MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 827 : Dominate the Southern Border (53) Dominate Terror

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The root of the current difficulty is that Ropierre cannot find a sufficient number of qualified judges to replace the existing judges, which is why the judges are so confident.

But to think about it from another angle, why do we have to be qualified judges? Are you exaggerating the difficulty of what you are doing now? If we trace the origin, Ropier is not trying to clean up the entire judicial community, but to have judges to punish criminals who violate the "Comprehensive Price Limiting Act".

If you change your thinking to this, you can suddenly see the light, so in December Ropier made a shocking speech in the National Assembly:

"The Great Revolution has progressed to this day, and the situation of Shibo has become obvious. There are only three kinds of people left in our country. The first is a law-abiding citizen who is our alliance and foundation, the second is a suspect who violates the law, and the third is a law-abiding citizen. They are criminals who have treasonous, and in my opinion, the latter two can be completely confused, they are just the embodiment of the enemy at different stages."

"So anyone who is found to have violated the law is a suspected criminal, and they will betray our cause in the future."

"After all, if we can't even obey the law, how can we expect to protect our Shibo? So in this emergency situation, there is absolutely no need to study how this crime should be punished, because anyone who violates the law will be punished. A potential traitor, we will nip the danger in the bud!"

The condensed result of Ropierre's speeches is the "Suspects Decree" that was passed by the National Assembly with 34% of the votes in December. With the introduction of the "Suspects Decree", the pillar of political terror was established, and the era of terror really come.

According to the "Suspects Act", the crimes committed by Shibo will now be divided into two types, one is ordinary crimes, which are still being tried by the original judge, and the other is terrorist crimes that violate the "Comprehensive Price Limiting Act" and its related regulations , it must be handed over to a specially designed national salvation judge for trial.

The national salvation judge is a new concept proposed by Ropierre in order to break the situation. The national salvation judge does not need to have much legal knowledge, as long as he can judge whether the suspect has violated the "Comprehensive Price Limiting Act" and its related regulations.

In addition, Ropier also absorbed the suggestions of Eback, Ji Weiluo and others, and treated the suspects with harsh means. Once the suspect's evidence is conclusive, he can bypass all normal laws and give priority to the "Suspects Act". The only end that was determined was to be hanged.

In this way, Ropierre was able to execute those suspected of violating the Comprehensive Price Limit Act without having to purge the judges again and make them unavailable.

Soon, the National Salvation Tribunals established according to the Suspects Act were opened all over the country, and many National Salvation Judges from Batiros were soon in place, conducting trials day and night on one suspect after another.

In addition to severely punishing the original political and economic life, Ropier also began to try to sweep away the remnants of the old system and establish a new authority in the cultural field.

Ropier's first proposal was the Initiative to Replace the Calendar with the New Calendar. He believed that the Calendar represented the remnants of the old system, and the new era should have a new calendar, so as to truly enter the next era.

Leng Yi originally stipulated the calendar, starting with the day of the founding of Sulassi as the calendar. Since then, the whole world has adopted the calendar, so the calendar is relatively stable. Of course, it is unclear to the local people. Therefore, why is our country? Established hundreds of years after the calendar, the faraway Sulasi is my business?

But now, Leng Yi doesn't care about it anymore, why are you still entangled in the calendar when you have to leave? And in fact, the Southern Border Continent was the last region to abolish the calendar.

The calendars of other continents have been abolished. The first is the area controlled by the Angel Alliance. They used the year they formed the alliance with the angels as the beginning of the second calendar. The calendar replaced the calendar, so at this time only the southern border continent still used the calendar.

Ropier's proposal was passed in the National Assembly, so next year will no longer be 2928 in the calendar, but 1 in the new calendar.

And the month has also been adjusted, and there are very obvious traces of cold game participation in this. He used the name of the republican calendar month during the French Revolution as a template, and after some modifications, he brought the upcoming new calendar to Xiebo.

In the French Republican calendar, from January to December, they are called the Portuguese, Fog, Frost, Snow, Rain, Wind, Bud, Flower, Shepherd, Harvest, Hot, and Fruity. The names of the Xie Bo New Calendar come from here, but the order has been adjusted according to Leng Yi's preference.

January to March is spring, the new calendar is called the bud month, the flower month and the shepherd month, April to June is the summer, the new calendar is called the windy month, the rainy month and the hot moon, and the July to September is the autumn, the new calendar The names of the lunar calendar are the Portuguese month, the harvest month and the fruit month, October to December is winter, and the new calendar is called the foggy moon, the frosty moon and the snowy moon.

Ropier's second opinion on the cultural field is the "Proposal to Replace Old Religious Worship with Reasonable Worship". Ropierre believes that the worship of gods is ultimately rational worship, so he abolished the old worship and changed it to a new one. All gods can be conceptualized as rational.

This proposal was attacked many times in the National Assembly, but it was eventually passed, so that the altars everywhere were changed into the Temple of Reason.

In this regard, the priest group that has cut off direct contact with the gods and was severely slashed in the anti-altar law cannot stop them at all, and can only issue some trivial protests, and then close their eyes to "enjoy".

In this way, the last month of the calendar year 2928 was spent like this, and the southern border land ushered in January of the calendar year 2928, and for Xibo, it was the first year of the new calendar year.

In addition to the 1st year of the new calendar, the year 2928 of the Gregorian calendar is also the 11th year of the succession of Seliti III, the 447th year of the establishment of the Parson Dynasty, and the 860th year of the founding of the Siberian state.

In previous years, on the tenth day, Xie Bo would hold lively celebrations in various places, but this year is impossible. Not only did we not hold celebrations, but under the call of Ropierre, he held the "Sports to Win the War Campaign", calling on all walks of life to be diligent and thrifty. Savings, celebrations naturally can not be held.

In fact, in addition to this frugal food, Ropier also tried to use "luxury and waste" as one of the criteria for suspects. Unfortunately, this proposal was only approved by 2 votes in the National Salvation Committee. The leader has taken care of a mistress of the platoon, how can Ropierre expect to pass?

This issue is only a minor dispute in the National Assembly, and Ropierre just mentioned it, but did not really take it to heart. The most urgent problem to face at this time is the suspect's resistance to the trial of the national salvation judge by force. The most serious one even The army had to be ordered to suppress it.

To this end, Ropierre had to promulgate the "Flower Moon Decree" in the Flower Moon (February), officially known as the "Second Supplementary Law of the Suspect Decree", ordering the use of greater fear to deter suspects.

According to the "Flower Moon Decree", anyone who shelters a suspect, refuses to hand over the suspect to the national salvation judge, who hides and does not report it, who colludes with the suspect, or the relatives of the suspect, who wanders on the edge of the law and leads to legal knowledge Insufficient national salvation judges who do not know whether they should be sentenced or not will be punished as suspects.

In addition, in order to create a visual impact, after the suspect is hanged, the body is not allowed to be brought back for burial, and he is to be left to dry on the gallows so as to deter the suspects to the greatest extent.

Ropierre did not stipulate where the gallows should be built, but a clever national salvation judge quickly thought of the most suitable place, which is the most open city square.

After Ropierre heard the news, he personally praised the National Salvation Judge in the National Assembly. After Ropierre's affirmation, within a few months, this advanced experience was extended to every city with a National Salvation Court. The squares of these cities are, without exception, filled with gallows like a forest, hung with dead bodies one after another.

Excerpted from The Old Regime and the Revolution

"...Our parents all came from that era. Many old people who have experienced that era are still alive today. As long as you are willing to ask them, you can get a lot of information about the horror era."

"According to the accounts of many people I investigated, and even the records at the time, it can be clearly found that the crowd is divided into two groups."

"One was people who were young at the time. Their memories of the era of terror were inseparable from harsh laws and regulations, monitoring and informing each other, being punished, fixing prices, retaliating against each other, accusing each other of being suspects, and so on with political life. The inseparable events fill their youth."

"However, the views of the young people at that time were very or their memories were very different. What impressed them the most was not the report of the suspect, but the 'forest of the dead'--in the Suspects Act After the execution, the square has the apt nickname of the Forest of the Dead."

"'All kinds of corpses, beginning to rot, just hanged, indiscriminately hung in the air by gallows, black crows hovering in the air, almost red-eyed, like heavy clouds that are about to rain , giving off a disgusting fishy smell.'"

“‘When we were children, we thought that the square was a willow forest, the gallows were willow trees, and the corpses that hung down were willow shoots.’”

"It is undeniable that the hanged people are full of profiteers, but due to the quality of the national salvation judges, there are not a few innocent people, but whether they are guilty or not, they will eventually be arrested and then detained. Part of the forest of the dead."

"According to current statistics, Batiros, which has the most perfect national salvation judge mechanism, has an average of 7 people hanged every day because of the suspect's crime, and it is slightly less in other cities."

"Deaths of this scale in the past usually occurred on the battlefield or in the slaughter of defeated soldiers. This was not understood by people in peaceful areas, and thus brought great shock and fear to the living."

"But no matter how the Reign of Terror was attacked, it did work. The real value of the index, which had fallen by 50% of its denomination a few months ago, began to slowly recover, the currency of the National Assembly was trusted again, the market began to stabilize, and as the rear stabilized, the frontline army more support will be available.”

The economic terror represented by the "Comprehensive Price Restriction Act" and the **** terror represented by the "Suspects Act", the combination of the two is the "reign of terror" led by Ropierre, which was once cheered by the unclothed men The "age of terror" has truly arrived.