MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 104 Food (1)

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Memory reception is very smooth and complicated.

The original age is just eighteen years old. It is the age of adulthood, but his life can be called ups and downs.

This is also different from the place where Lin Shiheng has been to. The technology is more high-end. The world travels used to travel only around the world, but here you can travel between the planet and the planet.

It is also the interstellar world.

The original owner is the Blue Star. Accurately speaking, once it was the Earth, Blue Star used to be the name of the Earth. Originally, the technology was developed step by step. As a result, a foreign prince who has a lot of technology than the Earth has encountered a black hole in the universe. Dropped to the earth.

After he was rescued by the Earth, he had a good impression of the earth's small broken ball that seemed to be behind him. Because he was in a high position and was very favored on his planet, the alien prince decided very easily. Take out some of the technology of your own planet and help the planet join the Star Alliance.

Since then, the Earth has ceased to be a small ball that has not been recognized by the Star Alliance, but has become a member of the Star Alliance as a weak planet.

After all, for all kinds of interstellar balls, the earth is just a small broken ball. All of their technology sources are all supported by alien princes. Some of their own scientific and technical personnel still can’t keep up with tens of thousands of light years. The progress, so after the Earth joined the Star Alliance, did not think about showing themselves in the interstellar, carrying the technology given by the alien prince back to his own territory began to concentrate on research.

Although they are also a planet, but in the eyes of the stars of the Star Alliance at that time, it is like a modern caveman who looks at the wilderness of the wilderness, except for the alien prince who has been loved by the cavemen and has a good impression on them. People on the planet are not interested in "communicating with cavemen in ancient times."

One to two, the Earth does not take the initiative to appear in the Star Alliance, concentrate on researching technology in its own small ball, and no one in the Star Alliance wants to go to Earth. Gradually, people in the Star Alliance will forget that there is such a small break. ball.

It is also a blessing in disguise, not only the people of the Star Alliance have forgotten the Earth, but even the Star Trek has forgotten the Earth.

A thousand years ago, a team of powerful armed forces and full of killing interstellar pirates appeared in the interstellar space. They did not have the same stars in the Star Alliance as "we all play and we are peaceful." In the same way, from the beginning, there is no cover for the desire to unify the stars.

Star Trek appears too fast. When you reach a planet, you will not hesitate to destroy the whole planet. There is no such thing as a colony in the universe. Anyway, there are so many planets in the universe. The only technology that can compete with pirates is the planet in the Star Alliance. As long as they are eliminated, the remaining backward planets are not hand-to-hand.

The major planets have always been in power, never crossing the border and not interfering with other planets. Now there is a star pirate suddenly, and they can only panic.

The battle lasted for three hundred years. In the battle, the pirates of the universe spared the opportunity to launch the black bullets.

The black bullet is composed of matter that floats out of the black hole of the universe, and its lethality is enormous. This launch has almost destroyed all nearby civilizations.

Almost all the high-end civilizations were destroyed, leaving only the fragmented planet and the aborigines to survive. The planet was lucky and unlucky. Fortunately, because it was too backward and not directly destroyed by pirates, it was unfortunate that they could hardly keep up with them. When the pace of other planets decided to take the spacecraft to the Star Alliance to register for the upgrade, the black bullets exploded.

The earth that didn’t know anything from beginning to end was also affected. Only the spaceship that was eager to rush to the Star Alliance was safe because of the coordinates.

Because of the black bullets, the earth collapsed, the seawater flowed back, the whole scene of the last day, the spacecraft returned urgently, participated in the rescue, and finally learned from the Star Alliance personnel who escaped, knowing that the pirates would not let them know this kind of interstellar The planet of the Alliance.

When the earth people couldn’t take care of the ruined homeland, they were forced to pick up their weapons and start fighting Star Trek.

Yes, the earth is a small broken ball, but in the past three hundred years, it has never slackened.

Fortunately, not only the interstellar alliance, but also the interstellar pirates, plus some other planetary civilizations that escaped, gave their weapons and technology to the only planet that can be played. This fight has also been played for two hundred years.

When it hit two hundred years, the earth that was once destroyed by black bullets is no longer suitable for human survival. Human beings can only find another place to live.

After looking for ten years, they found a planet with the same environment as the earth, and there was no wisdom creature on it. The earth people began to move for five years.

In the 700th year of the emergence of Star Trek, the Earth who has grown into a "big ball" annihilated the last interstellar pirate and announced that the Star Alliance was established again.

At the beginning, the small and broken ball became the big brother, and the surrounding civilization of the planet was only able to recuperate because of the heavy losses in the first battle.

Only the black bullets have affected the major planets. The farthest Earth has not been affected much, and the alien blood vessels have been greatly affected.

Only these effects were revealed five hundred years later.

Because of the crisis in the first battle, a group of dead people, in order not to die to the extinction of the planet, the Earth people can give birth to children, they are not only their own birth, but also with the aliens, although the Earth’s armed forces were The most powerful, and awakened a group of mental soldiers in the battle, but have to admit that their physical fitness is still weaker than the aliens.

The mixed-breed baby born in intermarriage with the aliens has made up for this very well, so gradually, more and more mixed-blood babies, fewer and fewer purebred earth people, wait until a thousand years later, purebred Earth people can be said to be rare.

Originally strong in body and spirit, it should be a good thing for these mixed-blooded babies. It can be almost five hundred years. When the blood of the earth is mixed, the blood of all the mixed blood of the Blue Star gradually broke out.

The specific symptoms are severe headache, heart tingling, and irritability. I can't control my mental strength and emotions. It sounds like a big aunt of a purebred earth woman, but it is ten thousand times more terrible than a big aunt.

When a mentally strong Blue Star can't control his own mental power, it will ruin the surrounding objects, but the surrounding people will be seriously injured or killed. After they are awake, even if this is not their original intention, they will be sent. Court.

Before the control of this method has been found, the entire blue star is in fear, and no one can dare to go out. After all, no one can guarantee that they will not go out of the blue star who is out of control.

Experts have used up all the methods, and they have no way to find out what to do. Even when all the Blue Stars are desperate, research has finally made progress.

That is eating

When the Blue Star was still a human being, the coordinates of the alien prince landing were Earth China. In that ancient era, the Chinese country successfully took the position of the big brother of the earth with the technology given by the alien prince. After the outbreak of the Star Wars, most of the lives that survived were the blood of the Chinese nation.

Coupled with all kinds of intermarriage for so many years, almost every blue star has a Chinese gene.

According to the broken historical records, the Chinese people like food very much. Even if they were fighting at the beginning, the soldiers were exhausted. As long as they had a meal, they could immediately fight in spirit.

Is this the power of food?

Because of the many years of war, the original people of the earth visited the combat power, the Chinese civilization was lost, and after so many years, the original Earth had no way to stay with the most powerful military soldiers. In other words, the Chinese civilization was not circulated. Come down.

Not only did it not pass down, but I can't find it anymore.

But this is the big thing of the whole blue star.

In the end, through the incomplete historical materials, coupled with countless experiments, the experts finally made a legendary Chinese cuisine.

Fish-flavored pork

This thing, the blue star, is not available, but it does not prevent the experts from purchasing the "fish" of similar appearance from other planets through historical photos.

The fragrant words are said to be a kind of spice on the earth. The most complete information is the rhinoceros horn spice. The rhinoceros has no photos, but by description, the blue star expert has tried very hard to find an animal with a big horn. .

Although it is 50 meters long, it took the military to win the "Rhinoceros", but it was good to take the corner back.

It’s just unfortunate that because in this species, only the partner you want will leave the other’s horn, this “rhinoceros” may have misunderstood something. After falling from the corner, it’s a mentally motivated follower of the military. Finally, the military had to lose a fighter to the "rhino" to safely transport the corner back to the main city of Blue Star.

The meat is the most recorded in the historical materials, and the only one that has not been lost, but the ancestors began to drink nutrient solution seven hundred years ago, and the experts also did not know what meat to use for the fish-flavored pork, and finally used it. The giant squid, it should grow like an animal called the pig on earth.

The photos of the pigs are not preserved, and the experts can only compare them according to a person named Earth.

Big ears, round belly, and this nose, although the "Pig Eight Rings" do not have as many thorns as the giant spurs, it seems that there is no huge spurs so large, but it should be similar.

The silk would let the experts breathe a sigh of relief and find the silk for the clothes to put in, perfect.

The first dish of the Blue Star recorded "Fish-fried pork" appeared in front of the Blue Star.

When a soldier in the military department was in a mental riot, he tasted it and his mental strength quickly subsided.

At that moment, the entire Blue Star was cheering for it.

Although the palliative is not a cure, it is finally a cure.

Experts worked overtime to start the research and put the first batch of fish-flavored meat-flavored nutrient solution into the market.

Sure enough.

It is still easy to use the "food gene" left by the ancestors.

It’s just that over time, everyone still found something wrong.

A bottle of therapeutic nutrient solution can only treat low-level mental strength. The higher the level, the more you should drink more. The mental energy riots of others are like a bottle. High-level mental riots are to hold a box to drink. .

Often after drinking, I will spit.

This is very embarrassing.

The experts are another study of overtime work.

Finally, they found a more embarrassing fact.

The fish-flavored pork they made seems to be hard to drink.

Of course, it’s hard to drink this thing. Everyone knows it on the first day, but only then thought it was normal. After all, the main effect is to cure the disease.

At that time, there were people who spit out why the ancestors had to eat three such things a day. Is it that the taste is different from them?

In the high-level mentality, people began to appear "a bottle is not enough, a box to make up" "speaking while drinking" "not as good as feeling nutritious violent pains compared to drinking nutrient solution" and so on, they finally found out.

It seems that there is a problem with the taste of the ancestors, and it is not good for them to do it themselves.

This can be difficult.

At that time, there were wars everywhere, and there was a nutrient solution. This is a good thing to drink a bottle of the top of the day. Who cares about cooking, plus everyone is patronizing the war, and retaining civilization is only worthy of all kinds of weapons and technology, who Will keep the recipes.

It’s been a long time since then, when the ancestors who knew the correct way to eat the earth’s food were dead, they couldn’t die anymore. A group of experts who grew up with nutrient solution could only start to study with head baldness.

At the end of the day, they struggled to find a kung pao chicken that was a little better than fish-flavored pork.

It is only possible that "chicken" uses the reason of growing in volcanic animals. In the memory of the original master, the taste of "Kung Pao Chicken" is similar to eating a piece of coal.

The spiritual Blue Stars began a painful "food career", and only the "spiritual" blue-stars and the rare earth-goers.

The body that Lin Shiheng is using now is a purebred earth person.

Don't think that the number is scarce, you will be treated very well, because Blue Star has always been the survival of the fittest, and those who are uncomfortable are starving and no one is in charge.

Today, Bluestar is divided into two camps, one federal and one military.

Not against each other, but with each other.

After all, two hundred years ago, Blue Star had a royal family, but the members of the royal family were not very good. They were all in the interstellar era, and they still wanted to follow the legendary period of the feudal period of the earth.

What power is supreme, and the power to kill and kill is given to the royal family. No matter how powerful you are, how long it will protect the royal family, you will be born, and you will die if you die.

Let’s not say that civilians are willing or not, it’s the first to oppose the military federations that sit on the high ground.

They do not care about the dangers of life and fight to kill the Blue Star is not to kill people if they want to kill.

When the royal family only wanted to learn other planets, the royal family was the highest-ranking one, but if the royal family wanted to do what they wanted, then they would play a fart.

When the royal family stepped down, the remaining ministers were divided into two sides, while the federal side of the military.

One handles the foreign affairs, one handles the internal affairs, and works according to the Blue Star Law. At least on the surface, no one wants to do anything.

Although the old orphans of the earth have not been taken care of, they will be sent to the orphanage and nursing home system, but the young adults who have no serious illness and disability in adulthood will not receive any help from the federal government even if they starve to death.

According to the Blue Star law, after 18 years of age, parents have no obligation to raise their children.

Of course, it is said that not many parents will really have nothing to do with children from one to eighteen years old.

Nowadays, the average life expectancy of the Blue Star is two hundred years old. Although the federal government still adopts the old "18 years old is adult" calculation method, it can be seen by many parents that it is still a child at the age of eighteen.

Especially when you are 18 years old, you still need to go to school. Before you graduate, parents don't mind creating a normal learning environment for their children.

The original master is unlucky, his mother is a scum woman. At first, his mother saw that he was a purebred earth, but he still had a high level of spiritual strength. Two purebred earth people quickly chose to marry.

As a result, he just left the school and had not waited until he went to the military to make a great effort. He was mentally violent. At that time, he did not have a therapeutic nutrient solution. Because he was a high-ranking person, no one would dare to approach, and finally did not hurt nearby. Kindergarten children, he chose to blew himself.

After the original protagonist blew himself up, the original mother was very simply showing what the original owner called a face change.

Although she was somewhat indifferent to the original owner because the original master did not inherit the strong spirit of the father, but in the face of the husband's face to the child, there is still a bit of maternal love, waiting for the news of the death of her husband, this did not inherit the powerful spirit. The child of force has no value in her eyes.

She does not want this child, but the situation is that her husband grew up in an orphanage, no relatives, she is the only guardian of this child, according to Blue Star law, if she abandons him or because of her reasons let the child meet She will be sentenced to danger.

Therefore, although she is reluctant, she will raise the original owner.

Although this raises a lot of cold violence, let him eat the cheapest nutrient solution, wear clothes that are not fit, and live in boarding school from elementary school until it is big.

She remarried quickly, with the children in her stomach, yes, it was the child who died.

The man who was married this time did not have the high-level mental strength of her former husband, but was a big money with almost no mental strength.

At that time, the original mother could have knocked out the child in her stomach, but she still had a thought in her heart.

In case this child inherits the high-level mental strength of the dead husband?

We must know that although there is no war now, all aspects are very peaceful, but high-level mental strength represents the birth of a superior, and the entry into the Federal Military Department is very smooth.

She was married to her dead husband, isn’t she just trying to enjoy the prosperity with him?

Although the first child did not inherit, but it is not so unlucky, the second child can not inherit it.

The existence of this child is incomprehensible. The original mother told her husband about her intentions, and this almost insignificant land was very excited to agree with his wife's plan.

If the child is born with high-level mental strength, no, even if it is the final stage, they will tell her that she is their biological child, the pearl of the hand.

They will love her, let her grow up slowly, and then sit on the high position through the spirit and smoothness, and enjoy the prosperity with the "parents".

Just to disappoint the two, the girl born is the same as her brother, no matter how the test is, there is no mental fluctuation.

If the child knows the news while in the stomach, the original mother will not hesitate to knock her out, but now the child is born, she is already a blue star, as a parent and guardian, she must ensure that the child grows up safely. .

When every Blue Star child is born, the hospital will implant a chip on their right wrist according to regulations. This chip is similar to the ancient earth mobile computer and similar to a health check tool.

Before the Blue Star children were 18 years old, these chips had the function of “automatically contacting the Minor Center once there were special circumstances”.

When the owner of the chip suffers any major damage, they will automatically detect the host's body. If it is a broken leg or a threat to life, etc., the minor center that receives the report will immediately send someone to test it.

If the guardian has had any abuse before this, the Minor Center has the right to take the child and bring the guardian to court.

It is because of the scruples of this, even if the original Lord was disgusted and looked down by his mother, he was still safe and safe to grow up.

As soon as he was eighteen years old, the original owner who was regarded as cumbersome was immediately driven out of the house.

No one would think that he would never make a living in a boarding school and would not be allowed to go out. Anyway, from a legal point of view, they don’t have to raise him anymore.

When I was driven out of the house, it was just a summer vacation. The original owner only had two months left to raise tuition.

Nothing is going to happen. Ming is almost equivalent to the original owner who has been retired. According to the guidance of the classmates, he has arrived at a remote planet far from the main star. Although it is remote, it costs a lot less than the main star, and his classmates There is a therapeutic nutrient production plant here.

Looking at the classmate's face, even if he is younger, he can work in this factory. It is enough for two months to earn tuition and some living expenses.

After earning enough tuition, the original owner who returned to the school began to think about how to make money. He thought about it and felt that the only thing he knew was the treatment of nutrient solution. If you start from this aspect, it should be better.

Therefore, the original owner began to learn to do the ancient earth food already on the network.

It is very simple to do it, but because he only buys one person, the cost price is equal to the selling price of others.

All kinds of equipment that can be used for "food" have been bought, and now they give up, and the loss is big.

The original master can only start research with a hard scalp.

The things he researched were basically bought by the roommates at the cost price, so they can barely maintain the expenses, but no matter how they are researched, they can only develop the food that they have in the market, and because there is no personal capital. He can't wholesale in large quantities. Even if it is made, the cost price is the same as the market price, which is equivalent to in vain.

The original Lord is not reconciled.

In desperation, he decided to rely on himself to find ingredients, so that there is no need to worry about the cost.

It’s just that he is an ordinary person without mental strength. It’s so easy to find the ingredients. The ending is almost killed by the attack of the giant savage beast.

Perhaps it was a moment of life and death, he actually awakened his mental strength.

Although it is very weak and has almost no attack power, his mental power can be felt when he encounters something long.

If this spiritual power is acquired by the Earth people a thousand years ago, maybe you can open an antique shop to make money and make money.

However, here is the Blue Star. The Blue Stars are not very interested in antiques. The Earth civilization has been interrupted. They even moved out of the Earth. Even if there are antiques, they are only a few hundred years old. There is no research significance at all.

The original Lord fell into disappointment after being happy, but then he relied on this ability to buy a ring that sealed the spiritual memory.

Very incomplete memory, disabled to the left of only two dishes.

But these two dishes are a practical ancient earth practice.

When the original owner made a look at the roommates, including himself, they were shocked. They never ate such delicious food. After the experiment, the effect of this food suppressing mental riot was actually better than the official treatment nutrient solution.

It is a blue star who knows how big a fortune it will be.

He didn't have the principal, so he worked with his roommates to co-found a food company, monopolizing these two dishes, and secretly making them for sale.

As he wished, the company burst into red, and he quickly became a rich man. Under the operation with the roommate, the company went public, and the Blue Star’s madness about “explosive therapeutic nutrient solution” was the biggest shareholder. The original main assets quickly passed through one billion and continue to rise.

It is very happy to get rich overnight. The original Lord is very happy to realize his desire to become a rich man.

It’s just that happy times didn’t take long, and his life began a series of tragedies.

Because of the rich, he was stared at by the heart, the kidnapper cut off his legs after kidnapping him, even if the prosthetic device is completely invisible now, the pain will always be with him for the rest of his life.

In order to raise money to save his friend, the roommates raised money. One of the roommates came from a big family, and the family struggled. Heirs like him were protected outside the school. Money, he hurriedly did not bring people around, was successfully assassinated.

After the money was handed over, the original owner was released, but the police quickly found out that the person who kidnapped him was his biological mother. Under the crying of his biological mother, the original owner was soft and chose to reconcile himself.

But his soft heart was in exchange for another kidnapping.

The kidnapper was his sister.

After he had the money, he proposed to raise his sister. He was only dismissed by his stepfather and his mother. He was only a mother who was not the only one who had made a mistake to raise his children.

At that time, he only thought that the other party was reluctant to be a sister. In addition, the company was busy and he did not have time to spend with his children. He could only let go and spend money every month. I hope that this money will enable my sister to live a good life.

However, the money will only increase the appetite of those who are insatiable.

When her sister was kidnapped, she would tear up the ticket when she called the police. He did not dare to call the police and sold all the property, hoping to redeem her.

See her again, but I saw the body.

The little body lay on the dirty ground, the eyes were big, and a small hand didn't know what was being smeared with blood.

The original master almost collapsed.

He clearly paid the money, and did not give a penny.

He paid everything for himself and regained nothing, but he still watched his sister die.

The roommates helped to report the police. Because of the information of the previous kidnapping, plus the strange behavior of giving money and tearing up the ticket, the police quickly found out that it was the stepfather and the biological mother of the original owner.

The reason is simple, for the money.

In their view, the original Lord is so rich, and only gives them a little money each month. Since he is not willing to give it, he can only rely on them.

Why did you get the money and tossed the ticket, because I was afraid of my sister’s identification and killing people.

Knowing that everything is because I made money, the original master.

His two legs, roommates, and sisters were all gone because of the money.

Maybe at the beginning, he shouldn't want to be a rich man.

More should not expect the mother's affection.

If he had not let go of his mother, there would be no second kidnapping, and his sister would not die.

Self-blame and jealousy made him more desperate. It didn't take long for the original owner of depression to commit suicide in the bathtub.

At the expense of his soul, he hopes to guard the people he wants to guard.

Sakamoto world mission guardian sister, guardian roommate, can not repeat the world to make money track

Can't repeat the money making track on the world

Lin Shiheng thought about it and thought that the original owner had a shadow. In his opinion, it was because he made money by relying on the two recipes that it would lead to all tragedies, but if he did not make money, he could not give his sister a rich foot. life.

But there is no way to make money, he is too good.

After accepting the memory, Lin Shiheng opened the door. There are two 17-year-old boys playing games online. They cheered from time to time and looked very happy.

The current time is when the original Lord just got the recipe. In his opinion, this is the cause of all tragedies.

Hearing the sound of the door, one of the roommates raised his head.

"Time is constant, you have to go out again."

"Yes, I want to experiment with the recipes I saw yesterday."

Lin Shiheng smiled and did not conceal them. There were three people living in the dormitory. The relationship has always been very good. Compared with Lin Shiheng who needs to run for his own life, the other two roommates belong to the rich type.

They did not look down on this roommate who had no money. Instead, they tried to help him, but because the original master’s strong self-respect was a sneaky hand.

Hearing this, one of the roommates did not doubt. Lin Shiheng told them the first time after discovering the recipe last night, but they did not take it seriously.

How to cook food, but also to add so much flavor, it is strange enough to treat the nutrient solution, if you add a bunch of mess

I thought that every time Lin Shiheng finished the food and shared it with everyone, he couldn't help but take a nap.

Like the fish-flavored pork, although it is an unpleasant explosion, but as a spiritual person, he is used to it from a young age to a big one. If it is more delicious than the fish-flavored pork.

He immediately took another nap.

"Time constant, you are not saying that the memory is very broken, or is it still, how can the memory of the ancient earth appear in the blue star, maybe who is the prank."

"Yeah, I also read the list you listed yesterday. The price of a meal is a lot of material. The cost price is more expensive than other therapeutic nutrients. If it is really someone else's prank, you There is no place to find someone to settle accounts."

Another roommate also persuaded, "Or else, I will let my dad give you a salary in advance, and wait until you have a holiday."

After he finished, he was a little worried that the self-respecting roommate did not agree. He quickly added a sentence, "You don't think that you are going to go back. You are not working, just introducing a job. Everyone is a good brother. It is quite normal. ""

According to the memory, Lin Shiheng can conclude that the roommate helped the original owner not only to introduce the work.

Before the original eleven years old, Dad was still alive, although his mother was very cold to him, but because of his father's favor, 11 years of life, he lived like a little prince who didn't know the world.

According to Lin’s thought, I feel that he is still young. As long as he is fun, the rest of the teaching can be taken slowly. But no one has thought that Lin has already blew himself to death. .

After that, the mother quickly remarried. He said that he was taken to his stepfather's house. In fact, most of the time he was in a boarding school. During the winter vacation, the excellent time was mainly spent a lot of time and energy on the stepfather and mother. The son makes up the class.

It can be said that now 18 years old, he is equivalent to a child of the ancient earth ten years old.

Living in school for a long time, although life can take care of himself, but he is not in a state of deep understanding of the outside world, so he did not realize that the salary given by his classmates far exceeded the original salary of this job.

Either the roommate has paid for it, or he has persuaded his father to pay more to the original owner.

I have to say that the best of his life, except for his dead father, is the only one of his two roommates.

"I still want to give it a try."

Lin Shiheng no longer wants to go on, his face shows a smile, is the gentleness familiar to the roommates. "Now I am almost three months old, and I can't rely on you to help me every time."

"This recipe looks very real. I will do the one that needs less material. When the results come out, if the taste is OK, I will do more. If it doesn't work, then I can only trouble my uncle."

"Hey, this is a trouble, your grades are so good. After graduation, you will definitely have a promising future. When you remember to bring us, you will do it."

He is the second generation of the official. How can he not support such a poor student like Lin Shiheng? He said this, just to let Lin Shiheng feel that they are giving alms.

Lin Shiheng understood in his heart, smiled and said hello and left the dormitory.

When I came back, I didn’t expect the two to be big bags.

Seeing the thin and weak roommates squatting back and looking at the heavy bag back, the two roommates rushed up.

"How do you buy so many troughs?"

"I just bought some more."

Lin Shiheng smiled and took a bag that his roommate couldn't lift into his hut.

"I will do it now. Don't drink nutrient solution first. It is estimated that an hour will be fine."

The two roommates looked at each other and quickly took out the nutrient solution and finished drinking.

Still fill your stomach, and you will be less guilty for a while.

It’s just that they didn’t even think that in less than an hour, there was an indescribable fragrance in the hut.

With this scent, they began to slobber unconsciously, and the stomach that drank the nutrient solution began to scream.

what's the situation

From the youngest to the big, the two blue stars who have never experienced the real "food" look at the screaming belly.

Is it that those things combine to produce a chemical reaction?

Then they are now


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