin Shiheng, and saw that his face was only gentle and relieved. The whisper "I am full."

I am full

She is full

She is eating such a delicious cake.

The eyes of several children who were still looking at the eyes immediately gave a strong hope, and all of them turned their eyes to Lin Shiheng’s face standing beside Lin Yu.

She is full, will the rest of the cake be given to them?

However, to their disappointment, Lin Shiheng slowly put the cake back into the packaging and touched his sister's head.

"Since we are full, let's go."

Lin Yu was dragged by his brother and walked outside, and went to the alley. The child who was headed suddenly called "Lin Yu, would you not play with us in the future?"

Lin Yu stepped forward, and some looked at them with a look at them. Lin Shiheng took his sister's hand and said, "Let's go."


The voice of his brother gave Lin Yu courage. She focused on her head and turned her head again. She stopped looking at the friends behind her who were bullying her for the stars.

Even if she has been hungry in the future, even if no one is playing with her, she does not want to be blindfolded again, and is deliberately pushed and pushed by all friends, and she does not want to listen to them and call her Lin is redundant.

I have been out of this alley, looking at the front is the direction of going home, Lin Yu licked his lips, carefully clenched Lin Shiheng's hand.

"Brother, are we going home?"

Lin’s constant temperature sounds "Yes, I will take you back."

Lin Yu’s clear eyes flashed, hesitated for a long time, and he whispered with a few fears of rejection. “Can you not go back?”

"Do not worry." The young black-haired man touched her little head. "I came back to my mother this time and told your mother to transfer your account to my name."

Lin Yu was young, but he also understood the meaning of Lin Shiheng. He was surprised to look up, and his eyes looked brighter.

"Really, brother, are you going to take me away?"

Lin Shi warm smiled and laughed, "Xiao Yu wants to go with his brother."

"miss you"

When Lin Yu’s voice did not fall, he first felt the whimper in the scorpion. It is reasonable to say that she is only seven years old. It should be like the children just now. It’s fun to play every day. From the beginning of the note, Lin Yu wants to get rid of this home. Get rid of this mom.

Even if it is not going to school, hungry is also good, although the mother will not beat her and will not marry her, but the sight of her will always be cold.

Lin Yu woke up from the nightmare many times, all the mothers lost her, not lost, but killed and lost.

For the seven-year-old Lin Yu, these nightmares are beyond her tolerance, hungry, and looked down. The family is not even willing to talk to her. She doesn’t know what she’s doing wrong before she is treated like this by her mother. But she really doesn't want to stay any longer.

The girl’s thin voice was crying. She carefully took the hand of the eldest brother and cried out, “Brother, take me away, I don’t want to be here anymore.”


Lin Shiheng took the hand of his sister and squatted down, staring at her.

"My brother is coming back to take you away, Xiaoyu, you listen to me, my brother will talk to my mother, you will stand by and watch, don't talk, you know?"

Lin Yu nodded with tears. "I know."

The Wang family is more rich in this street. After all, the Wang family is doing business in the treatment of nutrient solution. As long as the mental riots do not calm down, the treatment of nutrient solution will have a market every day.

The same process as the previous Levi's father factory that Lin Shiheng went to, but the size of the Wang family is smaller, but it is enough to make them earn a lot.

Recently, Wang Renyi, the owner of the Wang family, was full of irritability. He also inherited the inheritance of his father's family. After taking over several investment failures, he no longer dared to move his home industry. He followed the previous process and went on.

Because of the previous failures, Wang Renyi also noticed that he did not have the ability to invest at all. He originally thought that he would continue to do the nutrient solution factory that he would take over from his father’s hands. Anyway, if there is a market, he will never lose money. With the previous foundation, it is enough for him to live a happy life.

The result is in this stall, the official actually came out with the treatment of nutrient solution of potato burdock flavor.

If it is light, it will definitely be fine. After all, although the food is delicious, it can not affect the convenient and fast nutrient solution market. If you encounter mental riots outside, you should not carry a dish with you.

It wouldn't matter if the official treatment liquid is out of the way, but the official will announce how to make it. Their small factory can make money as long as they follow the production.

The problem is that this therapeutic nutrient solution was donated by the 311 group. Not only is it donated, but he also applied for a patent. That is to say, the official process will not be announced first, even if they have developed the production method themselves. The output is profitable, according to the law of the Blue Star, at least 20 years in prison.

Wang Renyi is only 50 years old this year. Although he is not as good as the richest man, he is a small and valuable person. How can he take the risk?

Then the problem came, since the emergence of the therapeutic nutrient solution of the potato burdock taste, but all the blue star people who have tasted have chosen to buy this, the former Kung Pao chicken and fish-flavored pork are thus abandoned.

For the official, as long as they can suppress the mental riots, they lose some stocks, not to mention the new nutrient solution.

For Wang Renyi, a manufacturer that has been behind the official buttocks, it can be a disaster.

No, it is not a disaster of extinction. The factory can't go on. He still has deposits, land, and houses. As long as An An is divided into businesses, he can still go on.

Wang Renyi is not willing.

On the Blue Star, is there a business that is easier to profit than treating nutrient solutions?

Anyway, they are all broken into mud and water. Anyway, the taste is just as difficult to drink. Even if you add anything to it, it is not a problem to suppress the mental riot.

It doesn't matter if the water is added too much. It doesn't matter if you accidentally misplace the material. Even if it is a deadly spotted beast, no one will find it.

I have to say that in this really good and beautiful society, it is simply too easy for people like Wang Renyi who have no moral bottom line to get more benefits.


Now his profitable path has broken.

You can earn a lot of coins in the future without any processing.

If you turn to another business that is easy to find problems, the ghost knows that he will be jailed or will go bankrupt.

Obviously, the benefits of cooking are even greater. The **** 311 group actually agreed to the official production of nutrient solution, which seems to be specifically made to confront him.

Wang Renyi gritted his teeth, but he couldn't help but could only try to contact the 311 Group with his scalp.

In addition to the official nutrient solution on the market, Dusit Group and another established company have also produced potato burdock nutrient solution. Although these two companies have always been the leaders in the industry, it is normal to be able to take the agency right. Wang Renyi Still can't help but feel a red eye.

Official purchase orders, such as the Duss Group, can directly make a profit.

If he can get the agency, mass production, the value can at least double.

It’s just that he thinks good, but how can he get the agency right?

He didn't even know how the two companies were connected to 311.

Wang Renyi was able to spend a lot of money and a department manager of the Du Group to get on the line, hoping that he could reveal a little about the potato burdock agent. As a result, he ate a meal and spent money. Closer than anyone else, it is not as foolish as Wang Renyi envisioned.

He was so angry that he didn't sleep well at night. Today he is planning to go out and continue to work harder. He will hear someone knocking at the door.

"Master, when the young master returned, he also took Miss Lin Yu and said that he wanted to see you."

Yes, he asked the domestic helper to call his master and call Mrs. Lin.

It is said that in the ancient earth culture, the name of the master and the wife represents the supremacy of the family. Since Wang Renyi knew it, he always asked the family to shout.

Hearing that the oil bottle came back, Wang Renyi’s face, which was already in the house, was even more ugly. He didn’t swear at the outside and said, “When you come back, how come he says he wants to see me, I will let him See you."

The outside helper did not say anything.

Wang Renyi was still angry, and now the family is looking to lose the business of treating nutrient solution. Lin Shiheng, who was driven out of the house, even dared to come back.

They are all eighteen years old, still thinking about asking him to support him?

It’s not his son. He can be tolerant of this kid’s stay at home for so long.

Directly ignoring the fact that the legacy of the Lin family's biological father was swallowed by himself, Wang Renyi was very confident.

He patted his belly and thought that he was going to buy the 311 group's food results today but was told that it was sold out, and that he was embarrassed and unscrupulous.

He can't sell so many nutrients, but 311 is bought but not sold.

This world is really unfair

Wang Renyi in the house was swearing at the unfairness of the world. Lin Shiheng from the outside hall took his sister's hand and saw the physical mother.

She seems to be only in her early thirties. She looks very beautiful. She wears luxurious clothes. When she looks at a pair of her own children, her eyes are full of cold and disgusting.


Lin Shiheng called her and looked as if she was in her memory. "I have something to see my father."

"He is busy."

Lin mother sat in the position and didn't want to look at a pair of children underneath. "Hang Heng, you know, mother is not easy. After your father dies, the family can't go on. The days after marrying your father are better. But you are not his own, and now you are 18 years old. If you have nothing to do, don't come back."

"I know."

The young black-haired youth standing under the eyes flashed a trace of loss, but still played the spirit. "I came back to tell my father, I have a way in school, I can make big money, I hope my father can give some principal."

For his words, Lin Mu did not believe a word.

An 18-year-old student, can have any way, and the principal, it seems that it can't go outside, and it comes back to fool them to give money.

She feels like this to her son. She has no feelings. After all, she married a dead husband who is longing for the life of high-level spiritual people. I thought I could give birth to a son of high-level mentality. I didn’t expect it to be a spirit. Force waste.

It’s just like this, it’s not a big deal, but she has worked hard for so many years, but she found her pregnancy only after her husband’s death.

Originally thought that this time will not give birth to a waste, this was born, and the result is the same result. If she was beautiful and would be a person, she was already driven out on the day when Lin Yu was born.

Lin Mu is no longer expecting the mother of a high-ranking spiritual person, but just keeping the current wealthy wife's position, it is natural that there is no good feeling for a pair of children who will make their husbands unhappy.

"Don't talk nonsense, the family has raised you so much, it's very worthy of you, you can't give you any more money."

I thought about the appointment in the afternoon to go to a wife's home to admire the 311 group food that she couldn't easily grab. Lin Mu was too lazy to spend a lot of time with her sons and daughters.

As soon as I got up, I heard the young man at the bottom pleading, "Mother, you believe me. It is really a good way. If you make money from here, your father will be happy."

She believes it is strange.

Lin mother waved his hand. "Go, go quickly, don't let your father see it."

Lin Shiheng seems to be untrustworthy, and cautiously asks, "That mother, I am now an adult, can you let Xiaoyu go under my account?"

Lin mother, I haven’t thought about whether or not to agree, but I’m listening to the youth underneath. It seems to be very urgent. “If you don’t want to, can you give me some money?”

It was not for Lin Yu, but for money.

Lin Mu quite has such a high sense of feeling, thinking of her husband's dislike of the children have never changed, she opened the chip, find out the system of moving accounts, choose to confirm after facial recognition.

"You are too big, then I will hand you the sister, and you will raise her later, don't come back."

Lin Shiheng received the prompt tone, opened the chip, clicked on the confirmation, and looked at the above shows that within 30 days, there will be a transfer to the minor account department to confirm whether the new guardian has the ability to support the minor. The sadness on the face fades a little. .

"Yes, mother."

He took Lin Yu’s hand and turned around without leaving his heart. “Let’s go, Xiao brother, my brother will take you home.”

Lin Yu never thought that it was so easy to leave this home. She was so excited that she couldn’t say a word, for fear that it was a sweet dream, and she would wake up when she spoke.

I waited until my brother stepped out and stood outside, and Lin Yu reacted.

This is real

She can really live with her brother.


Lin Yu’s eyes sparkled and looked at his brother, and his heart filled with joy.

Lin Shiheng bowed her head and smiled at her "Xiao Yuzhen, we have to wait here."

"Good" Lin Yu crisply promised, and his eyes are full of envy.

They didn't wait long, and Wang Renyi, who received a call from the manager of the Du's Group, rushed out. Before he got on the bus, Lin Shiheng called out.


Wang Renyi stepped forward and turned around to see Lin Shiheng, his face immediately revealed disgust.

The young black-haired youth, as if they didn’t see it, said, “I’m at the school, I met the heirs of the Du’s group, and helped you to build a bottle of potato burdock to treat the nutrient solution.”

Wang Renyi was a glimpse first, then another joy.

"Hourly, what you said is true"

Lin Shiheng smiled "Of course it is true."

"But I just told my mother that she was refused by a bite. I called him and refused the door."

Looking at the unbelievable Wang Renyi, he smiled slightly and smiled. "Okay, since you don't need it, we will go first, father, goodbye."

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