MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 107 Food (4)

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Potato burdock's official new potato burdock treatment nutrient solution tastes very good.

The news spread all over the blue star.

Although some Blue Star people firmly believe that "this must be the official release of the fake news, Laozi new people will not believe in experts", but there are still some blue star people who have maintained trust in the official chose to go to the supermarket to buy.

Because everywhere is rumored that "the taste is very good, really do not lie," everyone can not wait for the mental riots to buy nutrient solution, they are directly taken out to open a bottle of careful drink.

Unexpectedly good.

If they had three expectations for this potato burdock treatment nutrient solution, then after a bite, the three points broke out directly to a thousand points.

There are still nutrient solutions in the world that are not difficult to drink.


A group of blue star people standing at the door and carefully trying to drink quickly drank a whole bottle of nutrient solution in their hands, and then entered the self-service supermarket with a ecstasy look, frantically putting the potato burdock into their basket.

Originally still hesitant to try not to try, squatting on the side to see other people drinking the nutrient solution, the Blue Star people have been smashed by this scene.

If this is a person, it can be said that it is difficult to drink crazy.

Every blue star who drinks potato burdock nutrient solution

The blue star who did not drink took the nutrient solution in his hand and hesitated.

Is it really good to drink?

Otherwise, just try it.

Some people took a small sip carefully.

Then, take another sip, take another sip, and take a sip. After drinking, pour the bottle and chew it and eat it.

More and more people choose to take a bite to try, and as expected, every Blue Star who drank this nutrient solution began the process of crazy purchase.

Fortunately, when the nutrient solution was issued, the experts who tasted the taste expected this kind of crazy purchase, so it took a week to stock up.

Buy you casually buy

Can buy our stocks as light, you lose

After one day, the inventory was in a hurry.


In the end, in order to prevent some mental rioters from buying, they had to issue an announcement and start limited sales.

Because the effect of this potato burdock nutrient solution is really good, not only tastes great, but even the treatment of mental riots is very powerful, the spirit of the previous Gongbao chicken and fish-flavored pork can be solved, now change Into the potato burdock, even need only one bottle.

And so far, they have contacted the military's high-spirited soldiers to experiment, no matter how high-order violent mental power, all need only one bottle.

This is amazing.

After realizing that the inventory was in a hurry, the official worked overtime to make up the nutrient solution to make up the position, while hanging out because the mental riot was only needed for a bottle to appease, so began to purchase a limited amount of potato burdock nutrient solution, according to the highest mental riot frequency, one Blue Star people are only allowed to buy ten bottles of potato burdock for nutrient solution within one month.

Xizi people who are holding money to buy an addicted blue star are not compliant.

what does it mean

In the past, the nutrient solution of fish-flavored pork and Kung Pao chicken was not sold at the bottom line. How to make a good drink for the nutrient solution?



However, the protest is ineffective. After all, for the official, the nutrient solution is only used to suppress mental riots, not to satisfy the appetite.

It’s also a way to buy a blue star who hasn’t bought potato sirloin before, for everyone.

Therefore, regardless of how the Blue Star people protested, the official still put on a "do not listen to listen, Wang Ba Nian Jing" attitude.

But also for this group of blue new people who want to drink nutrient solution, some blue star people who did not trust the "potato burdock super good" are also dubious purchase attempts.

In a very warmly furnished small courtyard, a girl in a plaid skirt is sipping songs to water her flowers. This is the souvenir that her pursuer brought back from another planet. The flowers can be clothed. Full of the yard.

She has seen the photos, and the scene is really beautiful.

I am thinking that the girl who is full of flowers in the yard suddenly hears someone outside calling out "Hey, soft."

Softly raised his head and smiled at the neighbor who was pushing the door and walked in. "Hello, Jess."

"Soft, I remember you haven't bought potato calves yet?"

"Isn't the new treatment of nutrient solution from potato burdock? I don't have it. I don't want to try the official to break through the line."

Said softly, his face showed a disgusting look, apparently not very trusting the official.

Jess’s handsome face showed a joy to say, “That’s great.”

Just finished, seeing the soft face revealing doubts, he quickly coughed a "cough, I mean, you are wise, if the official words can be trusted, I have already taken off."

"It's like this, soft, the official has a purchase restriction, I have a relative like this one, or else, I will give you five hundred stars, you can help me to order ten bottles of potato sir."

"five hundred"

Gently and glanced at the neighbor, "Jess, do you know that the price of nutrient solution is only ten stars?"

"Even if it is ten bottles, it only costs one hundred stars."

"I know I know, this is not for compensation. No, isn't this your errands?"

Jess smiled and his face was pure and innocent. "Come on, soft. You were not still complaining to me last month that you have no money to buy a small skirt. With this money, you can buy at least two small skirts. I want to. I am here to find you."

"Only order the potato burdock official website to place an order, the Qantas program will automatically help you package, can be delivered in less than ten minutes."

Looking softly at the neighbors who smiled at me, the eyes were full of suspiciousness.

They grew up together, from small to large, he likes to lie, how could it be so kind.


She promised to open the chip to treat the nutrient solution official website, and ordered ten bottles of potato calves.

Eight minutes later, the Qantas car arrived at the door of her house.

"Miss soft, your therapeutic nutrient solution."

"Okay thank you."

Soft and fast walk to the door to sign, eyes looking at the car, and sure enough, looking into the inside, inside is the treatment of nutrient solution of potato burdock flavor.

She took the nutrient solution into the yard, and Jess was waiting nervously. She saw her coming and swallowed. "Thank you for your softness. I will transfer it to you now."

"Do not."

Softly refused him. "You tell me first, what is the taste of this potato burdock nutrient solution, good to drink, if it is good, I will leave it myself."

"Not good to drink"

Jess quickly and madly shook his head, "I don't want to drink at all."


When I heard this sentence softly, I sipped it without hesitation when I opened the bottle.

"Well, it’s a wonderful taste."

She was satisfied with the aftertaste, rubbed her lips, put down the empty bottle, and stared at Jess's heartache and unbelievable sight.

"Jess, you liar, I like to lie to me since I was a child. I will believe you if you believe."

"Well, let's go, I have to wait for Mom and Dad to come back and tell them the news."

Jess’s eyes were full of helplessness and helplessness after a huge blow. After the reaction, he pityly followed the softness and begged “soft, we grew up together, I know that you are the best, You will sell me a bottle, I beg you, I really want to feel the perfect taste again."

"Go away, I won't give you, you are always lying to me."

"I really won't lie to you again this time, so, did you last time say that you want to go to the altar to play? My brother gave me two tickets, I will take you there, ok, this ticket is very in great demand."

"Well, okay, but I only give you a bottle. Also, you have to give me the ticket first. I want to make sure this is true."

"Well, wait for me, I will get it right away."

The young guy nodded excitedly and quickly turned home to get the ticket. Although he had intended to sell one to fill his own small treasury, but he thought that the unforgettable taste of a drink, he could not care so much.

Such a dialogue takes place everywhere in the entire Blue Star.

As if overnight, the superb taste of the potato burdock is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Those who did not trust the official Blue Star, and because of this restriction order, were curious to buy a nutrient solution that was wanted to try to be officially limited.

And the effect is good, look at the three people in the 311 dormitory ringing a non-stop account to enter the news can be seen.

"Ah, ah, it’s only three days, we have already earned so much money."

Du Mowen looked at his own balance and only thought that the whole person was floating. Compared with his peers, he was already very rich. The money that had been accumulated in the current account can only be counted. It’s a slap in the face.

Even Levi, who has always been the most stable, is hard to look at the chip in a daze. "I thought it was a bottle of nutrient solution that only gave us a little star currency. I didn't expect it to be so much."

Lin Shiheng was sitting at the window and opened the house buying system to see the house. Hearing this sentence, he said, "Although the main star population is only 10 billion, don't forget that there are still many branches of the planet. Those who do not live in the main star can also We, the Blue Stars, add up to a total of 100 billion people."


Du Mowen also said with a dreamlike voice, "especially the official did not have a limit purchase at first, I was in the supermarket, watching them buy nutrient solution, but it was a shelf to buy."

"Ah, although the money is definitely not as much as my family, but now it’s only two days. If we have a little more time, we will make money later than at home."

Lin Shiheng laughed and interrupted his enjoyment. "Don't forget, this is only our first step. Compared with the plans in the future, the money can only be regarded as a little bit."


Du Mowen clap his hands, "Our journey is in the sea of ​​stars, now it is only one"

"Come on, come according to the plan. I have already prepared for being envied."

When most of the Blue Stars were fascinated by the new potato burdock, the Blue Stars suddenly noticed a new announcement on the official website.

Potato burdock donor live broadcast this point

Blue star

They didn't go in, but they quit, checked the official website, and confirmed that this is the official official before returning.


Is the official treatment of nutrient solution not managed jointly by the federal and military departments?

When will the official advertise?

A group of people hesitated, and finally chose to go in.

In any case, the four words of potato burdock are enough to attract attention.

A little bit in, the first thing to greet the Blue Star is a white smoke, just like boiling a pot of hot water, floating under the lens.

Oh, this smoke is pretty good.

Some curious people report live or something

Sorry, the broadcaster has not opened the barrage authorization.

Thinking about where this came from, the camera slowly moved to the left, and finally, aimed at a pot that was bubbling.

Then, it was a clear and a little gentle voice that sounded "open olfactory authority outside the camera."

For a moment, all the blue stars in the live broadcast room smelled the familiar and strange fragrance.

Potato burdock

Do not

Compared to the potato burdock nutrient solution they used to drink, it seems to be even more fragrant and more attractive.

Just in the mouth of the blue star who tasted the sweetness, the mouth was not consciously secreted. When the original casual attitude was taken seriously, the lens was raised and the contents in the pot were aligned.

The blue star people who are watching the live broadcast are magnified, and the throat unconsciously gives a burst of exclamation.

In the lens, a pot of potato sirloin is rolling with the heat, a spoon is inserted into the pot, a spoon of golden yellow soup is smashed, and a bowl of white things is poured over the side. on.

The original jade white granules were poured down by the broth and stained with the golden color, but it was not strange. Instead, there was a strange sense of harmony. When the thick juice was poured, the spoon returned to the pot. Then, it was two. With a long stick, it is easy to pick up a small and lovely yellow ball.

The ball was pinched, and the broth that was contaminated on the body twitched and rolled with the action, slowly and full of lure. The blue star who watched the live broadcast thought that this cute little ball would also be placed. When the bowl is placed in the bowl, the two sticks are held firmly, and they are raised, raised, and raised.

Their eyes were involuntarily followed up, and even breathing could not help but slow down.

Where is it going to be sent?

Such a little cute, no matter where it is, can

The slender fingers that were exposed in the lens manipulated two sticks, sandwiched the small potatoes, and sent them directly into a youthful mouth.


Du Mo Wenmei chewed and felt the sweetness, no need to play, the eyes showed happiness and satisfaction.

"another one."

After eating fast, he was like a bird waiting for the bird's mother to feed in the nest, and he still asked for it.

Lin Shiheng picked up a piece of beef and threw it into his mouth.


Du Mowen chewed happily and, while eating, extended his right thumb and made a gesture of praise from the ancient earth.

“Ancient earth food, it tastes great”

After that, he wouldn’t pick up the spoon with his chopsticks. With one person, he killed a whole pot of potato sirloin and a bowl of rice.

The blue star who watched the live broadcast could only watch the guy eat, but he could only smell the familiar fragrance, and he was desperately swallowing.

Du Mowen did not raise his head. When he finished eating, he held his stomach and satisfied himself in the chair and took a nap.

After the fight, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. He looked up and looked around. "Hey, no one asked me to ask if we can sell it or not."

"I don't know if there is something wrong with it."

Levi, who was responsible for the long-awaited shooting, did not get the live broadcast. He checked and found that there was no problem with the device. "Maybe there are too few people."

"Would you like to broadcast again next time, I am going to starve."


Lin Shiheng responded with a sound, and another pot came out. Inside, the bright red and the tender yellow were intertwined. Just stir it with a spoon, and there was a faint but reassuring fragrance.

"Just done, tomato and egg soup, first drink a warm stomach."

Levi couldn't wait to take a sip, feeling that the extremely delicious soup went down the intestines into the stomach, as if the whole body had warmed down.

The first time I was born from birth to now, it was an explosive impact on taste.

His young face could not help but reveal the expression of enjoyment.

"How do I feel that this is more delicious than potato sir? It is very comfortable after drinking."

"Is it? I will try it too."

Du Mowen, who was lazy in the air, came to the spirit at once. One jumped to Levi and took out his small bowl of small spoons, carefully picking up a red tomato.

After the high temperature, its skin has completely faded, leaving only the red inside, plus a hint of shine, it looks quite crystal clear, and now is lying quietly in the spoon, waiting to be enjoyed.

Du Mowen couldn't wait to put the whole spoon into the mouth. The tender tomatoes were smooth and smooth, and they were more comfortable than potatoes and burdocks.

He was almost reluctant to chew, and he felt it for a few seconds before he slowly and fully enjoyed the taste of the mouth that had never been eaten before.

"It's so delicious, why don't you want to buy something so delicious?"

I am being shackled and can't wait to get into the screen and yell "I want to buy and buy," but because the audience is not authorized to send a message.
