MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 101 Gaoling's Flower in Criminal Investigation (5)

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It is no exaggeration to say that all the colleagues who saw this scene were shocked.

Everyone in the seventh branch knows that the Lin team is a person who hates physical contact with others. He doesn't accept anything with his people. He touches the body more often than he does, even though he is wearing gloves. .

However, such a forest team, even in the eyes of the public, put a jacket on the water.

Moreover, if you remember correctly, the jacket is the Lin team's own right, and he saw him wearing it this morning.

Eating instant noodles, chatting and laughing, after eating and throwing the bucket, it seems to be filled with time magic, staying in the original position and watching this scene.

I have always liked to observe the surrounding water, but it is rare to pay attention to the look of my colleagues. Her brain has been filled with the horror scene I just saw.

Until the boyfriend in front gently pulled up her hand and passed the temperature with her own hand.

Touching the cold hand of Shui Wei, the man will look at the face of Shui Wei, the beautiful eyebrows will pick up slightly, and look back at her empty eyes and look at the empty corridor. See nothing, there is a bit of doubt in the eyes. .

He simply took the hand of Shui Wei and walked toward the office.

"It’s too cold outside, and I’m in the house.”

Shui Wei is still in the horror, subconsciously moving to follow Lin Shiheng.


Until the door was gently closed, a group of talented people who kept the petrochemical outside exhaled a breath.

"I wasn't my illusion just now. The Lin team gave Avi a dress."

"More than that, they are still holding hands."

"My mom, should I go to buy a lottery ticket, and the sun on this day has not risen from the west."

"Last night, the Lin team promised me that I still think he is joking. It’s even more certain to see him today and he’s always different. I didn’t expect it to come."

"I have already guessed it. When did you see the forest team joking, I shared it with you at noon today. You actually think that I think more."

A group of people is like a student who suddenly left the teacher during class. He burst into a huge enthusiasm for the scene he just saw and gathered together for a happy discussion.

Feng Kaiming really realized that although some indifferent character like the strange forest team would actually be a show of love, but no other colleague seemed to be as shocked as seeing the meteorite hitting the earth.

He got up, walked three or two steps to the place where the original Wei Wei stood, picked up the sausage that had fallen, and smashed it on the clothes.

Hey, people in love, food is not going to be.

Lin Shiheng brought Shui Wei to her desk and watched her sit down. The eyebrows moved, turned and took the water on her desk, and took a cup of water under the water dispenser.

"Some hot, don't drink."

The quilt that was connected to the water was stuffed into the hands of Shui Wei. The man’s faint voice snorted and stood at the desk of Shui Wei.

Shui Wei holds the cup, and the temperature that the hot water passes through the cup makes her set some gods, but the heart is still beating because of the shock of the scene she just saw.

"When I came over, you were a little bit wrong."

The man's slender hand fell on the table, his white fingers tapped on the table, and a pair of good-looking eyes picked up slightly when he looked at the water.

The magnetic sound faded into her ear. "The pupils are enlarged, the face is pale, the forehead has cold sweat, and the fingers of the hands are stiff and straight, and your body sends me a signal that you are nervous."

"After the lip is shaking, the legs are not moving at all. It is the performance of the brain that automatically wants to escape because of the stimulation."

Lin Shiheng finished, his eyes fell into the eyes of Shui Wei, and her eyes were opposite, and a handsome face was full of ambiguity.

"Your eyes are always on the corridor, but when I look back, there is nothing in the corridor, Shui Wei, what are you afraid of?"


The palm is the temperature from the hot water. Shui Wei is still in chaos, but she didn't think that she hadn't had time to think about telling Lin Shiheng that he had already figured out everything through her facial expression.

Thinking of the sudden appearance and sudden disappearance of the figure, she can almost feel the sting of the heart because of the tension.

Can this be said?

It is not the era of superstition before, and everyone believes in science.

No, no.

Shui Wei forced her spirit to relax slowly. She believed Lin Shiheng more than science.

I have witnessed that this man is a strong and calm side wherever he is, and has heard his legends countless times. Now he is still her boyfriend. In any case, he is more credible than others.

After trying to convince himself, Shui Wei regained some blood color because of the nervous and slightly white lips.

"I just saw Zou Yifang in the corridor."

"Zou Yufang"

Lin Shiheng really used the interrogative sentence. What makes Shui Wei reassured is that he did not directly negate or comfort her. She was wrong, and did not show her frightened look. After repeating these three words, she put on a serious listening posture. .

"Yes, it is her."

Shui Wei closed her eyes and paled her face and recalled, "I saw what she was dying. Both hands and feet were tied by ropes. The face was so white and swollen, and the body was wearing the clothes and eyes that found the body yesterday. I was kneeling, standing in the hallway and looking at me."

Even if it has disappeared, the horrible scene of taking the initiative to recall it still makes Shui Wei unable to hold on to the cup, and even the breathing is heavy.

"The state of the soul after death?"

Lin Shiheng’s face still looks like he’s not seeing a ghost, but a normal event.

"She is still not there. We may need a monk or a priest."

I have to say that he is so calm, so that the nervous fear of the bottom of the water is not consciously removed.

"No, I just met her when you came out, and then she disappeared."

"Lin team, are you not afraid?"

"It's just a soul."

The man explained in a plain, unwavering voice that "someone has experimented, when a person who is about to die is lying on a scale, and when he is dead, he is placed on a scale, which is a different weight, so he proposes that humans There is a soul, a person is alive, flexible stays in the body, human death, the soul leaves the body, this is the weight of the soul."

Shui Wei listened to some of the hairpins. She had heard this example. It was just that she used to study and study every day, and then went to work. When she was interested in studying this, she only listened to one ear.

"But she looks very scary."

Speaking, Shui Wei was pale and his face was empty and muttered. "The face is swollen and can't see the original look. The eyes are white, so I look at me straight away, even more horror than the horror film."

"Compared to the horror film, our profession is destined to contact different bodies. I have seen a body that was thrown dead after death. When I was discovered, I was already seen by giants and I saw several colleagues."

Lin Shiheng said with a blank expression of Feng Kaiming's bad words, especially Feng Kaiming. He just rushed to the scene after eating the meal. After seeing the body, he directly spit out the rice he had just eaten and smeared himself. Some of them were splashed on my shoes. I think his vomit is more disgusting than the corpse."

Facing his girlfriend with a pair of clear eyes, he blamed the blame, and there was even a slight grievance in the eyes of no emotions. "That is the new shoes I just bought."

It’s too rare for a pair of new shoes to be wronged. The water Wei almost didn’t laugh out loud. The atmosphere of agony fear disappeared because of this.

"You are right, although I am still a newcomer, but I have seen a lot of information before going to school, and even more horrible bodies have not seen it. Although Zou Yufang’s face has been swollen and deformed, it also scares me. ""

The reason for scaring her is because it should not appear in her eyes.

Thinking of this, Shui Wei pressed down the fear and began to worry about the future "What will she do to me?"

"The soul is also a person. Even if she really becomes a state of soul, she should go to the murderer and should not do anything to you."

It makes sense.

Shui Wei’s body gradually relaxed. “He has a head and a debt, even if it’s a ghost, she shouldn’t come to me.”

"But what if she happens again next time"

Lin Shiheng looked at his girlfriend who had begun to look warmer and thought about "why she hasn't reached a conclusion yet. I will be watching you during this time. If she appears, we can communicate with her to see what she wants to do."

His attitude is taken for granted. Obviously, he is very accustomed to this arrangement of everything. Although he is no longer afraid, but the brain that is confused by these things can not think about it, he did not think much. He nodded and agreed.

"Well, first figure out what she wants to do."

After she was comforted, although she was still a little scared, her spirit gradually improved. "Lin team, you have no food, will you be hungry?"

"It doesn't matter, I will eat again after work."

Lin Shiheng returned, took a piece of paper on his desk, and came back, personally holding the piece of paper, fell on the forehead of the water, gently wiped her cold sweat.

Shui Wei blushes red, eyes looking forward to the man, he looks handsome, although there is no expression on his face, a pair of good-looking eyes are seriously staring at her forehead.

The strength of the wiping is also gentle and soft, just right.

Although the appearance of the Lin team looks very close, but in his heart, it must be a very gentle person.

Shui Wei's red face was hooked on her boyfriend, and she was completely frightened by the pink bubble that was completely lifted up.

Wait until the case is broken, maybe you can try to date after work.

Eat delicious food, watch movies and pull hands.

Lin Shiheng took back his hand. "Your face is very red, I miss you."

Shui Wei coughed and squinted and nodded.

The man's mouth in front of him slightly hooked up a very small arc, and the tone of the coldness was a little more fluctuating.

"Me too, I miss you."

Ah, this **** temptation.

Shui Wei looked at the hot cheeks that seemed to be exploding. If it wasn't the case, I just wanted to take my boyfriend for a bite.

She has not yet removed the awe of Lin Shiheng and the respect for her boss, but she doesn’t know how to kiss her cheeks.

Shui Wei began to plan where to go for a break in her mind.

As for the female ghost

Think about it, compared to the corpse file that I have seen before, she has not been so terrible except for the swollen point.

Read The Duke's Passion