MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 816 : Domination of Southern Xinjiang (42) Total War in Southern Xinjiang

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The ultimatum of the Declaration of the Holy Order was soon passed on to the National Assembly, and the Standing Committee, headed by Siele, convened an emergency meeting to discuss the attitude towards the declaration.

In fact, in this emergency meeting, the significance of the attitude is more important than the discussion. After all, as I said before, as the war has evolved into what it is now, it is impossible for the two sides of the civil war to reconcile. Restore national strength by sucking his blood.

So it only took one afternoon for the National Assembly to overwhelmingly approve the rejection. Not a single member dared to abstain from voting, not to mention the disapproval vote. The purge of the rebel nobles only happened last year.

In view of the rejection of the declaration by the National Assembly, on the first day of December, Oretia, Omedo, Audi, Ortega, Dorian, Fassa, Faandam, Falda, Fini, Phoebe Eleven states of Bo and Siberia jointly declared war on the National Assembly of Batiros, claiming to maintain the legitimate sacred order,

So far, from the burst of the dragon fruit bubble in 2921 to the outbreak of the Great Revolution in 2922, after three years, it finally evolved into an all-out war in the southern Xinjiang continent.

Judging from the number of countries, the National Assembly seems to be in an extremely unfavorable situation. However, it is not necessarily true. The industrial output of Xibo accounts for three-quarters of the southern mainland. Not to mention other cities, Guan is a city in Batiros, with industrial output. It is one-tenth of the Southern Border Continent.

In terms of territory, although rebels broke out in the three western provinces and the eastern part, Xibo still owns nearly one-third of the territory of the southern Xinjiang mainland, so this war has to be fought.

For example, King Kiberon I was not blindly optimistic because of the ratio of the number of countries, which is why he went to the Tucker Conference. In addition to proving his legal status, he also asked for help. We, Phoebe, played a full game last year. If you still want us to continue to send troops in the battle of 2010, let us do it and bring aid.

Under the communication of Guillaume III, the king of Orretia, the Holy Order Alliance gave Kiberon I a batch of supplies to provide him with the ability to continue the war.

In any case, although the Holy Order Alliance stated that the situation was extremely serious in its declaration, except for Omedo and Fini, which directly bordered the mainland of Shibo, other countries did not have the desire to go to war immediately. These people go up and fight for a few years.

Since they have received aid, these aids cannot be taken in vain, so Kiberon I has just left Touk and has not returned, and used magic to communicate quickly, informing the country that the disbanding of the army is prohibited, and mobilizing the army and moving it towards Hado, preparing for the coming year. Westward march in spring.

King Keberon I was very clear about the comparison of the national strengths of the two sides in his mind, and he must not play a war of attrition with Xibo. In the past, countries such as Feijiao and Ruiying Maiqiu were killed in the war of attrition, so they could only take advantage of the war of attrition. The anger of the Eleven Nations Union in the Southern Border is rushing hard, trying to defeat Xibo as much as possible before the anger is exhausted, otherwise, he will be rubbed to death by Xibo.

This order made the people under the rule of Phoebe full of sorrow, and they began to miss the past years. At that time, although the newspapers said that the pills were broken every day, could they still live? Now that the year-long battle will continue, who knows when it will come to an end!

The wave after wave of war taxes and the military police force of the strong people everywhere have made the grievances of the people more and more serious. In fact, many nobles and business groups have begun to regret it. After all, no matter how bad peace is, it is better than war, but the situation has evolved to the present. At this point, it is no longer just a few nobles who want to go back and stop the war, so only by gritting their teeth and persevering can it be possible to make a return.

Therefore, the nobles, like gamblers who lost their eyes, urged the people on their territory to move, and Phoebe, the dilapidated old car, creaked forward again.

The year 2926 of the calendar year is the 858th year of the founding of the state of Shibo, and the 445th year of the Parson Dynasty. Legally speaking, it is the ninth year of Celiti III's succession, although the president of the United States has been beheaded.

This year, Kibelon I was 39 years old, and he was in high spirits, but a side branch was able to reach his current height by force.

At this time, King Giberon I had the support of the Holy Order Alliance of the Eleven Kingdoms behind him, and he had 200,000 troops preparing for the westward expedition. In his pride, he couldn't help but think of the warning from the gods: "Heaven makes a chessboard and stars make it. Son", the whole world is a small **** in this great chess game, and I am the king in charge of the world, and now this king wants to go west!

At the beginning of the spring of 2926, King Quiberon I announced his expedition to the west, and the Fibibo army officially stepped out of the Hador Fortress and began to fight against the Eastern Front Army under the command of Mael.

During this westward expedition, the tactics adopted by Kiberon were a copy of the old Pudong tactics, that is, using his naval superiority to continuously capture coastal cities, and by controlling coastal strongholds, he moved forward step by step like a frog, and the road was still full of nobles. The rebellion turned, so many strong star castles took the initiative to lay down their weapons to open the door, and Lanshuo Province was basically pacified within 3 months.

There is no effective way for Maher to do this, and Xiebo has no good countermeasures against the leapfrog tactic, because the lawmakers underestimated the funds and efforts needed to rebuild the navy, so after a year of reconstruction, the Xiebo navy was not good enough. It was just reorganized reluctantly. It went to battle with the fleet that the former Shibo navy had defected to in the hands of Kyberon I, and the result was undoubtedly waiting to build another one.

During the offensive in the early spring, in addition to Phoebe's army, other countries in the southern mainland also sent intervention troops one after another. These countries in Faza mainly invaded the colonies of Xibo, such as Valley Province, Linsha Province and Parr. Forest Province.

These pioneering provinces did not have the will to fight, and they all surrendered after some weak resistance. By March, Shibo had lost all the colonies except for the slave-catching province, which had long been wrong.

The largest intervention army was mainly in the west. Omedo provided the army, and Oretia provided the navy to support Hades, who commanded the three western provinces, because if they did not support, the Linna province would be destroyed by Baleklano. pierced.

However, there is no need to worry about the battle situation on the Western Front for the time being. No matter what, it is also the main location of the Xibo army. The most worrying thing is the Eastern Front.

Facing the stormy attack of King Quiberon I, Mael could only use his ten corps to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

After the initial battle, Mael decided to place the main force of his army in Nasube, the capital of the Philippines when the country was overthrown, and the capital of the current province of Joy.

There are four most prosperous bays on the north coast of the entire southern Xinjiang continent. From west to east, they are Fijima Bay, Batiros Bay, Nasube Bay and Kaslin Bay.

Fijima was the capital of Sym Province, and Kaslin was also captured. Therefore, Mael chose the location of defense here. It has convenient transportation and qualified harbors. It is undoubtedly the most important location.

The only thing that worries Mael the most is the quality of the Nasubei coastal defense artillery. This is not the core area of ​​Xiebo, so most of the coastal defense artillery have been demolished. Time has become something that can only be seen, and Maer has no confidence in these things.

The second is the navy of Nasube. The navy here is not the Batiros navy that has been cleaned several times. It is still dominated by the old navy. Maer also has no confidence in their loyalty, so he asked his superiors to adjust Some of the navy came over, at least let the sea be a bit of its own.

The National Assembly is very distressed about the transfer of the navy. It took more than a year for the navy to rebuild with so much capital. No one is optimistic about the prospect of them going to guard Nasube, but the National Assembly is also aware of the importance of Nasube, so after voting, it is still Gritting his teeth, he transferred a batch of navy to Maher.

The last point of Mael's concern was the pioneer province, the Valley Province, which had been captured by Fini. This province was added between the two mountains, hence the name.

To the north of the valley province is the westward province of Gililah and the province of Alaro. Although it is unlikely, if it happens, if Fini marches through this province to cut off the back road, then Mael will go to Pudong. In his footsteps, the entire army was wiped out.

Therefore, considering this point, Mael had to divide the already stretched troops into another batch, cooperate with the local garrison troops, and guard the road leading to the valley province to prevent the back road from being cut off.

While Mael was worried about the situation, in fact, King Quiberon I was also worried. What kept echoing in his mind was the scene of the battle with Lu Pudong two years ago.

Although King Giberon I won a great victory in that battle, King Giberon I knew exactly how he won, so he had a clear understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Siberian army, but it was only three legions. After causing such a big damage to Phoebe, can he win this time?

No matter what he thinks in his heart, no matter what the opponent's fighting strength is, since he has already sent troops, he can only go down this To decide who will win or lose on the battlefield, what Kibelon I hoped is to repeat the path. Lucky when Pudong failed miserably.

The area of ​​Nasubei is relatively narrow. The south is the last habitat of the Xiya people, the Xiya Mountains, which are also the east side of the two valleys that make up the valley province.

There are three official roads connecting Nasube. One leads to the rear, which is the source of supplies for Nasube. The railway line is far away from the coast, so there is no need to worry about the danger of being cut off by the navy.

One is a railway in the due east, connecting Moulay, and the other is a railway in the southeast, connecting Huayiduwu. These two cities are regarded as the gateway to Nasube. In the military plan formulated by Maer, only these two cities will be used. The city resisted for a while, and immediately retreated after losing some of the opponent's strength.

Mael had 10 legions at hand, only 6 were stationed in Nasube, and the remaining troops were divided into two parts, one was stationed in Xiucape to prevent the intervention army from falling through the valley province, and the remaining flanks were stationed in Shalinari, this is the city behind Huayi Duwu, which can contain Jibelon I and garrison part of the army in Huayi Duwu.

Of course, the premise of this strategy was that King Giberon I first chose to knock out Nasubei, instead of continuing westward from Huayiduwu, capturing Sarinari and Skabir, and encircling Nasubei on three sides. On, Mael bet is that Quiberon I is fast.

Fortunately, King Keberon I really wanted to be quick, because he did not dare to fight a war of attrition with Xibe, so he decided to put all the main force into the direct attack on Nasubei, hoping to destroy it through the battle of Nasubei. Maher's main army.

Had Quiberon I's adventure been successful, the main force of Maher had been wiped out at the Battle of Nasube, which meant that all cities east of Sybernaro would no longer be able to form an effective resistance.


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju